コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.jpv=[ ( 'JD %s TDT' % (jdtt,)
              , ( spice.convrt(float(x),'AU','KM'), spice.convrt(float(y),'AU','KM'), spice.convrt(float(z),'AU','KM'), )
              , ( spice.convrt(float(xdot),'AU','KM')/spice.spd(), spice.convrt(float(ydot),'AU','KM')/spice.spd(), spice.convrt(float(zdot),'AU','KM')/spice.spd(), )
              , )
              for nm,jdtt,x,y,z,xdot,ydot,zdot
              in [ i.strip().split() for i in self.__doc__.split('\n') if i[:9]=='CK12S010 ' ]
コード例 #2
ファイル: spiceutils.py プロジェクト: ajford/PINT
def ITRF2GEO(posITRF):
    '''Converts from earth rectangular coordinate to Geodetic coordinate.

    Input will be the rectangular three coordinates [x,y,z].  Kernel
    file PCK is required.
    _, value = spice.bodvcd(399, "RADII", 3)
    # Reuturns Earh radii [larger equatorial radius, smaller
    # equatorial radius, polar radius] dim is the dimension of
    # returned values Value is the returned values
    rEquatr = value[0]
    rPolar = value[2]
    # Calculate the flattening factor for earth
    f = (rEquatr - rPolar) / rEquatr
    # Calculate the geodetic coordinate on earth. lon,lat are in
    # radius. alt is the same unit with in put posITRF
    lon, lat, alt = spice.recgeo(posITRF, rEquatr, f)
    # Return longitude and latitude in degree
    lonDeg = spice.convrt(lon, "RADIANS", "DEGREES")
    latDeg = spice.convrt(lat, "RADIANS", "DEGREES")
    return lon, lonDeg, lat, latDeg, alt
コード例 #3
def ITRF2GEO(posITRF):
    '''Converts from earth rectangular coordinate to Geodetic coordinate.

    Input will be the rectangular three coordinates [x,y,z].  Kernel
    file PCK is required.
    _, value = spice.bodvcd(399, "RADII", 3)
    # Reuturns Earh radii [larger equatorial radius, smaller
    # equatorial radius, polar radius] dim is the dimension of
    # returned values Value is the returned values
    rEquatr = value[0]
    rPolar = value[2]
    # Calculate the flattening factor for earth
    f = (rEquatr - rPolar) / rEquatr
    # Calculate the geodetic coordinate on earth. lon,lat are in
    # radius. alt is the same unit with in put posITRF
    lon, lat, alt = spice.recgeo(posITRF, rEquatr, f)
    # Return longitude and latitude in degree
    lonDeg = spice.convrt(lon, "RADIANS", "DEGREES")
    latDeg = spice.convrt(lat, "RADIANS", "DEGREES")
    return lon, lonDeg, lat, latDeg, alt
コード例 #4
  def setUp(self):

    ### Load the kernel
    spice.furnsh( __file__ )

    ### Convert MPC constants to CONICS_C elements
    ison = MPC_ISON_C_2012_S1()
    self.rpKM     = spice.convrt( ison.qAU, 'AU', 'KM')
    self.ecc      = ison.e
    self.incRAD   = spice.convrt( ison.InclDEG, 'DEGREES', 'RADIANS')
    self.lnodeRAD = spice.convrt( ison.NodeDEG, 'DEGREES', 'RADIANS')
    self.argpRAD  = spice.convrt( ison.PeriDEG, 'DEGREES', 'RADIANS')
    self.m0RAD    = spice.convrt( ison.M0, 'DEGREES', 'RADIANS')
    self.t0       = spice.str2et( ison.T0_TDT[0] ) + spice.convrt( ison.T0_TDT[1], 'DAYS', 'SECONDS' )
    self.mu       = ison.MuM3S2 * 1e-9
    self.elts = ( self.rpKM, self.ecc, self.incRAD, self.lnodeRAD, self.argpRAD, self.m0RAD, self.t0, self.mu )

    self.ditime       = spice.utc2et( '2013-01-16 12:00:00' )
コード例 #5
  def test_horizons(self):
    import horizons

    target = 'C/2013 S1'
    target = 'C/2011 L4'

    spkFilename,spiceId,status = horizons.gomain(target)

    spice.furnsh( spkFilename )
    self.kernels += [spkFilename]

    target_ = '_'.join( target.split() )

    et0 = spice.utc2et( '2013-01-10T12:00:00' )

    ls2au = spice.convrt( spice.clight(), 'KM', 'AU' )
    dpr = spice.dpr()
    spd = spice.spd()

    deltatime = None

    while deltatime is None or abs(deltatime) > 5e-7:
      stS2I,lsS2I = spice.spkgeo( spiceId, et0, 'J2000', 10 )
      posn, veloc = stS2I[:3], stS2I[3:]
      deltatime = - spice.vdot( posn, veloc ) / spice.vdot( veloc, veloc )
      et0 += deltatime

