コード例 #1
def read_spectra_file(data_or_file, format=None, config_dict=None):
    """Read a FITS file of a spectrum into a SpectrumList

    data_or_file : HDUList, Path or file object
        The FITS data to load
    format : str, optional
        The format of the FITS file, by default None
    config_dict : dict, optional
        Used to specify the format of the FITS file, if the format string doesn't work, by default None

        Data from the FITS file in a SpectrumList object
    if data_or_file is None:
        return None

    if format:
        return SpectrumList.read(data_or_file, format=format)
    elif config_dict:
        return SpectrumList.read(data_or_file, **config_dict)
        # Try to resolve ambiguous loaders
        formats = ssv.ssvloaders.whatformat(data_or_file)
        if len(formats) > 1:
            for i in range(len(formats) - 1):
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(data_or_file, format=formats[-1])
        return spectra
コード例 #2
def fromMarzJSON(json_spectrum):
    from astropy.nddata import (
    wavelength = Quantity(json_spectrum["wavelength"], u.Angstrom)

    spectrum = SpectrumList()
    uncertainty = None
    if "variance" in json_spectrum.keys():
        uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(
            Quantity(np.array(json_spectrum["variance"], dtype=np.float)))

    for key in json_spectrum.keys():
        if key != 'wavelength' and key != 'variance':
            flux = Quantity(np.array(json_spectrum[key], dtype=np.float))
            if key == 'intensity' and uncertainty:
                aspectrum = Spectrum1D(flux=flux,
                                       meta={'purpose': 'reduced'})
                aspectrum = Spectrum1D(flux=flux,
                                       meta={'purpose': key})
    return spectrum
コード例 #3
def test_jwst_reader_fail(tmpdir, x1d_single, srctype):
    """Check that the reader fails when SRCTYPE is not set or is UNKNOWN"""
    tmpfile = str(tmpdir.join('jwst.fits'))
    hdulist = x1d_single
    # Add a spectrum with bad SRCTYPE (mutate the fixture)
    hdulist.append(create_spectrum_hdu(100, srctype, ver=2))

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="^Keyword"):
        SpectrumList.read(tmpfile, format='JWST x1d multi')
コード例 #4
ファイル: marz.py プロジェクト: ADACS-Australia/ssv-py
def marz_loader(fname):
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(fname,
        # fallback (to not having support for "fallback_header"!)
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(fname,
    return spectra
コード例 #5
    def test_gama_gama(self, shared_datadir):
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(
            shared_datadir / GAMA_GAMA_TEST_FILENAME,
        assert len(spectra) == 3

        assert spectra[0].flux.unit == u.Unit("10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/A")
        assert spectra[0].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[1].flux.unit == u.count
        assert spectra[1].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[2].flux.unit == u.count
        assert spectra[2].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom

        assert isinstance(spectra[0].uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty)
        assert isinstance(spectra[1].uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty)
        assert spectra[2].uncertainty is None

        assert spectra[0].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[0].meta.get("header") is not None
        assert spectra[1].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[1].meta.get("header") is not None
        assert spectra[2].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[2].meta.get("header") is not None
コード例 #6
    def test_ozdes_guess(self, shared_datadir):
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / OZDES_TEST_FILENAME)

        # The test file has the combined obs, and 4 other sets
        assert len(spectra) == 5

        assert spectra[0].flux.unit == u.count / u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[0].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert isinstance(spectra[0].uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty)
        assert spectra[0].meta.get("label") is None
        assert spectra[0].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[1].flux.unit == u.count / u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[1].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert isinstance(spectra[1].uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty)
        assert spectra[1].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[1].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[2].flux.unit == u.count / u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[2].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert isinstance(spectra[2].uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty)
        assert spectra[2].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[2].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[3].flux.unit == u.count / u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[3].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert isinstance(spectra[3].uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty)
        assert spectra[3].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[3].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[4].flux.unit == u.count / u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[4].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert isinstance(spectra[4].uncertainty, VarianceUncertainty)
        assert spectra[4].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[4].meta.get("header") is not None
コード例 #7
    def test_galah_guess(self, shared_datadir):
        spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / GALAH_TEST_FILENAME)
        # Should be main spectra, without sky, and normalised
        assert len(spectra) == 3

