コード例 #1
ファイル: sqlalchemy.py プロジェクト: zhuhj89/spyne
def _check_inheritance(cls, cls_bases):
    table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name

    inc = []
    inheritance = None
    base_class = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)

    if base_class is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            if getattr(b, '_type_info', None) is not None and b.__mixin__:
                base_class = b

    if base_class is not None:
        base_table_name = base_class.Attributes.table_name
        if base_table_name is not None:
            if base_table_name == table_name:
                inheritance = _SINGLE
                inheritance = _JOINED
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Joined table inheritance is not yet "
            inc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.include_properties
            if inc_prop is not None:

            exc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.exclude_properties
            if exc_prop is not None:
                inc = [_p for _p in inc if not _p in exc_prop]

    # check whether the base classes are already mapped
    base_mapper = None
    if base_class is not None:
        base_mapper = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper

    if base_mapper is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            bm = _mapper_registry.get(b, None)
            if bm is not None:
                assert base_mapper is None, "There can be only one base mapper."
                base_mapper = bm
                inheritance = _SINGLE

    return inheritance, base_class, base_mapper, inc
コード例 #2
ファイル: sqlalchemy.py プロジェクト: buldi/spyne
def _check_inheritance(cls, cls_bases):
    table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name

    inc = []
    inheritance = None
    base_class = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)

    if base_class is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            if getattr(b, '_type_info', None) is not None and b.__mixin__:
                base_class = b

    if base_class is not None:
        base_table_name = base_class.Attributes.table_name
        if base_table_name is not None:
            if base_table_name == table_name:
                inheritance = _SINGLE
                inheritance = _JOINED
                raise NotImplementedError("Joined table inheritance is not yet "
            inc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.include_properties
            if inc_prop is not None:

            exc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.exclude_properties
            if exc_prop is not None:
                inc = [_p for _p in inc if not _p in exc_prop]

    # check whether the base classes are already mapped
    base_mapper = None
    if base_class is not None:
        base_mapper = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper

    if base_mapper is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            bm = _mapper_registry.get(b, None)
            if bm is not None:
                assert base_mapper is None, "There can be only one base mapper."
                base_mapper = bm
                inheritance = _SINGLE

    return inheritance, base_class, base_mapper, inc
コード例 #3
ファイル: sqlalchemy.py プロジェクト: esauro/spyne
def gen_sqla_info(cls, cls_bases=()):
    """Return SQLAlchemy table object corresponding to the passed Spyne object.
    Also maps given class to the returned table.

    metadata = cls.Attributes.sqla_metadata
    table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name

    inc = [] # include_properties

    # check inheritance
    inheritance = None
    base_class = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)
    if base_class is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            if getattr(b, '_type_info', None) is not None and b.__mixin__:
                base_class = b

    if base_class is not None:
        base_table_name = base_class.Attributes.table_name
        if base_table_name is not None:
            if base_table_name == table_name:
                inheritance = _SINGLE
                inheritance = _JOINED
                raise NotImplementedError("Joined table inheritance is not yet "
            inc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.include_properties
            if inc_prop is not None:

            exc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.exclude_properties
            if exc_prop is not None:
                inc = [_p for _p in inc if not _p in exc_prop]

    # check whether the object already has a table
    table = None
    if table_name in metadata.tables:
        table = metadata.tables[table_name]
        # We need FakeTable because table_args can contain all sorts of stuff
        # that can require a fully-constructed table, and we don't have that
        # information here yet.
        table = _FakeTable()

    # check whether the base classes are already mapped
    base_mapper = None
    if base_class is not None:
        base_mapper = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper

    if base_mapper is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            bm = _mapper_registry.get(b, None)
            if bm is not None:
                assert base_mapper is None, "There can be only one base mapper."
                base_mapper = bm
                inheritance = _SINGLE

    props = {}

    # For each Spyne field
    for k, v in cls._type_info.items():
        if v.Attributes.exc_table:

        col_args, col_kwargs = sanitize_args(v.Attributes.sqla_column_args)
        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, v, col_kwargs)

        t = get_sqlalchemy_type(v)

        if t is None:
            p = getattr(v.Attributes, 'store_as', None)
            if p is not None and issubclass(v, Array) and isinstance(p, c_table):
                child_cust, = v._type_info.values()
                if child_cust.__orig__ is not None:
                    child = child_cust.__orig__
                    child = child_cust

                if p.multi != False: # many to many
                    col_own, col_child = _get_cols_m2m(cls, k, v, p.left, p.right)

                    p.left = col_own.key
                    p.right = col_child.key

                    if p.multi == True:
                        rel_table_name = '_'.join([cls.Attributes.table_name, k])
                        rel_table_name = p.multi

