コード例 #1
def angle(q1, q2):
    Angle between two unit-quaternions

    :arg q0: unit-quaternion as a 4-vector
    :type q0: array_like
    :arg q1: unit-quaternion as a 4-vector
    :type q1: array_like
    :return: angle between the rotations [radians]
    :rtype: float

    If each of the input quaternions is considered a rotated coordinate
    frame, then the angle is the smallest rotation required about a fixed
    axis, to rotate the first frame into the second.

    References:  Metrics for 3D rotations: comparison and analysis,
    Du Q. Huynh, % J.Math Imaging Vis. DOFI 10.1007/s10851-009-0161-2.

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.

    # TODO different methods

    q1 = argcheck.getvector(q1, 4)
    q2 = argcheck.getvector(q2, 4)
    return 2.0 * math.atan2(tr.norm(q1 - q2), tr.norm(q1 + q2))
コード例 #2
def _angle_axis_sekiguchi(T, Td):
    d = base.transl(Td) - base.transl(T)
    R = base.t2r(Td) @ base.t2r(T).T
    l = np.r_[R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]]
    if base.iszerovec(l):
        # diagonal matrix case
        if np.trace(R) > 0:
            # (1,1,1) case
            a = np.zeros((3, ))
            # (1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, -1) or (-1, -1, 1) case
            a = np.pi / 2 * (np.diag(R) + 1)
            # as per Sekiguchi paper
            if R[1, 0] > 0 and R[2, 1] > 0 and R[0, 2] > 0:
                a = np.pi / np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(n.diag(R) + 1)
            elif R[1, 0] > 0:  # (2)
                a = np.pi / np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(
                    n.diag(R) @ np.r_[1, 1, -1] + 1)
            elif R[0, 2] > 0:  # (3)
                a = np.pi / np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(
                    n.diag(R) @ np.r_[1, -1, 1] + 1)
            elif R[2, 1] > 0:  # (4)
                a = np.pi / np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(
                    n.diag(R) @ np.r_[-1, 1, 1] + 1)
        # non-diagonal matrix case
        ln = base.norm(l)
        a = math.atan2(ln, np.trace(R) - 1) * l / ln

    return np.r_[d, a]
コード例 #3
 def omega(cls, w):
     assert argcheck.isvector(w, 3), 'w must be a 3-vector'
     w = argcheck.getvector(w)
     theta = tr.norm(w)
     s = math.cos(theta / 2)
     v = math.sin(theta / 2) * tr.unitvec(w)
     return cls(s=s, v=v)
コード例 #4
    def control(v, t, x):
        goal = (6, 6)
        goal_heading = atan2(goal[1] - x[1], goal[0] - x[0])
        d_heading = base.angdiff(goal_heading, x[2])
        v.stopif(base.norm(x[0:2] - goal) < 0.1)

        return (1, d_heading)
コード例 #5
def iseye(S, tol=10):
    Test if matrix is identity

    :param S: matrix to test
    :type S: ndarray(n,n)
    :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
    :type tol: float
    :return: whether matrix is a proper skew-symmetric matrix
    :rtype: bool

    Check if matrix is an identity matrix. We test that the trace tom row is zero
    We check that the norm of the residual is less than ``tol * eps``.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> iseye(np.array([[1,0], [0,1]]))
        >>> iseye(np.array([[1,2], [0,1]]))

    :seealso: isskew, isskewa
    s = S.shape
    if len(s) != 2 or s[0] != s[1]:
        return False  # not a square matrix
    return base.norm(S - np.eye(s[0])) < tol * _eps
コード例 #6
    def EulerVec(cls, w):
        Construct a new SO(3) rotation matrix from an Euler rotation vector

        :param ω: rotation axis
        :type ω: 3-element array_like
        :return: SO(3) rotation
        :rtype: SO3 instance

        ``SO3.EulerVec(ω)`` is a unit quaternion that describes the 3D rotation
        defined by a rotation of :math:`\theta = \lVert \omega \rVert` about the
        unit 3-vector :math:`\omega / \lVert \omega \rVert`.


        .. runblock:: pycon
            >>> from spatialmath import SO3
            >>> SO3.EulerVec([0.5,0,0])

        .. note:: :math:`\theta \eq 0` the result in an identity matrix, otherwise
            ``V`` must have a finite length, ie. :math:`|V| > 0`.