        assert spectra[0].flux.unit == u.count
        assert spectra[1].flux.unit == u.Unit('') # dimensionless
        assert spectra[2].flux.unit == u.count

        assert spectra[0].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[1].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
        assert spectra[2].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom

        assert isinstance(spectra[0].uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty)
        assert spectra[1].uncertainty is None
        assert isinstance(spectra[2].uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty)

        assert spectra[0].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[0].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[1].meta.get("label") is None
        assert spectra[1].meta.get("header") is not None

        assert spectra[2].meta.get("label") is not None
        assert spectra[2].meta.get("header") is not None
コード例 #8
 def test_guess_all(self, shared_datadir, filename):
     formats = ssv.ssvloaders.whatformat(shared_datadir / filename)
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / filename)
     print("format for {0} is {1} and number of spectra is {2}".format(
         filename, formats, len(spectra)))
     for spectrum in spectra:
コード例 #9
ファイル: workspace.py プロジェクト: nmearl/specviz
    def read_data_file(self, file_path, file_loader=None):
        Read spectral data from file given file path and loader.

        file_path : str
            Path to location of the spectrum file.
        file_loader : str
            Format specified for the astropy io interface.

        : :class:`~specutils.SpectrumList`
            A `~specutils.SpectrumList` instance containing the spectra loaded from the file
        # In the case that the user has selected auto load, loop through every
        # available loader and choose the one that 1) the registry identifier
        # function allows, and 2) is the highest priority.
            if file_loader:
                if file_loader not in self._get_matching_formats(file_path):
                    msg = 'Given file can not be processed as specified file format ({})'
                    raise IOError(msg.format(file_loader))
            speclist = SpectrumList.read(file_path, format=file_loader)
        except IORegistryError as e:
            # In this case, assume that the registry has found several
            # loaders that fit the same identifier, choose the highest
            # priority one.
            speclist = self._try_priority_file_loaders(file_path)

        return speclist
コード例 #10
def sixdfgs_combined_fits_loader(file_obj, **kwargs):
    Load the combined variant of a 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) file.

    6dFGS used the Six-degree Field instrument on the UK Schmidt Telescope
    (UKST) at the Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) near Coonabarabran,
    Australia. Further details can be found at http://www.6dfgs.net/, or
    https://docs.datacentral.org.au/6dfgs/. Catalogues and spectra were
    produced, with the spectra being provided as both fits tables and as fits
    images. This loads the combined variant of the spectra.

    file_obj: str, file-like or HDUList
         FITS file name, object (provided from name by Astropy I/O Registry),
         or HDUList (as resulting from astropy.io.fits.open()).

    data: SpectrumList
        The 6dF spectra that are represented by the data in this file.
    if isinstance(file_obj, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList):
        hdulist = file_obj
        hdulist = fits.open(file_obj, **kwargs)

    specs = SpectrumList([_load_single_6dfgs_hdu(hdu) for hdu in hdulist[5:]])

    if not isinstance(file_obj, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList):

    return specs
コード例 #11
    def setup_class(self, specviz_helper, spectrum1d):
        self.spec_app = specviz_helper
        self.spec = spectrum1d
        self.spec_list = SpectrumList([spectrum1d] * 3)

        self.label = "Test 1D Spectrum"
        self.spec_app.load_spectrum(spectrum1d, data_label=self.label)
コード例 #12
def load_sdss_mastar(path, hdu=1, **kwargs):
    Read a list of spectrum from a path that is described by the SDSS MaNGA MaStar data model,
    which actually describes a collection of spectra of different sources:
    :param path:
        The local path of the spectrum.

