コード例 #1
ファイル: mpl.py プロジェクト: spyder-ide/spyder-kernels
def automatic_backend():
    """Get Matplolib automatic backend option."""
    if is_module_installed('PyQt5'):
        auto_backend = 'qt5'
    elif is_module_installed('_tkinter'):
        auto_backend = 'tk'
        auto_backend = 'inline'
    return auto_backend
コード例 #2
ファイル: lazymodules.py プロジェクト: timgates42/spyder
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if is_module_installed(self.__spy_modname__):
            self.__spy_mod__ = __import__(self.__spy_modname__)
            return self.__spy_mod__

        return getattr(self.__spy_mod__, name)
コード例 #3
def kernel_config():
    """Create a config object with IPython kernel options."""
    from IPython.core.application import get_ipython_dir
    from traitlets.config.loader import Config, load_pyconfig_files

    # ---- IPython config ----
        profile_path = osp.join(get_ipython_dir(), 'profile_default')
        cfg = load_pyconfig_files(
            ['ipython_config.py', 'ipython_kernel_config.py'], profile_path)
        cfg = Config()

    # ---- Spyder config ----
    spy_cfg = Config()

    # Enable/disable certain features for testing
    testing = os.environ.get('SPY_TESTING') == 'True'
    if testing:
        # Don't load nor save history in our IPython consoles.
        spy_cfg.HistoryAccessor.enabled = False

    # Until we implement Issue 1052
    spy_cfg.InteractiveShell.xmode = 'Plain'

    # Jedi completer.
    jedi_o = os.environ.get('SPY_JEDI_O') == 'True'
    spy_cfg.IPCompleter.use_jedi = jedi_o

    # Clear terminal arguments input.
    # This needs to be done before adding the exec_lines that come from
    # Spyder, to avoid deleting the sys module if users want to import
    # it through them.
    # See spyder-ide/spyder#15788
    clear_argv = "import sys; sys.argv = ['']; del sys"
    spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines = [clear_argv]

    # Set our runfile in builtins here to prevent other packages shadowing it.
    # This started to be a problem since IPykernel 6.3.0.
        "import builtins; "
        "builtins.runfile = builtins.spyder_runfile; "
        "del builtins.spyder_runfile; del builtins")

    # Prevent other libraries to change the breakpoint builtin.
    # This started to be a problem since IPykernel 6.3.0.
    if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 7):
            "import sys; import pdb; "
            "sys.breakpointhook = pdb.set_trace; "
            "del sys; del pdb")

    # Run lines of code at startup
    run_lines_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_LINES_O')
    if run_lines_o is not None:
        spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines += ([
            x.strip() for x in run_lines_o.split(';')

    # Load %autoreload magic

    # Load wurlitzer extension

    # Default inline backend configuration.
    # This is useful to have when people doesn't
    # use our config system to configure the
    # inline backend but want to use
    # '%matplotlib inline' at runtime
    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc = {
        # The typical default figure size is too large for inline use,
        # so we shrink the figure size to 6x4, and tweak fonts to
        # make that fit.
        'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
        # 72 dpi matches SVG/qtconsole.
        # This only affects PNG export, as SVG has no dpi setting.
        'figure.dpi': 72,
        # 12pt labels get cutoff on 6x4 logplots, so use 10pt.
        'font.size': 10,
        # 10pt still needs a little more room on the xlabel
        'figure.subplot.bottom': .125,
        # Play nicely with any background color.
        'figure.facecolor': 'white',
        'figure.edgecolor': 'white'

    # Pylab configuration
    mpl_backend = None
    if is_module_installed('matplotlib'):
        # Set Matplotlib backend with Spyder options
        pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_PYLAB_O')
        backend_o = os.environ.get('SPY_BACKEND_O')
        if pylab_o == 'True' and backend_o is not None:
            mpl_backend = MPL_BACKENDS_FROM_SPYDER[backend_o]
            # Inline backend configuration
            if mpl_backend == 'inline':
                # Figure format
                format_o = os.environ.get('SPY_FORMAT_O')
                formats = INLINE_FIGURE_FORMATS
                if format_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.figure_format = formats[format_o]

