class Taxonomy(Model): """ A node in the taxonomy tree. """ __tablename__ = 'taxonomy' id = Column(INTEGER, Sequence('seq_taxonomy'), primary_key=True) parent_id = Column(INTEGER) name = Column(VARCHAR(100), nullable=False) id_source = Column(VARCHAR(20)) taxotype = Column(CHAR(1), nullable=False, server_default='P') # P = Phylo , M = Morpho display_name = Column(VARCHAR(200)) lastupdate_datetime = Column(TIMESTAMP(precision=0)) id_instance = Column(INTEGER) taxostatus = Column(CHAR(1), nullable=False, server_default='A') rename_to = Column(INTEGER) source_url = Column(VARCHAR(200)) source_desc = Column(VARCHAR(1000)) creator_email = Column(VARCHAR(255)) creation_datetime = Column(TIMESTAMP(precision=0)) nbrobj = Column(INTEGER) nbrobjcum = Column(INTEGER) def __str__(self): return "{0} ({1})".format(,
class Boarding_passes(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'boarding_passes' __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('flight_id', 'boarding_no', name='boarding_passes_flight_id_boarding_no_key'), db.UniqueConstraint('flight_id', 'seat_no', name='boarding_passes_flight_id_seat_no_key'), db.PrimaryKeyConstraint('ticket_no', 'flight_id', name='boarding_passes_pkey'), db.ForeignKeyConstraint( ['ticket_no', 'flight_id'], ['ticket_flights.ticket_no', 'ticket_flights.flight_id'], name='boarding_passes_ticket_no_fkey')) ticket_no = db.Column(CHAR(13), nullable=False) flight_id = db.Column(INTEGER, nullable=False) boarding_no = db.Column(INTEGER, nullable=False) seat_no = db.Column(CHAR(4), nullable=False) def __init__(self, ticket_no, flight_id, boarding_no, seat_no): self.ticket_no = ticket_no self.flight_id = flight_id self.boarding_no = boarding_no self.seat_no = seat_no
class ObjectsClassifHisto(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'objectsclassifhisto' objid = db.Column(BIGINT, db.ForeignKey('obj_head.objid', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) classif_date = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, primary_key=True) classif_type = db.Column(CHAR(1)) # A : Auto, M : Manu classif_id = db.Column(INTEGER) classif_qual = db.Column(CHAR(1)) classif_who = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) classif_score = db.Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION)
class Objects(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'obj_head' objid = db.Column(BIGINT, db.Sequence('seq_objects'), primary_key=True) projid = db.Column(INTEGER, db.ForeignKey('projects.projid'), nullable=False) project = db.relationship("Projects") latitude = db.Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) longitude = db.Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) objdate = db.Column(DATE) objtime = db.Column(TIME) depth_min = db.Column(FLOAT) depth_max = db.Column(FLOAT) images = db.relationship("Images") classif_id = db.Column(INTEGER) classif = db.relationship( "Taxonomy", primaryjoin="", foreign_keys="", uselist=False, ) classif_qual = db.Column(CHAR(1)) classif_who = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) classiffier = db.relationship( "users", primaryjoin="", foreign_keys="", uselist=False, ) classif_when = db.Column(TIMESTAMP) classif_auto_id = db.Column(INTEGER) classif_auto_score = db.Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) classif_auto_when = db.Column(TIMESTAMP) classif_auto = db.relationship( "Taxonomy", primaryjoin="", uselist=False, ) classif_crossvalidation_id = db.Column(INTEGER) img0id = db.Column(BIGINT) img0 = db.relationship("Images", foreign_keys="Images.objid") imgcount = db.Column(INTEGER) complement_info = db.Column(VARCHAR) similarity = db.Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) sunpos = db.Column(CHAR(1)) # position du soleil random_value = db.Column(INTEGER) sampleid = db.Column(INTEGER, db.ForeignKey('samples.sampleid')) sample = db.relationship("Samples") acquisid = db.Column(INTEGER, db.ForeignKey('acquisitions.acquisid')) acquis = db.relationship("Acquisitions") processid = db.Column(INTEGER, db.ForeignKey('process.processid')) processrel = db.relationship("Process")
