def gui(ctx): """ Shows a GUI for manual calibration """ from spotpy.gui.mpl import GUI setup = ctx.obj gui = GUI(setup)
Needs at least Python 3.5 """ from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import spotpy from spotpy.gui.mpl import GUI from spotpy.examples.spot_setup_hymod_python import spot_setup from spotpy.objectivefunctions import rmse if __name__ == '__main__': setup_class = spot_setup(rmse) #Select number of maximum allowed repetitions rep = 10000 # Create the SCE-UA sampler of spotpy, alt_objfun is set to None to force SPOTPY # to jump into the def objectivefunction in the spot_setup class (default is # spotpy.objectivefunctions.rmse) sampler = spotpy.algorithms.sceua(setup_class, dbname='SCEUA_hymod', dbformat='csv', alt_objfun=None) #Start the sampler, one can specify ngs, kstop, peps and pcento id desired #sampler.sample(rep,ngs=10, kstop=50, peps=0.1, pcento=0.1) gui = GUI(spot_setup())