                # Resolution
                resolution_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RESOLUTION_O')
                if resolution_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.dpi'] = float(

                # Figure size
                width_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_WIDTH_O'))
                height_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_HEIGHT_O'))
                if width_o is not None and height_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.figsize'] = (width_o,

                # Print figure kwargs
                bbox_inches_o = os.environ.get('SPY_BBOX_INCHES_O')
                bbox_inches = 'tight' if bbox_inches_o == 'True' else None
                    {'bbox_inches': bbox_inches})
            # Set Matplotlib backend to inline for external kernels.
            # Fixes issue 108
            mpl_backend = 'inline'

        # Automatically load Pylab and Numpy, or only set Matplotlib
        # backend
        autoload_pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOLOAD_PYLAB_O') == 'True'
        command = "get_ipython().kernel._set_mpl_backend('{0}', {1})"
            command.format(mpl_backend, autoload_pylab_o))

    # Enable Cython magic
    run_cython = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_CYTHON') == 'True'
    if run_cython and is_module_installed('Cython'):
        spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines.append('%reload_ext Cython')

    # Run a file at startup
    use_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_USE_FILE_O')
    run_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_FILE_O')
    if use_file_o == 'True' and run_file_o is not None:
        if osp.exists(run_file_o):
            spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.file_to_run = run_file_o

    # Autocall
    autocall_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOCALL_O')
    if autocall_o is not None:
        spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall = int(autocall_o)

    # To handle the banner by ourselves
    spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 = ''

    # Greedy completer
    greedy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_GREEDY_O') == 'True'
    spy_cfg.IPCompleter.greedy = greedy_o

    # Sympy loading
    sympy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_SYMPY_O') == 'True'
    if sympy_o and is_module_installed('sympy'):
        lines = sympy_config(mpl_backend)

    # Disable the new mechanism to capture and forward low-level output
    # in IPykernel 6. For that we have Wurlitzer.
    spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.capture_fd_output = False

    # Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
    # over IPython ones
    return cfg
コード例 #4
ファイル: mpl.py プロジェクト: spyder-ide/spyder-kernels
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2009- Spyder Kernels Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see spyder_kernels/__init__.py for details)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Matplotlib utilities."""

from spyder_kernels.utils.misc import is_module_installed

# Mapping of inline figure formats
INLINE_FIGURE_FORMATS = {'0': 'png', '1': 'svg'}

# Inline backend
if is_module_installed('matplotlib_inline'):
    inline_backend = 'module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline'
    inline_backend = 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline'

# Mapping of matlotlib backends options to Spyder
    inline_backend: 0,
    'Qt5Agg': 2,
    'QtAgg': 2,  # For Matplotlib 3.5+
    'TkAgg': 3,
    'MacOSX': 4,

def automatic_backend():
コード例 #5
def kernel_config():
    """Create a config object with IPython kernel options."""
    import ipykernel
    from IPython.core.application import get_ipython_dir
    from traitlets.config.loader import Config, load_pyconfig_files

    # ---- IPython config ----
        profile_path = osp.join(get_ipython_dir(), 'profile_default')
        cfg = load_pyconfig_files(
            ['ipython_config.py', 'ipython_kernel_config.py'], profile_path)
        cfg = Config()

    # ---- Spyder config ----
    spy_cfg = Config()

    # Enable/disable certain features for testing
    testing = os.environ.get('SPY_TESTING') == 'True'
    if testing:
        # Don't load nor save history in our IPython consoles.
        spy_cfg.HistoryAccessor.enabled = False

    # Until we implement Issue 1052
    spy_cfg.InteractiveShell.xmode = 'Plain'

    # Jedi completer. It's only available in Python 3
    jedi_o = os.environ.get('SPY_JEDI_O') == 'True'
    if not PY2:
        spy_cfg.IPCompleter.use_jedi = jedi_o

