def mainTest(SpectrogramObject:Spectrogram, startTime:int, stopTime:int, signalJump:int=50, bottomIndex:int=0, topIndex:int=None, vStartInd: int=None): widths = [1,3,5,11,21] orders = [1,2,10] seam = [] velocities = SpectrogramObject.velocity time = SpectrogramObject.time for width in widths: for order in orders: signal, p_table, dp_table, botVel, topVel = seamExtraction(SpectrogramObject, startTime, stopTime, width, signalJump, bottomIndex, topIndex, order) plt.plot(velocities[botVel:topVel+1], dp_table[0]) plt.title("Total Minkowski" + str(order) +" Order Cost diagram with a window size of " +str(width) +" raw") plt.xlabel("Starting velocity of the trace (m/s)") plt.ylabel("Minimum value of the sum (|p_i - p_{i-1}|^" + str(order) + ") along the path") print("Here is a graph of the signal trace across time") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) myplot = SpectrogramObject.plot() plt.xlim((SpectrogramObject.time[startTime], SpectrogramObject.time[stopTime])) myplot.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[signal], 'b-', alpha = 0.4, label="Minimum Cost") if vStartInd != None: # Compute the signal seam for assuming this is the start point. seam = reconstruction(p_table, vStartInd-botVel, botVel) myplot.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[seam], 'r--', alpha = 0.4, label="Expected Start Point") myplot.title("Velocity as a function of time for the minimum cost seam with Minkowski" + str(order)+ " and a window size of " + str(width) + " raw") myplot.legend()
def createGallery(digsToLookAt: list = None, colormap="blue-orange-div", fileext="jpeg", transformData=False): if type(digsToLookAt) == type(None): digsToLookAt = DigFile.inventory(justSegments=True)['file'] digDir = DigFile.dig_dir() imageDir, _ = os.path.split(digDir) imageFold = "ImageGallery" imageDir = os.path.join(imageDir, imageFold) print(digsToLookAt) for i in range(len(digsToLookAt)): filename = digsToLookAt[i] print(filename) spec = Spectrogram(os.path.join(digDir, filename)) pcms, lastAxes = spec.plot(transformData, cmap=colormap) fileloc, filename = os.path.split( os.path.splitext(os.path.join(imageDir, filename))[0]) fileloc = os.path.join(fileloc, filename) for key in pcms.keys(): if "complex" in key: continue # There is not a graph with a name that contains complex. if not os.path.exists(fileloc): os.makedirs(fileloc) plt.figure(num=key) # Get to the appropriate figure. plt.savefig( os.path.join(fileloc, filename) + f' {key} spectrogram.{fileext}') plt.clf() del spec
def generate_graphs(directory): for file in os.listdir(directory): print(directory + file) if file.endswith(".dig"): # Then we have the right file. Spectrogram_Object = Spectrogram(directory + file) sampleSize = 256 full_length_spectra = Spectrogram_Object.spectrogram( 0, Spectrogram_Object.samples, sampleSize) colormaps = ["gist_stern", "tab20c", "tab20b", "terrain"] for colormap in colormaps: Spectrogram_Object.plot(full_length_spectra, sample_window=sampleSize, cmap=colormap)
def mainTest(SpectrogramObject:Spectrogram, startTime:int, stopTime:int, bottomIndex:int=0, topIndex:int=None, vStartInd: int=None,verbose:bool = False): widths = [1,3,5,11,21] orders = [1,2,10] precision = 10 thetas = np.arange(precision+1)/precision # Get in the range of zero to one inclusive. seam = [] velocities = SpectrogramObject.velocity time = SpectrogramObject.time signalData = time*1e6 headers = ["Time ($\mu$s)"] basefilePath = "../DocumentationImages/DP/ComplexSpectra/" digfileUsed = for width in widths: for order in orders: for theta in thetas: hyperParamNames = "w " + str(width) + " ord " + str(order) + " Minkowski dist theta " + str(theta).replace(".", "_") signal, p_table, dp_table, botVel, topVel = seamExtraction(SpectrogramObject, startTime, stopTime, width, bottomIndex, topIndex, order, theta=theta) fname = "DP_Cost_Table time by vel " +hyperParamNames + ".csv" filename = basefilePath + fname np.savetxt(filename,dp_table,delimiter=",") fname = "Parent_Table time by vel " + hyperParamNames + ".csv" filename = basefilePath + fname np.savetxt(filename,p_table,delimiter=",") fig = plt.figure(num=1) plt.plot(velocities[botVel:topVel+1], dp_table[0]) plt.title("Total Minkowski" + str(order) +" Order Cost diagram with a window size of " +str(width) +" PercPhase:" + str(theta)) plt.xlabel("Starting velocity of the trace (m/s)") plt.ylabel("Minimum value of the sum ($\theta$|$\phi_i$ - $\phi_{i-1}$|^" + str(order) + "(1-$\theta$)|$Amp_i$ - $Amp_{i-1}$|^" + str(order) +") along the path") # manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # manager.window.Maximized() if verbose: print("Here is a graph of the signal trace across time") # extension = "svg" fname = "DP_Start_Cost " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = "tight") fig2 = plt.figure(num = 2, figsize=(10, 6)) ax = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1) fig2Axes = fig2.axes[0] print(type(fig2Axes)) print(fig2Axes) SpectrogramObject.plot(axes=fig2Axes) plt.xlim((SpectrogramObject.time[startTime], SpectrogramObject.time[stopTime])) fig2Axes.