                    # FIXME: Handle the case where the table already exists.
                    rel_t = Table(rel_table_name, metadata,
                                                          *(col_own, col_child))

                    props[k] = relationship(child, secondary=rel_t,

                elif issubclass(child, SimpleModel): # one to many simple type
                    # get left (fk) column info
                    _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.left)
                    col_info = _gen_col.next() # gets the column name
                    p.left, child_left_col_type = col_info[0] # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys.
                    child_left_col_name = p.left

                    # get right(data) column info
                    child_right_col_type = get_sqlalchemy_type(child_cust)
                    child_right_col_name = p.right # this is the data column
                    if child_right_col_name is None:
                        child_right_col_name = k

                    # get table name
                    child_table_name = child_cust.Attributes.table_name
                    if child_table_name is None:
                        child_table_name = '_'.join([table_name, k])

                    if child_table_name in metadata.tables:
                        # table exists, get releavant info
                        child_t = metadata.tables[child_table_name]
                        assert child_right_col_type is \
                        assert child_left_col_type is \

                        child_right_col = child_t.c[child_right_col_name]
                        child_left_col = child_t.c[child_left_col_name]

                        # table does not exist, generate table
                        child_right_col = Column(child_right_col_name,
                        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust,

                        child_left_col = _gen_col.next()
                        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust,

                        child_t = Table(child_table_name , metadata,
                            Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
                                                child_left_col, child_right_col)

                    # generate temporary class for association proxy
                    cls_name = ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in
                                            # generates camelcase class name.

                    def _i(self, *args):
                        setattr(self, child_right_col_name, args[0])

                    cls_ = type("_" + cls_name, (object,), {'__init__': _i})
                    own_mapper(cls_)(cls_, child_t)
                    props["_" + k] = relationship(cls_)

                    # generate association proxy
                    setattr(cls, k, association_proxy("_" + k, child_right_col_name))

                else: # one to many complex type
                    _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.right)
                    col_info = _gen_col.next() # gets the column name
                    p.right, col_type = col_info[0] # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys.

                    assert p.left is None, \
                        "'left' is ignored in one-to-many relationships " \
                        "with complex types (because they already have a " \
                        "table). You probably meant to use 'right'."

                    child_t = child.__table__

                    if p.right in child_t.c:
                        # FIXME: This branch MUST be tested.
                        assert col_type is child_t.c[p.right].type.__class__

                        # if the column is there, the decision about whether
                        # it should be in child's mapper should also have been
                        # made.
                        # so, not adding the child column to to child mapper
                        # here.
                        col = child_t.c[p.right]

                        col = _gen_col.next()

                        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=col)

                        child.__mapper__.add_property(col.name, col)

                    props[k] = relationship(child, foreign_keys=[col],

            elif p is not None and issubclass(v, ComplexModelBase):
                # v has the Attribute values we need whereas real_v is what the
                # user instantiates (thus what sqlalchemy needs)
                if v.__orig__ is None: # vanilla class
                    real_v = v
                else: # customized class
                    real_v = v.__orig__

                if isinstance(p, c_table):
                    assert not getattr(p, 'multi', False), (
                                        'Storing a single element-type using a '
                                        'relation table is pointless.')

                    assert p.right is None, "'right' is ignored in a one-to-one " \

                    col = _get_col_o2o(cls, k, v, p.left)
                    rel = relationship(real_v, uselist=False,
                                          foreign_keys=[col], backref=p.backref)

                    p.left = col.key
                    props[k] = rel

                elif isinstance(p, c_xml):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(k, PGObjectXml(v, p.root_tag, p.no_ns),
                                                        *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                elif isinstance(p, c_json):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(k, PGObjectJson(v,
                                        *col_args, **col_kwargs

                elif isinstance(p, c_msgpack):
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                    raise ValueError(p)

                props[col.name] = col
                if not k in table.c:

                logger.debug("Skipping %s.%s.%s: %r, store_as: %r" % (
                                                cls.get_type_name(), k, v, p))

