parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Create the spotted model model = Fulda_lumped(datetime.datetime(begin,1,1), datetime.datetime(end,12,31), with_valid_data = True, shift_one_day = True) if 'i' in sys.argv: runs = 0 elif 'v' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('v') best = eval(open(prefix + '-best.dict').read()) best.pop('Eff') model.setparameters(**best) model.begin = datetime.datetime(1986,1,1) model.end = datetime.datetime(1988,12,31) resQ = np.array(model.runmodel()) model.plotvalidation(np.array(resQ)) runs = 0 elif len(sys.argv)>1: runs = int(sys.argv[1]) if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel) # sampler.datawriter = DataWriter(prefix,model.params, model.begin, model.end, 0.0) # multi objective datawriter sampler.datawriter = DataWriter(prefix, model.params, model.begin, model.end, simthreshold_NS = 0.50, simthreshold_pbias = 25.0, simthreshold_rsr = 0.70, with_valid_data = model.with_valid_data, shift_one_day = model.shift_one_day) # Now we can sample with the implemented Latin hypercube algorithm: sampler.sample(runs)
runs = 2 # File names of the forcing data fnQ = "Q_Kammerzell_1979_1999.txt" fnT = "T_kammerzell_1979_1999_max_min_avg.txt" fnP = "P_Krigavg_kammerzell_1979_1999.txt" # import algorithm from spotpy.algorithms import mc as Sampler # Find out if the model should run parallel (for supercomputer) parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Create the model model = ComplexLumped(datetime.datetime(begin, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(end, 12, 31)) print(cmf.describe(model.project)) # If there is an command line argument, take its value for the amount of # runs if len(sys.argv) > 1: runs = int(sys.argv[1]) # run the model if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbname="complex_lumped", dbformat="csv", save_sim=True) sampler.sample(runs) #, subsets = 30)
datetime.datetime(end, 12, 31), with_valid_data=True, shift_one_day=True) if 'i' in sys.argv: runs = 0 elif 'v' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('v') best = eval(open(prefix + '-best.dict').read()) best.pop('Eff') model.setparameters(**best) model.begin = datetime.datetime(1986, 1, 1) model.end = datetime.datetime(1988, 12, 31) resQ = np.array(model.runmodel()) model.plotvalidation(np.array(resQ)) runs = 0 elif len(sys.argv) > 1: runs = int(sys.argv[1]) if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbformat="csv", dbname="test") # sampler.datawriter = DataWriter(prefix,model.params, model.begin, model.end, 0.0) # multi objective datawriter # sampler.datawriter = DataWriter(prefix, model.params, model.begin, model.end, simthreshold_NS = 0.50, # simthreshold_pbias = 25.0, simthreshold_rsr = 0.70, # with_valid_data = model.with_valid_data, # shift_one_day = model.shift_one_day) # Now we can sample with the implemented Latin hypercube algorithm: sampler.sample(runs)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Get sampler from spotpy.algorithms import lhs as Sampler # Check if we are running on a supercomputer or local parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Run the models runs = 5 num_cells = [1, 2, 4, 8] results = {} for num in num_cells: # Create the model model = ScalingTester(num_cells=num) print(cmf.describe(model.project)) # Create the sampler sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbname=model.dbname, dbformat='csv', save_sim=False) sampler.sample(runs) results[str(num)] = sampler.status.objectivefunction for key, value in results.items(): print("The model with {} cell(s) has a best NS of {}".format( key, value))
# File names of the forcing data fnQ = "Q_Kammerzell_1979_1999.txt" fnT = "T_kammerzell_1979_1999_max_min_avg.txt" fnP = "P_Krigavg_kammerzell_1979_1999.txt" # import algorithm from spotpy.algorithms import rope as Sampler # Find out if the model should run parallel (for supercomputer) parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Create the model model = SimpleLumped(datetime.datetime(begin, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(end, 12, 31)) # If there is an command line argument, take its value for the amount of # runs if len(sys.argv) > 1: runs = int(sys.argv[1]) # run the model if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbname="simple_lumped_hargreaves", dbformat="csv", save_sim=True, save_threshold=[0.0, 0.0]) sampler.sample(runs, subsets=30)
fnP = "P_Krigavg_kammerzell_1979_1999.txt" fnSun = "sunshine_hours_mw_fulda_wasserkuppe_1979_1989.txt" fnWind = "windspeed_m_s_mw_fulda_wasserkuppe_1979_1989.txt" fnVapor = "vapor_pressure_kpa_mw_fulda_wasserkuppe_1979_1989.txt" fnRelHum = "rel_hum_percent_mw_fulda_wasserkuppe_1979_1989.txt" # import algorithm from spotpy.algorithms import rope as Sampler # Find out if the model should run parallel (for supercomputer) parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Create the model model = ComplexLumped(datetime.datetime(begin, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(end, 12, 31)) # If there is an command line argument, take its value for the amount of # runs if len(sys.argv) > 1: runs = int(sys.argv[1]) # run the model if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbname="complex_lumped_penman", dbformat="csv", save_sim=True, save_threshold=[0.0, 0.0]) sampler.sample(runs, subsets=30)
# if __name__ == '__main__': # Get the Monte-Carlo sampler from spotpy.algorithms import mc as Sampler # Create the model model = SingleStorage(datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(1985, 12, 31)) runs = get_runs(default=1) # Create the sampler sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel(), dbname=model.dbname, dbformat='csv', save_sim=True) # Print our configuration print(spotpy.describe.describe(sampler)) # Do the sampling if runs > 1: # Now we can sample with the implemented Monte Carlo algorithm: sampler.sample(runs) else: result = model.simulation(verbose=True) for name, value in spotpy.objectivefunctions.calculate_all_functions(model.evaluation(), result): try:
plt.plot(x, self.evaluation(), 'k') #%% # if __name__ == '__main__': # Importiere Algorithmus from spotpy.algorithms import lhs as Sampler # Finde heraus, ob das ganze parallel laufen soll (für Supercomputer) parallel = 'mpi' if 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ else 'seq' # Create the spotted model model = SingleStorage(datetime.datetime(begin, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(end, 12, 31)) if runs: sampler = Sampler(model, parallel=parallel, dbname='lhs-1stor', dbformat='csv', save_sim=True) # sampler.datawriter = DataWriter(model.params, model.begin, model.end, 0.0) # Now we can sample with the implemented Monte Carlo algortihm: sampler.sample(runs) # plottet das Ergebnis # TODO: Threshold anpassen für die graue Fläche im Plot. Eure Modelle schaffen hoffentlich deutlich mehr... # model.plotsimulation(0.3)