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[signal], 'b-', alpha = 0.4, label="Minimum Cost") if vStartInd != None: # Compute the signal seam for assuming this is the start point. seam = reconstruction(p_table, vStartInd-botVel, botVel) fig2Axes.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[seam], 'r--', alpha = 0.4, label="Expected Start Point") fig2Axes.set_title("Velocity as a function of time for the minimum cost seam with Minkowski" + str(order)+ " and a window size of " + str(width) + " raw") fig2Axes.legend() # manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # manager.window.showMaximized() if verbose: fname = "Overlay Spectra " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = "tight") # Build the reconstruction of every possible starting velocity. Then, save them in a csv file. extension = "csv" fname = "Velocity Traces " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname for velInd in range(0, topVel-botVel+1): trace = reconstruction(p_table, velInd, botVel) header = "Starting Velocity " + str(velocities[velInd+botVel]) + "(m/s)" headers.append(header) meaured = velocities[trace] signalData = np.hstack((signalData, meaured)) signalData = signalData.reshape((topVel-botVel + 2, len(time))).transpose() # I want each column to be a velocity trace. # np.savetxt(filename, signalData, delimiter=",") df = pd.DataFrame(data=signalData, index=time*1e6, columns=headers) df.to_csv(filename) print("Completed the documentation for ", hyperParamNames)
add_row(next(loc), 0.9, 0.8, 0.5) # to faded yellow add_row(next(loc), 0.5, 0, 0.5) add_row(next(loc), 0, 0.5, 0) add_row(next(loc), 1, 0.75, 0.2) add_row(next(loc), 0.2, 0.2, 0.2) add_row(next(loc), 0, 0, 0) except: pass add_row(1, 0, 0, 0) return cdict roids = calculate_centroids() bounds = normalize_bounds(roids) cdict = build_cdict(bounds) from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap COLORMAPS[name] = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict) return dict(name=name, centroids=roids, cmap=COLORMAPS[name]) if __name__ == '__main__': sg = Spectrogram('../dig/CH_4_009.dig') roids = make_spectrogram_color_map(sg, 4, "Kitty") sg.plot(cmap = roids["cmap"]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.xlim((0, 50)) plt.ylim((1500, 5000))
width = 50 for peak_center in peaks: low, high = max(0, peak_center - width), min(len(powers) - 1, peak_center + width) neighborhoods.append([velocities[low:high], powers[low:high]]) return neighborhoods if __name__ == '__main__': import os os.chdir('../dig') sgram = Spectrogram('./CH_4_009/seg00.dig', 0.0, 50.0e-6) peaks, uncertainties, peak_heights = baselines_by_squash(sgram) velos = [] times = [x for x in range(0,30)] pcms, axes = sgram.plot(min_time=0, min_vel=100, max_vel=10000, cmap='3w_gby') # add the peaks to the plot and change the color map range pcm = pcms['intensity raw'] pcm.set_clim(-40, -65) for peak in peaks: velo_index = sgram._velocity_to_index(peak) axes.plot(times, [peak for x in range(0,30)], color='red', linewidth=3, markersize=15)
os.makedirs(fileloc) plt.figure(num=key) # Get to the appropriate figure. plt.savefig( os.path.join(fileloc, filename) + f' {key} spectrogram.{fileext}') plt.clf() del spec if __name__ == "__main__": # process command line args import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file_name', type=str, default=False) args = parser.parse_args() #Just set directory here, I can't be bothered directory = '/home/lanl/Documents/dig/new/CH_1_009/' plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [ 20, 10 ] # This is setting the default parameters to "20 by 10" inches by inches. # I would prefer if this was set to full screen. if args.file_name: spec = Spectrogram(directory + args.file_name) spec.plot() plt.savefig(args.file_name + '.png') plt.clf() del spec