            unique = v.Attributes.unique
            index = v.Attributes.index
            if unique and not index:
                index = True

                index_name, index_method = v.Attributes.index

            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                index_name = "%s_%s%s" % (table_name, k, '_unique' if unique else '')
                index_method = v.Attributes.index

            if k in table.c:
                col = table.c[k]

                col = Column(k, t, *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                if index in (False, None):

                    if index == True:
                        index_args = (index_name, col), dict(unique=unique)
                        index_args = (index_name, col), dict(unique=unique,

                    if isinstance(table, _FakeTable):
                        Index(*index_args[0], **index_args[1])

            if not v.Attributes.exc_mapper:
                props[k] = col

    if isinstance(table, _FakeTable):
        _table = table
        table_args, table_kwargs = sanitize_args(cls.Attributes.sqla_table_args)
        table = Table(table_name, metadata,
                           *(tuple(table.columns) + table_args), **table_kwargs)

        for index_args, index_kwargs in _table.indexes:
            Index(*index_args, **index_kwargs)

        del _table

    # Map the table to the object
    mapper_args, mapper_kwargs = sanitize_args(cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper_args)

    _props = mapper_kwargs.get('properties', None)
    if _props is None:
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props

    _inc = mapper_kwargs.get('include_properties', None)
    if _inc is None:
        mapper_kwargs['include_properties'] = inc + props.keys()

    po = mapper_kwargs.get('polymorphic_on', None)
    if po is not None:
        if not isinstance(po, Column):
            mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = table.c[po]
            del mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on']

    if base_mapper is not None:
        mapper_kwargs['inherits'] = base_mapper

    if inheritance is not _SINGLE:
        mapper_args = (table,) + mapper_args

    cls_mapper = mapper(cls, *mapper_args, **mapper_kwargs)

    def my_load_listener(target, context):
        d = target.__dict__

        for k, v in cls.get_flat_type_info(cls).items():
            if not k in d:
                if isclass(v) and issubclass(v, ComplexModelBase):
                    d[k] = None

    event.listen(cls, 'load', my_load_listener)

    cls.__tablename__ = cls.Attributes.table_name
    cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper = cls.__mapper__ = cls_mapper
    cls.Attributes.sqla_table = cls.__table__ = table

    return table
コード例 #4
def gen_sqla_info(cls, cls_bases=()):
    """Return SQLAlchemy table object corresponding to the passed Spyne object.
    Also maps given class to the returned table.

    metadata = cls.Attributes.sqla_metadata
    table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name

    inc = [] # include_properties

    # check inheritance
    inheritance = None
    base_class = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)
    if base_class is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            if getattr(b, '_type_info', None) is not None and b.__mixin__:
                base_class = b

    if base_class is not None:
        base_table_name = base_class.Attributes.table_name
        if base_table_name is not None:
            if base_table_name == table_name:
                inheritance = _SINGLE
                inheritance = _JOINED
                raise NotImplementedError("Joined table inheritance is not yet "
            inc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.include_properties
            if inc_prop is not None:

            exc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.exclude_properties
            if exc_prop is not None:
                inc = [_p for _p in inc if not _p in exc_prop]

    # check whether the object already has a table
    table = None
    if table_name in metadata.tables:
        table = metadata.tables[table_name]
        # We need FakeTable because table_args can contain all sorts of stuff
        # that can require a fully-constructed table, and we don't have that
        # information here yet.
        table = _FakeTable()

    # check whether the base classes are already mapped
    base_mapper = None
    if base_class is not None:
        base_mapper = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper

    if base_mapper is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            bm = _mapper_registry.get(b, None)
            if bm is not None:
                assert base_mapper is None, "There can be only one base mapper."
                base_mapper = bm
                inheritance = _SINGLE

    props = {}

    # For each Spyne field
    for k, v in cls._type_info.items():
        if v.Attributes.exc_table:

        col_args, col_kwargs = sanitize_args(v.Attributes.sqla_column_args)
        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, v, col_kwargs)

        t = get_sqlalchemy_type(v)

        if t is None:
            p = getattr(v.Attributes, 'store_as', None)
            if p is not None and issubclass(v, Array) and isinstance(p, c_table):
                child_cust, = v._type_info.values()
                if child_cust.__orig__ is not None:
                    child = child_cust.__orig__
                    child = child_cust

                if p.multi != False: # many to many
                    col_own, col_child = _get_cols_m2m(cls, k, v, p.left, p.right)

                    p.left = col_own.key
                    p.right = col_child.key

                    if p.multi == True:
                        rel_table_name = '_'.join([cls.Attributes.table_name, k])
                        rel_table_name = p.multi

