class TestPerlTransformer(TransformerTestCase):
    def setup_method(self, method):
        self.t = PerlTransformer({})

    def test_perl_transformer_doesnt_hang_on_perl_macro(self):
        # the regex was written badly so that it matched the whole spec from the
        # beginning and find_whole_commands was therefore caught in infinite loop
        spec = self.make_prep('foo\n%{__perl} ')
        patterns = self.t.handle_perl_specific_commands.matches
        for p in patterns:
            # general transformers also appear here, so just test all to
            # make sure we test the wanted one, too
            self.t.find_whole_commands(p, spec)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize(('spec', 'expected'), [
        ('perl Makefile.PL', scl_enable + 'perl Makefile.PL\n' + scl_disable),
        (' perl Makefile.PL', scl_enable + ' perl Makefile.PL\n' + scl_disable),
        ('%{__perl} Makefile.PL', scl_enable + '%{__perl} Makefile.PL\n' + scl_disable),
        (' %{__perl} Makefile.PL', scl_enable + ' %{__perl} Makefile.PL\n' + scl_disable),
        ('./Build', scl_enable + './Build\n' + scl_disable),
    def test_perl_specific_commands_matching(self, spec, expected):
        spec = self.make_prep(spec)
        pattern = self.get_pattern_for_spec(self.t.handle_perl_specific_commands, spec)
        assert pattern
        assert self.t.handle_perl_specific_commands(spec, pattern, spec) == self.make_prep(expected)
コード例 #2
class TestPerlTransformer(TransformerTestCase):
    def setup_method(self, method):
        self.t = PerlTransformer({})

    def test_perl_transformer_doesnt_hang_on_perl_macro(self):
        # the regex was written badly so that it matched the whole spec from the
        # beginning and find_whole_commands was therefore caught in infinite loop
        spec = self.make_prep('foo\n%{__perl} ')
        patterns = self.t.handle_perl_specific_commands.matches
        for p in patterns:
            # general transformers also appear here, so just test all to
            # make sure we test the wanted one, too
            self.t.find_whole_commands(p, spec)
コード例 #3
class TestPerlTransformer(TransformerTestCase):
    def setup_method(self, method):
        self.t = PerlTransformer({})

    def test_perl_transformer_doesnt_hang_on_perl_macro(self):
        # the regex was written badly so that it matched the whole spec from the
        # beginning and find_whole_commands was therefore caught in infinite loop
        spec = self.make_prep('foo\n%{__perl} ')
        patterns = self.t.handle_perl_specific_commands.matches
        for p in patterns:
            # general transformers also appear here, so just test all to
            # make sure we test the wanted one, too
            self.t.find_whole_commands(p, spec)
コード例 #4
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.t = PerlTransformer({})
コード例 #5
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.t = PerlTransformer({})