def get_friendship_from_database( self, userA, userB, crawl_id=None ): """ Input userA, userB: user objects. crawl_id: (optional) if included, only looks for the friendship in the particular run. otherwise, all copies of the friendship are returned. Retrieves the specified friendship from the database. There may be multiple matches because the same friendship maybe have been mined and stored on multiple occasions. Output List of friendship objects. If none found, list length is 0. """ userA_id = userB_id = if crawl_id is not None: results = self.session.query( Friendship ).filter( and_( Friendship.userA_id==userA_id, Friendship.userB_id==userB_id, Friendship.crawl_id==crawl_id ) ).all() else: results = self.session.query( Friendship ).filter( and_( Friendship.userA_id==userA_id, Friendship.userB_id==userB_id ) ).all() return results
def users_with_permission(discussion_id, permission, id_only=True): from ..models import Discussion # assume all ids valid db = Discussion.default_db user_ids = db.query( LocalUserRole, Role, DiscussionPermission, Permission).filter(and_( == permission, LocalUserRole.requested == False, # noqa: E712 LocalUserRole.discussion_id == discussion_id, DiscussionPermission.discussion_id == discussion_id) ).union( db.query( UserRole, Role, DiscussionPermission, Permission).filter( and_( == permission, DiscussionPermission.discussion_id == discussion_id)) ).union( db.query( UserRole, Role).filter( and_( == R_SYSADMIN, DiscussionPermission.discussion_id == discussion_id)) ).distinct() if id_only: return [AgentProfile.uri_generic(id) for (id, ) in user_ids] else: return db.query(AgentProfile).filter(
def auto_movie(self, q): orig_q = q q = q.lstrip().lower().split(' ') full_words, q = q[:-1], q[-1] if 'the' in full_words: full_words.remove('the') target = literal(' ').op('||')(Movie.title) filters = [] for word in full_words: filters.append(target.ilike('%% %s %%' % word)) filters.append(target.ilike('%% %s%%' % q)) if len(filters) > 1: filters = and_(*filters) else: filters = filters[0] res = self.session.query(, Movie.title, Rating.rating)\ .outerjoin((Rating, and_(Rating.movie_id ==, Rating.user == self.user)))\ .filter(filters)\ .order_by(func.similarity(func.lower(target), orig_q).desc())\ .limit(7).all() self.return_json(res)
def get_linked_xreports(document, lang): condition_as_child = and_( Association.child_document_id == Xreport.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == document.document_id ) condition_as_parent = and_( Association.child_document_id == document.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == Xreport.document_id ) if document.type in [WAYPOINT_TYPE, USERPROFILE_TYPE, ARTICLE_TYPE, IMAGE_TYPE]: condition = condition_as_parent elif document.type in [ROUTE_TYPE, OUTING_TYPE]: condition = condition_as_child xreport_ids = get_first_column( DBSession.query(Xreport.document_id). filter(Xreport.redirects_to.is_(None)). join( Association, condition). group_by(Xreport.document_id). all()) return get_documents_for_ids( xreport_ids, lang, xreport_documents_config).get('documents')
def index( self, **kw ): values = { 'division_id' : kw.get( 'division_id', None ) or None, 'category_id' : kw.get( 'category_id', None ) or None } cds = [ == 0 , == 0 , == 0, OnclFit.category_id ==, OnclCategory.division_id ==, ] if values['division_id']: cds.append( == values['division_id'] ) cats = DBSession.query( OnclCategory ).filter( and_( == 0, OnclCategory.division_id == values['division_id'] ) ).order_by( ) else: cats = [] if values['category_id']: cds.append( == values['category_id'] ) result = DBSession.query( OnclDivision, OnclCategory, OnclFit ).filter( and_( *cds ) ).order_by(,, ) divs = DBSession.query( OnclDivision ).filter( and_( == 0 ) ).order_by( ) return {'result' : result, 'divs' : divs , 'cats' : cats, 'values' : values }
def get_linked_articles(document, lang): condition_as_child = and_( Association.child_document_id == Article.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == document.document_id ) condition_as_parent = and_( Association.child_document_id == document.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == Article.document_id ) if document.type == IMAGE_TYPE: condition = condition_as_parent elif document.type in [WAYPOINT_TYPE, OUTING_TYPE, ROUTE_TYPE, BOOK_TYPE, XREPORT_TYPE, USERPROFILE_TYPE]: condition = condition_as_child elif document.type == ARTICLE_TYPE: condition = or_(condition_as_child, condition_as_parent) article_ids = get_first_column( DBSession.query(Article.document_id). filter(Article.redirects_to.is_(None)). join( Association, condition). group_by(Article.document_id). all()) return get_documents_for_ids( article_ids, lang, article_documents_config).get('documents')
def get_linked_routes(document, lang): condition_as_child = and_( Association.child_document_id == Route.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == document.document_id) condition_as_parent = and_( Association.child_document_id == document.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == Route.document_id) if document.type == WAYPOINT_TYPE: condition = condition_as_child elif document.type in [OUTING_TYPE, IMAGE_TYPE, ARTICLE_TYPE, XREPORT_TYPE]: condition = condition_as_parent else: condition = or_(condition_as_child, condition_as_parent) route_ids = get_first_column( DBSession.query(Route.document_id). filter(Route.redirects_to.is_(None)). join(Association, condition). group_by(Route.document_id). all()) return get_documents_for_ids( route_ids, lang, route_documents_config).get('documents')
