def test_table_to_alias(self): t1alias = t1.alias('t1alias') vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias) ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], from_obj=[t1])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias") self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2), "SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1]).alias('foo') self.assert_compile(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias) AS foo") self.assert_compile(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo") ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) self.assert_compile(select([ff]), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias") assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] # TODO: # self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select([func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')]), clone=True), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias") t2alias = t2.alias('t2alias') vis.chain(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t2alias)) self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2") self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1==t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2")
def find_join_source(clauses, join_to): """Given a list of FROM clauses and a selectable, return the first index and element from the list of clauses which can be joined against the selectable. returns None, None if no match is found. e.g.:: clause1 = table1.join(table2) clause2 = table4.join(table5) join_to = table2.join(table3) find_join_source([clause1, clause2], join_to) == clause1 """ selectables = list(expression._from_objects(join_to)) for i, f in enumerate(clauses): for s in selectables: if f.is_derived_from(s): return i, f else: return None, None
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, compound_index=1, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for select(select(select)) # where innermost select should correlate to outermost # if existingfroms: # correlate_froms = correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) if compound_index == 1 and not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False): column_clause_args = {'result_map': self.result_map} else: column_clause_args = {} # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = util.unique_list(c for c in [ self.process(self.label_select_column(select, co, asfrom=asfrom), within_columns_clause=True, **column_clause_args) for co in select.inner_columns ] if c is not None) text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! if select._prefixes: text += " ".join(self.process(x) for x in select._prefixes) + " " text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) if froms: text += " \nFROM " text += ', '.join(self.process(f, asfrom=True) for f in froms) else: text += self.default_from() if select._whereclause is not None: t = self.process(select._whereclause) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = self.process(select._group_by_clause) if group_by: text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._having is not None: t = self.process(select._having) if t: text += " \nHAVING " + t if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select) if select._limit is not None or select._offset is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) if select.for_update: text += self.for_update_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) if asfrom and parens: return "(" + text + ")" else: return text
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=0, force_result_map=False, positional_names=None, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms, asfrom=asfrom) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) populate_result_map = force_result_map or ( compound_index == 0 and ( not entry or \ entry.get('iswrapper', False) ) ) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) sel = resolver.SelectResolver() column_clause_args = kwargs.copy() column_clause_args.update({ 'positional_names': positional_names, 'within_label_clause': False, 'within_columns_clause': False }) # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = [ c for c in [ self._label_select_column(select, column, populate_result_map, asfrom, column_clause_args) for column in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns) ] if c is not None ] sel.columns.extend(inner_columns) if froms: for f in froms: sel.dataframes.append( f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) ) if select._whereclause is not None: t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) sel.whereclause = t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) sel.group_by = group_by if select._order_by_clause.clauses: order_by = select._order_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) sel.order_by = order_by if select._having is not None: sel.having = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) sel.limit = select._limit sel.offset = select._offset self.stack.pop(-1) return sel
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=1, force_result_map=False, nested_join_translation=False, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. unique_co = [] distinct_alias = None for co in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns): sql_util = self._label_select_column(select, co, True, asfrom, {}) if "DISTINCT" in sql_util: distinct_alias = sql_util.split(" AS ")[-1] unique_co.append(sql_util) result_columns = [] if distinct_alias: for idx, rc_tuple in enumerate(self._result_columns): if rc_tuple[0] == distinct_alias: if rc_tuple[-2][-1] == distinct_alias: target_name = "@distinct" temp_rc = list(rc_tuple) temp_rc[0] = target_name inner_tuple = list(temp_rc[-2]) inner_tuple[-1] = target_name if not select._group_by_clause.clauses: raise AssertionError( "Can't query distinct if no group by is selected" ) temp_rc[-2] = tuple(inner_tuple) result_columns.append(tuple(temp_rc)) else: result_columns.append(rc_tuple) if