コード例 #1
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: codeAshu/Spearmint-1
def test_embedding_2():

    # Create a categorical version of branin
    def branin(x,y,z):
        x = (x*15)-5
        y = y*15
        if z == 1 or z == 2:
            return np.square(y - (5.1/(4*np.square(np.pi)))*np.square(x) + (5/np.pi)*x - 6) + 10*(1-(1./(8*np.pi)))*np.cos(x) + 10*z;
        elif z == 3:
            return np.square((y-1) - (5.1/(4*np.square(np.pi)))*np.square(x-1) + (5/np.pi)*(x-1) - 6) + 10*(1-(1./(8*np.pi)))*np.cos(x-1) + 10*z;
            if np.array(x).ndim:
                return 10*npr.randn(x.shape[0])
                return 10*npr.randn()

    N = 100
    D = 5
    groups = [(0,1,2,3)]
    c = len(groups[0])

    # Spray random points around a 5-D grid (3 categorical and 2 continuous)
    X = np.random.rand(N,D)
    a = X[:,:c].argmax(1)
    X[:,:c] = 0*X[:,:c]
    X[:,:c][range(N),a] = 1

    # Get the values from Branin and make the categorical ones 1-of-k
    x = X[:,-2]
    y = X[:,-1]
    z = X[:,:c].argmax(1) + 1

    # Compute and standardize the function values
    vals = np.zeros(N)
    for i in xrange(N):
        vals[i] = branin(x[i],y[i],z[i])
    vals = (vals - vals.mean()) / vals.std()

    # Set up the model
    mgp = MixedGP(D,groups)
    mgp.fit(X, vals)

    w = np.zeros((c,2))
    for i in xrange(mgp.num_states):
        w += mgp.params['norm_lin_0_weights'].value.reshape((c,2))
    w /= mgp.num_states

    # Compute the pairwise distances implies by the embedding
    dists = cdist(w,w)

    # Make sure they're embedded with the right relative ordering.
    assert dists[0,1] < dists[0,2] and dists[0,1] < dists[0,3] and dists[1,2] < dists[1,3]
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: mittald/Spearmint-1
def test_embedding():

    # Create a categorical version of branin (actually an integer, but we'll treat it as categorical)
    def branin(x, y, z):
        x = (x * 15) - 5
        y = y * 15
        return np.square(y - (5.1 / (4 * np.square(np.pi))) * np.square(x) +
                         (5 / np.pi) * x -
                         6) + 10 * (1 - (1. /
                                         (8 * np.pi))) * np.cos(x) + 10 * z

    N = 100
    D = 5
    groups = [(0, 1, 2, 3)]
    c = len(groups[0])

    # Spray random points around a 5-D grid (3 categorical and 2 continuous)
    X = np.random.rand(N, D)
    a = X[:, :c].argmax(1)
    X[:, :c] = 0 * X[:, :c]
    X[:, :c][range(N), a] = 1

    # Get the values from Branin and make the categorical ones 1-of-k
    x = X[:, -2]
    y = X[:, -1]
    z = X[:, :c].argmax(1) + 1

    # Compute and standardize the function values
    vals = branin(x, y, z)
    vals = (vals - vals.mean()) / vals.std()

    # Set up the model
    mgp = MixedGP(D, groups)
    mgp.fit(X, vals)

    w = np.zeros((c, 2))
    for i in xrange(mgp.num_states):
        w += mgp.params['norm_lin_0_weights'].value.reshape((c, 2))
    w /= mgp.num_states

    # Compute the pairwise distances implies by the embedding
    dists = cdist(w, w)

    # Make sure they're embedded with the right relative ordering.
    assert dists[0, 1] < dists[0, 2] and dists[0, 1] < dists[0, 3] and dists[
        1, 2] < dists[1, 3]
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: codeAshu/Spearmint-1
def test_fit():

    N = 12
    D = 10

    groups = [[1,3],[5,6,9]]
    mgp = MixedGP(D, groups, burnin=5)
    inputs  = npr.rand(N,D)
    pending = npr.rand(3,D)
    W       = npr.randn(D,1)
    vals    = inputs.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3)*npr.randn(N)

    mgp.fit(inputs, vals, pending)

    assert mgp.chain_length == 15
    assert all([np.all(p.value != p.initial_value) for p in mgp.params.values()])
    assert len(mgp._cache_list) == 10
    assert len(mgp._hypers_list) == 10
    assert len(mgp._fantasy_values_list) == 10
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: mittald/Spearmint-1
def test_fit():

