コード例 #1
ファイル: scriptor.py プロジェクト: kretep/video-scriptor
class Scriptor:
    The phases of processing:
    - Set up data structures and global attributes
    - Prepare image specs and organize them
    - Launch one thread to initialize image spec (read input image, set up (random) attributes for animation and transition)
    - Launch multiple threads to generate frames and store results
    - In main thread: wait for results and write to video
    - Join video with audio
    def generateVideo(self, scriptFile):
        with open(scriptFile) as t:
            self.rootSpec = Spec(yaml.safe_load(t), None)

        rootSpec = self.rootSpec
        self.framerate = rootSpec.get('framerate', 30)
        self.frameWidth = rootSpec.get('framewidth', 1440)
        self.frameHeight = rootSpec.get('frameheight', 1080)
        self.outputFrames = rootSpec.get('outputframes')
        self.limitFrames = rootSpec.get('limitframes')

        outputFile = rootSpec.get('outputfile', 'video.mp4')
        videoOut = outputFile + '.temp.mp4'

        # Initialize data structures
        self.imageSpecQueue = queue.Queue()
        self.imageFrameQueue = queue.Queue()
        self.resultQueue = queue.Queue()
        self.prevSpec = None
        self.allImageSpecsInitialized = False

        # Prepare data structures for processing
        images = rootSpec.get('images', [])
        self.prepareImageSpecs(images, rootSpec)

        # Start one thread to initialize image specs
        # Start processing image specs by launching worker threads
        self.globalFrameN = 0
        for _ in range(self.rootSpec.get('threads', 16)):

        # In the current thread, wait for and write the results
        self.writer = imageio.get_writer(videoOut, 

        # Join audio
        audioSpec = rootSpec.getSpec('audio')
        if not audioSpec is None:
            self.combineVideoWithAudio(audioSpec, videoOut, outputFile)
    def prepareImageSpecs(self, images, parentSpec):
        """ Walks through the image specs recursively, in order, links them, adds them to the queues.
        for item in images:
            itemSpec = ImageSpec(item, parentSpec)

            subgroup = itemSpec.get('images', None, doRecurse=False)
            if subgroup is None:
                # Set required variable in prev spec from current spec
                if not self.prevSpec is None:
                    self.prevSpec.nextTransitionDuration = itemSpec.get('transitiontime', 0)

                # Link and remember previous
                itemSpec.prevSpec = self.prevSpec
                self.prevSpec = itemSpec

                # Put in queues
                # Recurse
                self.prepareImageSpecs(subgroup, itemSpec)
    def runnableInitImageSpecs(self):
        # Initialize image specs while they are available
        # (the queue is pre-filled, so when it's empty, we're done)
        imageSpec = getFromQueue(self.imageSpecQueue)
        while not imageSpec is None:

            # Wait with initializing next image spec.
            # (we don't want to initialize and load too early, to limit memory usage,
            # but we also don't want to load too late, because it will block the threads,
            # so start loading when we have less than a certain amount of frames to process)
            while self.imageFrameQueue.qsize() > 60:

            imageSpec = getFromQueue(self.imageSpecQueue)
        # Flag that allows frame processing threads to finish if there are no more frames
        self.allImageSpecsInitialized = True
        print("finished processing image specs")

    def initializeImageSpec(self, imageSpec):
        # Read image
        inputFileName = imageSpec.get('file')
        #assert not inputFileName is None, 'No input file specified'
        if inputFileName is None:
            npImCurrent = np.zeros((self.frameHeight, self.frameWidth, 3), dtype='uint8')
            npImCurrent = imageio.imread('./input/%s' % inputFileName)
        # Set up transition
        #TODO: relfect: transitionType = transitionSpec.get('type', 'blend')
        imageSpec.transition = BlendTransition()