class ObjectsClassifHisto(Model): __tablename__ = 'objectsclassifhisto' objid = Column(BIGINT, ForeignKey('obj_head.objid', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) # TODO: FK on taxonomy classif_date = Column(TIMESTAMP, primary_key=True) classif_type = Column(CHAR(1)) # A : Automatic, M : Manual classif_id = Column(INTEGER) classif_qual = Column(CHAR(1)) classif_who = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) classif_score = Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) # The relationships are created in but the typing here helps the IDE object: relationship
class Provider(PcObject, Model, DeactivableMixin): id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(90), index=True, nullable=False) localClass = Column( String(60), CheckConstraint( '("localClass" IS NOT NULL AND "apiKey" IS NULL)' + 'OR ("localClass" IS NULL AND "apiKey" IS NOT NULL)', name="check_provider_has_localclass_or_apikey", ), nullable=True, unique=True, ) apiKey = Column(CHAR(32), nullable=True) apiKeyGenerationDate = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) enabledForPro = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) requireProviderIdentifier = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) @property def isAllocine(self) -> bool: from pcapi import local_providers # avoid import loop return self.localClass == local_providers.AllocineStocks.__name__
class Provider(app.model.PcObject, app.model.DeactivableMixin, db.Model): id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False) localClass = db.Column( db.String(30), db.CheckConstraint( '("localClass" IS NOT NULL AND "apiKey" IS NULL)' + 'OR ("localClass" IS NULL AND "apiKey" IS NOT NULL)', name='check_provider_has_localclass_or_apikey'), nullable=True, unique=True) venueProviders = db.relationship( app.model.VenueProvider, back_populates="provider", foreign_keys=[app.model.VenueProvider.providerId]) apiKey = db.Column(CHAR(32), nullable=True) apiKeyGenerationDate = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) def getByClassName(name): return Provider.query\ .filter_by(localClass=name)\ .first()
class Seats(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'seats' __table_args__ = (db.PrimaryKeyConstraint('aircraft_code', 'seat_no', name='boarding_passes_pkey'), db.ForeignKeyConstraint( ['aircraft_code'], ['aircrafts_data.aircraft_code'], name='boarding_passes_ticket_no_fkey')) aircraft_code = db.Column(CHAR(3), nullable=False) seat_no = db.Column(CHAR(4), nullable=False) fare_conditions = db.Column(CHAR(10), nullable=False) def __init__(self, aircraft_code, seat_no, fare_conditions): self.aircraft_code = aircraft_code self.seat_no = seat_no self.fare_conditions = fare_conditions
class ArchiveFile(Base): ''' A file in the archive. ''' __tablename__ = 'archive_files' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) fname = Column(Text()) size = Column(Integer()) # the size of the file sha256sum = Column(CHAR(64)) # the files' checksum srcpkg_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey('archive_src_packages.uuid')) binpkg_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey('archive_bin_packages.uuid'), unique=True, nullable=True) binpkg = relationship('BinaryPackage', back_populates='bin_file') srcpkg = relationship('SourcePackage', back_populates='files') def make_url(self, urlbase): if urlbase[-1] == '/': return urlbase + str(self.fname) else: return urlbase + '/' + str(self.fname)
class TempTaxo(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'temp_taxo' idtaxo = db.Column(VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True) idparent = db.Column(VARCHAR(20)) name = db.Column(VARCHAR(100)) status = db.Column(CHAR(1)) typetaxo = db.Column(VARCHAR(20)) idfinal = db.Column(INTEGER)
class Tickets(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'tickets' ticket_no = db.Column(CHAR(13), nullable=False, primary_key=True) book_ref = db.Column(CHAR(6), db.ForeignKey('bookings.book_ref'), nullable=False) passenger_id = db.Column(CHAR(20), nullable=False) passenger_name = db.Column(TEXT, nullable=False) contact_data = db.Column(JSONB, nullable=True) def __init__(self, ticket_no, book_ref, passenger_id, passenger_name, contact_data): self.ticket_no = ticket_no self.book_ref = book_ref self.passenger_id = passenger_id self.passenger_name = passenger_name self.contact_data = contact_data
