コード例 #1
def regrid_sphere(nlat,nlon,Nens,X):

    Truncate lat,lon grid to another resolution in spherical harmonic space. Triangular truncation

    nlat            : number of latitudes
    nlon            : number of longitudes
    Nens            : number of ensemble members
    X               : data array of shape (nlat*nlon,Nens)
    ntrunc          : triangular truncation (e.g., use 42 for T42)

    Outputs :
    lat_new : 2D latitude array on the new grid (nlat_new,nlon_new)
    lon_new : 2D longitude array on the new grid (nlat_new,nlon_new)
    X_new   : truncated data array of shape (nlat_new*nlon_new, Nens)
    # Originator: Greg Hakim
    #             University of Washington
    #             May 2015

    # create the spectral object on the original grid
    specob_lmr = Spharmt(nlon,nlat,gridtype='regular',legfunc='computed')

    # truncate to a lower resolution grid (triangular truncation)
    # ifix = np.remainder(ntrunc,2.0).astype(int)
    # nlat_new = ntrunc + ifix
    # nlon_new = int(nlat_new*1.5)
    ntrunc = 42
    nlat_new = 64
    nlon_new = 128

    # create the spectral object on the new grid
    specob_new = Spharmt(nlon_new,nlat_new,gridtype='regular',legfunc='computed')

    # create new lat,lon grid arrays
    dlat = 90./((nlat_new-1)/2.)
    dlon = 360./nlon_new
    veclat = np.arange(-90.,90.+dlat,dlat)
    veclon = np.arange(0.,360.,dlon)
    blank = np.zeros([nlat_new,nlon_new])
    lat_new = (veclat + blank.T).T
    lon_new = (veclon + blank)

    # transform each ensemble member, one at a time
    X_new = np.zeros([nlat_new*nlon_new,Nens])
    for k in range(Nens):
        X_lalo = np.reshape(X[:,k],(nlat,nlon))
        Xbtrunc = regrid(specob_lmr, specob_new, X_lalo, ntrunc=nlat_new-1, smooth=None)
        vectmp = Xbtrunc.flatten()
        X_new[:,k] = vectmp

    return X_new,lat_new,lon_new
コード例 #2
def regrid_field(field, lat, lon, lat_new, lon_new):
    nlat_old, nlon_old = np.size(lat), np.size(lon)
    nlat_new, nlon_new = np.size(lat_new), np.size(lon_new)
    spec_old = Spharmt(nlon_old, nlat_old, gridtype='regular', legfunc='computed')
    spec_new = Spharmt(nlon_new, nlat_new, gridtype='regular', legfunc='computed')
    #remove nans
    field[np.isnan(field)] = 0
    field_new = []
    for field_old in field:
        regridded_field =  regrid(spec_old, spec_new, field_old, ntrunc=None, smooth=None)

    field_new = np.array(field_new)
    return field_new
コード例 #3
ファイル: gridded.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/LMRt
    def regrid(self, ntrunc, inplace=False):
        old_spec = Spharmt(self.nlon,
        ifix = ntrunc % 2
        new_nlat = ntrunc + ifix
        new_nlon = int(new_nlat * 1.5)
        new_spec = Spharmt(new_nlon,
        include_poles = False if new_nlat % 2 == 0 else True
        new_lat_2d, new_lon_2d, _, _ = generate_latlon(
            new_nlat, new_nlon, include_endpts=include_poles)
        new_lat = new_lat_2d[:, 0]
        new_lon = new_lon_2d[0, :]

        # new_value = []
        # for old_value in self.value:
        old_value = np.moveaxis(self.value, 0, -1)
        regridded_value = regrid(old_spec,
                                 ntrunc=new_nlat - 1,
        new_value = np.moveaxis(regridded_value, -1, 0)
        # new_value.append(regridded_value)

        new_value = np.array(new_value)

        if inplace:
            self.value = new_value
            self.lat = new_lat
            self.lon = new_lon
            self.nlat = np.size(new_lat)
            self.nlon = np.size(new_lon)
            self.ntrunc = ntrunc
            new_field = self.copy()
            new_field.value = new_value
            new_field.lat = new_lat
            new_field.lon = new_lon
            new_field.nlat = np.size(new_lat)
            new_field.nlon = np.size(new_lon)
            new_field.ntrunc = ntrunc
            return new_field
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self,

