class Console(SpyderPluginWidget): """ Console widget """ CONF_SECTION = 'internal_console' focus_changed = Signal() redirect_stdio = Signal(bool) edit_goto = Signal(str, int, str) def __init__(self, parent=None, namespace=None, commands=[], message=None, exitfunc=None, profile=False, multithreaded=False): SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent)"Initializing...") self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() # Shell = InternalShell(parent, namespace, commands, message, self.get_option('max_line_count'), self.get_font(), exitfunc, profile, multithreaded) lambda msg: self.sig_show_status_message.emit(msg, 0)) self.focus_changed.emit()) # Redirecting some signals: lambda state: self.redirect_stdio.emit(state)) # Find/replace widget self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) self.find_widget.set_editor( self.find_widget.hide() self.register_widget_shortcuts(self.find_widget) # Main layout btn_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn_layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) btn_layout.addStretch() btn_layout.addWidget(self.options_button, Qt.AlignRight) layout = create_plugin_layout(btn_layout) layout.addWidget( layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Parameters'wrap')) # Accepting drops self.setAcceptDrops(True) # Traceback MessageBox self.error_dlg = None self.error_traceback = "" self.dismiss_error = False #------ Private API -------------------------------------------------------- def set_historylog(self, historylog): """Bind historylog instance to this console Not used anymore since v2.0""" historylog.add_history( def set_help(self, help_plugin): """Bind help instance to this console""" = help_plugin #------ SpyderPluginWidget API --------------------------------------------- def get_plugin_title(self): """Return widget title""" return _('Internal console') def get_focus_widget(self): """ Return the widget to give focus to when this plugin's dockwidget is raised on top-level """ return def update_font(self): """Update font from Preferences""" font = self.get_font() def closing_plugin(self, cancelable=False): """Perform actions before parent main window is closed""" self.dialog_manager.close_all() return True def get_plugin_actions(self): """Return a list of actions related to plugin""" quit_action = create_action(self, _("&Quit"), icon=ima.icon('exit'), tip=_("Quit"), triggered=self.quit) self.register_shortcut(quit_action, "_", "Quit", "Ctrl+Q") run_action = create_action(self, _("&Run..."), None, ima.icon('run_small'), _("Run a Python script"), triggered=self.run_script) environ_action = create_action( self, _("Environment variables..."), icon=ima.icon('environ'), tip=_("Show and edit environment variables" " (for current session)"), triggered=self.show_env) syspath_action = create_action(self, _("Show sys.path contents..."), icon=ima.icon('syspath'), tip=_("Show (read-only) sys.path"), triggered=self.show_syspath) buffer_action = create_action(self, _("Buffer..."), None, tip=_("Set maximum line count"), triggered=self.change_max_line_count) exteditor_action = create_action( self, _("External editor path..."), None, None, _("Set external editor executable path"), triggered=self.change_exteditor) wrap_action = create_action(self, _("Wrap lines"), toggled=self.toggle_wrap_mode) wrap_action.setChecked(self.get_option('wrap')) codecompletion_action = create_action( self, _("Automatic code completion"), toggled=self.toggle_codecompletion) codecompletion_action.setChecked( self.get_option('codecompletion/auto')) option_menu = QMenu(_('Internal console settings'), self) option_menu.setIcon(ima.icon('tooloptions')) add_actions(option_menu, (buffer_action, wrap_action, codecompletion_action, exteditor_action)) plugin_actions = [ None, run_action, environ_action, syspath_action, option_menu, MENU_SEPARATOR, quit_action ] return plugin_actions def register_plugin(self): """Register plugin in Spyder's main window""" self.focus_changed.connect(self.main.plugin_focus_changed) self.add_dockwidget() # Connecting the following signal once the dockwidget has been created: def exception_occurred(self, text, is_traceback, is_pyls_error=False): """ Exception ocurred in the internal console. Show a QDialog or the internal console to warn the user. """ # Skip errors without traceback or dismiss if (not is_traceback and self.error_dlg is None) or self.dismiss_error: return if CONF.get('main', 'show_internal_errors'): if self.error_dlg is None: self.error_dlg = SpyderErrorDialog(self) self.error_dlg.set_color_scheme( CONF.get('appearance', 'selected')) self.error_dlg.close_btn.clicked.connect(self.close_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.rejected.connect(self.remove_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.details.go_to_error.connect(self.go_to_error) if is_pyls_error: title = "Internal Python Language