class Ticket_flights(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'ticket_flights' ticket_no = db.Column(CHAR(13), db.ForeignKey('tickets.ticket_no'), nullable=False, primary_key=True) flight_id = db.Column(INTEGER, db.ForeignKey('flights.flight_id'), nullable=False, primary_key=True) fare_conditions = db.Column(CHAR(10), nullable=False) amount = db.Column(NUMERIC(scale=10, precision=2), nullable=False) def __init__(self, ticket_no, flight_id, fare_conditions, amount): self.ticket_no = ticket_no self.flight_id = flight_id self.fare_conditions = fare_conditions self.amount = amount
class Bookings(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'bookings' book_ref = db.Column(CHAR(6), nullable=False, primary_key=True) book_date = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) total_amount = db.Column(NUMERIC(scale=10, precision=2), nullable=False) def __init__(self, book_ref, book_date, total_amount): self.book_ref = book_ref self.book_date = book_date self.total_amount = total_amount
class Aircrafts_data(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'aircrafts_data' aircraft_code = db.Column(CHAR(3), primary_key=True) model = db.Column(JSONB, nullable=False) rrange = db.Column(INTEGER, nullable=False) def __init__(self, aircraft_code, model, rrange): self.aircraft_code = aircraft_code self.model = model self.rrange = rrange
class Flights(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'flights' __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint( 'flight_no', 'scheduled_departure', name='flights_flight_no_scheduled_departure_key'), ) flight_id = db.Column(INTEGER, nullable=False, primary_key=True) flight_no = db.Column(CHAR(6), nullable=False) scheduled_departure = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) scheduled_arrival = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) departure_airport = db.Column(CHAR(3), db.ForeignKey('airports_data.airport_code'), nullable=False) arrival_airport = db.Column(CHAR(3), db.ForeignKey('airports_data.airport_code'), nullable=False) status = db.Column(CHAR(20), nullable=False) aircraft_code = db.Column(CHAR(3), db.ForeignKey('aircrafts_data.aircraft_code'), nullable=False) actual_departure = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=True) actual_arrival = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=True) def __init__(self, flight_id, flight_no, scheduled_departure, scheduled_arrival, departure_airport, arrival_airport, status, aircraft_code, actual_departure, actual_arrival): self.flight_id = flight_id self.flight_no = flight_no self.scheduled_departure = scheduled_departure self.scheduled_arrival = scheduled_arrival self.departure_airport = departure_airport self.arrival_airport = arrival_airport self.status = status self.aircraft_code = aircraft_code self.actual_departure = actual_departure self.actual_arrival = actual_arrival
class Airports_data(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'airports_data' airport_code = db.Column(CHAR(3), nullable=False, primary_key=True) airport_name = db.Column(JSONB, nullable=False) city = db.Column(JSONB, nullable=False) coordinates = db.Column(Point, nullable=False) timezone = db.Column(TEXT, nullable=False) def __init__(self, airport_code, airport_name, city, coordinates, timezone): self.airport_code = airport_code self.airport_name = airport_name = city self.coordinates = coordinates self.timezone = timezone
def ingest_data(password: str, data: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str = 'order') -> None: ''' Ingests the retrieved data into the database. ''' with sql_engine(password).connect() as con: # Creating a service table to store temporarily the data in order to perform additional checks. data.to_sql(f'{table_name}_to_ingest', con=con, schema='dna_test', if_exists='replace', index=False, dtype={ 'order_id': BIGINT, 'order_date': TIMESTAMP, 'user_id': INTEGER, 'zipcode': INTEGER, 'total': DOUBLE_PRECISION, 'item_count': INTEGER, 'lat': DOUBLE_PRECISION, 'lng': DOUBLE_PRECISION, 'city': TEXT, 'state': TEXT, 'timezone_identifier': TEXT, 'timezone_abbr': CHAR(3), 'utc_offset_sec': INTEGER, 'is_dst': BOOLEAN, 'area_codes': TEXT }) # Ingesting the data into the proper table avoiding to store records we already have. # We assume here that the order_id is unique. # This version is the minimum we should do to store data avoiding repetitions, but we can better # use the field timerange_transaction to create a proper "point in time" table. con.execute(f'''insert into dna_test.{table_name} (order_id, order_date, user_id, zipcode, total, item_count, lat, lng, city, state, timezone_identifier, timezone_abbr, utc_offset_sec, is_dst, area_codes) select * from dna_test.{table_name}_to_ingest bb where not exists ( select * from dna_test.{table_name} cc where cc.order_id = bb.order_id ) ''')