        A `specutils.Spectrum1D` object.
    spectra = []

    units = u.Unit("1e-17 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)")

    with fits.open(path, **kwargs) as image:

        _hdu = image[hdu]
        for i in range(_hdu.header["NAXIS2"]):

            meta = OrderedDict(zip(_hdu.data.dtype.names, _hdu.data[i]))

            spectral_axis = meta.pop("WAVE") * u.Angstrom
            flux = np.atleast_2d(meta.pop("FLUX") * units)
            uncertainty = InverseVariance(meta.pop("IVAR").reshape(flux.shape))

                                      flux=flux, uncertainty=uncertainty, meta=meta))

    return SpectrumList(spectra)
コード例 #13
def smooth_spectra(spectra, *, filter="box", **kwargs):
    Smooth spectra via a given filter.
    if filter == "box" and not kwargs:
        kwargs["width"] = DEFAULT_BOX_FILTER_WIDTH

    if filter in NAMED_FILTERS:
        filter = NAMED_FILTERS[filter]

    if isinstance(spectra, Spectrum1D):
        return convolution_smooth(spectra, filter(**kwargs))
    if isinstance(spectra, SpectrumList):
        return SpectrumList([
            convolution_smooth(spectrum, filter(**kwargs))
            for spectrum in spectra
    if isinstance(spectra, SpectrumCollection):
        return SpectrumCollection([
            convolution_smooth(spectrum, filter(**kwargs))
            for spectrum in spectra

        spectra_iter = iter(spectra)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(
            "Must be a specutils spectrum object or an iterable object")
    return [
        convolution_smooth(spectrum, filter(**kwargs))
        for spectrum in spectra_iter
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_helpers.py プロジェクト: einshoe/ssv-py
 def test_ozdes_prefer_combined(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / OZDES_TEST_FILENAME,
     tables = specutils_spectra_to_table_spectra(spectra,
     len(tables) == 1
コード例 #15
    def read_data_file(self, file_path, file_loader=None):
        Read spectral data from file given file path and loader.

        file_path : str
            Path to location of the spectrum file.
        file_loader : str
            Format specified for the astropy io interface.

        : :class:`~specutils.SpectrumList`
            A `~specutils.SpectrumList` instance containing the spectra loaded from the file
        # In the case that the user has selected auto load, loop through every
        # available loader and choose the one that 1) the registry identifier
        # function allows, and 2) is the highest priority.
            if file_loader:
                if file_loader not in self._get_matching_formats(file_path):
                    msg = 'Given file can not be processed as specified file format ({})'
                    raise IOError(msg.format(file_loader))
            speclist = SpectrumList.read(file_path, format=file_loader)
        except IORegistryError as e:
            # In this case, assume that the registry has found several
            # loaders that fit the same identifier, choose the highest
            # priority one.
            speclist = self._try_priority_file_loaders(file_path)

        return speclist
コード例 #16
ファイル: gama.py プロジェクト: einshoe/ssv-py
def gama_lt_obscore_loader(fname):
    spectra = SpectrumList.read(fname, format="GAMA-LT")
    for spec in spectra:
        spec.meta["obscore"] = {}
        obscore = spec.meta["obscore"]
        if spec.meta["purpose"] == "reduced":

            hdr = spec.meta["header"]
            t1, t2 = gama_lt_get_times(hdr)
            if t1 is not None:
                obscore["t_min"] = t1.to_value('mjd',subfmt='float')
            if t2 is not None:
                obscore["t_max"] = t2.to_value('mjd',subfmt='float')

            obscore["s_ra"] = hdr["RA"]
            obscore["s_dec"] = hdr["DEC"]
            if "ESTSEE" in hdr:
                obscore["s_seeing"] = hdr["ESTSEE"]
            # obscore["obs_collection"] = "gama_dr2"
            # obscore["facility_name"] = "gama_lt"
            obscore["dataproduct_subtype"] = "science"
            obscore["calib_level"] = 2

            if "EXPTIME" in hdr:
                obscore["t_exptime"] = hdr["EXPTIME"]

            nspecpix = len(spec.spectral_axis)
            obscore["em_xel"] = nspecpix
            obscore["em_ucd"] = "em.wl"
            obscore["em_unit"] = "angstrom"
            obscore["s_xel1"] = nspecpix
            obscore["s_xel2"] = 1
            obscore["t_xel"] = 1
            obscore["em_min"] = spec.spectral_axis[0].meter
            obscore["em_max"] = (
                spec.spectral_axis[nspecpix - 1].meter

            obscore["o_ucd"] = "phot.count"
            obscore["instrument_name"] = "FrodoSpec"
            obscore["s_fov"] = 9.84 / 3600
            obscore["em_calib_status"] = "calibrated"

            if "GAMANAME" in hdr:
                obscore["target_name"] = hdr["GAMANAME"]
            if "OBJECT" in hdr:
                obscore["alt_target_name"] = hdr["OBJECT"]
            if "WAVRESOL" in hdr:
                obscore["em_resolution"] = hdr["WAVRESOL"] * 1e-10