    valarrs = [ ]
    print( (deltatime,spice.et2utc(et0,'ISOC',3),) )

    deltatime = 1.0
    sixmonths = spice.pi() * 1e7

    while deltatime < sixmonths:
      for pmdet in (-deltatime,deltatime):
        et = et0 + pmdet
        utc = spice.et2utc(et,'ISOC',1)

        stD2I,lsD2I = spice.spkgeo( spiceId, et, 'J2000', -140)
        stI2S,lsI2S = spice.spkgeo( 10, et, 'J2000', spiceId )
        stD2S,lsD2S = spice.spkgeo( 10, et, 'J2000', -140 )

        rD2I, rI2S = [ ls * ls2au for ls in [lsD2I,lsI2S] ]
        aDIS, aSDI = [ ang * dpr for ang in 
                       [ spice.vsep( spice.vminus(stD2I[:3]), stI2S[:-3] )
                       , spice.vsep( stD2S[:3], stD2I[:-3] )
        valarrs += [ (et,pmdet,rD2I,rI2S,aDIS,aSDI,utc,) ]

      deltatime *= 1.2

    for valarr in valarrs:
      print( '%12.1f %9.3f %9.3f %7.2f %7.2f %s' % valarr[1:] )

    days = [i[1]/spd for i in valarrs]

    titles = [ i % (target_,) for i in """
    Range, %s-DI, AU
    Range, %s-Sun, AU
    Phase, DI-%s-Sun, deg
    Elongation, Sun-DI-%s, deg

      ### Moved matplotlib import to here so test runs to here at least
      from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
      for idx in range(len(titles)):
        ordinate = [i[idx+2] for i in valarrs]
        plt.subplot( 221+idx )
        plt.plot( days, ordinate )
        plt.plot( days, ordinate, '.')
        plt.title( titles[idx] )
        plt.ylabel( titles[idx] )
        if idx>1: plt.xlabel( 'T-Tperi, d' )


      print( "Bypassed, or failed, matplotlib tests" )
コード例 #6
    def test_horizons(self):
        import horizons

        target = 'C/2013 S1'
        target = 'C/2011 L4'

        spkFilename, spiceId, status = horizons.gomain(target)

        self.kernels += [spkFilename]

        target_ = '_'.join(target.split())

        et0 = spice.utc2et('2013-01-10T12:00:00')

        ls2au = spice.convrt(spice.clight(), 'KM', 'AU')
        dpr = spice.dpr()
        spd = spice.spd()

        deltatime = None

        while deltatime is None or abs(deltatime) > 5e-7:
            stS2I, lsS2I = spice.spkgeo(spiceId, et0, 'J2000', 10)
            posn, veloc = stS2I[:3], stS2I[3:]
            deltatime = -spice.vdot(posn, veloc) / spice.vdot(veloc, veloc)
            et0 += deltatime

        valarrs = []
            spice.et2utc(et0, 'ISOC', 3),

        deltatime = 1.0
        sixmonths = spice.pi() * 1e7

        while deltatime < sixmonths:
            for pmdet in (-deltatime, deltatime):
                et = et0 + pmdet
                utc = spice.et2utc(et, 'ISOC', 1)

                stD2I, lsD2I = spice.spkgeo(spiceId, et, 'J2000', -140)
                stI2S, lsI2S = spice.spkgeo(10, et, 'J2000', spiceId)
                stD2S, lsD2S = spice.spkgeo(10, et, 'J2000', -140)

                rD2I, rI2S = [ls * ls2au for ls in [lsD2I, lsI2S]]
                aDIS, aSDI = [
                    ang * dpr for ang in [
                        spice.vsep(spice.vminus(stD2I[:3]), stI2S[:-3]),
                        spice.vsep(stD2S[:3], stD2I[:-3])
                valarrs += [(

            deltatime *= 1.2

        for valarr in valarrs:
            print('%12.1f %9.3f %9.3f %7.2f %7.2f %s' % valarr[1:])

        days = [i[1] / spd for i in valarrs]

        titles = [
            i % (target_, ) for i in """
    Range, %s-DI, AU
    Range, %s-Sun, AU
    Phase, DI-%s-Sun, deg
    Elongation, Sun-DI-%s, deg

            ### Moved matplotlib import to here so test runs to here at least
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            for idx in range(len(titles)):
                ordinate = [i[idx + 2] for i in valarrs]
                plt.subplot(221 + idx)
                plt.plot(days, ordinate)
                plt.plot(days, ordinate, '.')
                if idx > 1: plt.xlabel('T-Tperi, d')


            print("Bypassed, or failed, matplotlib tests")