def get_user_pending_org_address(orm, user, org_id): Address_v_all = aliased(Address_v) Address_v_new = aliased(Address_v) query = orm.query(Address_v_all) \ .outerjoin(( Address, Address.address_id == Address_v_all.address_id )) \ .join(( org_address_v, and_( org_address_v.c.address_id == Address_v_all.address_id, org_address_v.c.org_id == org_id, org_address_v.c.existence == 1, ) )) \ .filter( Address_v_all.moderation_user_id == user.user_id, ~exists().where(and_( Address_v_new.address_id == Address_v_all.address_id, Address_v_new.a_time > Address_v_all.a_time, )), or_( Address.a_time == None, Address_v_all.a_time > Address.a_time, ) ) \ .order_by(Address_v_all.a_time.desc()) return query.all()
def to_remove(self): # first, remove albums deleted from disk while True: album = ( self._session.query(Album) .filter( and_( Album.disk_generation != self._disk_gen, Album.ipod_generation != self._ipod_gen + 1, Album.loaded == True, ) ) .order_by(Album.disk_generation.asc()) .first() ) if not album: break album.loaded = False self._session.commit() yield album # next, remove any albums not loaded in this load while True: album = ( self._session.query(Album) .filter(and_(Album.ipod_generation != self._ipod_gen + 1, Album.loaded == True)) .order_by(Album.disk_generation.asc()) .first() ) if not album: break album.loaded = False self._session.commit() yield album
def constructQuery(self, context): session= Session() trusted=removeSecurityProxy(context) user_id = getattr(trusted, self.value_field, None) if user_id: query = session.query(domain.User ).filter(domain.User.user_id == user_id).order_by(domain.User.last_name, domain.User.first_name, domain.User.middle_name) return query else: sitting = trusted.__parent__ group_id = sitting.group_id group_sitting_id = sitting.group_sitting_id all_member_ids =[schema.user_group_memberships.c.user_id], sql.and_( schema.user_group_memberships.c.group_id == group_id, schema.user_group_memberships.c.active_p == True)) attended_ids =[schema.group_sitting_attendance.c.member_id], schema.group_sitting_attendance.c.group_sitting_id == group_sitting_id) query = session.query(domain.User).filter( sql.and_(domain.User.user_id.in_(all_member_ids), ~ domain.User.user_id.in_(attended_ids))).order_by( domain.User.last_name, domain.User.first_name, domain.User.middle_name) return query
def get_user_pending_event_contact(orm, user, event_id): Contact_v_all = aliased(Contact_v) Contact_v_new = aliased(Contact_v) query = orm.query(Contact_v_all) \ .outerjoin(( Contact, Contact.contact_id == Contact_v_all.contact_id )) \ .join(( event_contact_v, and_( event_contact_v.c.contact_id == Contact_v_all.contact_id, event_contact_v.c.event_id == event_id, event_contact_v.c.existence == 1, ) )) \ .filter( Contact_v_all.moderation_user_id == user.user_id, ~exists().where(and_( Contact_v_new.contact_id == Contact_v_all.contact_id, Contact_v_new.a_time > Contact_v_all.a_time, )), or_( Contact.a_time == None, Contact_v_all.a_time > Contact.a_time, ) ) \ .order_by(Contact_v_all.a_time.desc()) return query.all()
def find_meetings(flight_id):"Searching for near flights of flight %d" % flight_id) flight = Flight.get(flight_id) # Update FlightPathChunks of current flight FlightPathChunks.update_flight_path(flight) other_flights = FlightPathChunks.get_near_flights(flight) # delete all previous detected points between src and dst for key in other_flights: FlightMeetings.query() \ .filter(or_(and_(FlightMeetings.source == flight, FlightMeetings.destination_id == key), and_(FlightMeetings.destination == flight, FlightMeetings.source_id == key))) \ .delete() # Insert new meetings into table for flight_id, meetings in other_flights.iteritems(): other_flight = Flight.get(flight_id) for meeting in meetings: FlightMeetings.add_meeting(flight, other_flight, meeting['times'][0], meeting['times'][-1]) db.session.commit()
def configureListeners(self, farmNo, loadBalancerNo) : table = self.conn.getTable("LOAD_BALANCER_LISTENER") listeners = # リスナーの起動・停止処理 for listener in listeners : status = self.getStatusString(listener["STATUS"]) if isBit(listener["ENABLED"]): if status == self.STOPPED : # 有効で停止しているリスナーは処理対象 self.startListener(farmNo, loadBalancerNo, listener["LOAD_BALANCER_PORT"]) elif status == self.RUNNING: # 有効で起動しているリスナーの場合、処理を行わずにフラグを変更する if isBit(listener["CONFIGURE"]): listener["CONFIGURE"] = "0" sql = table.update(and_(table.c.LOAD_BALANCER_NO ==listener["LOAD_BALANCER_NO"], table.c.LOAD_BALANCER_PORT == listener["LOAD_BALANCER_PORT"]), values=listener) self.conn.execute(sql) else : if (status == self.RUNNING or status == self.WARNING) : # 無効で起動または異常なリスナーは処理対象 self.stopListener(farmNo, loadBalancerNo, listener["LOAD_BALANCER_PORT"]) elif (status == self.STOPPED) : # 無効で停止しているリスナーの場合、処理を行わずにフラグを変更する if isBit(listener["CONFIGURE"]): listener["CONFIGURE"] = "0" sql = table.update(and_(table.c.LOAD_BALANCER_NO ==loadBalancerNo, table.c.LOAD_BALANCER_PORT == listener["LOAD_BALANCER_PORT"]), values=listener) self.conn.execute(sql)