result_columns: self._result_columns = result_columns inner_columns = [c for c in unique_co if c is not None] text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) text += " \nFROM " text += ', '.join( [f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) for f in froms]) def check_match_clause(clause): left_tuple = [] right_tuple = [] match_operators = [] if isinstance(clause.type, MatchType): left_tuple.append(clause.left) right_tuple.append(clause.right) match_operators.append(clause.operator) elif isinstance(clause, Function): if == "match": func_left, func_right = clause.clauses left_tuple.append(func_left) right_tuple.append(func_right) elif isinstance(clause, ClauseList): for xclause in clause.clauses: l, r, m = check_match_clause(xclause) left_tuple.extend(l) right_tuple.extend(r) match_operators.extend(m) return left_tuple, right_tuple, match_operators if select._whereclause is not None: # Match Clauses must be done in the same compiler left_tuple = [] right_tuple = [] match_operators = [] l, r, m = check_match_clause(select._whereclause) left_tuple.extend(l) right_tuple.extend(r) match_operators.extend(m) if left_tuple and right_tuple: self.left_match = tuple(left_tuple) self.right_match = tuple(right_tuple) self.match_operators = tuple(match_operators) t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if hasattr(self, "options_list"): if self.options_list: option_text = " OPTION {}".format(", ".join( self.options_list)) text += option_text if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if select._limit is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) return text
def test_table_to_alias(self): t1alias = t1.alias('t1alias') vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias) ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], from_obj=[t1])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias") self.assert_compile( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2), "SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile( vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2") self.assert_compile( vis.traverse(case([(t1.c.col1 == 5, t1.c.col2)], else_=t1.c.col1)), "CASE WHEN (t1alias.col1 = :col1_1) THEN t1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( case([(5, t1.c.col2)], value=t1.c.col1, else_=t1.c.col1)), "CASE t1alias.col1 WHEN :param_1 THEN t1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END" ) s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1]).alias('foo') self.assert_compile(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo") self.assert_compile( vis.traverse(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias) AS foo") self.assert_compile(, "SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) AS foo") ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) self.assert_compile( select([ff]), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias") assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] # TODO: # self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select([func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')]), clone=True), "SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias") t2alias = t2.alias('t2alias') vis.chain(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t2alias)) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), "SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2" ) self.assert_compile( vis.traverse( select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2" )
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, compound_index=1, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for select(select(select)) # where innermost select should correlate to outermost # if existingfroms: # correlate_froms = correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from':correlate_froms, 'iswrapper':iswrapper}) if compound_index==1 and not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False): column_clause_args = {'result_map':self.result_map} else: column_clause_args = {} # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = util.unique_list( c for c in [ self.process( self.label_select_column(select, co, asfrom=asfrom), within_columns_clause=True, **column_clause_args) for co in select.inner_columns ] if c is not None ) text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! if select._prefixes: text += " ".join(self.process(x) for x in select._prefixes) + " " text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) if froms: text += " \nFROM " text += ', '.join(self.process(f, asfrom=True) for f in froms) else: text += self.default_from() if select._whereclause is not None: t = self.process(select._whereclause) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = self.process(select._group_by_clause) if group_by: text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._having is not None: t = self.process(select._having) if t: text += " \nHAVING " + t if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select) if select._limit is not None or select._offset is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) if select.for_update: text += self.for_update_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) if asfrom and parens: return "(" + text + ")" else: return text
