コード例 #1
ファイル: overheal_plot.py プロジェクト: Saintis/Overheal
def group_lines_for_spell(spell_id, lines, spell_powers):
    total_heals = []
    total_overheals = []
    total_underheals = []

    count_heals = []

    nn_underheals = []
    nn_overheals = []
    nn_full_overheals = []

    coefficient = sd.spell_coefficient(spell_id)
    base_heal = sd.spell_heal(spell_id)

    for i, sp in enumerate(spell_powers):
        data = process_lines_for_spell(lines, -sp * coefficient, base_heal)
        n_h, n_oh, n_f_oh, n_oh_nc, total_h, total_oh, total_h_nc, total_oh_nc = data

        total_heals.append(total_h / n_h)
        total_overheals.append(total_oh / n_h)
        total_underheals.append((total_h - total_oh) / n_h)


        nn_underheals.append((n_h - n_oh) / n_h)
        nn_overheals.append(n_oh / n_h)
        nn_full_overheals.append(n_f_oh / n_h)

    return (total_heals, total_overheals, total_underheals, count_heals,
            nn_underheals, nn_overheals, nn_full_overheals)
コード例 #2
ファイル: overheal_summary.py プロジェクト: dosibjrn/css
def process_spell(spell_id, spell_lines, spell_power):
    base_heal = sd.spell_heal(spell_id)
    coeff = sd.spell_coefficient(spell_id)

    if base_heal == 0 or coeff == 0:

    extra_heal = coeff * spell_power
    base_heal_fraction = base_heal / (base_heal + extra_heal)

    n_heal = 0
    n_underheal = 0
    n_overheal = 0
    n_downrank = 0
    n_drop_h = 0

    for h, oh, crit in spell_lines:
        h_fraction = 1.0 - oh / h

        n_heal += 1

        if h_fraction >= 1:
            n_underheal += 1
        elif h_fraction <= 0:
            n_overheal += 1
        elif h_fraction < base_heal_fraction:
            n_downrank += 1
            n_drop_h += 1

    return n_heal, n_underheal, n_overheal, n_downrank, n_drop_h
コード例 #3
ファイル: overheal_cdf.py プロジェクト: Saintis/Overheal
def process_spell(player_name, spell_id, spell_lines, spell_power=None, show=True, path=None):
    spell_name = sd.spell_name(spell_id)

    relative_underheal = []
    is_crit = []

    for h, oh, crit in spell_lines:
        relative_underheal.append(1.0 - oh / h)
        is_crit.append(1 if crit else 0)

    cast_fraction = np.linspace(0, 1, len(relative_underheal))

    relative_underheal = np.array(relative_underheal)
    relative_underheal = np.sort(relative_underheal)
    # is_crit = np.array(is_crit)

    plt.fill_between(cast_fraction, relative_underheal, label="Underheal")
    plt.fill_between(cast_fraction, 1, relative_underheal, label="Overheal")

    # add base heal line if spell-power is included

    base_heal = sd.spell_heal(spell_id)
    coeff = sd.spell_coefficient(spell_id)

    if spell_power and base_heal > 0 and coeff > 0:
        extra_heal = coeff * spell_power
        base_heal_fraction = base_heal / (base_heal + extra_heal)

        plt.axhline(base_heal_fraction, linestyle="--", color="k", label="Base heal")

    plt.title(f"{spell_name}, {len(spell_lines)} casts")
    plt.xlabel("Fraction of casts")
    plt.ylabel("Fraction of heal (orange overheal, blue underheal)")
    plt.xlim((0, 1))
    plt.ylim((0, 1))

    if path is None:
        path = "figs/cdf"


    # plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
    # plt.fill_between(relative_underheal, 1 - cast_fraction, label="Underheal")
    # plt.fill_between(relative_underheal, 1, 1 - cast_fraction, label="Overheal")

