コード例 #1
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a twist

        :param theta: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None
        :type theta: TYPE, optional
        :param units: DESCRIPTION, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: TYPE, optional
        :return: DESCRIPTION
        :rtype: TYPE

        TW.exp is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist (SE2 or SE3).

        TW.exp(THETA) as above but with a rotation of THETA about the Twist3.

        - For the second form the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component.

        See also Twist3.T, trexp, trexp2.

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
コード例 #2
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a 3D twist

        :param theta: rotation magnitude, defaults to None
        :type theta: float, optional
        :param units: rotational units, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: str, optional
        :return: SE(3) matrix
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        - ``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist,
        - ``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis,

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import SE3, Twist3
            >>> T = SE3(1, 2, 3) * SE3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> S = Twist3(T)
            >>> S.exp(0)
            >>> S.exp(1)

        .. notes::

            - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit 
              rotational component.

        :seealso: :func:`spatialmath.base.trexp`
        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            # theta is a scalar
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            # theta is a vector
            if len(self) == 1:
                return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
            elif len(self) == len(theta):
                return SE3(
                    [base.trexp(S * t) for S, t in zip(self.data, theta)])
                raise ValueError('length of twist and theta not consistent')
コード例 #3
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a 3D twist

        :param theta: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None
        :type theta: TYPE, optional
        :param units: DESCRIPTION, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: TYPE, optional
        :return: homogeneous transformation
        :rtype: SE3

        -``X.exp()`` is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist.
        -``X.exp(θ) as above but with a rotation of ``θ`` about the twist axis.

        .. notes::

            - For the second form, the twist must, if rotational, have a unit 
              rotational component.

        See also Twist3.T, trexp, trexp2.
        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist3.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = base.getunit(theta, units)

        if base.isscalar(theta):
            # theta is a scalar
            return SE3(base.trexp(self.S * theta))
            # theta is a vector
            if len(self) == 1:
                return SE3([base.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
            elif len(self) == len(theta):
                return SE3(
                    [base.trexp(S * t) for S, t in zip(self.data, theta)])
                raise ValueError('length of twist and theta not consistent')
コード例 #4
    def SE3(self):
        Convert twist to SE(3)

        :return: an SE(3) representation
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        - ``X.SE3()`` is an SE3 object representing the homogeneous transformation 
          equivalent to the Twist3.

        return SE3(self.exp())
コード例 #5
    def SE3(self):
        Convert 3D twist to SE(3) matrix

        :return: an SE(3) representation
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        ``X.SE3()`` is an SE3 object representing the homogeneous transformation 
        equivalent to the Twist3.

        This is the exponentiation of the twist.
        return SE3(self.exp())
コード例 #6
    def SE3(self):
        Convert 3D twist to SE(3) matrix

        :return: an SE(3) representation
        :rtype: SE3 instance

        ``S.SE3()`` is an SE3 object representing the homogeneous transformation 
        equivalent to the Twist3. This is the exponentiation of the twist vector.

        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from spatialmath import Twist3
            >>> S = Twist3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> S.SE3()

        :seealso: :func:`Twist3.exp`
        return SE3(self.exp())
コード例 #7
    def __mul__(left, right):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        Overloaded ``*`` operator

        :arg left: left multiplicand
        :arg right: right multiplicand
        :return: product
        :raises: ValueError

        Twist composition or scaling:

        - ``X * Y`` compounds the twists ``X`` and ``Y``
        - ``X * s`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``
        - ``s * X`` performs elementwise multiplication of the elements of ``X`` by ``s``

        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
                   Multiplicands                   Product
        -------------------------------   -----------------------------------
        left       right                type                 operation
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================
        Twist      Twist                Twist                product of exponentials
        Twist      scalar               Twist                element-wise product
        scalar     Twist                Twist                element-wise product
        Twist      SE3                  Twist                exponential x SE3
        Twist      SpatialVelocity      SpatialVelocity      adjoint product
        Twist      SpatialAcceleration  SpatialAcceleration  adjoint product
        Twist      SpatialForce         SpatialForce         adjoint product
        ========  ====================  ===================  ========================


        #. Pose is ``SO2``, ``SE2``, ``SO3`` or ``SE3`` instance
        #. N is 2 for ``SO2``, ``SE2``; 3 for ``SO3`` or ``SE3``
        #. scalar x Pose is handled by ``__rmul__``
        #. scalar multiplication is commutative but the result is not a group
           operation so the result will be a matrix
        #. Any other input combinations result in a ValueError.

        For pose composition the ``left`` and ``right`` operands may be a sequence

        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
        len(left)   len(right)   len     operation
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================
         1          1             1    ``prod = left * right``
         1          M             M    ``prod[i] = left * right[i]``
         N          1             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right``
         M          M             M    ``prod[i] = left[i] * right[i]``
        =========   ==========   ====  ================================

        # TODO TW * T compounds a twist with an SE2/3 transformation

        if isinstance(right, Twist3):
            # twist composition -> Twist
            return Twist3(
                    lambda x, y: base.trlog(base.trexp(x) @ base.trexp(y),
        elif isinstance(right, SE3):
            # twist * SE3 -> SE3
            return SE3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: base.trexp(x) @ y),
        elif base.isscalar(right):
            # return Twist(left.S * right)
            return Twist3(left.binop(right, lambda x, y: x * y))
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialVelocity):
            return SpatialVelocity(left.Ad @ right.V)
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialAcceleration):
            return SpatialAcceleration(left.Ad @ right.V)
        elif isinstance(right, SpatialForce):
            return SpatialForce(left.Ad @ right.V)
            raise ValueError('twist *, incorrect right operand')
コード例 #8
            return "Twist2([\n" + \
                ',\n'.join(["  [{:.5g}, {:.5g}, {:.5g}}]".format(*list(tw.S)) for tw in self]) +\

    def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
        Pretty string for IPython

        :param p: pretty printer handle (ignored)
        :param cycle: pretty printer flag (ignored)

        Print colorized output when variable is displayed in IPython, ie. on a line by

        if len(self) == 1:
            for i, x in enumerate(self):
                if i > 0:
                p.text(f"{i:3d}: {str(x)}")

if __name__ == '__main__':  # pragma: no cover

    tw = Twist3(SE3.Rx(0))

    # import pathlib

    # exec(open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" / "test_twist.py").read())  # pylint: disable=exec-used