    # Clear terminal arguments input.
    # This needs to be done before adding the exec_lines that come from
    # Spyder, to avoid deleting the sys module if users want to import
    # it through them.
    # See spyder-ide/spyder#15788
    clear_argv = "import sys;sys.argv = [''];del sys"
    spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines = [clear_argv]

    # Run lines of code at startup
    run_lines_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_LINES_O')
    if run_lines_o is not None:
        spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines += ([
            x.strip() for x in run_lines_o.split(';')

    # Load %autoreload magic

    # Load wurlitzer extension

    # Default inline backend configuration
    # This is useful to have when people doesn't
    # use our config system to configure the
    # inline backend but want to use
    # '%matplotlib inline' at runtime
    if LooseVersion(ipykernel.__version__) < LooseVersion('4.5'):
        dpi_option = 'savefig.dpi'
        dpi_option = 'figure.dpi'

    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc = {
        'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
        dpi_option: 72,
        'font.size': 10,
        'figure.subplot.bottom': .125,
        'figure.facecolor': 'white',
        'figure.edgecolor': 'white'

    # Pylab configuration
    mpl_backend = None
    if is_module_installed('matplotlib'):
        # Set Matplotlib backend with Spyder options
        pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_PYLAB_O')
        backend_o = os.environ.get('SPY_BACKEND_O')
        if pylab_o == 'True' and backend_o is not None:
            mpl_backend = MPL_BACKENDS_FROM_SPYDER[backend_o]
            # Inline backend configuration
            if mpl_backend == 'inline':
                # Figure format
                format_o = os.environ.get('SPY_FORMAT_O')
                formats = INLINE_FIGURE_FORMATS
                if format_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.figure_format = formats[format_o]

                # Resolution
                resolution_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RESOLUTION_O')
                if resolution_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc[dpi_option] = float(resolution_o)

                # Figure size
                width_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_WIDTH_O'))
                height_o = float(os.environ.get('SPY_HEIGHT_O'))
                if width_o is not None and height_o is not None:
                    spy_cfg.InlineBackend.rc['figure.figsize'] = (width_o,

                # Print figure kwargs
                bbox_inches_o = os.environ.get('SPY_BBOX_INCHES_O')
                bbox_inches = 'tight' if bbox_inches_o == 'True' else None
                    {'bbox_inches': bbox_inches})
            # Set Matplotlib backend to inline for external kernels.
            # Fixes issue 108
            mpl_backend = 'inline'

        # Automatically load Pylab and Numpy, or only set Matplotlib
        # backend
        autoload_pylab_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOLOAD_PYLAB_O') == 'True'
        command = "get_ipython().kernel._set_mpl_backend('{0}', {1})"
            command.format(mpl_backend, autoload_pylab_o))

    # Enable Cython magic
    run_cython = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_CYTHON') == 'True'
    if run_cython and is_module_installed('Cython'):
        spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.exec_lines.append('%reload_ext Cython')

    # Run a file at startup
    use_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_USE_FILE_O')
    run_file_o = os.environ.get('SPY_RUN_FILE_O')
    if use_file_o == 'True' and run_file_o is not None:
        if osp.exists(run_file_o):
            spy_cfg.IPKernelApp.file_to_run = run_file_o

    # Autocall
    autocall_o = os.environ.get('SPY_AUTOCALL_O')
    if autocall_o is not None:
        spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.autocall = int(autocall_o)

    # To handle the banner by ourselves in IPython 3+
    spy_cfg.ZMQInteractiveShell.banner1 = ''

    # Greedy completer
    greedy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_GREEDY_O') == 'True'
    spy_cfg.IPCompleter.greedy = greedy_o

    # Sympy loading
    sympy_o = os.environ.get('SPY_SYMPY_O') == 'True'
    if sympy_o and is_module_installed('sympy'):
        lines = sympy_config(mpl_backend)

    # Merge IPython and Spyder configs. Spyder prefs will have prevalence
    # over IPython ones
    return cfg