コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AnjaliMehta343/SpyChat
def add_friend():
    frnd=Spy('','',0,0.0)  #to add a new friend
    frnd.name = raw_input('What is your friend \'s name? ')
    frnd.sal = raw_input("What should we call your friend?")
    frnd.age = input('What is your friend\'s age ? ')
    frnd.ratings = input('What is your friend\'s rating ?')
    frnd.is_online= True
    if len(frnd.name)>2 and 14<frnd.age<60 and frnd.ratings>spy.ratings:  # conditons for adding new friend
        friends.append(frnd) #adding this new friend in the list of already existing friends
        with open('friends.csv','a') as friends_data:
            writer = csv.writer(friends_data)
            writer.writerow([frnd.name, frnd.sal, frnd.ratings, frnd.age, frnd.is_online])
        print "Friend cannot be added."
    return len(friends)  # will return to add_friend()
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: piyush546/Spychat
def add_friend():

    friend_obj = Spy(" ", " ", 0, 0.0)

    friend_obj.name = input("Enter your friend name:")

    # Validating the name
    if friend_obj.name.isspace is True or len(friend_obj.name) == 0:
        print("Enter a valid name")

        # To capitalize the first character of a string
        friend_obj.name = friend_obj.name.capitalize()

        friend_obj.salutation = input("What do you want to use"\
                                      " with your friend name Dr./Mr./Mrs?\n")
        friend_obj.salutation = friend_obj.salutation.capitalize()

        # Updating the values of the variable
        friend_obj.name = f'{friend_obj.salutation} {friend_obj.name}'

        friend_obj.age = int(input("Enter the Spy age:"))
        if 12 < friend_obj.age < 50:
            friend_obj.ratings = float(input("Enter the spy Ratings"\
                                             " for your friend:"))

            if friend_obj.ratings >= 4.5 or 3.5 <= friend_obj.ratings < 4.5:
                print("Enter a valid rating")

            print("You are not eligible for being a spy")

    # To return the numbers of friends user have
    return len(friends)
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AnjaliMehta343/SpyChat
elif spy_exist.upper()=="Y": #if spy is new then the registration starts
    spy = Spy(" "," ",0,0.0)
    spy.name = raw_input("What is your spy name?")
    if spy.name.isspace(): #to ensure that input is not space
        print "Enter a valid name."

    elif len(spy.name)>2: #to check the length of the input
        print "Welcome " + spy.name +". Glad to have you with us."
        spy.salutation=raw_input("What should we call you (Mr. or Ms.)?")
        if spy.salutation=="Mr." or spy.salutation=="Ms.":
            spy.name=spy.salutation + spy.name  #concatenation
            print "Alright " + spy.name + ". I would like to know a little bit more about you."
            spy.age = input("What is your age?")
            if 60>spy.age>14:
                print "Your age is correct."
                spy.ratings = input("What is your ratings?")
                if spy.ratings>8.0:
                    print "Great spy" #commenting under nested ifs
                elif 5.5<spy.ratings<=8.0:
                    print "Average spy"
                elif 3.0<spy.ratings<=5.5:
                    print "Bad spy"
                    print "Are you really a spy?"
                print "Authentication is completed. Welcome %s of age: %d having ratings %f " % (spy.name,spy.age,spy.ratings)
                spy_chat(spy.name,spy.age,spy.ratings) # to provide options to the spy
                print "Sorry.Your age is not eligible to be a spy."
            print"Invalid salutation"
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: piyush546/Spychat
    if spy.name.isspace is True or len(spy.name) == 0:
        print("Enter a valid name")

        # Capitalizing the first character of the name entered by user
        spy.name = spy.name.capitalize()

        spy.salutation = input("What do you want to use with your name"\
                               " Dr./Mr./Mrs?\n")
        spy.salutation = spy.salutation.capitalize()

        spy.age = int(input("Enter the Spy age:"))
        # Validating the age and ratings entered by user
        if 12 < spy.age < 50:

            spy.ratings = float(input("Enter the spy Ratings:"))

            if spy.ratings >= 4.5:
                print("Great Ace")
            elif 3.5 <= spy.ratings < 4.5:
                print("Better one")
                print("Enter a valid rating")

            # Setting the user online
            spy.is_online = True

            print("You are not eligible for being a spy")