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.pose3d.SE3.angvec`, :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.angvec2r`
        assert base.isvector(w, 3), 'w must be a 3-vector'
        w = base.getvector(w)
        theta = base.norm(w)
        return cls(base.angvec2r(theta, w), check=False)
コード例 #7
    def theta(self):
        Twist rotation

        :return: rotation about the twist axis
        :rtype: float

        - ``X.theta`` is the rotation about the twist axis in units of radians.
        return base.norm(self.w)
コード例 #8
    def theta(self):
        Twist angle (superclass method)

        :return: magnitude of rotation (1x1) about the twist axis in radians
        :rtype: float
        if self.N == 2:
            return abs(self.w)
            return base.norm(np.array(self.w))
コード例 #9
    def theta(self):
        Twist rotation

        :return: rotation about the twist axis
        :rtype: float

        ``X.theta`` is the rotation about the twist axis in units of radians.

        If we consider the twist as a screw, this is the rotation about the
        screw axis to achieve the rigid-body motion.
        return base.norm(self.w)
コード例 #10
    def unit(self):
        Unit twist

        TW.unit() is a Twist object representing a unit aligned with the Twist
        if base.iszerovec(self.w):
            # rotational twist
            return Twist2(self.S / base.norm(S.w))
            # prismatic twist
            return Twist2(base.unitvec(self.v), [0, 0, 0])
コード例 #11
def angle(q1, q2):
    Angle between two unit-quaternions

    :arg q0: unit-quaternion
    :type q0: array_like(4)
    :arg q1: unit-quaternion
    :type q1: array_like(4)
    :return: angle between the rotations [radians]
    :rtype: float

    If each of the input quaternions is considered a rotated coordinate
    frame, then the angle is the smallest rotation required about a fixed
    axis, to rotate the first frame into the second.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import angle
        >>> from math import sqrt
        >>> q1 = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0, 0]    # 90deg rotation about x-axis
        >>> q2 = [1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2), 0]    # 90deg rotation about y-axis
        >>> angle(q1, q2)

    - Metrics for 3D rotations: comparison and analysis,
      Du Q. Huynh, % J.Math Imaging Vis. DOFI 10.1007/s10851-009-0161-2.

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.

    # TODO different methods

    q1 = base.getvector(q1, 4)
    q2 = base.getvector(q2, 4)
    return 2.0 * math.atan2(base.norm(q1 - q2), base.norm(q1 + q2))
コード例 #12
    def unit(self):
        Unitize twist (superclass property)

        :return: a unit twist
        :rtype: Twist3 or Twist2

        ``twist.unit()`` is a Twist object representing a unit aligned with the
        Twist ``twist``.
        if base.iszerovec(self.w):
            # rotational twist
            return Twist3(self.S / base.norm(S.w))
            # prismatic twist
            return Twist3(base.unitvec(self.v), [0, 0, 0])
コード例 #13
def _angle_axis(T, Td):
    d = base.transl(Td) - base.transl(T)
    R = base.t2r(Td) @ base.t2r(T).T
    l = np.r_[R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]]
    if base.iszerovec(l):
        # diagonal matrix case
        if np.trace(R) > 0:
            # (1,1,1) case
            a = np.zeros((3, ))
            a = np.pi / 2 * (np.diag(R) + 1)
        # non-diagonal matrix case
        ln = base.norm(l)
        a = math.atan2(ln, np.trace(R) - 1) * l / ln

    return np.r_[d, a]
コード例 #14
    def theta(self):
        Twist rotation

        :return: rotation about the twist axis
        :rtype: float

        ``X.theta`` is the rotation about the twist axis in units of radians.

        If we consider the twist as a screw, this is the rotation about the
        screw axis to achieve the rigid-body motion.

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3
            >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> S = Twist3(T)
            >>> S.theta()
        return base.norm(self.w)
コード例 #15
    def Hp(self, xv, jf):
        Jacobian dh/dp
        # J = self.Hp(X, K) is the Jacobian dh/dp (2x2) at the vehicle
        # state X (3x1) for map landmark K.
        # J = self.Hp(X, P) as above but for a landmark at coordinate P (1x2).
        # See also RangeBearingSensor.h.
        if base.isinteger(jf):
            xf = self.map.landmark(jf)
            xf = jf

        Delta = xf - xv[0:2]
        r = base.norm(Delta)
        return np.array([
            [Delta([0]) / r, Delta([1]) / r],
            [-Delta([1]) / r**2, Delta([0]) / r**2],
コード例 #16
    def Hx(self, xv, jf):
        Jacobian dh/dx
        # J = self.Hx(X, K) returns the Jacobian dh/dx (2x3) at the vehicle
        # state X (3x1) for map landmark K.
        # J = self.Hx(X, P) as above but for a landmark at coordinate P.
        # See also RangeBearingSensor.h.
        if base.isinteger(jf):
            # landmark index provided
            xf = self.sensor.landmark(jf)
            # assume it is a coordinate
            xf = base.getvector(jf, 2)