Server error" self.error_dlg.set_title(title) self.error_dlg.title.setEnabled(False) self.error_dlg.append_traceback(text) elif DEV or get_debug_level(): self.switch_to_plugin() def close_error_dlg(self): """Close error dialog.""" if self.error_dlg.dismiss_box.isChecked(): self.dismiss_error = True self.error_dlg.reject() def remove_error_dlg(self): """Remove error dialog.""" self.error_dlg = None #------ Public API --------------------------------------------------------- @Slot() def quit(self): """Quit mainwindow""" self.main.close() @Slot() def show_env(self): """Show environment variables""" @Slot() def show_syspath(self): """Show sys.path""" editor = CollectionsEditor(parent=self) editor.setup(sys.path, title="sys.path", readonly=True, width=600, icon=ima.icon('syspath')) @Slot() def run_script(self, filename=None, silent=False, set_focus=False, args=None): """Run a Python script""" if filename is None: filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename( self, _("Run Python script"), getcwd_or_home(), _("Python scripts") + " (*.py ; *.pyw ; *.ipy)") if filename: os.chdir(osp.dirname(filename)) filename = osp.basename(filename) else: return logger.debug("Running script with %s", args) filename = osp.abspath(filename) rbs = remove_backslashes command = "runfile('%s', args='%s')" % (rbs(filename), rbs(args)) if set_focus: if self.dockwidget: self.switch_to_plugin() + '\n') def go_to_error(self, text): """Go to error if relevant""" match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text)) if match: fname, lnb = match.groups() self.edit_script(fname, int(lnb)) def edit_script(self, filename=None, goto=-1): """Edit script""" # Called from InternalShell if not hasattr(self, 'main') \ or not hasattr(self.main, 'editor'):, goto) return if filename is not None: self.edit_goto.emit(osp.abspath(filename), goto, '') def execute_lines(self, lines): """Execute lines and give focus to shell""" @Slot() def change_max_line_count(self): "Change maximum line count" "" mlc, valid = QInputDialog.getInt(self, _('Buffer'), _('Maximum line count'), self.get_option('max_line_count'), 0, 1000000) if valid: self.set_option('max_line_count', mlc) @Slot() def change_exteditor(self): """Change external editor path""" path, valid = QInputDialog.getText( self, _('External editor'), _('External editor executable path:'), QLineEdit.Normal, self.get_option('external_editor/path')) if valid: self.set_option('external_editor/path', to_text_string(path)) @Slot(bool) def toggle_wrap_mode(self, checked): """Toggle wrap mode""" self.set_option('wrap', checked) @Slot(bool) def toggle_codecompletion(self, checked): """Toggle automatic code completion""" self.set_option('codecompletion/auto', checked) #----Drag and drop def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method Inform Qt about the types of data that the widget accepts""" source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): if mimedata2url(source): event.acceptProposedAction() else: event.ignore() elif source.hasText(): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method Unpack dropped data and handle it""" source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): pathlist = mimedata2url(source) elif source.hasText(): lines = to_text_string(source.text())'eof') event.acceptProposedAction()
class ConsoleWidget(PluginMainWidget): # --- Signals # This signal emits a parsed error traceback text so we can then # request opening the file that traceback comes from in the Editor. sig_edit_goto_requested = Signal(str, int, str) # TODO: I do not think we use this? sig_focus_changed = Signal() # Emit this when the interpreter buffer is flushed sig_refreshed = Signal() # Request to show a status message on the main window sig_show_status_requested = Signal(str) # Request the main application to quit. sig_quit_requested = Signal() sig_help_requested = Signal(dict) """ This signal is emitted to request help on a given object `name`. Parameters ---------- help_data: dict Example `{'name': str, 'ignore_unknown': bool}`. """ def __init__(self, name, plugin, parent=None): super().__init__(name, plugin, parent)"Initializing...") # Traceback MessageBox self.error_traceback = '' self.dismiss_error = False # Widgets self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() self.error_dlg = None = InternalShell( # TODO: Move to use SpyderWidgetMixin? parent=parent, namespace=self.get_conf('namespace', {}), commands=self.get_conf('commands', []), message=self.get_conf('message', ''), max_line_count=self.get_conf('max_line_count'), profile=self.get_conf('profile', False), multithreaded=self.get_conf('multithreaded', False), ) self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) # Setup self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.find_widget.set_editor( self.find_widget.hide()'wrap')) # Layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget( layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Signals