def test_table_to_alias(self): t1alias = t1.alias('t1alias') vis = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t1alias) ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], from_obj=[t1])), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias') self.assert_compile(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2), 'SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE ' 'table1.col1 = table2.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2)), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 ' 'WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 ' 'WHERE t1alias.col1 = table2.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), 'SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE t1alias.col1 = ' 'table2.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE ' 't1alias.col1 = table2.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(case([(t1.c.col1 == 5, t1.c.col2)], else_=t1.c.col1)), 'CASE WHEN (t1alias.col1 = :col1_1) THEN ' 't1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(case([(5, t1.c.col2)], value=t1.c.col1, else_=t1.c.col1)), 'CASE t1alias.col1 WHEN :param_1 THEN ' 't1alias.col2 ELSE t1alias.col1 END') s = select(['*'], from_obj=[t1]).alias('foo') self.assert_compile(, 'SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) ' 'AS foo') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(, 'SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 ' 'AS t1alias) AS foo') self.assert_compile(, 'SELECT foo.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table1) ' 'AS foo') ff = vis.traverse(func.count(t1.c.col1).label('foo')) self.assert_compile(select([ff]), 'SELECT count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM ' 'table1 AS t1alias') assert list(_from_objects(ff)) == [t1alias] # TODO: self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select([func.count(t1.c # .col1).l abel('foo')]), clone=True), "SELECT # count(t1alias.col1) AS foo FROM table1 AS t1alias") t2alias = t2.alias('t2alias') vis.chain(sql_util.ClauseAdapter(t2alias)) self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2)), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 ' 'AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = ' 't2alias.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2])), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias, table2 ' 'AS t2alias WHERE t1alias.col1 = ' 't2alias.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t1)), 'SELECT * FROM table2 AS t2alias WHERE ' 't1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2') self.assert_compile(vis.traverse(select(['*'], t1.c.col1 == t2.c.col2, from_obj=[t1, t2]).correlate(t2)), 'SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1alias WHERE ' 't1alias.col1 = t2alias.col2')
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=1, force_result_map=False, nested_join_translation=False, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = [ c for c in [ self._label_select_column(select, co, True, asfrom, {}) for co in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns) ] if c is not None ] text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! if select._hints: byfrom = dict([(from_, hinttext % { 'name': from_._compiler_dispatch(self, ashint=True) }) for (from_, dialect), hinttext in select._hints.iteritems() if dialect in ('*',]) hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom) if hint_text: text += hint_text + " " if select._prefixes: text += " ".join( x._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) for x in select._prefixes) + " " text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) if froms: text += " \nFROM " if select._hints: text += ', '.join([ f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=byfrom, **kwargs) for f in froms ]) else: text += ', '.join([ f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) for f in froms ]) else: text += self.default_from() if select._whereclause is not None: t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) if group_by: text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._having is not None: t = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nHAVING " + t if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if getattr(select, "_within_group_order_by_clause", None) is not None: if select._within_group_order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.within_group_order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if select._limit is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) if getattr(select, "_options", None) is not None: if select._options.options: text += self.options_clause(select, **kwargs) if select.for_update: text += self.for_update_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) if asfrom and parens: return "(" + text + ")" else: return text
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=1, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) if compound_index == 1 and not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False): column_clause_args = {'result_map': self.result_map} else: column_clause_args = {} # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = [ c for c in [ self.label_select_column(select, co, asfrom=asfrom).\ _compiler_dispatch(self, within_columns_clause=True, **column_clause_args) for co in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns) ] if c is not None ] text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! if select._hints: byfrom = dict([ (from_, hinttext % { 'name':from_._compiler_dispatch( self, ashint=True) }) for (from_, dialect), hinttext in select._hints.iteritems() if dialect in ('*', ]) hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom) if hint_text: text += hint_text + " " if select._prefixes: text += " ".join( x._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) for x in select._prefixes) + " " text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) if froms: text += " \nFROM " if select._hints: text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=byfrom, **kwargs) for f in froms]) else: text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) for f in froms]) else: text += self.default_from() if select._whereclause is not None: t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) if group_by: text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._having is not None: t = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nHAVING " + t if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if getattr(select, "_within_group_order_by_clause", None) is not None: if select._within_group_order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.within_group_order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if select._limit is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) if getattr(select, "_options", None) is not None: if select._options.options: text += self.options_clause(select, **kwargs) if select.for_update: text += self.for_update_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) if asfrom and parens: return "(" + text + ")" else: return text
