def test_get_authorize_url_does_not_show_dialog_by_default(self): oauth = SpotifyOAuth("CLID", "CLISEC", "REDIR") url = oauth.get_authorize_url() parsed_url = urllibparse.urlparse(url) parsed_qs = urllibparse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) self.assertNotIn('show_dialog', parsed_qs)
def test_get_authorize_url_shows_dialog_when_requested(self): oauth = SpotifyOAuth("CLID", "CLISEC", "REDIR") url = oauth.get_authorize_url(show_dialog=True) parsed_url = urllibparse.urlparse(url) parsed_qs = urllibparse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) self.assertTrue(parsed_qs['show_dialog'])
def test_get_authorize_url_passes_state_from_func_call(self): state = "STATE" oauth = SpotifyOAuth("CLID", "CLISEC", "REDIR", "NOT STATE") url = oauth.get_authorize_url(state=state) parsed_url = urllibparse.urlparse(url) parsed_qs = urllibparse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) self.assertEqual(parsed_qs['state'][0], state)
def test_saves_to_cache_path(self, opener): scope = "playlist-modify-private" path = ".cache-username" tok = _make_fake_token(1, 1, scope) fi = _fake_file() opener.return_value = fi spot = SpotifyOAuth("CLID", "CLISEC", "REDIR", "STATE", scope, path) spot._save_token_info(tok) opener.assert_called_with(path, 'w') self.assertTrue(fi.write.called)
def get_token(self, allow_raw_input=True): if allow_raw_input: token = util.prompt_for_user_token( self.username, config.SCOPE, self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.callback_url) else: sp_oauth = SpotifyOAuth( self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.callback_url, scope=config.SCOPE, cache_path=self.cache_path) token_info = sp_oauth.get_cached_token() if token_info: token = token_info['access_token'] else: raise Exception('need to run debug-refresh-token in a terminal') return token
def __init__(self): load_dotenv() self._scopes = 'user-read-currently-playing user-read-playback-state' self._sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( scope=self._scopes))
def generate_auth_url(): auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope, cache_path=cache_path) url = auth_manager.get_authorize_url() return auth_manager, url
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from tqdm import trange, tqdm # params # for client id and secret, create a new application over at # when running this script for the first time, your browser will be redirected to grant authorization to this script # to really delete the songs, set DRYRUN to False CLIENT_ID = "" CLIENT_SECRET = "" REDIRECT_URI = "http://localhost:8888/callback" DRYRUN = True # setup sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI, scope="user-library-read playlist-modify-private user-library-modify")) # collect metainfo saved_tracks_metainfo = sp.current_user_saved_tracks() print("Total liked songs:", saved_tracks_metainfo['total']) print("Collecting liked songs...") query_offset = 50 saved_tracks = [] albums = {} tracks = {} tracks_to_delete = {} albums_to_delete = {} for i in trange(math.ceil(saved_tracks_metainfo['total'] / query_offset)):
import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from config.spotify_client_credentials import CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, USERNAME, SCOPE # Initialise Spotify API by passing app credentials and required scope (authorisation code flow) sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=SCOPE, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI, username=USERNAME))
import spotipy from credentials import CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth if __name__ == "__main__": scope = "user-read-currently-playing" sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( scope=scope, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, cache_path="../.cache-willfurtado", redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI, )) try: curr_song_meta = sp.currently_playing(market=None) curr_song_name, curr_artist_name = ( curr_song_meta["item"]["name"], curr_song_meta["item"]["artists"][0]["name"], ) curr_user = sp.current_user()["display_name"] print( "\n" * 5, curr_user, "is listening to {} by {}".format(curr_song_name, curr_artist_name), ) print("\n" * 5)
import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth import config auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(config.client_id, config.client_secret, redirect_uri=config.redirect_uri, scope=config.scope) sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager) artists = sp.current_user_top_artists(limit=20, time_range='short_term') for i, artist in enumerate(artists['items']): similar_artists = sp.artist_related_artists(artist['id']) for similar in enumerate(similar_artists): print(similar)