self.sig_redirect_stdio_requested) lambda msg: self.sig_show_status_message.emit(msg, 0)) # --- PluginMainWidget API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_title(self): return _('Internal console') def setup(self): # TODO: Move this to the shell self.quit_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Quit, text=_("&Quit"), tip=_("Quit"), icon=self.create_icon('exit'), triggered=self.sig_quit_requested, context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut, shortcut_context="_", register_shortcut=True) run_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Run, text=_("&Run..."), tip=_("Run a Python script"), icon=self.create_icon('run_small'), triggered=self.run_script, ) environ_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Environment, text=_("Environment variables..."), tip=_("Show and edit environment variables (for current " "session)"), icon=self.create_icon('environ'), triggered=self.show_env, ) syspath_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.SysPath, text=_("Show sys.path contents..."), tip=_("Show (read-only) sys.path"), icon=self.create_icon('syspath'), triggered=self.show_syspath, ) buffer_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.MaxLineCount, text=_("Buffer..."), tip=_("Set maximum line count"), triggered=self.change_max_line_count, ) exteditor_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ExternalEditor, text=_("External editor path..."), tip=_("Set external editor executable path"), triggered=self.change_exteditor, ) wrap_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ToggleWrap, text=_("Wrap lines"), toggled=lambda val: self.set_conf('wrap', val), initial=self.get_conf('wrap'), ) codecompletion_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ToggleCodeCompletion, text=_("Automatic code completion"), toggled=lambda val: self.set_conf('codecompletion/auto', val), initial=self.get_conf('codecompletion/auto'), ) # Submenu internal_settings_menu = self.create_menu( ConsoleWidgetMenus.InternalSettings, _('Internal console settings'), icon=self.create_icon('tooloptions'), ) for item in [ buffer_action, wrap_action, codecompletion_action, exteditor_action ]: self.add_item_to_menu( item, menu=internal_settings_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetInternalSettingsSubMenuSections.Main, ) # Options menu options_menu = self.get_options_menu() for item in [ run_action, environ_action, syspath_action, internal_settings_menu ]: self.add_item_to_menu( item, menu=options_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Run, ) self.add_item_to_menu( self.quit_action, menu=options_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Quit, )'external_editor/path'), '') @on_conf_change(option='max_line_count') def max_line_count_update(self, value): @on_conf_change(option='wrap') def wrap_mode_update(self, value): @on_conf_change(option='external_editor/path') def external_editor_update(self, value):, '') def update_actions(self): pass def get_focus_widget(self): return # --- Qt overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """ Reimplement Qt method. Inform Qt about the types of data that the widget accepts. """ source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): if mimedata2url(source): event.acceptProposedAction() else: event.ignore() elif source.hasText(): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): """ Reimplement Qt method. Unpack dropped data and handle it. """ source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): pathlist = mimedata2url(source) elif source.hasText(): lines = to_text_string(source.text())'eof') event.acceptProposedAction() # --- Public API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def start_interpreter(self, namespace): """ Start internal console interpreter. """ def set_historylog(self, historylog): """ Bind historylog instance to this console. Not used anymore since v2.0. """ historylog.add_history( historylog.append_to_history) def set_help(self, help_plugin): """ Bind help instance to this console. """ = help_plugin def report_issue(self): """Report an issue with the SpyderErrorDialog.""" self._report_dlg = SpyderErrorDialog(self, is_report=True) self._report_dlg.set_color_scheme( self.get_conf('selected', section='appearance')) @Slot(dict) def handle_exception(self, error_data, sender=None, internal_plugins=None): """ Exception ocurred in the internal console. Show a QDialog or the internal console to warn the user. Handle any exception that occurs during Spyder usage. Parameters ---------- error_data: dict The dictionary containing error data. The expected keys are: >>> error_data= { "text": str, "is_traceback": bool, "repo": str, "title": str, "label": str, "steps": str, } sender: spyder.api.plugins.SpyderPluginV2, optional The sender plugin. Default is None. Notes ----- The `is_traceback` key indicates if `text` contains plain text or a Python error traceback. The `title` and `repo` keys indicate how the error data should customize the report dialog and Github error submission. The `label` and `steps` keys allow customizing the content of the error dialog. """ text = error_data.get("text", None) is_traceback = error_data.get("is_traceback", False) title = error_data.get("title", "") label = error_data.get("label", "") steps = error_data.get("steps", "") # Skip errors without traceback (and no text) or dismiss if ((not text and not is_traceback and self.error_dlg is None) or self.dismiss_error): return # Retrieve internal plugins internal_plugins = PLUGIN_REGISTRY.internal_plugins # Get if sender is internal or not is_internal_plugin = True if sender is not None: sender_name = getattr(sender, 'NAME', getattr(sender, 'CONF_SECTION')) is_internal_plugin = sender_name in internal_plugins # Set repo repo = "spyder-ide/spyder" if not is_internal_plugin: repo = error_data.get("repo", None) if repo is None: raise SpyderAPIError( f"External plugin '{sender_name}' does not define 'repo' " "key in the 'error_data' dictionary in the form " "my-org/my-repo (only Github is supported).") if repo == 'spyder-ide/spyder': raise SpyderAPIError( f"External plugin '{sender_name}' 'repo' key needs to be " "different from the main Spyder repo.") if self.get_conf('show_internal_errors', section='main'): if self.error_dlg is None: self.error_dlg = SpyderErrorDialog(self) self.error_dlg.set_color_scheme( self.get_conf('selected', section='appearance')) self.error_dlg.close_btn.clicked.connect(self.close_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.rejected.connect(self.remove_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.details.sig_go_to_error_requested.connect( self.go_to_error) # Set the report repository self.error_dlg.set_github_repo_org(repo) if title: self.error_dlg.set_title(title) self.error_dlg.title.setEnabled(False) if label: self.error_dlg.main_label.setText(label) self.error_dlg.submit_btn.setEnabled(True) if steps: self.error_dlg.steps_text.setText(steps) self.error_dlg.set_require_minimum_length(False) self.error_dlg.append_traceback(text) elif DEV or get_debug_level(): self.change_visibility(True, True) def close_error_dlg(self): """ Close error dialog. """ if self.error_dlg.dismiss_box.isChecked(): self.dismiss_error = True self.error_dlg.reject() def remove_error_dlg(self): """ Remove error dialog. """ self.error_dlg = None @Slot() def show_env(self): """ Show environment variables. """ def get_sys_path(self): """ Return the `sys.path`. """ return sys.path @Slot() def show_syspath(self): """ Show `sys.path`. """ editor = CollectionsEditor(parent=self) editor.setup( sys.path, title="sys.path", readonly=True, icon=self.create_icon('syspath'), ) @Slot() def run_script(self, filename=None, silent=False, set_focus=False, args=None): """ Run a Python script. """ if filename is None: filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename( self, _("Run Python script"), getcwd_or_home(), _("Python scripts") + " (*.py ; *.pyw ; *.ipy)", ) if filename: os.chdir(osp.dirname(filename)) filename = osp.basename(filename) else: return logger.debug("Running script with %s", args) filename = osp.abspath(filename) rbs = remove_backslashes command = "runfile('%s', args='%s')" % (rbs(filename), rbs(args)) if set_focus: self.change_visibility(True, True) + '\n') def go_to_error(self, text): """ Go to error if relevant. """ match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text)) if match: fname, lnb = match.groups() self.edit_script(fname, int(lnb)) def edit_script(self, filename=None, goto=-1): """ Edit script. """ if filename is not None: # Called from InternalShell, goto) self.sig_edit_goto_requested.emit(osp.abspath(filename), goto, '') def execute_lines(self, lines): """ Execute lines and give focus to shell. """ @Slot() def change_max_line_count(self, value=None): """" Change maximum line count. """ valid = True if value is None: value, valid = QInputDialog.getInt( self, _('Buffer'), _('Maximum line count'), self.get_conf('max_line_count'), 0, 1000000, ) if valid: self.set_conf('max_line_count', value) @Slot() def change_exteditor(self, path=None): """ Change external editor path. """ valid = True if path is None: path, valid = QInputDialog.getText( self, _('External editor'), _('External editor executable path:'), QLineEdit.Normal, self.get_conf('external_editor/path'), ) if valid: self.set_conf('external_editor/path', to_text_string(path)) def set_exit_function(self, func): """ Set the callback function to execute when the `exit_interpreter` is called. """ = func def set_font(self, font): """ Set font of the internal shell. """ def redirect_stds(self): """ Redirect stdout and stderr when using open file dialogs. """ def restore_stds(self): """ Restore stdout and stderr when using open file dialogs. """ def set_namespace_item(self, name, item): """ Add an object to the namespace dictionary of the internal console. """[name] = item def exit_interpreter(self): """ Exit the internal console interpreter. This is equivalent to requesting the main application to quit. """
