コード例 #1
def createGroup(allTracks, tracksInGroup):
    global pub_groups
    global group_id
    global groups

    group = TrackedGroup()
    group.group_id = group_id
    group.age = rospy.Duration.from_sec(10)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    nagents = 0
    for tracked_person in allTracks:
        if(tracked_person.track_id in tracksInGroup):
            quat = (tracked_person.pose.pose.orientation.x,
            euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat)
            tracked_person_theta = euler[2]
            x = x + tracked_person.pose.pose.position.x
            y = y + tracked_person.pose.pose.position.y
            nagents = nagents + 1

    group.centerOfGravity.pose.position.x = x / nagents
    group.centerOfGravity.pose.position.y = y / nagents

    group_id += 1
コード例 #2
def trackGroups(groups, trackedPersons):
    # Initialize variables
    currentTime = trackedPersons.header.stamp
    publishSinglePersonGroups = rospy.get_param('~publish_single_person_groups', False)
    trackedGroups = []
    assignedGroupIds = []

    # Sort groups by smallest track ID per group to ensure reproducible group ID assignments
    sortedGroups = sorted(groups.iteritems(), key=lambda (clusterId, track_ids) : sorted(track_ids)[0])   

    # Used to calculate group centroids
    trackPositionsById = dict()
    for track in trackedPersons.tracks:
        pos = track.pose.pose.position            
        trackPositionsById[track.track_id] = numpy.array([ pos.x, pos.y ])

    # Create a TrackedGroup for each group, and assign a unique ID
    for clusterId, track_ids in sortedGroups:            
        # Check if we encountered this combination of track IDs, or a superset thereof, before
        bestGroupIdAssignment = None

        trackIdSet = set(track_ids)
        for groupIdAssignment in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory:
            if groupIdAssignment.trackIds.issuperset(trackIdSet) or groupIdAssignment.trackIds.issubset(trackIdSet):
                trackCount = len(groupIdAssignment.trackIds)
                bestTrackCount = None if bestGroupIdAssignment is None else len(bestGroupIdAssignment.trackIds)

                if bestGroupIdAssignment is None or trackCount > bestTrackCount or (trackCount == bestTrackCount and groupIdAssignment.createdAt < bestGroupIdAssignment.createdAt):
                    if groupIdAssignment.groupId not in assignedGroupIds:
                        bestGroupIdAssignment = groupIdAssignment

        groupId = None
        if bestGroupIdAssignment is not None:
            groupId = bestGroupIdAssignment.groupId

        if groupId == None or groupId in assignedGroupIds:
            groupId = trackGroups.largestGroupId + 1 # just generate a new ID

        # Remember that this group ID has been used in this cycle

        # Remember which group ID we assigned to this combination of track IDs
        groupIdAssignmentsToRemove = []
        groupExistsSince = trackedPersons.header.stamp.to_sec()
        for groupIdAssignment in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory:
            if set(track_ids) == groupIdAssignment.trackIds:
                groupExistsSince = min(groupIdAssignment.createdAt, groupExistsSince)
                groupIdAssignmentsToRemove.append(groupIdAssignment)  # remove any old entries with same track IDs
        for groupIdAssignment in groupIdAssignmentsToRemove:

        trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory.append( GroupIdAssignment(track_ids, groupId, groupExistsSince) )
        #rospy.loginfo(str([str(x) for x in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory]))

        # Remember largest group ID used so far
        if(groupId > trackGroups.largestGroupId):
            trackGroups.largestGroupId = groupId;

        # Do not publish single-person groups if not desired
        if publishSinglePersonGroups or len(track_ids) > 1:
            accumulatedPosition = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0])
            activeTrackCount = 0
            for track_id in track_ids:
                if track_id in trackPositionsById:
                    accumulatedPosition += trackPositionsById[track_id]
                    activeTrackCount += 1

            trackedGroup = TrackedGroup()
            trackedGroup.age = currentTime - rospy.Duration(groupExistsSince)
            trackedGroup.group_id = remapGroupId(groupId)  # make sure published IDs are consecutive even if internally, they are not
            trackedGroup.track_ids = track_ids
            trackedGroup.centerOfGravity.pose.position.x = accumulatedPosition[0] / float(activeTrackCount)
            trackedGroup.centerOfGravity.pose.position.y = accumulatedPosition[1] / float(activeTrackCount)