        # Set up animation
        #animationType = animationSpec.get(Props.IMAGE_ANIMATION_TYPE)
        #TODO: use reflection to instantiate:
        imageSpec.animation = PanZoomAnimation(npImCurrent, imageSpec)
        imageSpec.duration = duration = imageSpec.get('duration', 2.0)

        nframes = int(duration * self.framerate)
        imageSpec.frames = [None] * nframes
        for i in range(0, nframes):
            self.imageFrameQueue.put((imageSpec, i))

    def runnableProcessFrame(self):
        imageFrame = getFromQueue(self.imageFrameQueue)
        while (not imageFrame is None) or (not self.allImageSpecsInitialized):

            # Either we have an image to process or we have to wait for one
            if not imageFrame is None:
                (imageSpec, frameNr) = imageFrame
                self.processFrame(imageSpec, frameNr)

            imageFrame = getFromQueue(self.imageFrameQueue)

        print("finished processing frames")
    def processFrame(self, imageSpec, i):
        prevSpec = imageSpec.prevSpec
        transitionDuration = imageSpec.get('transitiontime', 0.5)
        duration = imageSpec.duration
        nextTransitionDuration = imageSpec.nextTransitionDuration
        animation = imageSpec.animation
        transition = imageSpec.transition

        print("processing %s frame %d/%d" % (imageSpec.get('file'), i + 1, len(imageSpec.frames)))

        # Animate image
        animationT = self.getTForFrame(i, duration + nextTransitionDuration, self.framerate)
        npIm1 = animation.animate(animationT)
        # Transition
        transitionT = 1.0 if (transitionDuration == 0) else i / (transitionDuration * self.framerate)
        if transitionT < 1.0 and not prevSpec is None:
            # Animate previous image
            animationT = self.getTForFrame(prevSpec.duration * self.framerate + i,
                prevSpec.duration + transitionDuration, self.framerate)
            npIm0 = prevSpec.animation.animate(animationT)

            # Combine transition images
            npResult = transition.processTransition(npIm0, npIm1, transitionT)
            npResult = npIm1

        # Put result in list to be written
        imageSpec.frames[i] = npResult

    def processResults(self):
        # self.resultQueue has been prefilled (to keep results in the correct order),
        # so we just need to keep going until it is empty
        currentResult = getFromQueue(self.resultQueue)
        while not currentResult is None:

            # Wait for initialization
            while currentResult.frames is None:

            # Wait for and process each result frame in order
            for i in range(len(currentResult.frames)):
                # Wait for result
                while currentResult.frames[i] is None:
                # Process result
                # Clean up
                currentResult.frames[i] = None

            # Clean up unused references to free memory
            if not currentResult.prevSpec is None:
                # Clean up finished spec so memory can be released
                currentResult.prevSpec.animation = None
                currentResult.prevSpec.transition = None
                currentResult.prevSpec = None

            currentResult = getFromQueue(self.resultQueue)

    def writeResultImage(self, image):
        # Write frame to video

        # Write frame to image if set up
        if not self.outputFrames is None:
            imageio.imwrite(self.outputFrames % self.globalFrameN, image)
        self.globalFrameN += 1

    # Scales the frameNumber to the current position in the animation to a fraction
    # between 0 and 1.
    # totalDuration should include the animation duration for the current image and the
    # transition duration to the next image
    def getTForFrame(self, frameNumber, totalDuration, frameRate):
        return frameNumber / (totalDuration * frameRate)
    def combineVideoWithAudio(self, audioSpec, videoIn, videoOut):
        def maybe(option, key, spec):
            value = spec.get(key)
            return [option, str(value)] if not value is None else []
        audioIn = audioSpec.get('file')
        cmd_out = ['ffmpeg',
                '-i', videoIn,
                *maybe('-ss', 'audiooffset', audioSpec),
                *maybe('-itsoffset', 'videooffset', audioSpec),
                '-i', audioIn,
                #'-c', 'copy',
                '-map', '0:v',
                '-map', '1:a',
                '-filter:a', 'afade=t=out:st=144:d=8',
        pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd_out)