    N = 12
    D = 10

    groups = [[1, 3], [5, 6, 9]]
    mgp = MixedGP(D, groups, burnin=5)

    inputs = npr.rand(N, D)
    pending = npr.rand(3, D)
    W = npr.randn(D, 1)
    vals = inputs.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3) * npr.randn(N)

    mgp.fit(inputs, vals, pending)

    assert mgp.chain_length == 15
    assert all(
        [np.all(p.value != p.initial_value) for p in mgp.params.values()])
    assert len(mgp._cache_list) == 10
    assert len(mgp._hypers_list) == 10
    assert len(mgp._fantasy_values_list) == 10
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: mittald/Spearmint-1
def test_predict():

    N = 12
    Npend = 3
    Ntest = 2
    D = 10

    groups = [[1, 3], [5, 6, 9]]
    mgp = MixedGP(D, groups, burnin=5, num_fantasies=7)
    pred = npr.rand(Ntest, D)

    # Test with 0 points
    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
                               1 + 1e-6,

    #Test with 1 point
    X = np.zeros((1, D))
    W = npr.randn(D, 1)
    val = X.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3) * npr.randn()

    mgp.fit(X, val, fit_hypers=False)

    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)

    # Points closer to the origin will have less variance
    if np.linalg.norm(pred[0] - X) < np.linalg.norm(pred[1] - X):
        assert v[0] < v[1]
        assert v[0] > v[1]

    # Predict at the point itself
    mu, v = mgp.predict(X)

    # Now let's make sure it doesn't break with more data and pending
    inputs = npr.rand(N, D)
    vals = inputs.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3) * npr.randn(N)
    pending = npr.rand(Npend, D)

    mgp.fit(inputs, vals, pending)

    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)

    # Now let's check the gradients
    eps = 1e-5

    mu, v, dmu, dv = mgp.predict(pred, compute_grad=True)

    # The implied loss is np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
    dloss = 2 * (dmu * mu[:, np.newaxis, :]).sum(2) + 2 * (
        v[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * dv).sum(2)

    dloss_est = np.zeros(dloss.shape)
    for i in xrange(Ntest):
        for j in xrange(D):
            pred[i, j] += eps
            mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
            loss_1 = np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
            pred[i, j] -= 2 * eps
            mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
            loss_2 = np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
            pred[i, j] += eps
            dloss_est[i, j] = ((loss_1 - loss_2) / (2 * eps))

    assert np.linalg.norm(dloss - dloss_est) < 1e-6
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_mixed_gp.py プロジェクト: codeAshu/Spearmint-1
def test_predict():

    N     = 12
    Npend = 3
    Ntest = 2
    D     = 10

    groups = [[1,3],[5,6,9]]
    mgp   = MixedGP(D, groups, burnin=5, num_fantasies=7)
    pred = npr.rand(Ntest,D)

    # Test with 0 points
    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mu, 0, rtol=1e-7, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(v, 1+1e-6, rtol=1e-7, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True)

    #Test with 1 point
    X   = np.zeros((1,D))
    W   = npr.randn(D,1)
    val = X.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3)*npr.randn()

    mgp.fit(X, val, fit_hypers=False)

    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
    # Points closer to the origin will have less variance
    if np.linalg.norm(pred[0] - X) < np.linalg.norm(pred[1] - X):
        assert v[0] < v[1]
        assert v[0] > v[1]
    # Predict at the point itself
    mu, v = mgp.predict(X)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mu, val, rtol=1e-5, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True)

    # Now let's make sure it doesn't break with more data and pending
    inputs  = npr.rand(N,D)
    vals    = inputs.dot(W).flatten() + np.sqrt(1e-3)*npr.randn(N)
    pending = npr.rand(Npend,D)

    mgp.fit(inputs, vals, pending)

    mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)

    # Now let's check the gradients
    eps = 1e-5

    mu, v, dmu, dv = mgp.predict(pred, compute_grad=True)

    # The implied loss is np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
    dloss = 2*(dmu*mu[:,np.newaxis,:]).sum(2) + 2*(v[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*dv).sum(2)

    dloss_est = np.zeros(dloss.shape)
    for i in xrange(Ntest):
        for j in xrange(D):
            pred[i,j] += eps
            mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
            loss_1 = np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
            pred[i,j] -= 2*eps
            mu, v = mgp.predict(pred)
            loss_2 = np.sum(mu**2) + np.sum(v**2)
            pred[i,j] += eps
            dloss_est[i,j] = ((loss_1 - loss_2) / (2*eps))

    assert np.linalg.norm(dloss - dloss_est) < 1e-6