        # Length of lat/lon arrays
        self.nlat = len(lat)
        self.nlon = len(lon)

        if self.nlat % 2:
            gridtype = 'gaussian'
            gridtype = 'regular'

        self.s = Spharmt(self.nlon,

        # Reverse latitude array if necessary
        #        self.ReverseLat = False
        #        if lat[0] < lat[-1]:
        #            lat = self._reverse_lat(lat)
        #            self.ReverseLat = True

        # lat/lon in degrees
        self.glat = lat
        self.glon = lon

        # lat/lon in radians
        self.rlat = np.deg2rad(lat)
        self.rlon = np.deg2rad(lon)

        self.rlons, self.rlats = np.meshgrid(self.rlon, self.rlat)

        # Constants
        # Earth's angular velocity
        self.omega = 7.292e-05  # unit: s-1
        # Gravitational acceleration
        self.g = 9.8  # unit: m2/s

        # Misc
        self.dtype = np.float32
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, nlon, nlat, truncation, radius=6371200.):
     Initialize the spectral transforms engine.
     * nlon: int
         Number of longitudes in the transform grid.
     * nlat: int
         Number of latitudes in the transform grid.
     * truncation: int
         The spectral truncation (triangular). This is the maximum
         number of spherical harmonic modes retained in the discrete
         truncation. More modes means higher resolution.
     self.sh = Spharmt(nlon, nlat, gridtype='regular', rsphere=radius)
     self.radius = radius
     self.nlon = nlon
     self.nlat = nlat
     self.truncation = truncation
コード例 #6
                                                             date, date)
 nc = Dataset(fcstfile)
 if ntime is None:
     times = nc['time'][:].tolist()
     levels = nc['plev'][:].tolist()
     ntime = times.index(fhour)
     nlev = levels.index(level)
     lons = nc['longitude'][:]
     lats = nc['latitude'][:]
     nlons = len(lons)
     nlats = len(lats)
     re = 6.3712e6
     ntrunc = nlats - 1
     spec = Spharmt(nlons,
     indxm, indxn = getspecindx(ntrunc)
     degree = indxn.astype(np.float)
 if int(nc['time'][ntime]) != fhour:
     raise ValueError('incorrect forecast time')
 fcst_data1 = nc[varnc][ntime, nlev, ...]
 if fhour > 9:
     fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3longcontrol2_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (datapath2,
                                                                 date, date)
     fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3control2_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (datapath2,
                                                             date, date)
 nc = Dataset(fcstfile)
コード例 #7
ファイル: standard.py プロジェクト: t0medwards/windspharm
    def __init__(self, u, v, gridtype='regular', rsphere=6.3712e6):
        """Initialize a VectorWind instance.


        *u*, *v*
            Zonal and meridional wind components respectively. Their
            types should be either `numpy.ndarray` or
            `numpy.ma.MaskedArray`. *u* and *v* must have matching
            shapes and contain no missing values. *u* and *v* may be 2
            or 3-dimensional with shape (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nt), where nlat and nlon are the number of
            latitudes and longitudes respectively and nt is the number
            of fields. The latitude dimension must be oriented
            north-to-south. The longitude dimension should be
            oriented west-to-east.

        **Optional arguments:**

            Type of the input grid, either 'regular' for evenly-spaced
            grids, or 'gaussian' for Gaussian grids. Defaults to

            The radius in metres of the sphere used in the spherical
            harmonic computations. Default is 6371200 m, the approximate
            mean spherical Earth radius.

        **See also:**



        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind on the default regular
        (evenly-spaced) grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v)

        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind specified on a Gaussian grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v, gridtype='gaussian')

