from redis import StrictRedis from sqlalchemy import and_, func from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from import disconnect, send_message, send_userlist from charat2.model import sm, Message, ChatUser from charat2.model.connections import redis_pool if __name__ == "__main__": db = sm() print "Obtaining lock..." db.query(func.pg_advisory_lock(413, 1)).scalar() print "Lock obtained." redis = StrictRedis(connection_pool=redis_pool) while True: current_time = int(time.time()) # Make sure a message is sent every 25 seconds so the long poll requests # don't time out. # XXX INCREASE THIS TO SEVERAL MINUTES for chat_id in redis.zrangebyscore("longpoll_timeout", 0, current_time): redis.publish("channel:%s" % chat_id, '{"messages":[]}') if redis.hlen("chat:%s:online" % chat_id) != 0: redis.zadd("longpoll_timeout", time.time() + 25, chat_id)
def run_matchmaker( lock_id, searchers_key, searcher_prefix, get_searcher_info, check_compatibility, ChatClass, get_character_info, ): # XXX get log level from stdin root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) db = sm() print "Obtaining lock..." db.query(func.pg_advisory_lock(413, lock_id)).scalar() print "Lock obtained." redis = StrictRedis(connection_pool=redis_pool) searcher_ids = redis.smembers(searchers_key) while True: # Reset the searcher list for the next iteration. redis.delete(searchers_key) for searcher in searcher_ids: logging.debug("Waking unmatched searcher %s." % searcher) redis.publish("%s:%s" % (searcher_prefix, searcher), "{ \"status\": \"unmatched\" }") time.sleep(10)"Starting match loop.") searcher_ids = redis.smembers(searchers_key) # We can't do anything with less than 2 people, so don't bother. if len(searcher_ids) < 2:"Not enough searchers, skipping.") continue searchers = get_searcher_info(redis, searcher_ids) logging.debug("Searcher list: %s" % searchers) shuffle(searchers) already_matched = set() # Range hack so we don't check opposite pairs or against itself. for n in range(len(searchers)): s1 = searchers[n] for m in range(n + 1, len(searchers)): s2 = searchers[m] if s1["id"] in already_matched or s2["id"] in already_matched: continue logging.debug("Comparing %s and %s." % (s1["id"], s2["id"])) match, options = check_compatibility(redis, s1, s2) if not match: logging.debug("No match.") continue blocked = ( db.query(func.count("*")).select_from(Block).filter(and_( Block.blocking_user_id == s1["user_id"], Block.blocked_user_id == s2["user_id"] )).scalar() != 0 or db.query(func.count("*")).select_from(Block).filter(and_( Block.blocking_user_id == s2["user_id"], Block.blocked_user_id == s1["user_id"] )).scalar() != 0 ) if blocked: logging.debug("Blocked.") continue new_url = str(uuid4()).replace("-", "") "Matched %s and %s, sending to %s." % (s1["id"], s2["id"], new_url) ) new_chat = ChatClass(url=new_url) db.add(new_chat) db.flush() s1_user = db.query(User).filter( == s1["user_id"]).one() s2_user = db.query(User).filter( == s2["user_id"]).one() db.add(ChatUser.from_user(s1_user,, number=1, **get_character_info(db, s1))) db.add(ChatUser.from_user(s2_user,, number=2, **get_character_info(db, s2))) if options: db.add(Message(, type="search_info", text=" ".join(option_messages[_] for _ in options), )) db.commit() already_matched.add(s1["id"]) already_matched.add(s2["id"]) match_message = json.dumps({ "status": "matched", "url": new_url }) redis.publish("%s:%s" % (searcher_prefix, s1["id"]), match_message) redis.publish("%s:%s" % (searcher_prefix, s2["id"]), match_message) searcher_ids.remove(s1["id"]) searcher_ids.remove(s2["id"])