def plot_extinction(tag: str, burnin: Optional[int] = None, random: Optional[int] = None, wavel_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, offset: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, output: str = 'extinction.pdf') -> None: """ Function to plot random samples of the extinction, either from fitting a size distribution of enstatite grains (``dust_radius``, ``dust_sigma``, and ``dust_ext``), or from fitting ISM extinction (``ism_ext`` and optionally ``ism_red``). Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the samples. burnin : int, None Number of burnin steps to exclude. All samples are used if set to ``None``. Only required after running MCMC with :func:`~species.analysis.fit_model.FitModel.run_mcmc`. random : int, None Number of randomly selected samples. All samples are used if set to ``None``. wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None Wavelength range (um) for the extinction. The default wavelength range (0.4, 10.) is used if set to ``None``. xlim : tuple(float, float), None Limits of the wavelength axis. The range is set automatically if set to ``None``. ylim : tuple(float, float) Limits of the extinction axis. The range is set automatically if set to ``None``. offset : tuple(float, float), None Offset of the x- and y-axis label. Default values are used if set to ``None``. output : str Output filename. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if burnin is None: burnin = 0 if wavel_range is None: wavel_range = (0.4, 10.) mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Bitstream Vera Serif'] mpl.rcParams[''] = 'serif' plt.rc('axes', edgecolor='black', linewidth=2.2) species_db = database.Database() box = species_db.get_samples(tag) samples = box.samples if samples.ndim == 2 and random is not None: ran_index = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) samples = samples[ran_index, ] elif samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f'The \'burnin\' value is larger than the number of steps ' f'({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.') samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] ran_walker = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) ran_step = np.random.randint(samples.shape[1], size=random) samples = samples[ran_walker, ran_step, :] plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 3)) gridsp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gridsp.update(wspace=0, hspace=0, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax = plt.subplot(gridsp[0, 0]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', colors='black', labelcolor='black', direction='in', width=1, length=5, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=True) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', colors='black', labelcolor='black', direction='in', width=1, length=3, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=True) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (µm)', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('Extinction (mag)', fontsize=12) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if offset is not None: ax.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, -0.22) ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.09, 0.5) sample_wavel = np.linspace(wavel_range[0], wavel_range[1], 100) if 'lognorm_radius' in box.parameters and 'lognorm_sigma' in box.parameters and \ 'lognorm_ext' in box.parameters: cross_optical, dust_radius, dust_sigma = dust_util.interp_lognorm([], [], None) log_r_index = box.parameters.index('lognorm_radius') sigma_index = box.parameters.index('lognorm_sigma') ext_index = box.parameters.index('lognorm_ext') log_r_g = samples[:, log_r_index] sigma_g = samples[:, sigma_index] dust_ext = samples[:, ext_index] database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, 'r') as h5_file: cross_section = np.asarray( h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section']) wavelength = np.asarray( h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength']) cross_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (wavelength, dust_radius, dust_sigma), cross_section) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): cross_tmp = cross_optical['Generic/Bessell.V'](sigma_g[i], 10.**log_r_g[i]) n_grains = dust_ext[i] / cross_tmp / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.)) sample_cross = np.zeros(sample_wavel.shape) for j, item in enumerate(sample_wavel): sample_cross[j] = cross_interp( (item, 10.