                    # FIXME: Handle the case where the table already exists.
                    rel_t = Table(rel_table_name, metadata, *(col_own, col_child))

                    props[k] = relationship(child, secondary=rel_t, backref=p.backref)

                else: # one to many
                    assert p.left is None, "'left' is ignored in one-to-many " \
                                            "relationships. You probebly meant " \
                                            "to use 'right'."

                    child_t = child.__table__
                    _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.right)

                    col_info = _gen_col.next() # gets the column name
                    p.right, col_type = col_info[0] # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys.

                    if p.right in child_t.c:
                        # FIXME: This branch MUST be tested.
                        assert col_type == child_t.c[p.right].type

                        # if the column is there, the decision about whether
                        # it should be in child's mapper should also have been
                        # made.
                        # so, not adding the child column to to child mapper
                        # here.

                        col = _gen_col.next()

                        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=col)

                        child.__mapper__.add_property(col.name, col)

                    props[k] = relationship(child)

            elif p is not None and issubclass(v, ComplexModelBase):
                # v has the Attribute values we need whereas real_v is what the
                # user instantiates (thus what sqlalchemy needs)
                if v.__orig__ is None: # vanilla class
                    real_v = v
                else: # customized class
                    real_v = v.__orig__

                if isinstance(p, c_table):
                    assert not getattr(p, 'multi', False), (
                                        'Storing a single element-type using a '
                                        'relation table is pointless.')

                    assert p.right is None, "'right' is ignored in a one-to-one " \

                    col = _get_col_o2o(cls, k, v, p.left)
                    rel = relationship(real_v, uselist=False)

                    p.left = col.key
                    props[k] = rel

                elif isinstance(p, c_xml):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(k, PGObjectXml(v, p.root_tag, p.no_ns),
                                                        *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                elif isinstance(p, c_json):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(k, PGObjectJson(v, p.skip_depth),
                                                        *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                elif isinstance(p, c_msgpack):
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                    raise ValueError(p)

                props[col.name] = col
                if not k in table.c:

                logger.debug("Skipping %s.%s.%s: %r, store_as: %r" % (
                                                cls.get_type_name(), k, v, p))

            unique = v.Attributes.unique
            index = v.Attributes.index
            if unique and not index:
                index = True

                index_name, index_method = v.Attributes.index
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                index_name = "%s_%s%s" % (table_name, k, '_unique' if unique else '')
                index_method = v.Attributes.index

            if k in table.c:
                col = table.c[k]

                col = Column(k, t, *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                if index in (False, None):
                    if index == True:
                        index_args = (index_name, col), dict(unique=unique)
                        index_args = (index_name, col), dict(unique=unique,

                    if isinstance(table, _FakeTable):
                        Index(*index_args[0], **index_args[1])

            if not v.Attributes.exc_mapper:
                props[k] = col

    if isinstance(table, _FakeTable):
        _table = table
        table_args, table_kwargs = sanitize_args(cls.Attributes.sqla_table_args)
        table = Table(table_name, metadata,
                           *(tuple(table.columns) + table_args), **table_kwargs)

        for index_args, index_kwargs in _table.indexes:
            Index(*index_args, **index_kwargs)
        del _table

    # Map the table to the object
    mapper_args, mapper_kwargs = sanitize_args(cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper_args)

    _props = mapper_kwargs.get('properties', None)
    if _props is None:
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props

    _inc = mapper_kwargs.get('include_properties', None)
    if _inc is None:
        mapper_kwargs['include_properties'] = inc + props.keys()

    po = mapper_kwargs.get('polymorphic_on', None)
    if po is not None:
        if not isinstance(po, Column):
            mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = table.c[po]
            del mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on']

    if base_mapper is not None:
        mapper_kwargs['inherits'] = base_mapper

    if inheritance is not _SINGLE:
        mapper_args = (table,) + mapper_args

    cls_mapper = mapper(cls, *mapper_args, **mapper_kwargs)

    cls.__tablename__ = cls.Attributes.table_name
    cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper = cls.__mapper__ = cls_mapper
    cls.Attributes.sqla_table = cls.__table__ = table

    return table
コード例 #5
ファイル: sqlalchemy.py プロジェクト: harshil07/spyne
def gen_sqla_info(cls, cls_bases=()):
    """Return SQLAlchemy table object corresponding to the passed Spyne object.
    Also maps given class to the returned table.

