def run_block_sparsity(sess, mask, config): block_params = calc_block_params(config.xsize, config.bsize, config.ksize, config.strides, config.padding) ind = convert_mask_to_indices_custom(mask, block_params, config.tol, config.avgpool) ind_val, bin_val =[ind.active_block_indices, ind.bin_counts]) block_density = bin_val[0] / float(ind_val.shape[0]) return 1 - block_density
def gather_custom(x, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding): x_shape = [int(ss) for ss in x.get_shape()] block_params = calc_block_params(x_shape, bsize, ksize, strides, padding) indices = convert_mask_to_indices_custom(mask, block_params, 0.0) p = sbnet_module.sparse_gather(x, indices.bin_counts, indices.active_block_indices, bsize=block_params.bsize, boffset=block_params.boffset, bstride=block_params.bstrides) return p, indices
def _build_conv(mask, config, x_init, ind_init, bin_init, n_repeat=N_REPEAT): """Builds a computation graph for a single convolution.""" wnp = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, config.ksize) # filter is RSCK w = tf.constant(wnp, dtype=tf.float32) # AP: Tensorflow doesn't support KCRS from my investigation #wt = tf.constant(np.transpose(wnp, [3, 2, 0, 1]), dtype=tf.float32) # transpose to KCRS xs = [] ys = [] if config.is_sparse: with tf.control_dependencies([mask]): dt0 = cuda_timer_start_op("my_timer") block_params = calc_block_params(config.xsize, config.bsize, config.ksize, config.strides, config.padding) ind = convert_mask_to_indices_custom(mask, block_params, config.tol, config.avgpool) for _ in six.moves.xrange(n_repeat): x_ = tf.Variable( x_init ) # no need to transpose here since gather/scatter transpose with tf.control_dependencies(ys + [dt0]): y_ = _sparse_conv2d_custom_with_mask(x_, w, block_params, config.strides, ind_init, bin_init) xs.append(x_) ys.append(y_) else: ind = None for _ in six.moves.xrange(n_repeat): x_ = tf.Variable(tf.transpose(x_init, [0, 3, 1, 2])) # NCHW with tf.control_dependencies([x_]): dt0 = cuda_timer_start_op("my_timer") with tf.control_dependencies(ys + [dt0]): y_ = tf.nn.conv2d(x_, w, config.strides, config.padding, data_format='NCHW') xs.append(x_) ys.append(y_) with tf.control_dependencies(ys): dt = cuda_timer_end_op("my_timer") with tf.control_dependencies([dt]): y = tf.no_op() return y, ind, dt
def _test_sparse_scatter(self, mask, x, w, out_shape, bsize, ksize, strides, padding): with tf.Session() as sess: x = tf.constant(x) w = tf.constant(w) p, blk_indices = gather_tf(x, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding) block_params = calc_block_params([int(ss) for ss in x.get_shape()], bsize, ksize, strides, padding) ind_custom = convert_mask_to_indices_custom( mask, block_params, 0.0) p_custom = sbnet_module.sparse_gather( x, ind_custom.bin_counts, ind_custom.active_block_indices, bsize=block_params.bsize, bstride=block_params.bstrides, boffset=block_params.boffset) p_shape = [ int(x.get_shape()[0]), block_params.bsize[0], block_params.bsize[1], int(x.get_shape()[3]) ] q = tf.nn.conv2d(p, w, strides, 'VALID') q_custom = tf.nn.conv2d(p_custom, w, strides, 'VALID') y_tf = scatter_tf(q, blk_indices, out_shape) q_shape = calc_out_size_4d_np(p_shape, ksize, strides, 'VALID') bsize_out = [q_shape[1], q_shape[2]] boffset = [0, 0] y_custom = scatter_custom(q_custom, ind_custom, out_shape, bsize_out, boffset, block_params.bstrides) p1, p2, q_val, y1, y2, active, num =[ p, p_custom, q, y_tf, y_custom, ind_custom.active_block_indices, ind_custom.bin_counts ]) num = num[0] sortIdx = active[:num].argsort() p2 = p2[sortIdx] # Make sure p's are the same. np.testing.assert_array_equal(p1, p2) # Check y's are the same. np.testing.assert_array_equal(y1, y2)
def _test_sparse_scatter(self, mask, x, w, out_shape, bsize, ksize, strides, padding): with tf.Session() as sess: x = tf.constant(x) w = tf.constant(w) p, blk_indices = gather_tf(x, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding) block_params = calc_block_params([int(ss) for ss in x.get_shape()], bsize, ksize, strides, padding) ind_custom = convert_mask_to_indices_custom( mask, block_params, 0.0) p_custom = sbnet_module.sparse_gather( x, ind_custom.bin_counts, ind_custom.active_block_indices, dynamic_bsize=tf.constant(block_params.bsize, tf.int32), dynamic_bstride=tf.constant(block_params.bstrides, tf.int32), dynamic_boffset=tf.constant(block_params.boffset, tf.int32)) p_shape = [ int(x.get_shape()[0]), block_params.bsize[0], block_params.bsize[1], int(x.get_shape()[3]) ] q = tf.nn.conv2d(p, w, strides, 'VALID') q_custom = tf.nn.conv2d(p_custom, w, strides, 'VALID') y_tf = scatter_tf(q, blk_indices, out_shape) q_shape = calc_out_size_4d_np(p_shape, ksize, strides, 'VALID') bsize_out = [q_shape[1], q_shape[2]] boffset = [0, 0] y_custom = scatter_custom(q_custom, ind_custom, out_shape, bsize_out, boffset, block_params.bstrides) p1, p2, q_val, y1, y2, active, num =[ p, p_custom, q, y_tf, y_custom, ind_custom.active_block_indices, ind_custom.bin_counts ]) # Make sure p's are the same. l1 = tuple([tuple(x) for x in p1.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()]) l2 = tuple([tuple(x) for x in p2.reshape(-1, 3).tolist()]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(set(l1), set(l2)) # Check y's are the same. np.testing.assert_array_equal(y1, y2)
