plot, interactive, set_log_level, set_log_active) from spuq.application.egsz.fem_discretisation import FEMNavierLame from spuq.fem.fenics.fenics_vector import FEniCSVector except: import traceback print traceback.format_exc() print "FEniCS has to be available" os.sys.exit(1) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # determine path of this module path = os.path.dirname(__file__) configfile = "test_elasticity_pcg.conf" config = ExperimentStarter._parse_config(configfile=os.path.join(path, configfile)) # propagate config values for sec in config.keys(): if sec == "LOGGING": continue secconf = config[sec] for key, val in secconf.iteritems(): print "CONF_" + key + "= secconf['" + key + "'] =", secconf[key] exec "CONF_" + key + "= secconf['" + key + "']" # setup logging print "LOG_LEVEL = logging." + config["LOGGING"]["level"] exec "LOG_LEVEL = logging." + config["LOGGING"]["level"] logger = setup_logging(LOG_LEVEL)
from spuq.utils.plot.plotter import Plotter from spuq.application.egsz.egsz_utils import setup_logging try: from dolfin import (Function, FunctionSpace, Mesh, Constant, UnitSquare, compile_subdomains, plot, interactive, set_log_level, set_log_active) from spuq.fem.fenics.fenics_vector import FEniCSVector except: import traceback print traceback.format_exc() print "FEniCS has to be available" os.sys.exit(1) # ------------------------------------------------------------ configfile = "test_neumann_pcg.conf" config = ExperimentStarter._parse_config(configfile=configfile) # propagate config values for sec in config.keys(): if sec == "LOGGING": continue secconf = config[sec] for key, val in secconf.iteritems(): print "CONF_" + key + "= secconf['" + key + "'] =", secconf[key] exec "CONF_" + key + "= secconf['" + key + "']" # setup logging print "LOG_LEVEL = logging." + config["LOGGING"]["level"] exec "LOG_LEVEL = logging." + config["LOGGING"]["level"] logger = setup_logging(LOG_LEVEL)