class Console(SpyderPluginWidget): """ Console widget """ CONF_SECTION = 'internal_console' focus_changed = Signal() redirect_stdio = Signal(bool) edit_goto = Signal(str, int, str) def __init__(self, parent=None, namespace=None, commands=[], message=None, exitfunc=None, profile=False, multithreaded=False): SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent)"Initializing...") self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() # Shell light_background = self.get_option('light_background') = InternalShell(parent, namespace, commands, message, self.get_option('max_line_count'), self.get_plugin_font(), exitfunc, profile, multithreaded, light_background=light_background) msg: self.show_message.emit(msg, 0)) self.focus_changed.emit()) # Redirecting some signals: state: self.redirect_stdio.emit(state)) # Initialize plugin self.initialize_plugin() # Find/replace widget self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) self.find_widget.set_editor( self.find_widget.hide() self.register_widget_shortcuts(self.find_widget) # Main layout btn_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn_layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) btn_layout.addStretch() btn_layout.addWidget(self.options_button, Qt.AlignRight) layout = create_plugin_layout(btn_layout) layout.addWidget( layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Parameters'wrap')) # Accepting drops self.setAcceptDrops(True) # Traceback MessageBox self.error_dlg = None self.error_traceback = "" self.dismiss_error = False #------ Private API -------------------------------------------------------- def set_historylog(self, historylog): """Bind historylog instance to this console Not used anymore since v2.0""" historylog.add_history( def set_help(self, help_plugin): """Bind help instance to this console""" = help_plugin #------ SpyderPluginWidget API --------------------------------------------- def get_plugin_title(self): """Return widget title""" return _('Internal console') def get_focus_widget(self): """ Return the widget to give focus to when this plugin's dockwidget is raised on top-level """ return def update_font(self): """Update font from Preferences""" font = self.get_plugin_font() def closing_plugin(self, cancelable=False): """Perform actions before parent main window is closed""" self.dialog_manager.close_all() return True def refresh_plugin(self): pass def get_plugin_actions(self): """Return a list of actions related to plugin""" quit_action = create_action(self, _("&Quit"), icon=ima.icon('exit'), tip=_("Quit"), triggered=self.quit) self.register_shortcut(quit_action, "_", "Quit", "Ctrl+Q") run_action = create_action(self, _("&Run..."), None, ima.icon('run_small'), _("Run a Python script"), triggered=self.run_script) environ_action = create_action(self, _("Environment variables..."), icon=ima.icon('environ'), tip=_("Show and edit environment variables" " (for current session)"), triggered=self.show_env) syspath_action = create_action(self, _("Show sys.path contents..."), icon=ima.icon('syspath'), tip=_("Show (read-only) sys.path"), triggered=self.show_syspath) buffer_action = create_action(self, _("Buffer..."), None, tip=_("Set maximum line count"), triggered=self.change_max_line_count) exteditor_action = create_action(self, _("External editor path..."), None, None, _("Set external editor executable path"), triggered=self.change_exteditor) wrap_action = create_action(self, _("Wrap lines"), toggled=self.toggle_wrap_mode) wrap_action.setChecked(self.get_option('wrap')) calltips_action = create_action(self, _("Display balloon tips"), toggled=self.toggle_calltips) calltips_action.setChecked(self.get_option('calltips')) codecompletion_action = create_action(self, _("Automatic code completion"), toggled=self.toggle_codecompletion) codecompletion_action.setChecked(self.get_option('codecompletion/auto')) codecompenter_action = create_action(self, _("Enter key selects completion"), toggled=self.toggle_codecompletion_enter) codecompenter_action.setChecked(self.get_option( 'codecompletion/enter_key')) option_menu = QMenu(_('Internal console settings'), self) option_menu.setIcon(ima.icon('tooloptions')) add_actions(option_menu, (buffer_action, wrap_action, calltips_action, codecompletion_action, codecompenter_action, exteditor_action)) plugin_actions = [None, run_action, environ_action, syspath_action, option_menu, MENU_SEPARATOR, quit_action, self.undock_action] return plugin_actions def register_plugin(self): """Register plugin in Spyder's main