def update(self): user_id = self.context.user_id parliament_id = self.context.group_id session = Session() # add cosigned items signed_pi_ids = [sgn.item_id for sgn in session.query(domain.Signatory).filter( sql.and_(domain.Signatory.user_id == user_id, domain.Signatory.status.in_( get_states("signatory", tagged=["public"]) ), ) ).all() ] if len(signed_pi_ids) > 0: self.query = self.query.union( session.query(domain.ParliamentaryItem).filter( sql.and_( domain.ParliamentaryItem.parliament_id == parliament_id, domain.ParliamentaryItem.status.in_(self.states), domain.ParliamentaryItem.parliamentary_item_id.in_( signed_pi_ids ) ) ) ) self.query = self.query.order_by( domain.ParliamentaryItem.parliamentary_item_id.desc() )
def _get_load_associations_query(document, doc_types_to_load): query_parents = DBSession. \ query( Association.parent_document_id.label('id'), Document.type.label('t'), literal_column('1').label('p')). \ join( Document, and_( Association.child_document_id == document.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == Document.document_id, Document.type.in_(doc_types_to_load))). \ subquery() query_children = DBSession. \ query( Association.child_document_id.label('id'), Document.type.label('t'), literal_column('0').label('p')). \ join( Document, and_( Association.child_document_id == Document.document_id, Association.parent_document_id == document.document_id, Document.type.in_(doc_types_to_load))). \ subquery() return DBSession \ .query('id', 't', 'p') \ .select_from(union(,
def index(self, **kw): companies = DBSession.query(Company, Currency).filter(and_( == 0, == 0, Company.currency_id ==, )).order_by( subline = DBSession.query(Subline).filter(and_( == 0)).order_by(Subline.label) saletype = DBSession.query(SaleType).filter(and_( == 0)).order_by(SaleType.label) result = { 'companies' : companies, 'subline' : subline, 'saletype' : saletype, } if has_permission('FIN_VIEW_ALL'): # if FIN team teams = DBSession.query(LogicTeam).filter(and_( == 0, LogicTeam.for_sale == 0)).order_by(LogicTeam.order).all() result['is_fin'] = True else: # get the user's belonging team result['is_fin'] = False teams = [] try: mp = DBSession.query(Permission).filter(Permission.permission_name == 'MANAGER_VIEW').one() for g in request.identity["user"].groups: if mp in g.permissions and g.logicteams: teams.extend(g.logicteams) except: traceback.print_exc() pass result['teams'] = teams return result
def _get_event_with_enterqueue(session, start, end, match, event): start = start.strftime(_STR_TIME_FMT) end = end.strftime(_STR_TIME_FMT) enter_queues = (session .query(QueueLog.callid, cast(QueueLog.time, TIMESTAMP).label('time')) .filter(and_(QueueLog.event == 'ENTERQUEUE', between(QueueLog.time, start, end)))) enter_map = {} for enter_queue in enter_queues.all(): enter_map[enter_queue.callid] = enter_queue.time if enter_map: res = (session .query(QueueLog.event, QueueLog.queuename, cast(QueueLog.time, TIMESTAMP).label('time'), QueueLog.callid, QueueLog.data3) .filter(and_(QueueLog.event == match, QueueLog.callid.in_(enter_map)))) for r in res.all(): yield { 'callid': r.callid, 'queue_name': r.queuename, 'time': enter_map[r.callid], 'event': event, 'talktime': 0, 'waittime': int(r.data3) if r.data3 else 0 }
def overlaps(cls, from_date, to_date): return or_(and_(cls.from_date <= to_date, #starts cls.from_date >= from_date), and_(cls.to_date <= to_date, #ends cls.to_date >= from_date), and_(cls.from_date <= from_date, #spans cls.to_date >= to_date))
def update(self): user_id = self.context.user_id parliament_id = self.context.group_id wf = capi.get_type_info("signatory").workflow session = Session() # add cosigned items signed_pi_ids = [sgn.head_id for sgn in session.query(domain.Signatory).filter( sql.and_(domain.Signatory.user_id == user_id, domain.Signatory.status.in_( wf.get_state_ids(tagged=["public"]) ), ) ).all() ] if len(signed_pi_ids) > 0: self.query = self.query.union( session.query(domain.Doc).filter( sql.and_( domain.Doc.parliament_id == parliament_id, domain.Doc.status.in_(self.states), domain.Doc.doc_id.in_( signed_pi_ids ) ) ) ) self.query = self.query.order_by( domain.Doc.doc_id.desc() )
def del_relation(category, tag_id_list): for tag_id in tag_id_list: if category.current_level == 1: # 已经存在关系? relation = TagCategoryRelation.query.filter( and_(TagCategoryRelation.category1_id ==, TagCategoryRelation.category2_id == 0, TagCategoryRelation.category3_id == 0, TagCategoryRelation.tag_id == tag_id)).first() if relation: relation.num_entries = TagCategoryRelation.__table__.c.num_entries - 1 if category.current_level == 2: relation = TagCategoryRelation.query.filter( and_(TagCategoryRelation.category1_id == category.path[0].id, TagCategoryRelation.category2_id ==, TagCategoryRelation.category3_id == 0, TagCategoryRelation.tag_id == tag_id)).first() if relation: relation.num_entries = TagCategoryRelation.__table__.c.num_entries - 1 if category.current_level == 3: relation = TagCategoryRelation.query.filter( and_(TagCategoryRelation.category1_id == category.path[0].id, TagCategoryRelation.category2_id == category.path[1].id, TagCategoryRelation.category3_id ==, TagCategoryRelation.tag_id == tag_id)).first() if relation: relation.num_entries = TagCategoryRelation.__table__.c.num_entries - 1 db.session.commit()