        Delta = xf - xv[0:2]
        r = base.norm(Delta)
        return np.array([
            [-Delta[0] / r, -Delta[1] / r, 0],
            [Delta[1] / r**2, -Delta[0] / r**2, -1],
コード例 #17
    def angdist(self, other, metric=6):
        Angular distance metric between rotations

        :param other: second rotation
        :type other: SO3 instance
        :param metric: metric, default is 6
        :type metric: int
        :raises TypeError: if other is not an SO3
        :return: angle in radians
        :rtype: float or ndarray

        ``R1.angdist(R2)`` is the geodesic norm, or geodesic distance between two

        Several metrics are supported, the first 5 are computed after conversion
        to unit quaternions.

        ======   ===============================================================
        Metric   Details
        ======   ===============================================================
        0        :math:`1 - | \q_1 \bullet \q_2 | \in [0, 1]`
        1        :math:`\cos^{-1} | \q_1 \bullet \q_2 | \in [0, \pi/2]`
        2        :math:`\cos^{-1} | \q_1 \bullet \q_2 | \in [0, \pi/2]`
        3        :math:`2 \tan^{-1} \| \q_1 - \q_2\| / \|\q_1 + \q_2\| \in [0, \pi/2]`
        4        :math:`\cos^{-1} \left( 2 (\q_1 \bullet \q_2)^2 - 1\right) \in [0, 1]`
        5        :math:`\|I - \mat{R}_1 \mat{R}_2^T\| \in [0, 2]`
        6        :math:`\|\log \mat{R}_1 \mat{R}_2^T\| \in [0, \pi]`
        ======   ===============================================================


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import UnitQuaternion
            >>> R1 = SO3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> R2 = SO3.Ry(0.3)
            >>> print(R1.angdist(R1))
            >>> print(R1.angdist(R2))

        .. note::
            - metrics 1, 2, 4 can throw ValueError "math domain error" due to
              numeric errors which push the argument of ``acos()`` marginally
              outside its domain [0, 1].
            - metrics 2 and 3 are equivalent, but 3 is more robust

        :seealso: :func:`UnitQuaternion.angdist`

        if metric < 5:
            from spatialmath.quaternion import UnitQuaternion

            return UnitQuaternion(self).angdist(UnitQuaternion(other),

        elif metric == 5:
            op = lambda R1, R2: np.linalg.norm(np.eye(3) - R1 @ R2.T)
        elif metric == 6:
            op = lambda R1, R2: base.norm(base.trlog(R1 @ R2.T, twist=True))
            raise ValueError('unknown metric')

        ad = self._op2(other, op)
        if isinstance(ad, list):
            return np.array(ad)
            return ad
コード例 #18
    def ikine_LM(self,
        Numerical inverse kinematics by Levenberg-Marquadt optimization
        (Robot superclass)

        :param T: The desired end-effector pose or pose trajectory
        :type T: SE3
        :param q0: initial joint configuration (default all zeros)
        :type q0: ndarray(n)
        :param mask: mask vector that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z
            and rotation about X, Y and Z respectively.
        :type mask: ndarray(6)
        :param ilimit: maximum number of iterations (default 500)
        :type ilimit: int
        :param rlimit: maximum number of consecutive step rejections
            (default 100)
        :type rlimit: int
        :param tol: final error tolerance (default 1e-10)
        :type tol: float
        :param L: initial value of lambda
        :type L: float (default 0.1)
        :param Lmin: minimum allowable value of lambda
        :type Lmin: float (default 0)
        :param search: search over all configurations
        :type search: bool
        :param slimit: maximum number of search attempts
        :type slimit: int (default 100)
        :param transpose: use Jacobian transpose with step size A, rather
            than Levenberg-Marquadt
        :type transpose: float
        :return: inverse kinematic solution
        :rtype: named tuple

        ``sol = robot.ikine_LM(T)`` are the joint coordinates (n) corresponding
        to the robot end-effector pose ``T`` which is an ``SE3`` object. This
        method can be used for robots with any number of degrees of freedom.
        The return value ``sol`` is a named tuple with elements:

        ============    ==========  ===============================================
        Element         Type        Description
        ============    ==========  ===============================================
        ``q``           ndarray(n)  joint coordinates in units of radians or metres
        ``success``     bool        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      str         reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  int         number of iterations
        ``residual``    float       final value of cost function
        ============    ==========  ===============================================

        If ``success=False`` the ``q`` values will be valid numbers, but the
        solution will be in error.  The amount of error is indicated by
        the ``residual``.