window""" self.focus_changed.connect(self.main.plugin_focus_changed) self.main.add_dockwidget(self) # Connecting the following signal once the dockwidget has been created: def exception_occurred(self, text, is_traceback): """ Exception ocurred in the internal console. Show a QDialog or the internal console to warn the user. """ # Skip errors without traceback or dismiss if (not is_traceback and self.error_dlg is None) or self.dismiss_error: return if CONF.get('main', 'show_internal_errors'): if self.error_dlg is None: self.error_dlg = SpyderErrorDialog(self) self.error_dlg.close_btn.clicked.connect(self.close_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.rejected.connect(self.remove_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.details.go_to_error.connect(self.go_to_error) self.error_dlg.append_traceback(text) elif DEV or get_debug_level(): self.dockwidget.raise_() def close_error_dlg(self): """Close error dialog.""" if self.error_dlg.dismiss_box.isChecked(): self.dismiss_error = True self.error_dlg.reject() def remove_error_dlg(self): """Remove error dialog.""" self.error_dlg = None #------ Public API --------------------------------------------------------- @Slot() def quit(self): """Quit mainwindow""" self.main.close() @Slot() def show_env(self): """Show environment variables""" @Slot() def show_syspath(self): """Show sys.path""" editor = CollectionsEditor() editor.setup(sys.path, title="sys.path", readonly=True, width=600, icon=ima.icon('syspath')) @Slot() def run_script(self, filename=None, silent=False, set_focus=False, args=None): """Run a Python script""" if filename is None: filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename( self, _("Run Python script"), getcwd_or_home(), _("Python scripts")+" (*.py ; *.pyw ; *.ipy)") if filename: os.chdir( osp.dirname(filename) ) filename = osp.basename(filename) else: return logger.debug("Running script with %s", args) filename = osp.abspath(filename) rbs = remove_backslashes command = "runfile('%s', args='%s')" % (rbs(filename), rbs(args)) if set_focus: if self.dockwidget and not self.ismaximized: self.dockwidget.setVisible(True) self.dockwidget.raise_()'\n') def go_to_error(self, text): """Go to error if relevant""" match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text)) if match: fname, lnb = match.groups() self.edit_script(fname, int(lnb)) def edit_script(self, filename=None, goto=-1): """Edit script""" # Called from InternalShell if not hasattr(self, 'main') \ or not hasattr(self.main, 'editor'):, goto) return if filename is not None: self.edit_goto.emit(osp.abspath(filename), goto, '') def execute_lines(self, lines): """Execute lines and give focus to shell""" @Slot() def change_max_line_count(self): "Change maximum line count""" mlc, valid = QInputDialog.getInt(self, _('Buffer'), _('Maximum line count'), self.get_option('max_line_count'), 0, 1000000) if valid: self.set_option('max_line_count', mlc) @Slot() def change_exteditor(self): """Change external editor path""" path, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('External editor'), _('External editor executable path:'), QLineEdit.Normal, self.get_option('external_editor/path')) if valid: self.set_option('external_editor/path', to_text_string(path)) @Slot(bool) def toggle_wrap_mode(self, checked): """Toggle wrap mode""" self.set_option('wrap', checked) @Slot(bool) def toggle_calltips(self, checked): """Toggle calltips""" self.set_option('calltips', checked) @Slot(bool) def toggle_codecompletion(self, checked): """Toggle automatic code completion""" self.set_option('codecompletion/auto', checked) @Slot(bool) def toggle_codecompletion_enter(self, checked): """Toggle Enter key for code completion""" self.set_option('codecompletion/enter_key', checked) #----Drag and drop def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method Inform Qt about the types of data that the widget accepts""" source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): if mimedata2url(source): event.acceptProposedAction() else: event.ignore() elif source.hasText(): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method Unpack dropped data and handle it""" source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): pathlist = mimedata2url(source) elif source.hasText(): lines = to_text_string(source.text())'eof') event.acceptProposedAction()