def create_expression(self): if self.last_result is None: try: expr = select(self.table.columns).order_by(*[safe_collate(self.table.columns[nm], None) for nm in self.sort_key]) if self.starter is not None: expr = expr.where(and_(self.starter, self.filter)) else: expr = expr.where(self.filter) except: raise else: try: where_clause = vector_greater_than([self.table.columns[nm] for nm in self.sort_key], \ [self.last_result[n] for n in self.sort_index]) expr = (select(self.table.columns).order_by(*[safe_collate(self.table.columns[nm], None) for nm in self.sort_key]) \ .where(and_(where_clause, self.filter))) except: raise if self.limit_per is not None: expr = expr.limit(self.limit_per) if expr = expr.execution_options(stream_results=True) return expr
def p_is_term(p): '''is_term : OP_IS string''' #TODO: implement starred, watched, owner, reviewer, draft username = p.parser.username if p[2] == 'reviewed': filters = [] filters.append(gertty.db.approval_table.c.change_key == gertty.db.change_table.c.key) filters.append(gertty.db.approval_table.c.value != 0) s = select([gertty.db.change_table.c.key], correlate=False).where(and_(*filters)) p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.key.in_(s) elif p[2] == 'open': p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.status.notin_(['MERGED', 'ABANDONED']) elif p[2] == 'closed': p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.status.in_(['MERGED', 'ABANDONED']) elif p[2] == 'submitted': p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.status == 'SUBMITTED' elif p[2] == 'merged': p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.status == 'MERGED' elif p[2] == 'abandoned': p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.status == 'ABANDONED' elif p[2] == 'owner': p[0] = and_(gertty.db.change_table.c.account_key == gertty.db.account_table.c.key, gertty.db.account_table.c.username == username) elif p[2] == 'reviewer': filters = [] filters.append(gertty.db.approval_table.c.change_key == gertty.db.change_table.c.key) filters.append(gertty.db.approval_table.c.account_key == gertty.db.account_table.c.key) filters.append(gertty.db.account_table.c.username == username) s = select([gertty.db.change_table.c.key], correlate=False).where(and_(*filters)) p[0] = gertty.db.change_table.c.key.in_(s) else: raise'Syntax error: has:%s is not supported' % p[2])
def all_watched_subjects(self): from ututi.model import Subject subjects_table = meta.metadata.tables['subjects'] umst = meta.metadata.tables['user_monitored_subjects'] directly_watched_subjects = meta.Session.query(Subject)\ .join((umst, and_(,\ .filter(and_(umst.c.user_id ==, umst.c.ignored == False)) user_ignored_subjects = meta.Session.query(Subject)\ .join((umst, and_(,\ .filter(and_(umst.c.user_id ==, umst.c.ignored == True)) gwst = meta.metadata.tables['group_watched_subjects'] gmt = meta.metadata.tables['group_members'] gt = meta.metadata.tables['groups'] group_watched_subjects = meta.Session.query(Subject)\ .join((gwst, and_(,\ .join((gmt, gmt.c.group_id == gwst.c.group_id))\ .join((gt, gmt.c.group_id ==\ .filter(gmt.c.user_id == return directly_watched_subjects.union( group_watched_subjects.except_(user_ignored_subjects))\ .order_by(Subject.title.asc())\ .all()
def find_sccp_speeddial_settings(session): query = (session.query(FuncKeyMapping.position.label('fknum'), FuncKeyMapping.label.label('label'), cast(FuncKeyMapping.blf, Integer).label('supervision'), FuncKeyDestCustom.exten.label('exten'),'user_id'), SCCPDevice.device.label('device')) .join(UserFeatures, FuncKeyMapping.template_id == UserFeatures.func_key_private_template_id) .join(FuncKeyDestCustom, FuncKeyDestCustom.func_key_id == FuncKeyMapping.func_key_id) .join(UserLine, and_( UserLine.user_id ==, UserLine.main_user == True)) .join(LineFeatures, UserLine.line_id == .join(SCCPLine, and_( LineFeatures.protocol == 'sccp', LineFeatures.protocolid == .join(SCCPDevice, == SCCPDevice.line) .filter(LineFeatures.commented == 0)) keys = [{'exten': row.exten, 'fknum': row.fknum, 'label': row.label, 'supervision': row.supervision, 'user_id': row.user_id, 'device': row.device} for row in query] return keys
def parseExcel(file_path): pythoncom.CoInitialize() excelObj = DispatchEx('Excel.Application') excelObj.Visible = False workBook = excelSheet = workBook.Sheets(1) items = DBSession.query(FeeItem).filter(and_( == 0, FeeItem.import_excel_row != None)).order_by(FeeItem.order) teams = DBSession.query(LogicTeam).filter(and_( == 0, LogicTeam.import_excel_column != None)).order_by(LogicTeam.order) data = [] y_header = [] def _f(v): try: return int(v) except: return None for item in items: y_header.append(item.label) data.append([(,, _f(excelSheet.Cells(item.import_excel_row , team.import_excel_column).Value)) for team in teams]) result = { 'x_header' : [team.label for team in teams], 'y_header' : y_header, 'data' : data } workBook.Close() return result