        # For both the input components check if there are missing values by
        # attempting to fill missing values with NaN and detect them. If the
        # inputs are not masked arrays then take copies and check for NaN.
            self.u = u.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.u = u.copy()
            self.v = v.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.v = v.copy()
        if np.isnan(self.u).any() or np.isnan(self.v).any():
            raise ValueError('u and v cannot contain missing values')
        # Make sure the shapes of the two components match.
        if u.shape != v.shape:
            raise ValueError('u and v must be the same shape')
        if len(u.shape) not in (2, 3):
            raise ValueError('u and v must be rank 2 or 3 arrays')
        nlat = u.shape[0]
        nlon = u.shape[1]
            # Create a Spharmt object to do the computations.
            self.gridtype = gridtype.lower()
            self.s = Spharmt(nlon,
        except ValueError:
            if self.gridtype not in ('regular', 'gaussian'):
                err = 'invalid grid type: {0:s}'.format(repr(gridtype))
                err = 'invalid input dimensions'
            raise ValueError(err)
        # Method aliases.
        self.rotationalcomponent = self.nondivergentcomponent
        self.divergentcomponent = self.irrotationalcomponent
コード例 #8
# set model parameters.
nlons = 128  # number of longitudes
ntrunc = 42  # spectral truncation (for alias-free computations)
nlats = (nlons / 2) + 1  # for regular grid.
gridtype = 'regular'
dt = 900  # time step in seconds
tdiab = 12. * 86400  # thermal relaxation time scale
tdrag = 4. * 86400.  # lower layer drag
efold = 4 * dt  # hyperdiffusion time scale
rsphere = 6.37122e6  # earth radius
jetexp = 2
umax = 40
moistfact = 0.1

# create spherical harmonic instance.
sp = Spharmt(nlons, nlats, rsphere=rsphere, gridtype=gridtype)

# create model instance.
model =\

# initial state is equilbrium jet + random noise.
vg = np.zeros((sp.nlat, sp.nlon, 2), np.float32)
ug = model.uref
vrtspec, divspec = sp.getvrtdivspec(ug, vg, model.ntrunc)
psispec = np.zeros(vrtspec.shape, vrtspec.dtype)
psispec.real += npran.normal(scale=1.e4, size=(psispec.shape))
psispec.imag += npran.normal(scale=1.e4, size=(psispec.shape))
vrtspec = vrtspec + model.lap[:, np.newaxis] * psispec
thetaspec = model.nlbalance(vrtspec)
divspec = np.zeros(thetaspec.shape, thetaspec.dtype)
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, H, W):
        super(PowerSpectrum, self).__init__()
        self.spharm = Spharmt(W, H, legfunc='stored')
        self.spectrums = []

        self.needs_sh = True
コード例 #10
def main():
    # non-linear barotropically unstable shallow water test case
    # of Galewsky et al (2004, Tellus, 56A, 429-440).
    # "An initial-value problem for testing numerical models of the global
    # shallow-water equations" DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2004.00071.x
    # http://www-vortex.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~rks/reprints/galewsky_etal_tellus_2004.pdf
    # requires matplotlib for plotting.
    # grid, time step info
    nlons = 256  # number of longitudes
    ntrunc = int(nlons/3)  # spectral truncation (for alias-free computations)
    nlats = int(nlons/2)   # for gaussian grid.
    dt = 150 # time step in seconds
    itmax = 6*int(86400/dt) # integration length in days
    # parameters for test
    rsphere = 6.37122e6 # earth radius
    omega = 7.292e-5 # rotation rate
    grav = 9.80616 # gravity
    hbar = 10.e3 # resting depth
    umax = 80. # jet speed
    phi0 = np.pi/7.; phi1 = 0.5*np.pi - phi0; phi2 = 0.25*np.pi
    en = np.exp(-4.0/(phi1-phi0)**2)
    alpha = 1./3.; beta = 1./15.
    hamp = 120. # amplitude of height perturbation to zonal jet
    efold = 3.*3600. # efolding timescale at ntrunc for hyperdiffusion
    ndiss = 8 # order for hyperdiffusion

    # setup up spherical harmonic instance, set lats/lons of grid
    x = Spharmt(nlons,nlats,ntrunc,rsphere,gridtype='gaussian')