class ConsoleWidget(PluginMainWidget): DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'codecompletion/auto': True, 'commands': [], 'external_editor/gotoline': '', 'external_editor/path': '', 'max_line_count': 300, 'message': 'Internal console\n\n', 'multithreaded': False, 'namespace': None, 'profile': False, 'show_internal_errors': True, 'wrap': True, # From appearance 'color_theme': 'spyder/dark', } # --- Signals # This signal emits a parsed error traceback text so we can then # request opening the file that traceback comes from in the Editor. sig_edit_goto_requested = Signal(str, int, str) # TODO: I do not think we use this? sig_focus_changed = Signal() # Emit this when the interpreter buffer is flushed sig_refreshed = Signal() # Request to show a status message on the main window sig_show_status_requested = Signal(str) # Request the main application to quit. sig_quit_requested = Signal() sig_help_requested = Signal(dict) """ This signal is emitted to request help on a given object `name`. Parameters ---------- help_data: dict Example `{'name': str, 'ignore_unknown': bool}`. """ def __init__(self, name, plugin, parent=None, options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS): super().__init__(name, plugin, parent, options)"Initializing...") # Traceback MessageBox self.error_traceback = '' self.dismiss_error = False # Widgets self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() self.error_dlg = None = InternalShell( # TODO: Move to use SpyderWidgetMixin? parent=parent, namespace=self.get_option('namespace'), commands=self.get_option('commands'), message=self.get_option('message'), max_line_count=self.get_option('max_line_count'), profile=self.get_option('profile'), multithreaded=self.get_option('multithreaded'), ) self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) # Setup self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.find_widget.set_editor( self.find_widget.hide()'wrap')) # Layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget( layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Signals self.sig_redirect_stdio_requested) lambda msg: self.sig_show_status_message.emit(msg, 0)) # --- PluginMainWidget API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_title(self): return _('Internal console') def setup(self, options): # TODO: Move this to the shell quit_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Quit, text=_("&Quit"), tip=_("Quit"), icon=self.create_icon('exit'), triggered=self.sig_quit_requested, context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut, ) run_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Run, text=_("&Run..."), tip=_("Run a Python script"), icon=self.create_icon('run_small'), triggered=self.run_script, ) environ_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.Environment, text=_("Environment variables..."), tip=_("Show and edit environment variables (for current " "session)"), icon=self.create_icon('environ'), triggered=self.show_env, ) syspath_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.SysPath, text=_("Show sys.path contents..."), tip=_("Show (read-only) sys.path"), icon=self.create_icon('syspath'), triggered=self.show_syspath, ) buffer_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.MaxLineCount, text=_("Buffer..."), tip=_("Set maximum line count"), triggered=self.change_max_line_count, ) exteditor_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ExternalEditor, text=_("External editor path..."), tip=_("Set external editor executable path"), triggered=self.change_exteditor, ) wrap_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ToggleWrap, text=_("Wrap lines"), toggled=lambda val: self.set_option('wrap', val), initial=self.get_option('wrap'), ) codecompletion_action = self.create_action( ConsoleWidgetActions.ToggleCodeCompletion, text=_("Automatic code completion"), toggled=lambda val: self.set_option('codecompletion/auto', val), initial=self.get_option('codecompletion/auto'), ) # Submenu internal_settings_menu = self.create_menu( ConsoleWidgetMenus.InternalSettings, _('Internal console settings'), ) for item in [buffer_action, wrap_action, codecompletion_action, exteditor_action]: self.add_item_to_menu( item, menu=internal_settings_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetInternalSettingsSubMenuSections.Main, ) # Options menu options_menu = self.get_options_menu() for item in [run_action, environ_action, syspath_action, internal_settings_menu]: self.add_item_to_menu( item, menu=options_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Run, ) self.add_item_to_menu( quit_action, menu=options_menu, section=ConsoleWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Quit, ) self.get_option('external_editor/path'), '') def on_option_update(self, option, value): if option == 'max_line_count': elif option == 'wrap': elif option == 'codecompletion/auto': elif option == 'external_editor/path':, '') def update_actions(self): # This method is a required part of the PluginMainWidget API. On this # widget it is not currently used. pass def get_focus_widget(self): return # --- Qt overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """ Reimplement Qt method. Inform Qt about the types of data that the widget accepts. """ source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): if mimedata2url(source): event.acceptProposedAction() else: event.ignore() elif source.hasText(): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): """ Reimplement