コード例 #1
def test_process_pdus(stc):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    # Test case to show that we can change the sourceAddr of the IPv4 PDU.
    # Single StreamBlock in the template tagged with ttStreamBlock.
    root = etree.fromstring(template_1())
    p, v = pdus_1()
    assert CfgPdusCmd.process_pdus(p, v, root.find('.//StreamBlock'))
    r = etree.fromstring(root.find('.//StreamBlock').get('FrameConfig'))
    assert r.find('.//sourceAddr').text == ''

    # Test case to show that we can change the sourceAddr of the IPv4 PDU
    # for the ttStreamBlock tagged StreamBlock, but not touch the ttStreamBlock2
    # tagged StreamBlock.
    root = etree.fromstring(template_2())
    assert CfgPdusCmd.process_pdus(p, v, root.find('.//StreamBlock'))
    for sb, t in zip(root.findall('.//StreamBlock'), ['', '']):
        r = etree.fromstring(sb.get('FrameConfig'))
        assert r.find('.//sourceAddr').text == t

    # Test case to show that we can change the sourceAddr of the IPv4 PDU
    # for both StreamBlocks independently.
    root = etree.fromstring(template_2())
    ps, vs = pdus_2()
    for sb, p, v in zip(root.findall('.//StreamBlock'), ps, vs):
        assert CfgPdusCmd.process_pdus([p], [v], sb)
    for sb, t in zip(root.findall('.//StreamBlock'), ['', '']):
        r = etree.fromstring(sb.get('FrameConfig'))
        assert r.find('.//sourceAddr').text == t