def get_new_spotify_playlist(username): """ """ user = UserModel.get_user_by_name(username) # # delete .cache # import os # APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # APP_ROOT = APP_ROOT[:-9] # if os.path.isfile('.cache'): # os.remove(os.path.join(APP_ROOT, '.cache')) # print(APP_ROOT) # Start Oauth2 # auth_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials() # sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager) # export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9' # export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0' # username = '******' scope = "user-read-recently-played playlist-modify-public user-library-modify playlist-read-collaborative playlist-modify-private" redirect_uri = "" # redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8080/" # redirect_uri = "" # redirect_uri = "" # username = '******' # token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id ="eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9", client_secret = "ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0", redirect_uri='') token = True if token: sp_auth = SpotifyOAuth( client_id="eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9", client_secret="ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0", redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope) sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=sp_auth) # sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) # url = sp_auth.get_authorize_url() # print(url) else: # print("Can't get token for ", username) print("Error getting token") # # Get recently played song from the user, and get the artist name and artist id results = sp.current_user_recently_played() # print(results) print(sp.current_user()) for idx, item in enumerate(results['items']): track = item['track'] artist_id = track['artists'][0]['id'] artist_name = track['artists'][0]['name'] # pp.pprint(track) # print(artist_name, artist_id) break # now get artist info and extract genre resp = requests.get( '' + artist_id, headers={ 'Authorization': '{} {}'.format(sp.auth_manager.get_cached_token()['token_type'], sp.auth_manager.get_cached_token()['access_token']) }) if resp.status_code != 200: print("ERROR!") genres = resp.json()['genres'] # print(genres) user.update({"genres": genres, "artist": artist_id}) return custom_response({"result": "good"}, 200)
def add_cafe_playlist(username): user = UserModel.get_user_by_name(username) artist_id = user.artist genres = user.genres scope = "user-read-recently-played playlist-modify-public user-library-modify playlist-read-collaborative playlist-modify-private" redirect_uri = "" # redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8080/" # redirect_uri = "" # redirect_uri = "" # username = '******' # token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id ="eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9", client_secret = "ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0", redirect_uri='') token = True if token: sp_auth = SpotifyOAuth( client_id="eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9", client_secret="ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0", redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope) sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=sp_auth) # sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) # url = sp_auth.get_authorize_url() # print(url) else: # print("Can't get token for ", username) print("Error getting token") # artist_id, genres # Get random new songs from seeds (genre and artist) resp = requests.get( '{}&seed_artists={}&seed_genres={}&min_energy={}&min_popularity={}' .format('US', artist_id, ','.join(genres[:5]), 0.4, 50), headers={ 'Authorization': '{} {}'.format(sp.auth_manager.get_cached_token()['token_type'], sp.auth_manager.get_cached_token()['access_token']) }) if resp.status_code != 200: print("ERROR2") # pp.pprint(resp.json()) # pp.pprint(resp.json()['tracks']) # pp.pprint(resp.json()['tracks'][0]) # print(len(resp.json()['tracks'])) uri = resp.json()['tracks'][0]['uri'] # print(resp.json()['tracks'][0]['name'], resp.json()['tracks'][0]['artists'][0]['name']) # ADD NEW TRACK TO PLAYLIST sp_auth = SpotifyOAuth(client_id="eae14429b373461aadc72104110154f9", client_secret="ada7bc6d1a1d4eada84cf382ae26c4f0", redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope, cache_path='.shjangcache') sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=sp_auth) cafe_playlist_id = '2P8cx6O6JIu0sT2ItymYNI' # "" sp.playlist_add_items(cafe_playlist_id, [uri]) return custom_response({"result": "good"}, 200)
import requests import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from bs4 import BeautifulSoup CLIENT_ID = "your_client_id" CLIENT_SECRET = "your_client_secret" auth_scope = "playlist-modify-private" sp = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri="", scope=auth_scope)) user_id = sp.current_user()["id"] billboard_url = "" date_input = input( "Which year do you want to travel to? Type the date in this format YYYY-MM-DD: " ) year = date_input.split("-")[0] response = requests.get(f"{billboard_url}{date_input}") billboard_html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(billboard_html, "html.parser") songs =".chart-element__information__song") song_list = [song.text for song in songs] songs_uri_list = [] for song in song_list:
