def convertTable(self): self._checkForNecessaryFields() if sql_helpers.isTableAre(self.sq_connection, self.dst): dst_id = sql_helpers.getIdForTable(self.sq_connection, self.dst) else: dst_id = 1 self.createDstTable() try: for rec in sql_helpers.selectHashIterator(self.sq_connection.execute("select * from {0}".format(self.src))): try: sql_helpers.insertInto(self.sq_connection, self.dst, self._processAndAddIDReferences(dst_id, rec)) except: self.sq_connection.execute("delete from {0} where ref_id = ?".format(self.dst), (rec["id"],)) sql_helpers.insertInto(self.sq_connection, self.dst, self._processAndAddIDReferences(dst_id, rec)) dst_id += 1 except: self.sq_connection.rollback() raise else: self.sq_connection.commit()
def processTable(self, table_name): """processes table table_name if any file is assigned to it""" if self.sq_connection.execute("select * from processed_files where table_name = '{0}'".format(table_name)).fetchall() == [] : raise Exception("there is no files attached to table {0}".format(table_name)) files_list = map(lambda a: a[0], self.sq_connection.execute("select full_path from processed_files where table_name = '{0}' and processed = 0".format(table_name)).fetchall()) if files_list == []: log.log("no one file assigned to table {0}".format(table_name)) if not sql_helpers.isTableAre(self.sq_connection, table_name): #таблицы еще нет в базе - создаем, узнаем типы и имена полей из дбф файлов, проверяем соответствия полей типам for filename in files_list: log.log("reading structure of {0}".format(filename)) dbfcon =, encoding = self.encoding) if not vars().has_key("fields"): # если еще не поеределили переменную fields = {} # тут храним имена и типы полей, которые будем создавать for field in dbfcon.fields: fields[field[0]] = [field[1], field[3]] else: # переменная уже определена, если встретятся поля с другим типом - выбросим исключение for field in dbfcon.fields: if fields.has_key(field[0]): if fields[field[0]] != [field[1], field[3]]: raise Exception("file {file} has field {field} with type {type1}, another fields in another files has type {type2}".format(file = filename, field = field[0], type1 = field[1], type2 = fields[field[0]])) else: fields[field[0]] = [field[1], field[3]] dbfcon.close() # теперь надо создать таблицу в базе def mapdatatype(a): # отображение типов из dbf в типы sqlite3 if a[0] == 'C': return "text" elif a[0] == 'D': return "date" elif a[0] == 'N' and a[1]: return "decimal" elif a[0] == 'N' and not a[1]: return "integer" elif a == 'L': return "bool" else: raise Exception("can not create field with type {0}".format(a)) for field in fields: fields[field] = mapdatatype(fields[field]) sql_helpers.makeTableIfNotExists(self.sq_connection, table_name, fields) sql_helpers.makeTableIfNotExists(self.sq_connection, "file_assigns", {"file_id" : "integer", "record_id": "integer"}, ["foreign key (file_id) references processed_files(id) on delete cascade", "unique(file_id, record_id)"]) #таблица существует - заносим в нее данные из файлов table_id = sql_helpers.getIdForTable(self.sq_connection, table_name) assign_id = sql_helpers.getIdForTable(self.sq_connection, "file_assigns") try: for file_tuple in self.sq_connection.execute("select id, full_path from processed_files where table_name = '{0}' and processed = 0".format(table_name)).fetchall(): log.log("inserting records from {0}".format(file_tuple[1])) for rec in[1], encoding = self.encoding): rec["id"] = table_id sql_helpers.insertInto(self.sq_connection, table_name, rec) sql_helpers.insertInto(self.sq_connection, "file_assigns", {"id" : assign_id, "file_id" : file_tuple[0], "record_id" : table_id}) table_id += 1 assign_id += 1 self.sq_connection.execute("update processed_files set processed = 1 where id = {0}".format(file_tuple[0])) except: self.sq_connection.rollback() raise else: self.sq_connection.commit()