    metadata = cls.Attributes.sqla_metadata
    table_name = cls.Attributes.table_name

    inc = []  # include_properties

    # check inheritance
    inheritance = None
    base_class = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)
    if base_class is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            if getattr(b, '_type_info', None) is not None and b.__mixin__:
                base_class = b

    if base_class is not None:
        base_table_name = base_class.Attributes.table_name
        if base_table_name is not None:
            if base_table_name == table_name:
                inheritance = _SINGLE
                inheritance = _JOINED
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Joined table inheritance is not yet "
            inc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.include_properties
            if inc_prop is not None:

            exc_prop = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper.exclude_properties
            if exc_prop is not None:
                inc = [_p for _p in inc if not _p in exc_prop]

    # check whether the object already has a table
    table = None
    if table_name in metadata.tables:
        table = metadata.tables[table_name]
        # We need FakeTable because table_args can contain all sorts of stuff
        # that can require a fully-constructed table, and we don't have that
        # information here yet.
        table = _FakeTable()

    # check whether the base classes are already mapped
    base_mapper = None
    if base_class is not None:
        base_mapper = base_class.Attributes.sqla_mapper

    if base_mapper is None:
        for b in cls_bases:
            bm = _mapper_registry.get(b, None)
            if bm is not None:
                assert base_mapper is None, "There can be only one base mapper."
                base_mapper = bm
                inheritance = _SINGLE

    props = {}

    # For each Spyne field
    for k, v in cls._type_info.items():
        if v.Attributes.exc_table:

        col_args, col_kwargs = sanitize_args(v.Attributes.sqla_column_args)
        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, v, col_kwargs)

        t = get_sqlalchemy_type(v)

        if t is None:
            p = getattr(v.Attributes, 'store_as', None)
            if p is not None and issubclass(v, Array) and isinstance(
                    p, c_table):
                child_cust, = v._type_info.values()
                if child_cust.__orig__ is not None:
                    child = child_cust.__orig__
                    child = child_cust

                if p.multi != False:  # many to many
                    col_own, col_child = _get_cols_m2m(cls, k, v, p.left,

                    p.left = col_own.key
                    p.right = col_child.key

                    if p.multi == True:
                        rel_table_name = '_'.join(
                            [cls.Attributes.table_name, k])
                        rel_table_name = p.multi

                    # FIXME: Handle the case where the table already exists.
                    rel_t = Table(rel_table_name, metadata,
                                  *(col_own, col_child))

                    props[k] = relationship(child,

                elif issubclass(child, SimpleModel):  # one to many simple type
                    # get left (fk) column info
                    _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.left)
                    col_info = _gen_col.next()  # gets the column name
                    p.left, child_left_col_type = col_info[
                        0]  # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys.
                    child_left_col_name = p.left

                    # get right(data) column info
                    child_right_col_type = get_sqlalchemy_type(child_cust)
                    child_right_col_name = p.right  # this is the data column
                    if child_right_col_name is None:
                        child_right_col_name = k

                    # get table name
                    child_table_name = child_cust.Attributes.table_name
                    if child_table_name is None:
                        child_table_name = '_'.join([table_name, k])

                    if child_table_name in metadata.tables:
                        # table exists, get releavant info
                        child_t = metadata.tables[child_table_name]
                        assert child_right_col_type is \
                        assert child_left_col_type is \

                        child_right_col = child_t.c[child_right_col_name]
                        child_left_col = child_t.c[child_left_col_name]

                        # table does not exist, generate table
                        child_right_col = Column(child_right_col_name,

                        child_left_col = _gen_col.next()

                        child_t = Table(
                            child_table_name, metadata,
                            Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
                            child_left_col, child_right_col)

                    # generate temporary class for association proxy
                    cls_name = ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_'
                                       for x in child_table_name.split('_'))

                    # generates camelcase class name.

                    def _i(self, *args):
                        setattr(self, child_right_col_name, args[0])

                    cls_ = type("_" + cls_name, (object, ), {'__init__': _i})
                    own_mapper(cls_)(cls_, child_t)
                    props["_" + k] = relationship(cls_)

