コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, label, constraints, max_atoms_per_core,
                 spikes_per_second, ring_buffer_sigma,
                 incoming_spike_buffer_size, neuron_impl, pynn_model):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
        super(AbstractPopulationVertex, self).__init__(label, constraints,

        self.__n_atoms = n_neurons
        self.__n_subvertices = 0
        self.__n_data_specs = 0

        # buffer data
        self.__incoming_spike_buffer_size = incoming_spike_buffer_size

        # get config from simulator
        config = globals_variables.get_simulator().config

        if incoming_spike_buffer_size is None:
            self.__incoming_spike_buffer_size = config.getint(
                "Simulation", "incoming_spike_buffer_size")

        self.__neuron_impl = neuron_impl
        self.__pynn_model = pynn_model
        self._parameters = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)
        self._state_variables = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)
        self.__initial_state_variables = None
        self.__updated_state_variables = set()

        # Set up for recording
        recordable_variables = list(
        record_data_types = dict(
        self.__neuron_recorder = NeuronRecorder(recordable_variables,

        # Set up synapse handling
        self.__synapse_manager = SynapticManager(
            self.__neuron_impl.get_n_synapse_types(), ring_buffer_sigma,
            spikes_per_second, config)

        # bool for if state has changed.
        self.__change_requires_mapping = True
        self.__change_requires_neuron_parameters_reload = False
        self.__change_requires_data_generation = False
        self.__has_reset_last = True

        # Set up for profiling
        self.__n_profile_samples = helpful_functions.read_config_int(
            config, "Reports", "n_profile_samples")
コード例 #2
 def test_uniform(self):
     # Need to do setup to get a pynn version
     rd = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(10)
     rd["a"] = RandomDistribution("uniform", parameters_pos=[-65.0, -55.0])
     ranges = rd["a"].get_ranges()
     assert 10 == len(ranges)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, e_rev_E, e_rev_I):
        self._units = {
            E_REV_E: "mV",
            E_REV_I: "mV"}

        self._n_neurons = n_neurons
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[E_REV_E] = e_rev_E
        self._data[E_REV_I] = e_rev_I
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, du_th, tau_th, v_thresh):
        self._n_neurons = n_neurons

        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[DU_TH] = du_th
        self._data[DU_TH_INV] = self._data[DU_TH].apply_operation(
            lambda x: 1.0 / x)
        self._data[TAU_TH] = tau_th
        self._data[TAU_TH_INV] = self._data[TAU_TH].apply_operation(
            lambda x: 1.0 / x)
        self._data[V_THRESH] = v_thresh
コード例 #5
 def __copy_ranged_dict(source, merge=None, merge_keys=None):
     target = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(len(source))
     for key in source.keys():
         copy_list = SpynnakerRangedList(len(source))
         if merge_keys is None or key not in merge_keys:
             init_list = source.get_list(key)
             init_list = merge.get_list(key)
         for start, stop, value in init_list.iter_ranges():
             is_list = (hasattr(value, '__iter__')
                        and not isinstance(value, str))
             copy_list.set_value_by_slice(start, stop, value, is_list)
         target[key] = copy_list
     return target
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, tau_syn_E, tau_syn_I,
                 initial_input_exc=0.0, initial_input_inh=0.0):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        self._units = {
            TAU_SYN_E: "mV",
            TAU_SYN_I: 'mV',
            GSYN_EXC: "uS",
            GSYN_INH: "uS"}

        self._n_neurons = n_neurons
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[TAU_SYN_E] = tau_syn_E
        self._data[TAU_SYN_I] = tau_syn_I
        self._data[GSYN_EXC] = initial_input_exc
        self._data[GSYN_INH] = initial_input_inh
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, exc_response, exc_exp_response, tau_syn_E,
                 inh_response, inh_exp_response, tau_syn_I):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[EXC_RESPONSE] = exc_response
        self._data[EXC_EXP_RESPONSE] = exc_exp_response
        self._data[TAU_SYN_E] = tau_syn_E
        self._data[INH_RESPONSE] = inh_response
        self._data[INH_EXP_RESPONSE] = inh_exp_response
        self._data[TAU_SYN_I] = tau_syn_I

        self._exc_response = convert_param_to_numpy(exc_response, n_neurons)
        self._exc_exp_response = convert_param_to_numpy(
            exc_exp_response, n_neurons)
        self._tau_syn_E = convert_param_to_numpy(tau_syn_E, n_neurons)

        self._inh_response = convert_param_to_numpy(inh_response, n_neurons)
        self._inh_exp_response = convert_param_to_numpy(
            inh_exp_response, n_neurons)
        self._tau_syn_I = convert_param_to_numpy(tau_syn_I, n_neurons)
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, v_init, v_rest, tau_m, cm, i_offset):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        self._units = {
            V_INIT: 'mV',
            V_REST: 'mV',
            TAU_M: 'ms',
            CM: 'nF',
            I_OFFSET: 'nA'

        self._n_neurons = n_neurons
        if v_init is None:
            v_init = v_rest
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[V_INIT] = v_init
        self._data[V_REST] = v_rest
        self._data[TAU_M] = tau_m
        self._data[CM] = cm
        self._data[I_OFFSET] = i_offset
        self._data["r_membrane"] = self._data[TAU_M] / self._data[CM]
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, a, b, c, d, v_init, u_init, i_offset):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        self._units = {
            A: "ms",
            B: "ms",
            C: "mV",
            D: "mV/ms",
            V_INIT: "mV",
            U_INIT: "mV/ms",
            I_OFFSET: "nA"

