def ca_load(irc, client, channel, params): if len(params) == 0: irc.privmsg(channel, "Sure! I can load thin air! ....Not really.") return # This is cool. It allows us to edit dbmods! for n, mod in enumerate(dbmods): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0] if name == params[0]: irc.privmsg(channel, "Module is already loaded. Use %sreload." % irc.config["triggers"][0]) return pypath = "sparks.modules.%s" % params[0] filepath = "sparks/modules/" % params[0] if not os.path.exists(filepath): irc.privmsg(channel, "Sure! I can load thin air! ....Where's the file?!?") return module = imp.load_source(pypath, filepath) if module: dbmods.append(module) irc.privmsg(channel, "Successfully loaded %s!" % params[0])
def ca_reload(irc, client, channel, params): if len(params) == 0: irc.privmsg(channel, "Sure! I can reload thin air! ....Not really.") return # This is cool. It allows us to edit dbmods! for n, mod in enumerate(dbmods): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0] if name == params[0]: irc.privmsg(channel, "Reloading %s (%s)..." % (name, mod.__file__)) del dbmods[n] pypath = "sparks.modules.%s" % name filepath = "sparks/modules/" % name module = imp.load_source(pypath, filepath) if module: dbmods.append(module) irc.privmsg(channel, "Successfully reloaded %s!" % name) break