**log_r_g[i], sigma_g[i])) sample_ext = 2.5 * np.log10(np.exp(1.)) * sample_cross * n_grains ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls='-', lw=0.5, color='black', alpha=0.5) elif 'powerlaw_max' in box.parameters and 'powerlaw_exp' in box.parameters and \ 'powerlaw_ext' in box.parameters: cross_optical, dust_max, dust_exp = dust_util.interp_powerlaw([], [], None) r_max_index = box.parameters.index('powerlaw_max') exp_index = box.parameters.index('powerlaw_exp') ext_index = box.parameters.index('powerlaw_ext') r_max = samples[:, r_max_index] exponent = samples[:, exp_index] dust_ext = samples[:, ext_index] database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, 'r') as h5_file: cross_section = np.asarray( h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section']) wavelength = np.asarray( h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength']) cross_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (wavelength, dust_max, dust_exp), cross_section) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): cross_tmp = cross_optical['Generic/Bessell.V'](exponent[i], 10.**r_max[i]) n_grains = dust_ext[i] / cross_tmp / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.)) sample_cross = np.zeros(sample_wavel.shape) for j, item in enumerate(sample_wavel): sample_cross[j] = cross_interp( (item, 10.**r_max[i], exponent[i])) sample_ext = 2.5 * np.log10(np.exp(1.)) * sample_cross * n_grains ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls='-', lw=0.5, color='black', alpha=0.5) elif 'ism_ext' in box.parameters: ext_index = box.parameters.index('ism_ext') ism_ext = samples[:, ext_index] if 'ism_red' in box.parameters: red_index = box.parameters.index('ism_red') ism_red = samples[:, red_index] else: ism_red = np.full(samples.shape[0], 3.1) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): sample_ext = dust_util.ism_extinction(ism_ext[i], ism_red[i], sample_wavel) ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls='-', lw=0.5, color='black', alpha=0.5) else: raise ValueError( 'The SamplesBox does not contain extinction parameters.') print(f'Plotting extinction: {output}...', end='', flush=True) plt.savefig(os.getcwd() + '/' + output, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.close() print(' [DONE]')
def apply_powerlaw_ext(wavelength: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, r_max_interp: float, exp_interp: float, v_band_ext: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Internal function for applying extinction by dust to a spectrum. wavelength : np.ndarray Wavelengths (um) of the spectrum. flux : np.ndarray Fluxes (W m-2 um-1) of the spectrum. r_max_interp : float Maximum radius (um) of the power-law size distribution. exp_interp : float Exponent of the power-law size distribution. v_band_ext : float The extinction (mag) in the V band. Returns ------- np.ndarray Fluxes (W m-2 um-1) with the extinction applied. """ database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, 'r') as h5_file: dust_cross = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section']) dust_wavel = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength']) dust_r_max = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/radius_max']) dust_exp = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/exponent']) dust_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((dust_wavel, dust_r_max, dust_exp), dust_cross, method='linear', bounds_error=True) read_filt = read_filter.ReadFilter('Generic/Bessell.V') filt_trans = read_filt.get_filter() cross_phot = np.zeros((dust_r_max.shape[0], dust_exp.shape[0])) for i in range(dust_r_max.shape[0]): for j in range(dust_exp.shape[0]): cross_interp = interp1d(dust_wavel, dust_cross[:, i, j], kind='linear', bounds_error=True) cross_tmp = cross_interp(filt_trans[:, 0]) integral1 = np.trapz(filt_trans[:, 1]*cross_tmp, filt_trans[:, 0]) integral2 = np.trapz(filt_trans[:, 1], filt_trans[:, 0]) # Filter-weighted average of the extinction cross section cross_phot[i, j] = integral1/integral2 cross_interp = interp2d(dust_exp, dust_r_max, cross_phot, kind='linear', bounds_error=True) cross_v_band = cross_interp(exp_interp, 10.**r_max_interp)[0] r_max_full = np.full(wavelength.shape[0], 10.**r_max_interp) exp_full = np.full(wavelength.shape[0], exp_interp) cross_new = dust_interp(np.column_stack((wavelength, r_max_full, exp_full))) n_grains = v_band_ext / cross_v_band / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.)) return flux * np.exp(-cross_new*n_grains)
