コード例 #1
def test_ingest():
    # Begin
    id_key = 'TEST_ID'
    maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(id_key)
    ztbl = Table.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files', 'ztbl_E.fits'))
    data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files')
    ffiles,_ = pbuild.grab_files(data_dir)
    meta = pbuild.mk_meta(ffiles, ztbl, fname=True, skip_badz=True, mdict=dict(INSTR='HIRES'))
    # Group and IDs
    gdict = {}
    flag_g = spbu.add_to_group_dict('COS', gdict)
    maindb = pbuild.add_ids(maindb, meta, flag_g, tkeys, id_key, first=(flag_g==1))
    hdf = h5py.File('tmp.hdf5','w')
    pbuild.ingest_spectra(hdf, 'test', meta)
    # Read
    tmp = h5py.File('tmp.hdf5','r')
    # Test
    assert 'meta' in tmp['test'].keys()
    assert isinstance(tmp['test/spec'].value, np.ndarray)
コード例 #2
def generate_by_refs(input_refs, outfile, version):
    Build a specDB file according to the input references

        input_refs (list):
            List of references from which to build the specDB
        outfile (str):
            Output filename
        version (str):
            Version number
    # Not elegant but it works
    all_folders = glob.glob(db_path+'/*/*')
    all_refs = [os.path.basename(ifolder) for ifolder in all_folders]

    # z_tbl
    allz_tbl = Table()
    # Loop in input refs
    all_spec_files = []
    refs_list = []
    for ref in input_refs:
        idx = all_refs.index(ref)
        # Redshift tables
        z_tbl = load_z_tables(all_folders[idx])
        allz_tbl = vstack([allz_tbl, z_tbl])
        # Grab the list of spectra
        specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(all_folders[idx], 'J*_spec.fits'))
        if len(specs) == 0:
        # Save
        all_spec_files += specs
        refs_list += [ref]*len(specs)

    # Get it started
    # HDF5 file
    hdf = h5py.File(outfile, 'w')

    # Defs
    zpri = defs.z_priority()

    # Main DB Table
    id_key = 'FRB_ID'
    maindb, tkeys = spbu.start_maindb(id_key)
    tkeys += ['ZQ']
    gdict = {}

    # Loop on Instruments
    #pair_groups = ['MUSE']
    pair_groups = []
    badf = None
    for instr in all_instruments:
        print("Working on {}".format(instr))
        fits_files, irefs = grab_files(all_spec_files, refs_list, instr)
        if len(fits_files) == 0:
        # Option dicts
        mwargs = {}
        mwargs['toler'] = 1.0 * units.arcsec  # Require an
        skipz = False
        swargs = {}
        # Meta
        parse_head, mdict, fname = None, None, True
        if instr == 'SDSS':
            mdict = dict(DISPERSER='BOTH', R=2000., TELESCOPE='SDSS 2.5-M', INSTR='SDSS')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD'}
            maxpix = 4000
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'FORS2':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT', INSTR='FORS2')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'R': True}
            maxpix = 2050
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'MUSE':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT', R=2000.)
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'}
            maxpix = 4000
            scale = 1e-20
        elif instr == 'KCWI':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-2')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME', 'R': True}
            maxpix = 4000
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'MagE':
            parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'TELESCOPE': 'TELESCOP',
                          'INSTR': 'INSTRUME', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'}
            maxpix = 18000
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'GMOS-S':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Gemini-S', INSTR='GMOS-S')
            parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'}
            maxpix = 3500
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'LRISb':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-1')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'}
            maxpix = 2050  # 2x binning
        elif instr == 'GMOS-N':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Gemini-N', INSTR='GMOS-N')
            parse_head = {'R': True, 'DATE-OBS': 'MJD-OBS', 
                          'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME'}
            maxpix = 3500
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'LRISr':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-1')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'}
            maxpix = 2050
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'DEIMOS':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='Keck-2')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 
                          'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'}
            maxpix = 9000
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'Goodman':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='SOAR', INSTR='Goodman')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME',
                          'R': True}
            maxpix = 2048
            scale = 1e-17
        elif instr == 'XSHOOTER':
            mdict = dict(TELESCOPE='VLT')
            parse_head = {'DATE-OBS': 'MJD', 'DISPERSER': 'DISPNAME', 'INSTR': 'INSTRUME'}
            maxpix = 33000
            scale = 1e-17

        # Meta
        full_meta = pbuild.mk_meta(fits_files, allz_tbl, mdict=mdict, fname=fname,
                                   verbose=True, parse_head=parse_head, skip_badz=skipz,
                                   chkz=True, **mwargs)
        full_meta['Ref'] = irefs
        # Survey flag
        flag_g = spbu.add_to_group_dict(instr, gdict, skip_for_debug=True)
        # IDs
        #if 'MUSE' in instr:
        #    embed(header='278 of build specdb')
        maindb = spbu.add_ids(maindb, full_meta, flag_g, tkeys, id_key, 
                              close_pairs=(instr in pair_groups))

        # Ingest --
        pbuild.ingest_spectra(hdf, instr, full_meta, max_npix=maxpix, verbose=False,
                              badf=badf, grab_conti=False, scale=scale, **swargs)

    # Write
    spbu.write_hdf(hdf, str('FRB'), maindb, zpri, gdict, version, Publisher=str('JXP'))
    print("Wrote {:s} DB file".format(outfile))
    print("You probably need to move it into SPECDB")