class Provider(PcObject, Model, DeactivableMixin): id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(90), index=True, nullable=False) localClass = Column( String(60), CheckConstraint( '("localClass" IS NOT NULL AND "apiKey" IS NULL)' + 'OR ("localClass" IS NULL AND "apiKey" IS NOT NULL)', name="check_provider_has_localclass_or_apikey", ), nullable=True, unique=True, ) apiKey = Column(CHAR(32), nullable=True) apiKeyGenerationDate = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) enabledForPro = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) requireProviderIdentifier = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
class Provider(PcObject, Model, DeactivableMixin): id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(90), nullable=False) localClass = Column( String(60), CheckConstraint('("localClass" IS NOT NULL AND "apiKey" IS NULL)' + 'OR ("localClass" IS NULL AND "apiKey" IS NOT NULL)', name='check_provider_has_localclass_or_apikey'), nullable=True, unique=True) venueProviders = relationship(VenueProvider, back_populates="provider", foreign_keys=[VenueProvider.providerId]) apiKey = Column(CHAR(32), nullable=True) apiKeyGenerationDate = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) enabledForPro = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) requireProviderIdentifier = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): if == 'postgresql': return dialect.type_descriptor(UUID()) else: return dialect.type_descriptor(CHAR(32))
class BinaryPackage(Base): ''' Data of a binary package. ''' __tablename__ = 'archive_bin_packages' uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=None, nullable=False) deb_type = Column(Enum(DebType)) # Deb package type name = Column(String(256)) # Package name version = Column(DebVersion()) # Version of this package repo_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) repo = relationship('ArchiveRepository') suites = relationship( 'ArchiveSuite', secondary=binpkg_suite_assoc_table, back_populates='bin_packages') # Suites this package is in component_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) component = relationship( 'ArchiveComponent') # Component this package is in architecture_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) architecture = relationship( 'ArchiveArchitecture') # Architecture this binary was built for size_installed = Column(Integer()) # Size of the installed package description = Column(Text()) description_md5 = Column(CHAR(32)) source_name = Column(String(256)) source_version = Column(DebVersion()) priority = Column(Enum(PackagePriority)) section = Column(String(64)) depends = Column(ARRAY(Text())) pre_depends = Column(ARRAY(Text())) maintainer = Column(Text()) homepage = Column(Text()) bin_file = relationship('ArchiveFile', uselist=False, back_populates='binpkg', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan') sw_cpts = relationship('SoftwareComponent', secondary=swcpt_binpkg_assoc_table, back_populates='bin_packages') __ts_vector__ = create_tsvector(cast(func.coalesce(name, ''), TEXT), cast(func.coalesce(description, ''), TEXT), cast(func.coalesce(source_name, ''), TEXT)) __table_args__ = (Index('idx_bin_package_fts', __ts_vector__, postgresql_using='gin'), ) @staticmethod def generate_uuid(repo_name, name, version, arch_name): return uuid.uuid5( UUID_NS_BINPACKAGE, '{}::{}/{}/{}'.format(repo_name, name, version, arch_name)) def update_uuid(self): if not self.repo: raise Exception( 'Binary package is not associated with a repository!') self.uuid = BinaryPackage.generate_uuid(,, self.version, return self.uuid def __str__(self): repo_name = '?' if self.repo: repo_name = arch_name = 'unknown' if self.architecture: arch_name = return '{}::{}/{}/{}'.format(repo_name,, self.version, arch_name)