def check_venue_bookings( start, end, venue, sitting=None ): """ return all sittings (but sitting if given) a venue is booked for in the period """ assert( type(start) == datetime.datetime ) assert( type(end) == datetime.datetime ) session = Session() b_filter = sql.and_(sql.or_( sql.between(schema.sittings.c.start_date, start, end), sql.between(schema.sittings.c.end_date, start, end), sql.between(start, schema.sittings.c.start_date, schema.sittings.c.end_date), sql.between(end, schema.sittings.c.start_date, schema.sittings.c.end_date) ), schema.sittings.c.venue_id == venue.venue_id) if sitting: if sitting.sitting_id: b_filter = sql.and_(b_filter, schema.sittings.c.sitting_id != sitting.sitting_id) query = session.query(BookedVenue).filter(b_filter) venues = query.all() #session.close() return venues
def get_available_venues( start, end, sitting=None ): """get all venues that are not booked for a sitting (but sitting if given) in the given time period SQL: SELECT * FROM venues WHERE venues.venue_id NOT IN (SELECT sitting.venue_id FROM sitting WHERE (sitting.start_date BETWEEN '2000-01-01' AND '2000-01-02' OR sitting.end_date BETWEEN '2000-01-01' AND '2000-01-02' OR '2000-01-01' BETWEEN sitting.start_date AND sitting.end_date OR '2000-01-02' BETWEEN sitting.start_date AND sitting.end_date) AND sitting.venue_id IS NOT NULL) """ session = Session() query = session.query(domain.Venue) b_filter = sql.and_( sql.or_( sql.between(schema.sitting.c.start_date, start, end), sql.between(schema.sitting.c.end_date, start, end), sql.between(start, schema.sitting.c.start_date, schema.sitting.c.end_date), sql.between(end, schema.sitting.c.start_date, schema.sitting.c.end_date) ), schema.sitting.c.venue_id != None) if sitting: if sitting.sitting_id: b_filter = sql.and_(b_filter, schema.sitting.c.sitting_id != sitting.sitting_id) query = query.filter(sql.not_(schema.venue.c.venue_id.in_( [schema.sitting.c.venue_id] ).where(b_filter) ))) venues = query.all() return venues
def get_changed_outings_ro_uo(session, last_update): """ Returns the outings when associations between outing and route, or between outing and user have been created/removed. E.g. when an association between outing O1 and route R1 is created, outing O1 has to be updated so that all waypoints associated to R1 are listed under `associated_waypoints_ids`, and so that R1 is listed under `associated_routes_ids`. """ return session. \ query( AssociationLog.child_document_id.label('outing_id'), literal(OUTING_TYPE).label('type')). \ filter(or_( and_( AssociationLog.parent_document_type == ROUTE_TYPE, AssociationLog.child_document_type == OUTING_TYPE ), and_( AssociationLog.parent_document_type == USERPROFILE_TYPE, AssociationLog.child_document_type == OUTING_TYPE ) )). \ filter(AssociationLog.written_at >= last_update). \ group_by('outing_id', 'type'). \ all()
def get_user_pending_contact_event(orm, user, contact_id): Event_v_all = aliased(Event_v) Event_v_new = aliased(Event_v) query = orm.query(Event_v_all) \ .outerjoin(( Event, Event.event_id == Event_v_all.event_id )) \ .join(( event_contact_v, and_( event_contact_v.c.event_id == Event_v_all.event_id, event_contact_v.c.contact_id == contact_id, event_contact_v.c.existence == 1, ) )) \ .filter( Event_v_all.moderation_user_id == user.user_id, ~exists().where(and_( Event_v_new.event_id == Event_v_all.event_id, Event_v_new.a_time > Event_v_all.a_time, )), or_( Event.a_time == None, Event_v_all.a_time > Event.a_time, ) ) \ .order_by(Event_v_all.a_time.desc()) \ return query.all()
def constructQuery(self, context): session= Session() trusted=removeSecurityProxy(context) parliament_id = self._get_parliament_id(context) trusted = removeSecurityProxy(context) assigned_committee_ids = [] if IGroupGroupItemAssignment.providedBy(trusted): committee_id = getattr(trusted, "group_id", None) if committee_id: query = session.query(domain.Committee).filter( sql.and_( domain.Committee.parent_group_id == parliament_id, domain.Committee.group_id == committee_id ) ) return query else: assigned_committee_ids = \ [ comm.group_id for comm in trusted.__parent__.values() ] else: assigned_committee_ids = \ [ comm.group_id for comm in trusted.values() ] query = session.query(domain.Committee).filter( sql.and_( domain.Committee.status == 'active', domain.Committee.parent_group_id == parliament_id, sql.not_( domain.Committee.group_id.in_(assigned_committee_ids) ) ) ) return query
if contributor in unresolved_mysteries: print " Deleting now-resolved mystery." now_resolved = unresolved_mysteries[contributor] resolved_mysteries.add(now_resolved) del unresolved_mysteries[contributor] _db.delete(now_resolved) _db = production_session() contribution2 = aliased(Contribution) # Find Editions where one Contributor is listed both in an 'Unknown' role # and some other role. Also find editions where one Contributor is listed # twice in author roles. unknown_role_or_duplicate_author_role = or_( and_(Contribution.role==Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE, contribution2.role != Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE), and_( Contribution.role.in_(Contributor.AUTHOR_ROLES), contribution2.role.in_(Contributor.AUTHOR_ROLES), ) ) qu = _db.query(Edition).join(Edition.contributions).join( contribution2, != contribution2.contributor_id==Contribution.contributor_id ).filter( unknown_role_or_duplicate_author_role ) print "Fixing %s Editions." % qu.count()
