コード例 #1
def processDelQuery(metaTb, dataSource,query):
    if("where" in query or "WHERE" in query): 
        indexWhere= sqlUtils.getWhereIndex(query)        
        wherelist= query[indexWhere+1:]  
        tableSrc = findTableSource(query)        
        keyList= sqlWhere.processWhereStmt(metaTb, tableSrc, dataSource[tableSrc], wherelist)
     #   print(keyList)
        deleteValues(dataSource[tableSrc], keyList)
     # returned keys should be removed and stored back to dataSource
    else: # else no where clause in delete   
コード例 #2
def update(data,tb,query):
	tbl = query[1]											# Stores the table name to tbl
	query = query[3:]
	cnt = 0													# Remove other elements in the list
	pk = []
	if("where" in query or "WHERE" in query):				# Checks if query contains the WHERE clause
		wIndex = sqlUtils.getWhereIndex(query)				# Gets the index of the WHERE keyword
		pk = sqlWhere.processWhereStmt(tb, tbl, data[tbl], query[wIndex+1:])	# Gets list of rows to be updated
		if(not isDuplicateEntry(data,tb,tbl,query[:wIndex],query[wIndex+1:],pk) and pk):
			print("   ",len(pk)," row(s) affected.",end="");
		elif(not pk):
			print("   No row(s) affected.",end="");
			print("   ERROR: Duplicate entry for PRIMARY KEY. ",end="");
	else:													# No WHERE clause
		if(not isDuplicateEntry(data,tb,tbl,query,[],[])):
			cnt = updateAllRows(data,tb,tbl,query)
			print("   ",cnt," row(s) affected.",end="");
			print("   ERROR: Duplicate entry for PRIMARY KEY. ",end="");