import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( client_id="CLIENT_ID", client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET", redirect_uri="http://localhost:8001#", scope="user-library-read user-read-recently-played")) results = sp.current_user_saved_tracks() for idx, item in enumerate(results['items']): track = item['track'] print(idx, track['artists'][0]['name'], " – ", track['name'])
import spotipy from dotenv import load_dotenv from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth load_dotenv() #Discord Infomration TOKEN = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN') CHANNEL = os.getenv('CHANNEL') #Spotipy Information SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID') SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET = os.getenv('SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET') SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI = os.getenv('SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI') sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope="playlist-modify-public")) playlist = os.getenv('PLAYLIST') client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f'{client.user} has connected to Discord') @client.event async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return
# Grabs app's Spotify client ID & secret from my file spotify_client_id = os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID'] spotify_client_secret = os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET'] spotify_redirect_uri = os.environ['SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI'] # The Spotify scope authorization for the user spotify_scope = 'playlist-modify-public' # Initialize Spotify Client Credentials object with app's client ID/secret client_credentials = SpotifyClientCredentials( client_id=spotify_client_id, client_secret=spotify_client_secret) spotify_oauth = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=spotify_client_id, client_secret=spotify_client_secret, redirect_uri=spotify_redirect_uri, state=None, scope=spotify_scope, cache_path=None) @app.route('/') def index(): """Homepage""" spotify_authorize_url = spotify_oauth.get_authorize_url() url = spotify_authorize_url + '&show_dialog=true' return render_template("home.html", url=url) @app.route('/festivals')
import os from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from math import pi, ceil from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn import svm # spotify authentication: client_id, client_secret, username need real values scope = "user-library-read playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public" OAuth = SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope, redirect_uri='http://localhost:8889/callback', client_id='id', client_secret='secret', username='******') sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=OAuth) def get_features_from_favourites(): ''' Returns a dataframe of the current user's favourite songs ''' df_result = pd.DataFrame() track_list = '' added_ts_list = [] artist_list = [] title_list = []
spotifyClientId = config['spotify']['clientId'] spotifyClientSecret = config['spotify']['clientSecret'] spotifyRedirectUri = config['spotify']['redirectUri'] spotifyScope = config['spotify']['scope'] spotifyUsername = config['spotify']['username'] hueBridgeIp = config['hue']['bridgeIp'] hueBridge = Bridge(hueBridgeIp) hueBridge.connect() spotify = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id=spotifyClientId, client_secret=spotifyClientSecret, redirect_uri=spotifyRedirectUri, scope=spotifyScope, open_browser=False, username=spotifyUsername)) deviceList = spotify.devices()['devices'] hueGroups = hueBridge.groups print("Your Hue groups are:") for group in hueGroups: print( print() print("Your Spotify devices are:")
# Shows a user's playlists import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth scope = 'playlist-read-private' sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope)) results = sp.current_user_playlists(limit=50) for i, item in enumerate(results['items']): print("%d %s" % (i, item['name']))
def login(self) -> spotipy.Spotify: return spotipy.Spotify(oauth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id=secrets.clientID, client_secret=secrets.clientSecret, redirect_uri=self.CLIENT_REDIRECT, scope=self.SCOPE, username=self.username, show_dialog=True))