def fetch_all_by_sim_oe(self, smiles, *expr, **kwargs): """ Returns all Chemical Components that match the given SMILES string with at least the given similarity threshold using chemical fingerprints. Parameters ---------- smi : str The query rdmol in SMILES format. threshold : float, default=0.5 The similarity threshold that will be used for searching. fp : {'circular','atompair','torsion'} RDKit fingerprint type to be used for similarity searching. *expr : BinaryExpressions, optional SQLAlchemy BinaryExpressions that will be used to filter the query. Queried Entities ---------------- ChemComp, ChemCompOEFP Returns ------- hits : list List of tuples in the form (ChemComp, similarity) Examples -------- Requires -------- .. important:: OpenEye cartridge. """ session = Session() threshold = kwargs.get('threshold') metric = kwargs.get('metric', 'tanimoto') fp = kwargs.get('fp', 'circular') limit = kwargs.get('limit', 100) # set the similarity threshold for the selected metric if threshold: statement = text( "SELECT openeye.set_oefp_similarity_limit(:threshold, :metric)" ) session.execute( statement.params(threshold=threshold, metric=metric)) if fp == 'circular': query = func.openeye.make_circular_fp(smiles) target = ChemCompOEFP.circular_fp elif fp == 'maccs166': query = func.openeye.make_maccs166_fp(smiles) target = ChemCompOEFP.maccs166_fp elif fp == 'path': query = func.openeye.make_path_fp(smiles) target = ChemCompOEFP.path_fp elif fp == 'tree': query = func.openeye.make_tree_fp(smiles) target = ChemCompOEFP.tree_fp else: raise ValueError( "cannot create fingerprint: type {0} does not exist.".format( fp)) # compile similarity metric and the correspoding GIST index / KNN-GIST if metric == 'tanimoto': similarity = func.openeye.tanimoto(query, target) index = func.openeye.tanimoto_is_above_limit(target, query) orderby = target.op('OPERATOR(openeye.<%%>)')(query) # escape % elif metric == 'dice': similarity = func.openeye.dice(query, target) index = func.openeye.dice_is_above_limit(target, query) orderby = target.op('OPERATOR(openeye.<#>)')(query) elif metric == 'manhattan': similarity = func.openeye.manhattan(query, target) index = func.openeye.manhattan_is_above_limit(target, query) orderby = target.op('OPERATOR(openeye.<~>)')(query) elif metric == 'cosine': similarity = func.openeye.cosine(query, target) index = func.openeye.cosine_is_above_limit(target, query) orderby = target.op('OPERATOR(openeye.<@>)')(query) elif metric == 'euclidean': similarity = func.openeye.euclidean(query, target) index = func.openeye.euclidean_is_above_limit(target, query) orderby = target.op('OPERATOR(openeye.<->)')(query) else: raise ValueError( "{} is not a valid similarity metric.".format(metric)) query = ChemComp.query.add_column(similarity) query = query.join('OEFP').filter(and_(index, *expr)) query = query.order_by(orderby) return query
def getFilter(date): return sql.or_( sql.between(date, schema.groups.c.start_date, schema.groups.c.end_date), sql.and_(schema.groups.c.start_date <= date, schema.groups.c.end_date == None))
def getAllUser(): global sess try: user_info = sess.query(User).all() # print "----------- user_info ------------" # print user_info user_list = [] for user in user_info: user_dict = {} user_value = helper.serialize(user) user_dict = user_value user_group_info = sess.query(User_Relation.level,,,(User_Relation.id_group == == user_value['id'],User_Relation.inuse == True )).first() user_dict['group_name'] = user_dict['group_id'] = user_dict['user_level'] = user_group_info.level user_list.append(user_dict) # print "----------------------------------------------- user_list -------------------" # print user_dict print "----------------------------------------------- end_list -------------------" print user_list # print user_list return json_response({"user": user_list}, 200) except Exception as e: print 'error api report user: ', e return json_response({"message": e.message},400)
def update_moc_cell(self, moc_id, moc_object, block_size=1000, block_pause=1): """ Update the moc_cell database table. The entries for the MOC identified by moc_id are updated so that they match the entries of the MOC provided as moc_object. This method works in an order-by-order manner and attempts to determine the most efficient update method for each order. If the number of original cells is greater than the number of unchanged cells, then all exising entries are deleted and the new cells inserted. Otherwise removed cells are deleted individually and newly added cells inserted. For debugging purposes, this method returns a dictionary indicating the action taken for each order. """ debug_info = {} moc_existing = self._get_moc_from_cell(moc_id) for order in range(0, max(moc_existing.order, moc_object.order) + 1): # MOC object gives us a frozenset object of cells for the order. # We want to work in terms of these sets in order to have the # database updated to exactly the same representation. If we # tried taking the intersection of MOCs directly, for example, # then the MOC object may alter the representation, such as by # split cells. existing = moc_existing[order] replacement = moc_object[order] bulk_delete = False delete = None insert = None # Determine what to do: simpler cases first. if not replacement: if not existing: # No cells in either MOC: nothing to do. pass else: # No cells in the replacement moc: delete existing cells. debug_info[order] = 'delete' bulk_delete = True elif not existing: # No exising cells