                    # generate association proxy
                    setattr(cls, k,
                            association_proxy("_" + k, child_right_col_name))

                else:  # one to many complex type
                    _gen_col = _get_col_o2m(cls, p.right)
                    col_info = _gen_col.next()  # gets the column name
                    p.right, col_type = col_info[
                        0]  # FIXME: Add support for multi-column primary keys.

                    assert p.left is None, \
                        "'left' is ignored in one-to-many relationships " \
                        "with complex types (because they already have a " \
                        "table). You probably meant to use 'right'."

                    child_t = child.__table__

                    if p.right in child_t.c:
                        # FIXME: This branch MUST be tested.
                        assert col_type is child_t.c[p.right].type.__class__

                        # if the column is there, the decision about whether
                        # it should be in child's mapper should also have been
                        # made.
                        # so, not adding the child column to to child mapper
                        # here.
                        col = child_t.c[p.right]

                        col = _gen_col.next()

                        _sp_attrs_to_sqla_constraints(cls, child_cust, col=col)

                        child.__mapper__.add_property(col.name, col)

                    props[k] = relationship(child,

            elif p is not None and issubclass(v, ComplexModelBase):
                # v has the Attribute values we need whereas real_v is what the
                # user instantiates (thus what sqlalchemy needs)
                if v.__orig__ is None:  # vanilla class
                    real_v = v
                else:  # customized class
                    real_v = v.__orig__

                if isinstance(p, c_table):
                    assert not getattr(p, 'multi', False), (
                        'Storing a single element-type using a '
                        'relation table is pointless.')

                    assert p.right is None, "'right' is ignored in a one-to-one " \

                    col = _get_col_o2o(cls, k, v, p.left)
                    rel = relationship(real_v,

                    p.left = col.key
                    props[k] = rel
                    _gen_index_info(table, table_name, col, k, v)

                elif isinstance(p, c_xml):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(k, PGObjectXml(v, p.root_tag, p.no_ns),
                                     *col_args, **col_kwargs)

                elif isinstance(p, c_json):
                    if k in table.c:
                        col = table.c[k]
                        col = Column(
                                         complex_as=p.complex_as), *col_args,

                elif isinstance(p, c_msgpack):
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                    raise ValueError(p)

                props[col.name] = col
                if not k in table.c:

                    "Skipping %s.%s.%s: %r, store_as: %r" %
                    (cls.get_namespace(), cls.get_type_name(), k, v, p))

            if k in table.c:
                col = table.c[k]

                col = Column(k, t, *col_args, **col_kwargs)
                _gen_index_info(table, table_name, col, k, v)

            if not v.Attributes.exc_mapper:
                props[k] = col

    if isinstance(table, _FakeTable):
        _table = table
        table_args, table_kwargs = sanitize_args(
        table = Table(table_name, metadata,
                      *(tuple(table.columns) + table_args), **table_kwargs)

        for index_args, index_kwargs in _table.indexes:
            Index(*index_args, **index_kwargs)

        del _table

    # Map the table to the object
    mapper_args, mapper_kwargs = sanitize_args(cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper_args)

    _props = mapper_kwargs.get('properties', None)
    if _props is None:
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props
        mapper_kwargs['properties'] = props

    _inc = mapper_kwargs.get('include_properties', None)
    if _inc is None:
        mapper_kwargs['include_properties'] = inc + props.keys()

    po = mapper_kwargs.get('polymorphic_on', None)
    if po is not None:
        if not isinstance(po, Column):
            mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = table.c[po]
            del mapper_kwargs['polymorphic_on']

    if base_mapper is not None:
        mapper_kwargs['inherits'] = base_mapper

    if inheritance is not _SINGLE:
        mapper_args = (table, ) + mapper_args

    cls_mapper = mapper(cls, *mapper_args, **mapper_kwargs)

    def my_load_listener(target, context):
        d = target.__dict__

        for k, v in cls.get_flat_type_info(cls).items():
            if not k in d:
                if isclass(v) and issubclass(v, ComplexModelBase):
                    d[k] = None

    event.listen(cls, 'load', my_load_listener)

    cls.__tablename__ = cls.Attributes.table_name
    cls.Attributes.sqla_mapper = cls.__mapper__ = cls_mapper
    cls.Attributes.sqla_table = cls.__table__ = table

    return table