        self._n_neurons = n_neurons
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[A] = a
        self._data[B] = b
        self._data[C] = c
        self._data[D] = d
        self._data[V_INIT] = v_init
        self._data[U_INIT] = u_init
        self._data[I_OFFSET] = i_offset
コード例 #10
 def __init__(self, n_neurons, initial_input_exc, initial_input_inh):
     self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
     self._data[INITIAL_INPUT_EXC] = initial_input_exc
     self._data[INITIAL_INPUT_INH] = initial_input_inh
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, label, constraints, max_atoms_per_core,
                 spikes_per_second, ring_buffer_sigma,
                 incoming_spike_buffer_size, neuron_impl, pynn_model):
        :param int n_neurons: The number of neurons in the population
        :param str label: The label on the population
        :param list(~pacman.model.constraints.AbstractConstraint) constraints:
            Constraints on where a population's vertices may be placed.
        :param int max_atoms_per_core:
            The maximum number of atoms (neurons) per SpiNNaker core.
        :param spikes_per_second: Expected spike rate
        :type spikes_per_second: float or None
        :param ring_buffer_sigma:
            How many SD above the mean to go for upper bound of ring buffer \
            size; a good starting choice is 5.0. Given length of simulation \
            we can set this for approximate number of saturation events.
        :type ring_buffer_sigma: float or None
        :param incoming_spike_buffer_size:
        :type incoming_spike_buffer_size: int or None
        :param AbstractNeuronImpl neuron_impl:
            The (Python side of the) implementation of the neurons themselves.
        :param AbstractPyNNNeuronModel pynn_model:
            The PyNN neuron model that this vertex is working on behalf of.

        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
        ApplicationVertex.__init__(self, label, constraints,

        self.__n_atoms = n_neurons
        self.__n_subvertices = 0
        self.__n_data_specs = 0

        # buffer data
        self.__incoming_spike_buffer_size = incoming_spike_buffer_size

        # get config from simulator
        config = globals_variables.get_simulator().config

        if incoming_spike_buffer_size is None:
            self.__incoming_spike_buffer_size = config.getint(
                "Simulation", "incoming_spike_buffer_size")

        self.__neuron_impl = neuron_impl
        self.__pynn_model = pynn_model
        self._parameters = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)
        self._state_variables = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)
        self.__initial_state_variables = None
        self.__updated_state_variables = set()

        # Set up for recording
        recordable_variables = list(
        record_data_types = dict(
        self.__neuron_recorder = NeuronRecorder(recordable_variables,

        # Set up synapse handling
        self.__synapse_manager = SynapticManager(
            self.__neuron_impl.get_n_synapse_types(), ring_buffer_sigma,
            spikes_per_second, config)

        # bool for if state has changed.
        self.__change_requires_mapping = True
        self.__change_requires_neuron_parameters_reload = False
        self.__change_requires_data_generation = False
        self.__has_reset_last = True

        # Set up for profiling
        self.__n_profile_samples = helpful_functions.read_config_int(
            config, "Reports", "n_profile_samples")
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, v_thresh):
        self._units = {V_THRESH: "mV"}

        self._n_neurons = n_neurons
        self._data = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(size=n_neurons)
        self._data[V_THRESH] = v_thresh
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, n_neurons, label, constraints, max_atoms_per_core,
                 spikes_per_second, ring_buffer_sigma,
                 incoming_spike_buffer_size, neuron_impl, pynn_model):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
        super(AbstractPopulationVertex, self).__init__(label, constraints,

        self._n_atoms = n_neurons

        # buffer data
        self._incoming_spike_buffer_size = incoming_spike_buffer_size

        # get config from simulator
        config = globals_variables.get_simulator().config

        if incoming_spike_buffer_size is None:
            self._incoming_spike_buffer_size = config.getint(
                "Simulation", "incoming_spike_buffer_size")

        self._neuron_impl = neuron_impl
        self._pynn_model = pynn_model
        self._parameters = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)
        self._state_variables = SpynnakerRangeDictionary(n_neurons)

        # Set up for recording
        recordables = ["spikes"]
        self._neuron_recorder = NeuronRecorder(recordables, n_neurons)

        self._time_between_requests = config.getint("Buffers",
        self._minimum_buffer_sdram = config.getint("Buffers",
        self._using_auto_pause_and_resume = config.getboolean(
            "Buffers", "use_auto_pause_and_resume")
        self._receive_buffer_host = config.get("Buffers",
        self._receive_buffer_port = helpful_functions.read_config_int(
            config, "Buffers", "receive_buffer_port")

        # If live buffering is enabled, set a maximum on the buffer sizes
        spike_buffer_max_size = 0
        variable_buffer_max_size = 0
        self._buffer_size_before_receive = None
        if config.getboolean("Buffers", "enable_buffered_recording"):
            spike_buffer_max_size = config.getint("Buffers",
            variable_buffer_max_size = config.getint("Buffers",

        self._maximum_sdram_for_buffering = [spike_buffer_max_size]
        for _ in self._neuron_impl.get_recordable_variables():

        # Set up synapse handling
        self._synapse_manager = SynapticManager(
            self._neuron_impl.get_n_synapse_types(), ring_buffer_sigma,
            spikes_per_second, config)

        # bool for if state has changed.
        self._change_requires_mapping = True
        self._change_requires_neuron_parameters_reload = False

        # Set up for profiling
        self._n_profile_samples = helpful_functions.read_config_int(
            config, "Reports", "n_profile_samples")