def plot_fixed_y(self, y_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', xmin="auto", xmax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at a fixed y-value, so z vs y """ if simple=='auto': simple=self.simple # get the min and max if xmin=="auto": xmin = self.xmin if xmax=="auto": xmax = self.xmax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(y_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: y_values = [y_values] for y in y_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(x): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, xmin, xmax, steps, 0, True) # label it a = _pylab.gca() th = "th" if x_derivative == 1: th = "st" if x_derivative == 2: th = "nd" if x_derivative == 3: th = "rd" if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel(str(x_derivative)+th+" "+self.xlabel+" derivative of "+self.zlabel+" spline") else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) a.set_title(self._path+"\nSpline array plot at fixed y "+self.ylabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("y ("+self.ylabel+") = "+str(y)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a
def plot_fixed_x(self, x_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', ymin="auto", ymax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at fixed x-value, so z vs x """ if simple=='auto': simple=self.simple # get the min and max if ymin=="auto": ymin = self.ymin if ymax=="auto": ymax = self.ymax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(x_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: x_values = [x_values] for x in x_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(y): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, ymin, ymax, steps, 0, False) # label it a = _pylab.gca() a.set_xlabel(self.ylabel) if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel(str(x_derivative)+" "+str(self.xlabel)+" derivative of "+self.zlabel) else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_title(self._path+"\nSpline array plot at fixed x = "+self.xlabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("x ("+self.xlabel+") = "+str(x)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a
def plot_range_fixed_y( self, ymin="auto", ymax="auto", ysteps=21, xmin="auto", xmax="auto", xsteps=200, clear=True, x_derivative=0 ): if ymin == "auto": ymin = self.ymin if ymax == "auto": ymax = self.ymax self.plot_fixed_y(_pylab.linspace(ymin, ymax, ysteps), x_derivative, xsteps, xmin, xmax, False, clear) _s.format_figure()
def plot_range_fixed_y(self, ymin="auto", ymax="auto", ysteps=21, xmin="auto", xmax="auto", xsteps=200, clear=True, x_derivative=0): if ymin == "auto": ymin = self.ymin if ymax == "auto": ymax = self.ymax self.plot_fixed_y(_pylab.linspace(ymin, ymax, ysteps), x_derivative, xsteps, xmin, xmax, False, clear) _s.format_figure()
def plot_fixed_y(self, y_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', xmin="auto", xmax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at a fixed y-value, so z vs y """ if simple == 'auto': simple = self.simple # get the min and max if xmin == "auto": xmin = self.xmin if xmax == "auto": xmax = self.xmax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(y_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: y_values = [y_values] for y in y_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(x): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, xmin, xmax, steps, 0, True) # label it a = _pylab.gca() th = "th" if x_derivative == 1: th = "st" if x_derivative == 2: th = "nd" if x_derivative == 3: th = "rd" if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel( str(x_derivative) + th + " " + self.xlabel + " derivative of " + self.zlabel + " spline") else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) a.set_title(self._path + "\nSpline array plot at fixed y " + self.ylabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("y (" + self.ylabel + ") = " + str(y)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a
def plot_fixed_x(self, x_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', ymin="auto", ymax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at fixed x-value, so z vs x """ if simple == 'auto': simple = self.simple # get the min and max if ymin == "auto": ymin = self.ymin if ymax == "auto": ymax = self.ymax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(x_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: x_values = [x_values] for x in x_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(y): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, ymin, ymax, steps, 0, False) # label it a = _pylab.gca() a.set_xlabel(self.ylabel) if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel( str(x_derivative) + " " + str(self.xlabel) + " derivative of " + self.zlabel) else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_title(self._path + "\nSpline array plot at fixed x = " + self.xlabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("x (" + self.xlabel + ") = " + str(x)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a