Qt method. Unpack dropped data and handle it. """ source = event.mimeData() if source.hasUrls(): pathlist = mimedata2url(source) elif source.hasText(): lines = to_text_string(source.text())'eof') event.acceptProposedAction() # --- Public API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def start_interpreter(self, namespace): """ Start internal console interpreter. """ def set_historylog(self, historylog): """ Bind historylog instance to this console. Not used anymore since v2.0. """ historylog.add_history( def set_help(self, help_plugin): """ Bind help instance to this console. """ = help_plugin def handle_exception(self, text, is_traceback, is_pyls_error=False, is_faulthandler_report=False): """ Exception ocurred in the internal console. Show a QDialog or the internal console to warn the user. """ # Skip errors without traceback or dismiss if (not is_traceback and self.error_dlg is None) or self.dismiss_error: return if self.get_option('show_internal_errors'): if self.error_dlg is None: self.error_dlg = SpyderErrorDialog(self) self.error_dlg.set_color_scheme(self.get_option('color_theme')) self.error_dlg.close_btn.clicked.connect(self.close_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.rejected.connect(self.remove_error_dlg) self.error_dlg.details.go_to_error.connect(self.go_to_error) if is_pyls_error: title = "Internal Python Language Server error" self.error_dlg.set_title(title) self.error_dlg.title.setEnabled(False) if is_faulthandler_report: title = "Segmentation fault crash" self.error_dlg.set_title(title) self.error_dlg.title.setEnabled(False) self.error_dlg.main_label.setText( _("<h3>Spyder crashed during last session</h3>")) self.error_dlg.submit_btn.setEnabled(True) self.error_dlg.steps_text.setText( _("Please provide any additional information you " "might have about the crash.")) self.error_dlg.set_require_minimum_length(False) self.error_dlg.append_traceback(text) elif DEV or get_debug_level(): self.change_visibility(True, True) def close_error_dlg(self): """ Close error dialog. """ if self.error_dlg.dismiss_box.isChecked(): self.dismiss_error = True self.error_dlg.reject() def remove_error_dlg(self): """ Remove error dialog. """ self.error_dlg = None @Slot() def show_env(self): """ Show environment variables. """ def get_sys_path(self): """ Return the `sys.path`. """ return sys.path @Slot() def show_syspath(self): """ Show `sys.path`. """ editor = CollectionsEditor(parent=self) editor.setup( sys.path, title="sys.path", readonly=True, icon=self.create_icon('syspath'), ) @Slot() def run_script(self, filename=None, silent=False, set_focus=False, args=None): """ Run a Python script. """ if filename is None: filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename( self, _("Run Python script"), getcwd_or_home(), _("Python scripts") + " (*.py ; *.pyw ; *.ipy)", ) if filename: os.chdir(osp.dirname(filename)) filename = osp.basename(filename) else: return logger.debug("Running script with %s", args) filename = osp.abspath(filename) rbs = remove_backslashes command = "runfile('%s', args='%s')" % (rbs(filename), rbs(args)) if set_focus: self.change_visibility(True, True)'\n') def go_to_error(self, text): """ Go to error if relevant. """ match = get_error_match(to_text_string(text)) if match: fname, lnb = match.groups() self.edit_script(fname, int(lnb)) def edit_script(self, filename=None, goto=-1): """ Edit script. """ if filename is not None: # Called from InternalShell, goto) self.sig_edit_goto_requested.emit(osp.abspath(filename), goto, '') def execute_lines(self, lines): """ Execute lines and give focus to shell. """ @Slot() def change_max_line_count(self, value=None): """" Change maximum line count. """ valid = True if value is None: value, valid = QInputDialog.getInt( self, _('Buffer'), _('Maximum line count'), self.get_option('max_line_count'), 0, 1000000, ) if valid: self.set_option('max_line_count', value) @Slot() def change_exteditor(self, path=None): """ Change external editor path. """ valid = True if path is None: path, valid = QInputDialog.getText( self, _('External editor'), _('External editor executable path:'), QLineEdit.Normal, self.get_option('external_editor/path'), ) if valid: self.set_option('external_editor/path', to_text_string(path)) def set_exit_function(self, func): """ Set the callback function to execute when the `exit_interpreter` is called. """ = func def set_font(self, font): """ Set font of the internal shell. """ def redirect_stds(self): """ Redirect stdout and stderr when using open file dialogs. """ def restore_stds(self): """ Restore stdout and stderr when using open file dialogs. """ def set_namespace_item(self, name, item): """ Add an object to the namespace dictionary of the internal console. """[name] = item def exit_interpreter(self): """ Exit the internal console interpreter. This is equivalent to requesting the main application to quit. """