コード例 #1
    def order_by(self, *args):
        args = list(args)
        joins_needed = []
        for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
            q = self
            if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
            if arg[0] in '+-':
                desc = arg[0] == '-'
                arg = arg[1:]
                desc = False
            q = self
            column = None
            for token in arg.split('__'):
                column = _entity_descriptor(q._joinpoint_zero(), token)
                if column.impl.uses_objects:
                    q = q.join(column)
                    column = None
            if column is None:
                raise ValueError('Tried to order by table, column expected')
            if desc:
                column = column.desc()
            args[idx] = column

        q = super(DjangoQueryMixin, self).order_by(*args)
        for join in joins_needed:
            q = q.join(join)
        return q
コード例 #2
    def order_by(self, *args):
        args = list(args)
        joins_needed = []
        for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
            q = self
            if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
            if arg[0] in '+-':
                desc = arg[0] == '-'
                arg = arg[1:]
                desc = False
            q = self
            column = None
            for token in arg.split('__'):
                column = _entity_descriptor(q._joinpoint_zero(), token)
                if column.impl.uses_objects:
                    q = q.join(column)
                    column = None
            if column is None:
                raise ValueError('Tried to order by table, column expected')
            if desc:
                column = column.desc()
            args[idx] = column

        q = super(DjangoQueryMixin, self).order_by(*args)
        for join in joins_needed:
            q = q.join(join)
        return q
コード例 #3
    def _filter_or_exclude(self, negate, kwargs):
        q = self
        negate_if = lambda expr: expr if not negate else ~expr
        column = None

        for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            for token in arg.split('__'):
                if column is None:
                    column = _entity_descriptor(q._joinpoint_zero(), token)
                    if column.impl.uses_objects:
                        q = q.join(column)
                        column = None
                elif token in self._underscore_operators:
                    op = self._underscore_operators[token]
                    q = q.filter(negate_if(op(column, *to_list(value))))
                    column = None
                    raise ValueError('No idea what to do with %r' % token)
            if column is not None:
                q = q.filter(negate_if(column == value))
                column = None
            q = q.reset_joinpoint()
        return q
コード例 #4
    def _filter_or_exclude(self, negate, kwargs):
        q = self
        negate_if = lambda expr: expr if not negate else ~expr
        column = None

        for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            for token in arg.split('__'):
                if column is None:
                    column = _entity_descriptor(q._joinpoint_zero(), token)
                    if column.impl.uses_objects:
                        q = q.join(column)
                        column = None
                elif token in self._underscore_operators:
                    op = self._underscore_operators[token]
                    q = q.filter(negate_if(op(column, *to_list(value))))
                    column = None
                    raise ValueError('No idea what to do with %r' % token)
            if column is not None:
                q = q.filter(negate_if(column == value))
                column = None
            q = q.reset_joinpoint()
        return q