class ObjectHeader(Model): __tablename__ = 'obj_head' # Self objid = Column(BIGINT, Sequence('seq_objects'), primary_key=True) # Parent acquisid = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey('acquisitions.acquisid'), nullable=False) # User-provided identifier orig_id = Column(VARCHAR(255), nullable=False) objdate = Column(DATE) objtime = Column(TIME) latitude = Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) longitude = Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) depth_min = Column(FLOAT) depth_max = Column(FLOAT) # sunpos = Column(CHAR(1)) # Sun position, from date, time and coords # classif_id = Column(INTEGER) classif_qual = Column(CHAR(1)) classif_who = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) classif_when = Column(TIMESTAMP) classif_auto_id = Column(INTEGER) classif_auto_score = Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) classif_auto_when = Column(TIMESTAMP) classif_crossvalidation_id = Column(INTEGER) # Always NULL in prod' complement_info = Column(VARCHAR) # e.g. "Part of ostracoda" similarity = Column(DOUBLE_PRECISION) # Always NULL in prod' # TODO: Why random? It makes testing a bit more difficult random_value = Column(INTEGER) # TODO: Can't see any value in DB object_link = Column(VARCHAR(255)) # The relationships are created in but the typing here helps the IDE fields: relationship cnn_features: relationship classif: relationship classif_auto: relationship classifier: relationship all_images: relationship acquisition: relationship history: relationship @classmethod def fetch_existing_objects(cls, session: Session, prj_id) -> Dict[str, int]: # TODO: Why using the view? sql = text("SELECT o.orig_id, o.objid " " FROM objects o " " WHERE o.projid = :prj") res: Result = session.execute(sql, {"prj": prj_id}) ret = {orig_id: objid for orig_id, objid in res} return ret # type: ignore @classmethod def fetch_existing_ranks(cls, session: Session, prj_id) -> Dict[int, Set[int]]: ret: Dict[int, Set[int]] = {} qry: Query = session.query(Image.objid, Image.imgrank) qry = qry.join(ObjectHeader).join(Acquisition).join(Sample).join( Project) qry = qry.filter(Project.projid == prj_id) for objid, imgrank in qry.all(): ret.setdefault(objid, set()).add(imgrank) return ret @staticmethod def _geo_from_txt(txt: str, min_v: float, max_v: float) -> float: """ Convert/check latitude or longitude before setting field :raises ValueError """ ret = convert_degree_minute_float_to_decimal_degree(txt) if ret is None: raise ValueError if ret < min_v or ret > max_v: raise ValueError return ret @staticmethod def latitude_from_txt(txt: str) -> float: return ObjectHeader._geo_from_txt(txt, -90, 90) @staticmethod def longitude_from_txt(txt: str) -> float: return ObjectHeader._geo_from_txt(txt, -180, 180) @staticmethod def depth_from_txt(txt: str) -> float: """ Convert depth before setting field :raises ValueError """ return float(txt) @staticmethod def time_from_txt(txt: str) -> datetime.time: """ Convert/check time before setting field. HHMM with optional SS. Or strictly HH:MM:SS :raises ValueError """ if txt[2:3] == txt[5:6] == ":": return datetime.time(int(txt[0:2]), int(txt[3:5]), int(txt[6:8])) # Left pad with 0s as they tend to be truncated by spreadsheets e.g. 320 -> 0320 txt = '0' * (4 - len(txt)) + txt if len(txt) < 4 else txt # Right pad with 0s for seconds e.g. 0320 -> 032000 txt += '0' * (6 - len(txt)) if len(txt) < 6 else "" return datetime.time(int(txt[0:2]), int(txt[2:4]), int(txt[4:6])) @staticmethod def date_from_txt(txt: str) -> """ Convert/check date before setting field. Format YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD :raises ValueError """ if txt[4:5] == txt[7:8] == "-": return[0:4]), int(txt[5:7]), int(txt[8:10])) return[0:4]), int(txt[4:6]), int(txt[6:8])) def __lt__(self, other): return self.objid < other.objid
def test_has_non_sql_attributes(self): expected = [('length', 3)] result = list(get_type_attributes(CHAR(3))) self.assertEqual(expected, result)
engine = create_engine('postgresql://django@localhost:5432/sqla') # create MetaData meta = MetaData() meta.bind = engine accounts = Table( 'accounts', meta, # (Column args)[] Column('account_id', BIGINT, primary_key=True), Column('account_name', VARCHAR(20)), Column('first_name', VARCHAR(20)), Column('last_name', VARCHAR(20)), Column('email', VARCHAR(100)), Column('password_hash', CHAR(64)), Column('potrait_image', BYTEA), Column('hourly_rate', NUMERIC(9, 2)), ) bugstatus = Table('bugstatus', meta, Column('status', VARCHAR(20), primary_key=True)) bugs = Table( 'bugs', meta, Column('bug_id', BIGINT, primary_key=True), Column('date_reported', DATE, nullable=False), Column('summary', VARCHAR(80)), Column('description', VARCHAR(1000)), Column('resolution', VARCHAR(1000)),