def plot_extinction( tag: str, burnin: Optional[int] = None, random: Optional[int] = None, wavel_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, xlim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, offset: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, output: Optional[str] = "extinction.pdf", ) -> None: """ Function to plot random samples of the extinction, either from fitting a size distribution of enstatite grains (``dust_radius``, ``dust_sigma``, and ``dust_ext``), or from fitting ISM extinction (``ism_ext`` and optionally ``ism_red``). Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag with the samples. burnin : int, None Number of burnin steps to exclude. All samples are used if set to ``None``. Only required after running MCMC with :func:`~species.analysis.fit_model.FitModel.run_mcmc`. random : int, None Number of randomly selected samples. All samples are used if set to ``None``. wavel_range : tuple(float, float), None Wavelength range (um) for the extinction. The default wavelength range (0.4, 10.) is used if set to ``None``. xlim : tuple(float, float), None Limits of the wavelength axis. The range is set automatically if set to ``None``. ylim : tuple(float, float) Limits of the extinction axis. The range is set automatically if set to ``None``. offset : tuple(float, float), None Offset of the x- and y-axis label. Default values are used if set to ``None``. output : str Output filename for the plot. The plot is shown in an interface window if the argument is set to ``None``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if burnin is None: burnin = 0 if wavel_range is None: wavel_range = (0.4, 10.0) mpl.rcParams["font.serif"] = ["Bitstream Vera Serif"] mpl.rcParams[""] = "serif" plt.rc("axes", edgecolor="black", linewidth=2.2) species_db = database.Database() box = species_db.get_samples(tag) samples = box.samples if samples.ndim == 2 and random is not None: ran_index = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) samples = samples[ran_index, ] elif samples.ndim == 3: if burnin > samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"The 'burnin' value is larger than the number of steps " f"({samples.shape[1]}) that are made by the walkers.") samples = samples[:, burnin:, :] ran_walker = np.random.randint(samples.shape[0], size=random) ran_step = np.random.randint(samples.shape[1], size=random) samples = samples[ran_walker, ran_step, :] plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 3)) gridsp = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gridsp.update(wspace=0, hspace=0, left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) ax = plt.subplot(gridsp[0, 0]) ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="major", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=5, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=True, ) ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="minor", colors="black", labelcolor="black", direction="in", width=1, length=3, labelsize=12, top=True, bottom=True, left=True, right=True, labelbottom=True, ) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength (µm)", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Extinction (mag)", fontsize=12) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if offset is not None: ax.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, offset[0]) ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(offset[1], 0.5) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.5, -0.22) ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.09, 0.5) sample_wavel = np.linspace(wavel_range[0], wavel_range[1], 100) if ("lognorm_radius" in box.parameters and "lognorm_sigma" in box.parameters and "lognorm_ext" in box.parameters): cross_optical, dust_radius, dust_sigma = dust_util.interp_lognorm([], [], None) log_r_index = box.parameters.index("lognorm_radius") sigma_index = box.parameters.index("lognorm_sigma") ext_index = box.parameters.index("lognorm_ext") log_r_g = samples[:, log_r_index] sigma_g = samples[:, sigma_index] dust_ext = samples[:, ext_index] database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, "r") as h5_file: cross_section = np.asarray( h5_file["dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section"]) wavelength = np.asarray( h5_file["dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength"]) cross_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (wavelength, dust_radius, dust_sigma), cross_section) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): cross_tmp = cross_optical["Generic/Bessell.V"](sigma_g[i], 10.0**log_r_g[i]) n_grains = dust_ext[i] / cross_tmp / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.0)) sample_cross = np.zeros(sample_wavel.shape) for j, item in enumerate(sample_wavel): sample_cross[j] = cross_interp( (item, 10.0**log_r_g[i], sigma_g[i])) sample_ext = 2.5 * np.log10(np.exp(1.0)) * sample_cross * n_grains ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls="-", lw=0.5, color="black", alpha=0.5) elif ("powerlaw_max" in box.parameters and "powerlaw_exp" in box.parameters and "powerlaw_ext" in box.parameters): cross_optical, dust_max, dust_exp = dust_util.interp_powerlaw([], [], None) r_max_index = box.parameters.index("powerlaw_max") exp_index = box.parameters.index("powerlaw_exp") ext_index = box.parameters.index("powerlaw_ext") r_max = samples[:, r_max_index] exponent = samples[:, exp_index] dust_ext = samples[:, ext_index] database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, "r") as h5_file: cross_section = np.asarray( h5_file["dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section"]) wavelength = np.asarray( h5_file["dust/powerlaw/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength"]) cross_interp = RegularGridInterpolator( (wavelength, dust_max, dust_exp), cross_section) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): cross_tmp = cross_optical["Generic/Bessell.V"](exponent[i], 10.0**r_max[i]) n_grains = dust_ext[i] / cross_tmp / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.0)) sample_cross = np.zeros(sample_wavel.shape) for j, item in enumerate(sample_wavel): sample_cross[j] = cross_interp( (item, 10.0**r_max[i], exponent[i])) sample_ext = 2.5 * np.log10(np.exp(1.0)) * sample_cross * n_grains ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls="-", lw=0.5, color="black", alpha=0.5) elif "ism_ext" in box.parameters: ext_index = box.parameters.index("ism_ext") ism_ext = samples[:, ext_index] if "ism_red" in box.parameters: red_index = box.parameters.index("ism_red") ism_red = samples[:, red_index] else: # Use default ISM redenning (R_V = 3.1) if ism_red was not fitted ism_red = np.full(samples.shape[0], 3.1) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): sample_ext = dust_util.ism_extinction(ism_ext[i], ism_red[i], sample_wavel) ax.plot(sample_wavel, sample_ext, ls="-", lw=0.5, color="black", alpha=0.5) else: raise ValueError( "The SamplesBox does not contain extinction parameters.") if output is None: print("Plotting extinction...", end="", flush=True) else: print(f"Plotting extinction: {output}...", end="", flush=True) print(" [DONE]") if output is None: else: plt.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.close()
def apply_lognorm_ext(wavelength: np.ndarray, flux: np.ndarray, radius_interp: float, sigma_interp: float, v_band_ext: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Internal function for applying extinction by dust to a spectrum. wavelength : np.ndarray Wavelengths (um) of the spectrum. flux : np.ndarray Fluxes (W m-2 um-1) of the spectrum. radius_interp : float Logarithm of the mean geometric radius (um) of the log-normal size distribution. sigma_interp : float Geometric standard deviation (dimensionless) of the log-normal size distribution. v_band_ext : float The extinction (mag) in the V band. Returns ------- np.ndarray Fluxes (W m-2 um-1) with the extinction applied. """ database_path = dust_util.check_dust_database() with h5py.File(database_path, 'r') as h5_file: dust_cross = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/cross_section']) dust_wavel = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/wavelength']) dust_radius = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/radius_g']) dust_sigma = np.asarray(h5_file['dust/lognorm/mgsio3/crystalline/sigma_g']) dust_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((dust_wavel, dust_radius, dust_sigma), dust_cross, method='linear', bounds_error=True) read_filt = read_filter.ReadFilter('Generic/Bessell.V') filt_trans = read_filt.get_filter() cross_phot = np.zeros((dust_radius.shape[0], dust_sigma.shape[0])) for i in range(dust_radius.shape[0]): for j in range(dust_sigma.shape[0]): cross_interp = interp1d(dust_wavel, dust_cross[:, i, j], kind='linear', bounds_error=True) cross_tmp = cross_interp(filt_trans[:, 0]) integral1 = np.trapz(filt_trans[:, 1]*cross_tmp, filt_trans[:, 0]) integral2 = np.trapz(filt_trans[:, 1], filt_trans[:, 0]) # Filter-weighted average of the extinction cross section cross_phot[i, j] = integral1/integral2 cross_interp = interp2d(dust_sigma, dust_radius, cross_phot, kind='linear', bounds_error=True) cross_v_band = cross_interp(sigma_interp, 10.**radius_interp)[0] radius_full = np.full(wavelength.shape[0], 10.**radius_interp) sigma_full = np.full(wavelength.shape[0], sigma_interp) cross_new = dust_interp(np.column_stack((wavelength, radius_full, sigma_full))) n_grains = v_band_ext / cross_v_band / 2.5 / np.log10(np.exp(1.)) return flux * np.exp(-cross_new*n_grains)