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=1, force_result_map=False, nested_join_translation=False, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(sql._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. unique_co = [] distinct_alias = None for co in util.unique_list(select.inner_columns): sql_util = self._label_select_column(select, co, True, asfrom, {}) if "DISTINCT" in sql_util: distinct_alias = sql_util.split(" AS ")[-1] unique_co.append(sql_util) result_columns = [] if distinct_alias: for idx, rc_tuple in enumerate(self._result_columns): if rc_tuple[0] == distinct_alias: if rc_tuple[-2][-1] == distinct_alias: target_name = "@distinct" temp_rc = list(rc_tuple) temp_rc[0] = target_name inner_tuple = list(temp_rc[-2]) inner_tuple[-1] = target_name if not select._group_by_clause.clauses: raise AssertionError("Can't query distinct if no group by is selected") temp_rc[-2] = tuple(inner_tuple) result_columns.append(tuple(temp_rc)) else: result_columns.append(rc_tuple) if result_columns: self._result_columns = result_columns inner_columns = [ c for c in unique_co if c is not None ] text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) text += " \nFROM " text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) for f in froms]) def check_match_clause(clause): left_tuple = [] right_tuple = [] match_operators = [] if isinstance(clause.type, MatchType): left_tuple.append(clause.left) right_tuple.append(clause.right) match_operators.append(clause.operator) elif isinstance(clause, Function): if == "match": func_left, func_right = clause.clauses left_tuple.append(func_left) right_tuple.append(func_right) elif isinstance(clause, ClauseList): for xclause in clause.clauses: l, r, m = check_match_clause(xclause) left_tuple.extend(l) right_tuple.extend(r) match_operators.extend(m) return left_tuple, right_tuple, match_operators if select._whereclause is not None: # Match Clauses must be done in the same compiler left_tuple = [] right_tuple = [] match_operators = [] l, r, m = check_match_clause(select._whereclause) left_tuple.extend(l) right_tuple.extend(r) match_operators.extend(m) if left_tuple and right_tuple: self.left_match = tuple(left_tuple) self.right_match = tuple(right_tuple) self.match_operators = tuple(match_operators) t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += " \nWHERE " + t if hasattr(self, "options_list"): if self.options_list: option_text = " OPTION {}".format(", ".join(self.options_list)) text += option_text if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) text += " GROUP BY " + group_by if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if select._limit is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) return text
def visit_select(self, select, asfrom=False, parens=True, iswrapper=False, fromhints=None, compound_index=1, force_result_map=False, positional_name=None, **kwargs): entry = self.stack and self.stack[-1] or {} existingfroms = entry.get('from', None) froms = select._get_display_froms(existingfroms) correlate_froms = set(expression._from_objects(*froms)) # TODO: might want to propagate existing froms for # select(select(select)) where innermost select should correlate # to outermost if existingfroms: correlate_froms = # correlate_froms.union(existingfroms) self.stack.append({'from': correlate_froms, 'iswrapper': iswrapper}) if compound_index == 1 and not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False): column_clause_args = {'result_map': self.result_map} else: column_clause_args = {} populate_result_map = force_result_map or ( compound_index == 0 and (not entry or entry.get('iswrapper', False))) # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. inner_columns = [ c for c in [ self._label_select_column(select, column, populate_result_map, asfrom, column_clause_args, name=name) for name, column in select._columns_plus_names] if c is not None ] text = 'SELECT ' if select._hints: byfrom = dict([ (from_, hinttext % { 'name':from_._compiler_dispatch( self, ashint=True) }) for (from_, dialect), hinttext in select._hints.iteritems() if dialect in ('*', ]) hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom) if hint_text: text += hint_text + ' ' if select._prefixes: text += ' '.join( x._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) for x in select._prefixes) + " " text += self.get_select_precolumns(select) text += ', '.join(inner_columns) if froms: text += ' \nFROM ' if select._hints: text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=byfrom, **kwargs) for f in froms]) else: text += ', '.join([f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) for f in froms]) else: text += self.default_from() if select._whereclause is not None: t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += ' \nWHERE ' + t if select._group_by_clause.clauses: group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch( self, **kwargs) if group_by: text += ' GROUP BY ' + group_by if select._having is not None: t = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) if t: text += ' \nHAVING ' + t if select._order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if getattr(select, '_within_group_order_by_clause', None) is not None: if select._within_group_order_by_clause.clauses: text += self.within_group_order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) if select._limit is not None: text += self.limit_clause(select) if getattr(select, '_options', None) is not None: if select._options.options: text += self.options_clause(select, **kwargs) if select.for_update: text += self.for_update_clause(select) self.stack.pop(-1) if asfrom and parens: return "(" + text + ")" else: return text