        **Trajectory operation**:

        If ``len(T) = m > 1`` it is considered to be a trajectory, then the
        result is a named tuple whose elements are

        ============    ============   ===============================================
        Element         Type           Description
        ============    ============   ===============================================
        ``q``           ndarray(m,n)   joint coordinates in units of radians or metres
        ``success``     bool(m)        whether a solution was found
        ``reason``      list of str    reason for the failure
        ``iterations``  ndarray(m)     number of iterations
        ``residual``    ndarray(m)     final value of cost function
        ============    ============   ===============================================

        The initial estimate of q for each time step is taken as the solution
        from the previous time step.

        **Underactuated robots:**

        For the case where the manipulator has fewer than 6 DOF the
        solution space has more dimensions than can be spanned by the
        manipulator joint coordinates.

        In this case we specify the ``mask`` option where the ``mask`` vector
        (6) specifies the Cartesian DOF (in the wrist coordinate frame) that
        will be ignored in reaching a solution.  The mask vector has six
        elements that correspond to translation in X, Y and Z, and rotation
        about X, Y and Z respectively. The value should be 0 (for ignore)
        or 1. The number of non-zero elements must equal the number of
        manipulator DOF.

        For example when using a 3 DOF manipulator tool orientation might
        be unimportant, in which case use the option ``mask=[1 1 1 0 0 0]``.

        **Global search**:

        ``sol = robot.ikine_LM(T, search=True)`` as above but peforms a
        brute-force search with initial conditions chosen randomly from the
        entire configuration space.  If a numerical solution is found from that
        initial condition, it is returned, otherwise another initial condition
        is chosen.

        .. note::

            - See `Toolbox kinematics wiki page
            - Implements a Levenberg-Marquadt variable-damping solver.
            - The tolerance is computed on the norm of the error between
              current and desired tool pose.  This norm is computed from
              distances and angles without any kind of weighting.
            - The inverse kinematic solution is generally not unique, and
              depends on the initial guess ``q0``.
            - The default value of ``q0`` is zero which is a poor choice for
              most manipulators since it often corresponds to a
              kinematic singularity.
            - Such a solution is completely general, though much less
              efficient than analytic inverse kinematic solutions derived
            - This approach allows a solution to be obtained at a singularity,
              but the joint angles within the null space are arbitrarily
            - Joint offsets, if defined, are accounted for in the solution.
            - Joint limits are not considered in this solution.
            - If the search option is used any prismatic joint must have
              joint limits defined.

            - Robotics, Vision & Control, P. Corke, Springer 2011,
              Section 8.4.

        :seealso: :func:`ikine_LMS`, :func:`ikine_unc`, :func:`ikine_con`,
        """  # noqa E501

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        solutions = []

        if search:
            # Randomised search for a starting point
            # quiet = True

            qlim = self.qlim
            qspan = qlim[1] - qlim[0]  # range of joint motion

            for k in range(slimit):
                # choose a random joint coordinate
                q0_k = np.random.rand(self.n) * qspan + qlim[0, :]
                print('search starts at ', q0_k)

                # recurse into the solver
                solution = self.ikine_LM(T[0], q0_k, mask, ilimit, rlimit, tol,
                                         L, Lmin, False, slimit, transpose)

                if solution.success:
                    q0 = solution.q
                    if len(T) == 1:
                        # we're done
                        return solution
                        # more to do on the trajectory
                        del T[0]
            # no solution found, stop now
            return iksol(None, False, None, None, None)

        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.zeros((self.n, ))
            q0 = base.getvector(q0, self.n)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = base.getvector(mask, 6)
            if not self.n >= np.sum(mask):
                raise ValueError('Number of robot DOF must be >= the number '
                                 'of 1s in the mask matrix')
            mask = np.ones(6)
        W = np.diag(mask)

        tcount = 0  # Total iteration count
        rejcount = 0  # Rejected step count
        nm = 0

        # bool vector indicating revolute joints
        # revolutes = np.array([link.isrevolute for link in self])

        revolutes = []

        # This is a mixin class inherited by robot classes
        # Therefore it will never be used on its own and the
        # LGTM issue can be ignored
        for link in self:  # lgtm [py/non-iterable-in-for-loop]
            if isinstance(self, rtb.DHRobot) or link.isjoint:
        revolutes = np.array(revolutes)

        q = q0
        for Tk in T:
            iterations = 0
            Li = L  # lambda
            failure = None
            while True:
                # Update the count and test against iteration limit
                iterations += 1

                if iterations > ilimit:
                    failure = f"iteration limit {ilimit} exceeded"

                e = base.tr2delta(self.fkine(q).A, Tk.A)