present: just insert everything. debug_info[order] = 'insert' insert = replacement else: # There are existing and replacement cells: determine best # strategy. intersection = existing.intersection(replacement) if len(existing) > len(intersection): # Bulk deletion seems most efficient. debug_info[order] = 'bulk' bulk_delete = True insert = replacement else: # Compute sets of individual deletions and replacements. delete = existing.difference(intersection) insert = replacement.difference(intersection) if (not delete) and (not insert): # No cells changed: nothing to do. debug_info[order] = 'unchanged' continue debug_info[order] = 'individual' # Now go ahead and perform update actions. if bulk_delete: with self._transaction() as conn: conn.execute(moc_cell.delete().where( and_(moc_cell.c.moc_id == moc_id, moc_cell.c.order == order))) if delete is not None: for delete_block in list_in_blocks(delete, block_size): sleep(block_pause) with self._transaction() as conn: for cell in delete_block: conn.execute(moc_cell.delete().where( and_(moc_cell.c.moc_id == moc_id, moc_cell.c.order == order, moc_cell.c.cell == cell))) if insert is not None: for insert_block in list_in_blocks(insert, block_size): sleep(block_pause) with self._transaction() as conn: for cell in insert_block: conn.execute(moc_cell.insert().values({ moc_cell.c.moc_id: moc_id, moc_cell.c.order: order, moc_cell.c.cell: cell, })) return debug_info
def aggregate(self, measures=['amount'], drilldowns=[], cuts=[], page=1, pagesize=10000, order=[]): """ Query the dataset for a subset of cells based on cuts and drilldowns. It returns a structure with a list of drilldown items and a summary about the slice cutted by the query. ``measures`` The numeric units to be aggregated over, defaults to [``amount``]. (type: `list`) ``drilldowns`` Dimensions to drill down to. (type: `list`) ``cuts`` Specification what to cut from the cube. This is a `list` of `two-tuples` where the first item is the dimension and the second item is the value to cut from. It is turned into a query where multible cuts for the same dimension are combined to an *OR* query and then the queries for the different dimensions are combined to an *AND* query. ``page`` Page the drilldown result and return page number *page*. type: `int` ``pagesize`` Page the drilldown result into page of size *pagesize*. type: `int` ``order`` Sort the result based on the dimension *sort_dimension*. This may be `None` (*default*) or a `list` of two-`tuples` where the first element is the *dimension* and the second element is the order (`False` for ascending, `True` for descending). Type: `list` of two-`tuples`. Raises: :exc:`ValueError` If a cube is not yet computed. Call :meth:`compute` to compute the cube. :exc:`KeyError` If a drilldown, cut or order dimension is not part of this cube or the order dimensions are not a subset of the drilldown dimensions. Returns: A `dict` containing the drilldown and the summary: {"drilldown": [ {"num_entries": 5545, "amount": 41087379002.0, "cofog1": {"description": "", "label": "Economic affairs"}}, ... ] "summary": {"amount": 7353306450299.0, "num_entries": 133612}} """ # Get the joins (aka alias) and the dataset joins = alias = self.alias dataset = self # Aggregation fields are all of the measures, so we create individual # summary fields with the sum function of SQLAlchemy fields = [func.sum(alias.c[m]).label(m) for m in measures] # We append an aggregation field that counts the number of entries fields.append(func.count("entries")) # Create a copy of the statistics fields (for later) stats_fields = list(fields) # Create label map for time columns (year and month) for lookup # since they are found under the time attribute labels = { 'year': dataset['time']['year'].column_alias.label('year'), 'month': dataset['time']['yearmonth'].column_alias.label('month'), } # Get the dimensions we're interested in. These would be the drilldowns # and the cuts. For compound dimensions we are only interested in the # most significant one (e.g. for we're interested in from) dimensions = drilldowns + [k for k, v in cuts] dimensions = [d.split('.')[0] for d in dimensions] # Loop over the dimensions as a set (to avoid multiple occurances) for dimension in set(dimensions): # If the dimension is year or month we're interested in 'time' if dimension in labels: dimension = 'time' # If the dimension table isn't in the automatic joins we add it if dimension not in [ for c in joins.columns]: joins = dataset[dimension].join(joins) # Drilldowns are performed using group_by SQL functions group_by = [] for key in drilldowns: # If drilldown is in labels we append its mapped column to fields if key in labels: column = labels[key] group_by.append(column) fields.append(column) else: # Get the column from the dataset column = dataset.key(key) # If the drilldown is a compound dimension or the columns table # is in the joins we're already fetching the column so we just # append it to fields and the group_by if '.' in key or column.table == alias: fields.append(column) group_by.append(column) else: # If not we add the column table to the fields and add all # of that tables columns to the group_by fields.append(column.table) for col in column.table.columns: group_by.append(col) # Cuts are managed using