            # if('SN' in hdr):
            #    obscore['em_snr'] = hdr['SN']

            # alternative name: OBJECT
            if "SPECID" in hdr:
                obscore["obs_id"] = hdr["SPECID"]
            if "Z" in hdr:
                obscore["redshift"] = hdr["Z"]

    return spectra
コード例 #17
ファイル: gama.py プロジェクト: einshoe/ssv-py
def gama_mgc_obscore_loader(fname):
    spectra = SpectrumList.read(fname, format="GAMA-MGC")
    for spec in spectra:
        spec.meta["obscore"] = {}
        obscore = spec.meta["obscore"]
        if spec.meta["purpose"] == "reduced":

            hdr = spec.meta["header"]
            t1, t2 = get_times(
                hdr, date_kw="DATE-OBS", start_kw="UT", duration_kw="EXPTIME"
            if t1 is not None:
                obscore["t_min"] = t1.to_value('mjd',subfmt='float')
            if t2 is not None:
                obscore["t_max"] = t2.to_value('mjd',subfmt='float')

            obscore["s_ra"] = hdr["RA"]
            obscore["s_dec"] = hdr["DEC"]
            obscore["s_fov"] = 2.1 / 3600
            if "SEEING" in hdr:
                obscore["s_seeing"] = hdr["SEEING"]
            # obscore["obs_collection"] = "gama_dr2"
            # obscore["facility_name"] = "mgc"
            obscore["dataproduct_subtype"] = "science"
            obscore["calib_level"] = 2

            if "EXPTIME" in hdr:
                obscore["t_exptime"] = hdr["EXPTIME"]

            nspecpix = len(spec.spectral_axis)
            obscore["em_xel"] = nspecpix
            obscore["em_ucd"] = "em.wl"
            obscore["em_unit"] = "angstrom"
            obscore["s_xel1"] = nspecpix
            obscore["s_xel2"] = 1
            obscore["t_xel"] = 1
            obscore["em_min"] = spec.spectral_axis[0].meter
            obscore["em_max"] = (
                spec.spectral_axis[nspecpix - 1].meter

            obscore["o_ucd"] = "phot.count"
            obscore["instrument_name"] = "2dF"
            obscore["em_calib_status"] = "calibrated"

            if "GAMANAME" in hdr:
                obscore["target_name"] = hdr["GAMANAME"]
            if "OBJECT" in hdr:
                obscore["alt_target_name"] = hdr["OBJECT"]
            if "SN" in hdr:
                obscore["em_snr"] = hdr["SN"]

            # alternative name: OBJECT
            if "SPECID" in hdr:
                obscore["obs_id"] = hdr["SPECID"]
            if "Z" in hdr:
                obscore["redshift"] = hdr["Z"]

    return spectra
コード例 #18
 def test_without_rwss_guess(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / AAOMEGA_WITHOUT_RWSS, )
     assert len(spectra) == 153
     for spec in spectra:
         assert spec.meta.get("label") is not None
         assert spec.meta.get("header") is not None
         assert spec.meta.get("purpose") is not None
         assert spec.meta.get("fibre_index") is not None
コード例 #19
ファイル: galah.py プロジェクト: tepickering/specutils
def galah_loader(filename):
    with read_fileobj_or_hdulist(filename) as hdulist:
        if len(hdulist) == 5:
            spectra = SpectrumList.read(
                hdulist, format=SINGLE_SPLIT_LABEL, **GALAH_5EXT_CONFIG
            spectra[0].meta["galah_hdu_format"] = 5
        elif len(hdulist) == 4:
            spectra = SpectrumList.read(
                hdulist, format=SINGLE_SPLIT_LABEL, **GALAH_4EXT_CONFIG
            spectra[0].meta["galah_hdu_format"] = 4
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unknown GALAH format, has {} extensions".format(len(hdulist))
        return spectra
コード例 #20
 def test_2dfgrs(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / TWODFGRS_TEST_FILENAME, format="2dFGRS obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 1
コード例 #21
def test_jwst_s2d_multi_reader(tmpdir, s2d_multi):
    path = str(tmpdir.join("test.fits"))
    model = s2d_multi