                # Are we there yet?
                if base.norm(W @ e) < tol:

                # Compute the Jacobian
                J = self.jacobe(q)

                JtJ = J.T @ W @ J

                if transpose is not None:
                    # Do the simple Jacobian transpose with constant gain
                    dq = transpose * J.T @ e  # lgtm [py/multiple-definition]
                    q += dq
                    # Do the damped inverse Gauss-Newton with
                    # Levenberg-Marquadt
                    # dq = np.linalg.inv(
                    #     JtJ + ((Li + Lmin) * np.eye(self.n))
                    # ) @ J.T @ W @ e
                    dq = np.linalg.inv(JtJ + (
                        (Li + Lmin) * np.diag(np.diag(JtJ)))) @ J.T @ W @ e
                    # print(J.T @ W @ e)

                    # Compute possible new value of
                    qnew = q + dq

                    # And figure out the new error
                    enew = base.tr2delta(self.fkine(qnew).A, Tk.A)

                    # Was it a good update?
                    if np.linalg.norm(W @ enew) < np.linalg.norm(W @ e):
                        # Step is accepted
                        q = qnew
                        e = enew
                        Li /= 2
                        rejcount = 0
                        # Step is rejected, increase the damping and retry
                        Li *= 2
                        rejcount += 1
                        if rejcount > rlimit:
                            failure = f"rejected-step limit {rlimit} exceeded"

                # Wrap angles for revolute joints
                k = np.logical_and(q > np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] -= 2 * np.pi

                k = np.logical_and(q < -np.pi, revolutes)
                q[k] += +2 * np.pi

                nm = np.linalg.norm(W @ e)
                # qs = ", ".join(["{:8.3f}".format(qi) for qi in q])
                # print(f"λ={Li:8.2g}, |e|={nm:8.2g}: q={qs}")

            # LM process finished, for better or worse
            # failure will be None or an error message
            solution = iksol(q, failure is None, failure, iterations, nm)

            tcount += iterations

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return iksol(np.vstack([sol.q for sol in solutions]),
                         np.array([sol.success for sol in solutions]),
                         [sol.reason for sol in solutions],
                         np.array([sol.iterations for sol in solutions]),
                         np.array([sol.residual for sol in solutions]))
コード例 #19
    def Omega(cls, w):

        return cls(quat.r2q(tr.angvec2r(tr.norm(w), tr.unitvec(w))),
コード例 #20
    def next(self, position):

        l = None
        y = None

        if all(self._goal == position):
            return None  # we have arrived

        if self._step == 1:
            # Step 1.  Move along the M-line toward the goal
            self.message(f"{position}: moving along the M-line (step 1)")
            # motion on line toward goal
            d = self._goal - position
            if abs(d[0]) > abs(d[1]):
                # line slope less than 45 deg
                dx = 1 if d[0] >= 0 else -1  # np.sign(d[0])
                l = self._m_line
                y = -((position[0] + dx) * l[0] + l[2]) / l[1]
                dy = int(round(y - position[1]))
                # line slope greater than 45 deg
                dy = 1 if d[1] >= 0 else -1  # np.sign(d[1])
                l = self._m_line
                x = -((position[1] + dy) * l[1] + l[2]) / l[0]
                dx = int(round(x - position[0]))

            # detect if next step is an obstacle
            if self.is_occupied(position + np.r_[dx, dy]):
                self.message(f"  {position}: obstacle at {position + np.r_[dx, dy]}")
                self._step = 2  # transition to step 2
                self.message(f"  {position}: change to step 2")

                # get a list of all the points around the obstacle
                self._edge, _ = edgelist(self._occ_grid_nav == 0, position)
                self._k = 1
                n = position + np.array([dx, dy])

        if self._step == 2:
            # Step 2.  Move around the obstacle until we reach a point
            # on the M-line closer than when we started.

            self.message(f"{position}: moving around the obstacle (step 2)")
            if self._k <= len(self._edge):
                n = self._edge[self._k]  # next edge point
                # we are at the end of the list of edge points, we
                # are back where we started.  Step 2.c test.
                raise RuntimeError('robot is trapped')

            # are we on the M-line now ?
            if abs(np.inner(np.r_[position, 1], self._m_line)) <= 0.5:
                self.message(f"  {position}: crossed the M-line")

                # are we closer than when we encountered the obstacle?
                if base.norm(position - self._goal) < base.norm(self._h[-1] - self._goal):
                    # self._j += 1
                    self._step = 1  # transition to step 1
                    self.message(f"  {position}: change to step 1")
                    return n

            # no, keep going around
            self._k += 1

        return n