    lons,lats = np.meshgrid(x.lons,x.lats)
    f = 2.*omega*np.sin(lats) # coriolis

     # zonal jet.
    vg = np.zeros((nlats,nlons),np.float)
    u1 = (umax/en)*np.exp(1./((x.lats-phi0)*(x.lats-phi1)))
    ug = np.zeros((nlats),np.float)
    ug = np.where(np.logical_and(x.lats < phi1, x.lats > phi0), u1, ug)
    ug.shape = (nlats,1)
    ug = ug*np.ones((nlats,nlons),dtype=np.float) # broadcast to shape (nlats,nlonss)
    # height perturbation.
    hbump = hamp*np.cos(lats)*np.exp(-((lons-np.pi)/alpha)**2)*np.exp(-(phi2-lats)**2/beta)
     # initial vorticity, divergence in spectral space
    vrtspec, divspec =  x.getvrtdivspec(ug,vg)
    vrtg = x.spectogrd(vrtspec)
    divg = x.spectogrd(divspec)
     # create hyperdiffusion factor
    hyperdiff_fact = np.exp((-dt/efold)*(x.lap/x.lap[-1])**(ndiss/2))
     # solve nonlinear balance eqn to get initial zonal geopotential,
     # add localized bump (not balanced).
    vrtg = x.spectogrd(vrtspec)
    tmpg1 = ug*(vrtg+f); tmpg2 = vg*(vrtg+f)
    tmpspec1, tmpspec2 = x.getvrtdivspec(tmpg1,tmpg2)
    tmpspec2 = x.grdtospec(0.5*(ug**2+vg**2))
    phispec = x.invlap*tmpspec1 - tmpspec2
    phig = grav*(hbar + hbump) + x.spectogrd(phispec)
    phispec = x.grdtospec(phig)
     # initialize spectral tendency arrays
    ddivdtspec = np.zeros(vrtspec.shape+(3,), np.complex)
    dvrtdtspec = np.zeros(vrtspec.shape+(3,), np.complex)
    dphidtspec = np.zeros(vrtspec.shape+(3,), np.complex)
    nnew = 0; nnow = 1; nold = 2
     # time loop.
    time1 = time.time()
    for ncycle in range(itmax+1):
        t = ncycle*dt
        # get vort,u,v,phi on grid
        vrtg = x.spectogrd(vrtspec)
        ug,vg = x.getuv(vrtspec,divspec)
        phig = x.spectogrd(phispec)
        print('t=%6.2f hours: min/max %6.2f, %6.2f' % (t/3600.,vg.min(), vg.max()))
        # compute tendencies.
        tmpg1 = ug*(vrtg+f); tmpg2 = vg*(vrtg+f)
        ddivdtspec[:,nnew], dvrtdtspec[:,nnew] = x.getvrtdivspec(tmpg1,tmpg2)
        dvrtdtspec[:,nnew] *= -1
        tmpg = x.spectogrd(ddivdtspec[:,nnew])
        tmpg1 = ug*phig; tmpg2 = vg*phig
        tmpspec, dphidtspec[:,nnew] = x.getvrtdivspec(tmpg1,tmpg2)
        dphidtspec[:,nnew] *= -1
        tmpspec = x.grdtospec(phig+0.5*(ug**2+vg**2))
        ddivdtspec[:,nnew] += -x.lap*tmpspec
        # update vort,div,phiv with third-order adams-bashforth.
        # forward euler, then 2nd-order adams-bashforth time steps to start.
        if ncycle == 0:
            dvrtdtspec[:,nnow] = dvrtdtspec[:,nnew]
            dvrtdtspec[:,nold] = dvrtdtspec[:,nnew]
            ddivdtspec[:,nnow] = ddivdtspec[:,nnew]
            ddivdtspec[:,nold] = ddivdtspec[:,nnew]
            dphidtspec[:,nnow] = dphidtspec[:,nnew]
            dphidtspec[:,nold] = dphidtspec[:,nnew]
        elif ncycle == 1:
            dvrtdtspec[:,nold] = dvrtdtspec[:,nnew]
            ddivdtspec[:,nold] = ddivdtspec[:,nnew]
            dphidtspec[:,nold] = dphidtspec[:,nnew]
            vrtspec += dt*( \
                            (23./12.)*dvrtdtspec[:,nnew] - (16./12.)*dvrtdtspec[:,nnow]+ \
                            (5./12.)*dvrtdtspec[:,nold] )
            divspec += dt*( \
                            (23./12.)*ddivdtspec[:,nnew] - (16./12.)*ddivdtspec[:,nnow]+ \
                            (5./12.)*ddivdtspec[:,nold] )
            phispec += dt*( \
                            (23./12.)*dphidtspec[:,nnew] - (16./12.)*dphidtspec[:,nnow]+ \
                            (5./12.)*dphidtspec[:,nold] )
         # implicit hyperdiffusion for vort and div.