    speclist = SpectrumList.read(path, format="JWST s2d multi")
    assert len(speclist) == 2
    assert hasattr(speclist[0], "spectral_axis")
    assert speclist[1].unit == u.Jy
コード例 #22
 def test_galah(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / GALAH_TEST_FILENAME, format="GALAH obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 1
コード例 #23
def test_jwst_x1d_multi_reader_check_units(tmpdir, x1d_multi):
    """Test units for Spectrum1D.read for JWST x1d data"""
    tmpfile = str(tmpdir.join('jwst.fits'))

    data = SpectrumList.read(tmpfile)
    assert data[0].unit == u.Jy
    assert data[1].unit == u.MJy / u.sr
    assert data[2].unit == u.Jy
コード例 #24
 def test_ozdes(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / OZDES_TEST_FILENAME, format="OzDES obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 3
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 4
コード例 #25
 def test_marz_guess_1(self, shared_datadir):
     formats = loaders.whatformat(shared_datadir / "marz/quasarLinearSkyAirNoHelio.fits")
     if len(formats) > 1:
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / "marz/quasarLinearSkyAirNoHelio.fits"
     # Should be main spectra, with sky, and normalised
     assert len(spectra) == 2
コード例 #26
 def test_marz_guess_2(self, shared_datadir):
     formats = ssv.ssvloaders.whatformat(
         shared_datadir / "marz/alldata_combined_runz_x12_b02.fits")
     if len(formats) > 1:
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir /
     # Should be main spectra, with sky, and normalised
     assert len(spectra) == 2
コード例 #27
 def test_not_marz_guess_1(self, shared_datadir):
     formats = ssv.ssvloaders.whatformat(shared_datadir / "OBJ0032red.fits")
     if len(formats) > 1:
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(shared_datadir / "OBJ0032red.fits")
     # Should be main spectra, with sky, and normalised
     assert len(spectra) > 0
     assert spectra[0].spectral_axis.unit == u.Angstrom
     assert spectra[0].meta.get("header") is not None
コード例 #28
 def test_2slaq_qso(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / GAMA_2SLAQ_QSO_TEST_FILENAME,
         format="GAMA-2SLAQ-QSO obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 1
コード例 #29
 def test_6dfgs_table(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / SIXDFGS_TABLE_TEST_FILENAME,
         format="6dFGS-tabular obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 1
コード例 #30
 def test_6dfgs_combined(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / SIXDFGS_COMBINED_TEST_FILENAME,
         format="6dFGS-combined obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 4
コード例 #31
 def test_gama_wigglez(self, shared_datadir):
     spectra = SpectrumList.read(
         shared_datadir / GAMA_WIGGLEZ_TEST_FILENAME,
         format="GAMA-WiggleZ obscore",
     spec = spectra[0]
     obscore = spec.meta.get("obscore")
     assert obscore is not None
     assert obscore.get("calib_level") == 2
     assert obscore.get("t_xel") == 1
コード例 #32
ファイル: workspace.py プロジェクト: nmearl/specviz
    def _try_priority_file_loaders(self, file_path):
        fmts = self._get_matching_formats(file_path)
        logging.warning("Loaders for '%s' matched for this data set. "
                        "Iterating based on priority."
                        "", ', '.join(fmts))

        for fmt in fmts:
                speclist = SpectrumList.read(file_path, format=fmt)
                return speclist
            except IORegistryError:
                logging.warning("Attempted load with '%s' failed, "
                                "trying next loader.", fmt)

        raise IOError('Could not find appropriate loader for given file')