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from pprint import pprint MAX_LIMIT = 50 # get the default config from configuration file app_config = configparser.ConfigParser()'app_credentials.conf') default_config = app_config['default'] scope = 'user-library-read' # I guess we might also need user-read-private or even user-read-email for visual identification on web auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=default_config['client_id'], client_secret=default_config['client_secret'], redirect_uri='http://localhost:8888/callback/', scope=scope, open_browser=True) sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager) def get_all_current_user_saved_tracks(): def add_track(track_info): artists = track_info['track']['artists'] artists_names = {artist['name'] for artist in artists} track_name = track_info['track']['name'] if track_name in current_user_tracks: if artists_names not in current_user_tracks[ track_name]: # to avoid duplicate lists of artists
break for i in range(len(playlist)): for track in playlist[i]: playlist_features['artist'] = track['track']['album']['artists'][ 0]['name'] playlist_features['album'] = track['track']['album']['name'] playlist_features['track_name'] = track['track']['name'] playlist_features['track_id'] = track['track']['id'] playlist_features['popularity'] = track['track']['popularity'] # Get audio features audio_features = sp_client.audio_features( playlist_features['track_id'])[0] for feature in playlist_features_list[5:]: playlist_features[feature] = audio_features[feature] #concat the dfs track_df = pd.DataFrame(playlist_features, index=[0]) playlist_df = pd.concat([playlist_df, track_df], ignore_index=True) return playlist_df if __name__ == '__main__': discover = 'spotify:playlist:37i9dQZEVXcUNzDN8qIGmk' discover = input("Input the playlist id : ") user = '******' auth_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials() scope = 'playlist-read-private, user-library-read' sp_client = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope, username='******')) discover_df = fetch_playlist_features(user, discover) op_csv = input("Name of the o/p csv: ") discover_df.to_csv('dataset/{}.csv'.format(op_csv), index=False)
import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth # set open_browser=False to prevent Spotipy from attempting to open the default browser spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(open_browser=False)) print(
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth CLIENT_ID = '261f2c14d2c5448eb75ceecbcd86c63e' CLIENT_SECRET = '66aba98cb3e341bcb5e16b95118de030' date = input('Input a date (YYYY-MM-DD): ') response = requests.get('' + date) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') target = soup.find_all('span', class_='chart-element__information__song') song_names = [song.getText() for song in target] sp = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope='playlist-modify-private', redirect_uri='', client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, show_dialog=True, cache_path='token.txt')) user_id = sp.current_user()['id'] # print(user_id) song_uris = [] year = date.split('-')[0] for song in song_names: result ='track:{song} year:{year}', type='track') print(result) try: uri = result['tracks']['items'][0]['uri'] song_uris.append(uri) except IndexError:
import spotipy from flask import Flask, request, session, redirect import pandas as pd from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth # STEP 1: Get user authentication access clientid = '2b90b67f37914c32ad094916156f44aa' secretid = 'c50524d981934e4c9e1dd88bcc2efacf' scope = 'playlist-read-private playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public' redir = 'http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F~samuelellgass%2F' myOAuth = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=clientid, client_secret=secretid, redirect_uri=redir, scope=scope) access = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=myOAuth) # STEP 2: Get ALL user playlists (URL? URI?) # Data comes in as deeply nested dictionary form # STEP 3: Collect Data from every song in every playlist into a CSV file or other storage tool # THEN OUTPUT num_playlist tables of data for module 2 to process using data pipeline
def main(): args = get_args() sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope)) sp.current_user_saved_tracks_add(tracks=args.tids)
# Setup Spotify API Side # If you need help with these, visit CLIENT_ID = "CHANGE THIS" # Your client_id from spotify app CLIENT_SECRET = "CHANGE THIS" # Your client_secret from spotify app OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL = '' OAUTH_TOKEN_URL = '' REDIRECT_URI = 'CHANGE THIS' # Your redirect uri from spotify app scope = "user-read-playback-state" username = "******" # Your spotify username auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URI, username=username, scope=scope) client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET) sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=client_credentials_manager, auth_manager=auth_manager) # Genius # To get an API token, visit and log in/sign up GENIUS_API_TOKEN = "CHANGE THIS" genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(GENIUS_API_TOKEN) class Window(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
def create_spotify_oauth(): return SpotifyOAuth(client_id="616278c94375429084e241be7cef4949", client_secret='dbe93ff256e74afb83bceeb59f33fb4b', redirect_uri=url_for('is_user_authorised', _external=True), scope="user-library-read")