    # plt.title(spell_name)
    # plt.ylabel("Fraction of casts")
    # plt.xlabel("Fraction of overheals (orange overheal, blue underheal)")
    # plt.xlim((0, 1))
    # plt.ylim((0, 1))
    # plt.legend()

    if show:
コード例 #4
    def pick_spell(self, deficit, mana, h, **_):
        # pick spell by deficit

        choices = {
            "10917": "Flash Heal (Rank 7)",
            # "10916": "Flash Heal (Rank 6)",
            # "10915": "Flash Heal (Rank 5)",
            "9474": "Flash Heal (Rank 4)",
            # "9473": "Flash Heal (Rank 3)",
            # "9472": "Flash Heal (Rank 2)",
            # "2061": "Flash Heal (Rank 1)",

            # "2053": "Lesser Heal (Rank 3)",

            # "10965": "Greater Heal (Rank 4)",
            # "10964": "Greater Heal (Rank 3)",
            # "10963": "Greater Heal (Rank 2)",
            # "2060": "Greater Heal (Rank 1)",

            # "6064": "Heal (Rank 4)",
            # "6063": "Heal (Rank 3)",
            # "2055": "Heal (Rank 2)",
            # "2054": "Heal (Rank 1)",

        # filter choices by mana available
        choices = filter(
            lambda sid: sd.spell_mana(sid, talents=self.talents) < mana,
        # convert to healing
        heals = map(
            lambda sid:
            (sid, sd.spell_heal(sid) + sd.spell_coefficient(sid) * h), choices)

        # pick max heal with small amount of overhealing
        heals = filter(lambda x: 0.80 * x[1] < -deficit, heals)

            spell_id, heal = max(heals, key=lambda x: x[1])
        except ValueError:
            return 0, 0, 0

        mana = sd.spell_mana(spell_id)

        cast_time = 1.5 if "Flash" in sd.spell_name(spell_id) else 2.5

        return heal, mana, cast_time
コード例 #5
def process_spell(spell_id, spell_lines, heal_increase=0.0):
    spell_name = sd.spell_name(spell_id)

    n_heals = 0
    n_crits = 0
    raw_heals = []

    for h, _, crit in spell_lines:
        n_heals += 1

        if crit:
            n_crits += 1
            h /= 1.5


    raw_heals = np.array(raw_heals)

    raw_heals = filter_out_reduced_healing(raw_heals)
    sample_size = len(raw_heals)

    median_heal = np.median(raw_heals)
    crit_rate = n_crits / n_heals

    # Include heal increase from Improved Renew or Spiritual Healing
    spell_heal = sd.spell_heal(spell_id)
    spell_heal *= 1.0 + heal_increase

    if spell_heal == 0:
        # Unknown or 0 base heal, cannot estimate +heal
        extra_heal = 0.0
        extra_heal = median_heal - spell_heal

    coefficient = sd.spell_coefficient(spell_id)
    if coefficient == 0:
        # Unknown or 0 coefficient, cannot estimate +heal
        est_plus_heal = 0
        est_plus_heal = extra_heal / coefficient

        f"  {spell_id:>5s}  {spell_name:>26s}  {sample_size:3d}  {spell_heal:+7.1f}  {median_heal:+7.1f}"
        f"  {extra_heal:+6.1f}  {est_plus_heal:+7.1f}  {crit_rate:5.1%}")

    return est_plus_heal, n_heals, n_crits
コード例 #6
    def pick_spell(self, deficit, mana, h, **_):
        # pick spell by deficit
        spell_id = self.spell_id

        base_heal = sd.spell_heal(spell_id)
        coef = sd.spell_coefficient(spell_id)
        spell_mana = sd.spell_mana(spell_id, talents=self.talents)

        if spell_mana > mana:
            # print(f"{spell_mana} > {mana}")
            # could not cast
            return 0, 0, 0

        heal = base_heal + h * coef  # include random variation and crit maybe?

        cast_time = 1.5 if "Flash" in sd.spell_name(spell_id) else 2.5

        return heal, spell_mana, cast_time