def _test_sparse_conv2d_custom_with_mask(self, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding, y_exp, use_var=True, transpose=False): # Currently we don't care about VALID convolution. assert padding == 'SAME', 'We do not support VALID conv at the moment.' mask_ = tf.constant(mask) blk_params = calc_block_params( list(mask.shape) + [ksize[2]], bsize, ksize, strides, padding) ind = convert_mask_to_indices_custom(mask_, blk_params, 0.) xval = np.ones([1, mask.shape[1], mask.shape[2], 1], dtype=np.float32) x = tf.constant(xval) if use_var: x = tf.Variable(x) w = tf.constant(np.ones(ksize, dtype=np.float32)) y = sparse_conv2d_custom(x, w, ind, blk_params, strides, use_var=use_var, transpose=transpose) # Manually paste the input tensor in the expected output. y_exp = (y_exp == 0).astype( np.float32) * xval[:, :y_exp.shape[1], :y_exp.shape[2], :] + y_exp with self.test_session() as sess: if use_var:[x])) y_act = y.eval() # print('===============') # print('Actual') # print(y_act.reshape([y_act.shape[1], y_act.shape[2]])) # print('Expected') # print(y_exp.reshape([y_exp.shape[1], y_exp.shape[2]])) # print(y_exp.shape) self.assertEqual(y_act.size, y_exp.size) np.testing.assert_array_equal(y_act.reshape(y_exp.shape), y_exp)
def _test_reduce_mask(self, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding): with tf.Session(): mask = tf.constant(mask) indices = convert_mask_to_indices(mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding, 0.0) indices_val = indices.eval() x_shape = [1] + [int(ss) for ss in mask.get_shape()[1:]] + [1] block_params = calc_block_params(x_shape, bsize, ksize, strides, padding) indices_custom = convert_mask_to_indices_custom( mask, block_params, 0.0) activeBlockIndicesResult = indices_custom.active_block_indices.eval( ) binCountsResult = indices_custom.bin_counts.eval() clippedResults = activeBlockIndicesResult[:binCountsResult[0], :] clippedResults = to_tuples(clippedResults.tolist()) refResults = to_tuples(indices_val.tolist()) np.testing.assert_equal(set(clippedResults), set(refResults))
def _test_reduce_mask(self, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding): with tf.Session(): mask = tf.constant(mask) indices = convert_mask_to_indices(mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding, 0.0) x_shape = [1] + [int(ss) for ss in mask.get_shape()[1:]] + [1] block_params = calc_block_params(x_shape, bsize, ksize, strides, padding) indices_custom = convert_mask_to_indices_custom( mask, block_params, 0.0) activeBlockIndicesResult = indices_custom.active_block_indices.eval( ) binCountsResult = indices_custom.bin_counts.eval() activeBlockIndicesResult = activeBlockIndicesResult[: binCountsResult[ 0]] sortIdx = activeBlockIndicesResult.argsort() activeBlockIndicesResult = activeBlockIndicesResult[sortIdx] clippedResults = np.copy(activeBlockIndicesResult.view(np.uint16)) clippedResults = clippedResults.reshape([-1, 4])[:, [2, 1, 0]] indices_val = indices.eval() np.testing.assert_array_equal(indices_val, clippedResults)
def _test_sparse_conv2d_gradient(self, mask, bsize, ksize, strides, padding, transpose=False): # Currently we don't care about VALID convolution. assert padding == 'SAME', 'We do not support VALID conv at the moment.' use_var = False mask_ = tf.constant(mask) blk_params = calc_block_params( list(mask.shape) + [ksize[2]], bsize, ksize, strides, padding) ind = convert_mask_to_indices_custom(mask_, blk_params, 0.) ReduceMask = namedtuple('ReduceMask', ['active_block_indices', 'bin_counts']) ind.active_block_indices.set_shape([27, 3]) ind.bin_counts.set_shape([1]) ind_var = tf.Variable(ind.active_block_indices, trainable=False) bin_var = tf.Variable(ind.bin_counts, trainable=False) ind_fixed = ReduceMask(active_block_indices=ind_var, bin_counts=bin_var) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) batch_size = 1 xval = rnd.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, [mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], mask.shape[2], ksize[2]]).astype(np.float32) x = tf.constant(xval) wval = rnd.uniform(-1, 1, ksize).astype(np.float32) w = tf.constant(wval) y = sparse_conv2d_custom( x, w, ind_fixed, blk_params, strides, use_var=use_var, transpose=transpose) print('') print('-' * 55) print('Sparse Conv Layer') print('{:30s} {:>10s} {:>10s}'.format('name', 'grad angle', 'abs err')) with self.test_session() as sess: yval = y.eval() err = compute_gradient_angle(x, xval.shape, y, yval.shape, x_init_value=xval) err2 = compute_gradient_abs_error(x, xval.shape, y, yval.shape, x_init_value=xval) print('{:30s} {:>10.3f} {:>10.3f}'.format('x', err, err2)) err = compute_gradient_angle(w, wval.shape, y, yval.shape, x_init_value=wval) err = compute_gradient_abs_error(w, wval.shape, y, yval.shape, x_init_value=wval) print('{:30s} {:>10.3f} {:>10.3f}'.format('w', err, err2))