    # Return currently tracked groups
    return trackedGroups
コード例 #3
def trackGroups(groups, trackedPersons):
    # Initialize variables
    currentTime = trackedPersons.header.stamp
    publishSinglePersonGroups = rospy.get_param(
        '~publish_single_person_groups', False)
    trackedGroups = []
    assignedGroupIds = []

    # Sort groups by smallest track ID per group to ensure reproducible group ID assignments
    sortedGroups = sorted(groups.iteritems(),
                          (clusterId, track_ids): sorted(track_ids)[0])

    # Used to calculate group centroids
    trackPositionsById = dict()
    for track in trackedPersons.tracks:
        pos = track.pose.pose.position
        trackPositionsById[track.track_id] = numpy.array([pos.x, pos.y])

    # Create a TrackedGroup for each group, and assign a unique ID
    for clusterId, track_ids in sortedGroups:
        # Check if we encountered this combination of track IDs, or a superset thereof, before
        bestGroupIdAssignment = None

        trackIdSet = set(track_ids)
        for groupIdAssignment in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory:
            if groupIdAssignment.trackIds.issuperset(
                    trackIdSet) or groupIdAssignment.trackIds.issubset(
                trackCount = len(groupIdAssignment.trackIds)
                bestTrackCount = None if bestGroupIdAssignment is None else len(

                if bestGroupIdAssignment is None or trackCount > bestTrackCount or (
                        trackCount == bestTrackCount
                        and groupIdAssignment.createdAt <
                    if groupIdAssignment.groupId not in assignedGroupIds:
                        bestGroupIdAssignment = groupIdAssignment

        groupId = None
        if bestGroupIdAssignment is not None:
            groupId = bestGroupIdAssignment.groupId

        if groupId == None or groupId in assignedGroupIds:
            groupId = trackGroups.largestGroupId + 1  # just generate a new ID

        # Remember that this group ID has been used in this cycle

        # Remember which group ID we assigned to this combination of track IDs
        groupIdAssignmentsToRemove = []
        groupExistsSince = trackedPersons.header.stamp.to_sec()
        for groupIdAssignment in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory:
            if set(track_ids) == groupIdAssignment.trackIds:
                groupExistsSince = min(groupIdAssignment.createdAt,
                )  # remove any old entries with same track IDs

        for groupIdAssignment in groupIdAssignmentsToRemove:

            GroupIdAssignment(track_ids, groupId, groupExistsSince))
        #rospy.loginfo(str([str(x) for x in trackGroups.groupIdAssignmentMemory]))

        # Remember largest group ID used so far
        if (groupId > trackGroups.largestGroupId):
            trackGroups.largestGroupId = groupId

        # Do not publish single-person groups if not desired
        if publishSinglePersonGroups or len(track_ids) > 1:
            accumulatedPosition = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0])
            activeTrackCount = 0
            for track_id in track_ids:
                if track_id in trackPositionsById:
                    accumulatedPosition += trackPositionsById[track_id]
                    activeTrackCount += 1

            trackedGroup = TrackedGroup()
            trackedGroup.age = rospy.Duration(
                    currentTime.to_sec() - groupExistsSince))
            trackedGroup.group_id = remapGroupId(
            )  # make sure published IDs are consecutive even if internally, they are not
            trackedGroup.track_ids = track_ids
            trackedGroup.centerOfGravity.pose.position.x = accumulatedPosition[
                0] / float(activeTrackCount)
            trackedGroup.centerOfGravity.pose.position.y = accumulatedPosition[
                1] / float(activeTrackCount)

    # Return currently tracked groups
    return trackedGroups