コード例 #1
    def test_cvt_methods(self):
        """Test the methods used to enable JSON coding/decoding.

        Before JSON encoding, a SpikeElement is converted into a data-based
        dictionary representation using cvt_elem_to_dict().  After JSON
        decoding, the resultant dictionary is re-instantiated as a SpikeElement
        using cvt_dict_to_elem().

        This test runs through both conversions back-to-back and compares the
        resultant SpikeElement with the original SpikeElement to ensure

        cls_list = RecordingExtractor.get_installed_spif_cls_list()
        elem = RecordingExtractor(cls_list[random.randint(
            len(cls_list) - 1)])
        elem_dict = config.cvt_elem_to_dict(elem)
        new_elem = config.cvt_dict_to_elem(elem_dict)

        print(f'SpikeElement tested: {elem.display_name}')

        assert elem.__class__.__name__ == new_elem.__class__.__name__
        assert elem.__module__ == new_elem.__module__
        assert elem.spif_class.__name__ == new_elem.spif_class.__name__
        assert elem.param_list == new_elem.param_list
コード例 #2
ファイル: piperun.py プロジェクト: Shawn-Guo-CN/spikely
def run(elem_list_str):

    elem_jdict_list = json.loads(elem_list_str)
    elem_list = [
        cfg.cvt_dict_to_elem(elem_jdict) for elem_jdict in elem_jdict_list

    payload = None
    last_elem_index = len(elem_list) - 1
    for count, elem in enumerate(elem_list):
        next_elem = elem_list[count + 1] \
            if count < last_elem_index else None
        payload = elem.run(payload, next_elem)
コード例 #3
def run(elem_list_str):

    elem_jdict_list = json.loads(elem_list_str)
    elem_list = [
        cfg.cvt_dict_to_elem(elem_jdict) for elem_jdict in elem_jdict_list

    payload = None
    last_index = len(elem_list) - 1
    for index, elem in enumerate(elem_list):
        if index == last_index:
            next_elem = None
            next_elem = elem_list[index + 1]
        payload = elem.run(payload, next_elem)
コード例 #4
ファイル: file_menu.py プロジェクト: sbuergers/spikely
def _perform_load_action() -> None:
    """Loads current pipeline with elements from a previously saved JSON file

    Launches a file dialog box that allows the user to select a previously
    saved JSON file, attempts to decode it, and if successful adds the elements
    to the current pipeline replacing any elements extant in the pipeline.

    config.cvt_dict_to_elem() does most of the hard work, and throws exceptions
    if the element is no longer installed, or is no longer compatible with the
    version saved previously.

    global _pipeline_model

    options = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Options()
    options |= QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
    file_name, _filter = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
            config.get_main_window(), caption='Open File',
            filter='JSON (*.json)', options=options)

    if file_name:
            with open(file_name, 'r') as json_file:
                elem_dict_list = json.load(json_file)

            for elem_dict in elem_dict_list:
                elem = config.cvt_dict_to_elem(elem_dict)

        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e:
                config.get_main_window(), 'JSON File Load Failure',
                f'Failed to load {file_name}: {str(e)}')

        except Exception as e:
                config.get_main_window(), 'JSON File Load Failure',
                f'Unspecified exception: {str(e)}')
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_config.py プロジェクト: sbuergers/spikely
 def test_cvt_dict_raises(self):
     """cvt_dict_to_elem() shoule raise exception on invalid parameter"""
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         config.cvt_dict_to_elem('not a SpikeElement')