コード例 #1
def fit_mn_hght_bg(xvals,zorig,invorig,sigj,mn_new,spread,powj=2):
    """ Fits mean, height, and background for a gaussian of known sigma.
        Height and background are fit linearly.  Mean is fit through a grid
        search algorithm (may be better to change to a nonlinear fitter?)
#    ts = time.time()
    mn_old = -100
    lp_ct = 0
    while abs(mn_new-mn_old)>0.001:
        mn_old = np.copy(mn_new)
#        t1 = time.time()
        hght, bg = sf.best_linear_gauss(xvals,sigj,mn_old,zorig,invorig,power=powj)
#        t2 = time.time()
        mn_new, mn_new_std = sf.best_mean(xvals,sigj,mn_old,hght,bg,zorig,invorig,spread,power=powj)
#        t3 = time.time()
#        print("Linear time = {}s".format(t2-t1))
#        print("Nonlinear time = {}s".format(t3-t2))
#        time.sleep(5)
        if lp_ct>1e3: break
#    print "Loop count is ", lp_ct
#    print("Len xvals = {}".format(len(xvals)))
#    te = time.time()
#    print("Total fit time is {}s".format(te-ts))
#    time.sleep(5)
    return mn_new, hght,bg
コード例 #2
def linear_mn_hght_bg(xvals,yvals,invals,sigma,mn_est,power=2):
    """ Find mean of gaussian with linearized procedure.  Use eqn
        dx = dh/h * sigma/2 * exp(1/2) where dh = max - min residual
        Once mean is found, determines best fit hght and bg
    gauss_model = sf.gaussian(xvals,sigma,center=mn_est,height=np.max(yvals),power=power)
    mn_est_err = 100
    mn_est_err_old = 0
    loop_ct = 0
    while abs(mn_est_err-mn_est_err_old)>0.01 and loop_ct < 1:
        mn_est_err_old = np.copy(mn_est_err)
        mn_est_old = np.copy(mn_est)
        residuals = yvals-gauss_model
        dh = (np.max(residuals)-np.min(residuals))/np.max(yvals)
        sign = 1
        if np.argmax(residuals) < np.argmin(residuals):
            sign = -1
        dx = sign*sigma*dh*np.exp(1/2)/2
        mn_est += dx
        hght, bg = sf.best_linear_gauss(xvals,sigma,mn_est,yvals,invals,power=power)
        gauss_model = sf.gaussian(xvals,sigma,center=mn_est,height=hght,bg_mean=bg,power=power)
        mn_est_err = abs(mn_est_old - mn_est)
        loop_ct += 1
#    hght, bg = sf.best_linear_gauss(xvals,sigma,mn_est,yvals,invals,power=power)
    return mn_est, hght, bg