        vrtspec *= hyperdiff_fact
        divspec *= hyperdiff_fact
         # switch indices, do next time step.
        nsav1 = nnew; nsav2 = nnow
        nnew = nold; nnow = nsav1; nold = nsav2
    time2 = time.time()

    print('CPU time = ',time2-time1)
    # make a contour plot of potential vorticity in the Northern Hem.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
     # dimensionless PV
    pvg = (0.5*hbar*grav/omega)*(vrtg+f)/phig
    print('max/min PV',pvg.min(), pvg.max())
    lons1d = (180./np.pi)*x.lons-180.; lats1d = (180./np.pi)*x.lats
    levs = np.arange(-0.2,1.801,0.1)
    cb=plt.colorbar(cs,orientation='horizontal') # add colorbar
    cb.set_label('potential vorticity')
    plt.xlabel('degrees longitude')
    plt.ylabel('degrees latitude')
    plt.title('PV (T%s with hyperdiffusion, hour %6.2f)' % (ntrunc,t/3600.))
コード例 #11
   f = f - f.mean(axis=0)
   a = a - a.mean(axis=0)
   covfa = (f*a).mean(axis=0)
   varf = (f**2).mean(axis=0)
   vara = (a**2).mean(axis=0)
   return covfa/(np.sqrt(varf)*np.sqrt(vara))

def getmse(f,a):
   return ((f-a)**2).mean(axis=0)

nlonsin = 800; nlatsin = 400
nlons = 360; nlats = 181
ntrunc = 20
latbound = 20.

sin = Spharmt(nlonsin,nlatsin)
sout = Spharmt(nlons,nlats)

delta = 360./nlons
lats = 90.-delta*np.arange(nlats)
coslats = np.cos((np.pi/180.)*lats)
coslats = coslats[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones((nlats,nlons))
latnh = lats.tolist().index(latbound)
latsh = lats.tolist().index(-latbound)
coslatsnh = coslats[0:latnh+1,:]
coslatssh = coslats[latsh:,:]
coslatstr = coslats[latnh:latsh+1,:]
lons = delta*np.arange(nlons)
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons,lats[::-1])

filename = varshort
コード例 #12
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# set up orthographic map projection.
map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=30, lon_0=-60, resolution='l')
# draw coastlines, country boundaries, fill continents.
# draw the edge of the map projection region (the projection limb)
# draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
min = int(raw_input('input degree (m) of legendre function to plot:'))
nin = int(raw_input('input order  (n) of legendre function to plot:'))
nlons = 720
nlats = 361
x = Spharmt(nlons, nlats, legfunc='computed')
ntrunc = nlats - 1
indxm, indxn = getspecindx(ntrunc)
nm = -1
i = 0
for m, n in zip(indxm, indxn):
    if m == min and n == nin:
        nm = i
        i = i + 1
if nm < 0:
    raise ValueError(
        'invalid m,n - must fit within triangular truncation at wavenumber ' +
coeffs = np.zeros((ntrunc + 1) * (ntrunc + 2) / 2, np.complex)
コード例 #13
ファイル: LMR_verify_gridRNL.py プロジェクト: weilin2018/LMR
    # ERA
    smatch, ematch = find_date_indices(ERA20C_time,stime,etime)
    ERA20C = ERA20C - np.mean(ERA20C[smatch:ematch,:,:],axis=0)

    # -----------------------------------
    # Regridding the data for comparisons
    # -----------------------------------
    print('\n regridding data to a common T42 grid...\n')

    iplot_loc= False
    #iplot_loc= True

    # create instance of the spherical harmonics object for each grid
    specob_lmr = Spharmt(nlon,nlat,gridtype='regular',legfunc='computed')
    specob_tcr = Spharmt(nlon_TCR,nlat_TCR,gridtype='regular',legfunc='computed')
    specob_era20c = Spharmt(nlon_ERA20C,nlat_ERA20C,gridtype='regular',legfunc='computed')

    # truncate to a lower resolution grid (common:21, 42, 62, 63, 85, 106, 255, 382, 799)
    ntrunc_new = 42 # T42
    ifix = np.remainder(ntrunc_new,2.0).astype(int)
    nlat_new = ntrunc_new + ifix
    nlon_new = int(nlat_new*1.5)
    # lat, lon grid in the truncated space
    dlat = 90./((nlat_new-1)/2.)
    dlon = 360./nlon_new
    veclat = np.arange(-90.,90.+dlat,dlat)
    veclon = np.arange(0.,360.,dlon)
    blank = np.zeros([nlat_new,nlon_new])
    lat2_new = (veclat + blank.T).T