# Scraping Billboard 100 # date = input("Which year do you want to travel to? Type the date in this format YYYY-MM-DD: ") # response = requests.get("" + date) date="2008-08-25" response = requests.get("") soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') song_names_spans = soup.find_all("span", class_="chart-element__information__song") song_names = [song.getText() for song in song_names_spans] #Spotify Authentication sp = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( scope="playlist-modify-private", redirect_uri="", client_id="", client_secret=", show_dialog=True, cache_path="token.txt" ) ) user_id = sp.current_user()["id"] print(user_id) #Searching Spotify for songs by title song_uris = [] year = date.split("-")[0] for song in song_names: result ="track:{song} year:{year}", type="track") print(result) try: uri = result["tracks"]["items"][0]["uri"]
import random import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth from datetime import datetime from statistics import mean from statistics import stdev # This class needs your Spotify client ID and client secret, as well as your # user's id. (Instructions can be found on the Spotify for Developers site.) client_id = "" client_secret = "" scope = "playlist-modify-private" user = "" spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth( client_id, client_secret, "http://localhost:8080", scope=scope)) class Explore: '''Allows exploration of related songs, artists, and albums on Spotify. Allows for the creation of playlists using these features. ''' def top_user_artists(self): '''Finds the user's top artists from the short-term past. Returns a list containing the URIs (unique Spotify IDs) of these artists. ''' # We have to create a new authentication with a scope that allows us # to read the user's top artists. spotify_user = spotipy.Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id, client_secret,
lambda: fade_to_next_image(fade_val - 0.05, previm, nextim)) else: canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(nextim) canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=canvas.image, anchor='nw') root.after(FADE_INTERVAL, lambda: update(None, startim)) root.mainloop() scope = 'user-read-currently-playing' if len(sys.argv) > 1: username = sys.argv[1] else: print("Usage: %s username" % (sys.argv[0], )) sys.exit() try: assert len(sys.argv) == 3 except: print( 'specify a display mode in the command line arguments, e.g. %s %s solid' % ( sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1], )) quit() mode = sys.argv[2] sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope, username=username)) run(sp)
def _make_oauth(*args, **kwargs): return SpotifyOAuth("CLID", "CLISEC", "REDIR", "STATE", *args, **kwargs)
index_col=0, squeeze=True, header=None) #spotify setup client_id = setup['client_id'] client_secret = setup['client_secret'] device_name = setup['client_id'] redirect_uri = setup['redirect_uri'] scope = setup['scope'] username = setup['username'] mic = setup['mic'] auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scope=scope, username=username) spotify = sp.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager) devices = spotify.devices() deviceID = None for d in devices['devices']: d['name'] = d['name'].replace('’', '\'') if d['name'] == device_name: deviceID = d['id'] break SCOPES = [''] dictionary = PyDictionary()
"name": clientId, "secret": clientSecret } # create dictionary with values with open(fileName, "w") as jsonFile: # open file as json_file json.dump(secrets, jsonFile) # save dictionary in file # permissions the app needs # user-library-read: for getting what playlists the user has # streaming: for starting playback (some other playback needs to be started already manually) # user-read-playback-state: for reading what song is currently playing scope = "user-library-read streaming user-read-playback-state" # create spotify object # will open browser window for authentication sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope=scope, client_id=clientId, client_secret=clientSecret, redirect_uri=redirectUri)) playlists = sp.current_user_playlists() # get all playlists # print all available playlists print("Available Playlists:") for playlist in playlists['items']: print(playlist['name']) # get userinput on what playlist to play playlistName = input("What playlist do you wanna play? ") print("playing " + playlistName) for playlist in playlists['items']: # iterate over all available playlists if playlist['name'] == playlistName: # check if name is equal to userInput