AND statements and we use a dict with set as # the default value to create the filters (cut on various values) conditions = and_() filters = defaultdict(set) for key, value in cuts: # If the key is in labels (year or month) we get the mapped column # else we get the column from the dataset if key in labels: column = labels[key] else: column = dataset.key(key) # We add the value to the set for that particular column filters[column].add(value) # Loop over the columns in the filter and add that to the conditions # For every value in the set we create and OR statement so we get e.g. # year=2007 AND (from.who == 'me' OR from.who == 'you') for attr, values in filters.items(): conditions.append(or_(*[attr == v for v in values])) # Ordering can be set by a parameter or ordered by measures by default order_by = [] # If no order is defined we default to order of the measures in the # order they occur (furthest to the left is most significant) if order is None or not len(order): order = [(m, True) for m in measures] # We loop through the order list to add the columns themselves for key, direction in order: # If it's a part of the measures we have to order by the # aggregated values (the sum of the measure) if key in measures: column = func.sum(alias.c[key]).label(key) # If it's in the labels we have to get the mapped column elif key in labels: column = labels[key] # ...if not we just get the column from the dataset else: column = dataset.key(key) # We append the column and set the direction (True == descending) order_by.append(column.desc() if direction else column.asc()) # query 1: get overall sums. # Here we use the stats_field we saved earlier query = select(stats_fields, conditions, joins) rp = dataset.bind.execute(query) # Execute the query and turn them to a list so we can pop the # entry count and then zip the measurements and the totals together stats = list(rp.fetchone()) num_entries = stats.pop() total = zip(measures, stats) # query 2: get total count of drilldowns if len(group_by): # Select 1 for each group in the group_by and count them query = select(['1'], conditions, joins, group_by=group_by) query = select([func.count('1')], '1=1', query.alias('q')) rp = dataset.bind.execute(query) num_drilldowns, = rp.fetchone() else: # If there are no drilldowns we still have to do one num_drilldowns = 1 # The drilldown result list drilldown = [] # The offset in the db, based on the page and pagesize (we have to # modify it since page counts starts from 1 but we count from 0 offset = int((page - 1) * pagesize) # query 3: get the actual data query = select(fields, conditions, joins, order_by=order_by, group_by=group_by, use_labels=True, limit=pagesize, offset=offset) rp = dataset.bind.execute(query) while True: # Get each row in the db result and append it, decoded, to the # drilldown result. The decoded version is a json represenation row = rp.fetchone() if row is None: break result = decode_row(row, dataset) drilldown.append(result) # Create the summary based on the stats_fields and other things # First we add a the total for each measurement in the root of the # summary (watch out!) and then we add various other, self-explanatory # statistics such as page, number of entries. The currency value is # strange since it's redundant for multiple measures but is left as is # for backwards compatibility summary = {key: value for (key, value) in total} summary.update({ 'num_entries': num_entries, 'currency': {m: dataset.currency for m in measures}, 'num_drilldowns': num_drilldowns, 'page': page, 'pages': int(math.ceil(num_drilldowns / float(pagesize))), 'pagesize': pagesize }) return {'drilldown': drilldown, 'summary': summary}
def find_sip_trunk_settings(session): rows = session.query(UserSIP).filter( and_(UserSIP.category == 'trunk', UserSIP.commented == 0)).all() return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def statement(cls, bag, criteria): """ Create a statement from criteria :type bag: mongosql.bag.ModelPropertyBags :rtype: sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BooleanClauseList """ # Assuming a dict of { column: value } and { column: { $op: value } } conditions = [] for col_name, criteria in criteria.items(): # Boolean expressions? if col_name in {'$or', '$and', '$nor'}: assert isinstance( criteria, (list, tuple) ), 'Criteria: {} argument must be a list'.format(col_name) if len(criteria) == 0: continue # skip empty criteria = map(lambda s: cls.statement(bag, s), criteria) # now a list of expressions if col_name == '$or': cc = or_(*criteria) elif col_name == '$and': cc = and_(*criteria) elif col_name == '$nor': cc = or_(*criteria) conditions.append( ~cc.self_group() if len(criteria) > 1 else ~cc) continue else: raise KeyError('Unknown operator ' + col_name) conditions.append(cc.self_group() if len(criteria) > 1 else cc) continue elif col_name == '$not': assert isinstance( criteria, dict), 'Criteria: $not argument must be a dict' criteria = cls.statement(bag, criteria) conditions.append(not_(criteria)) continue # Prepare col = bag.columns[col_name] col_array = bag.columns.is_column_array(col_name) col_json = bag.columns.is_column_json(col_name) # Fake equality if not isinstance(criteria, dict): criteria = { '$eq': criteria } # fake the missing equality operator for simplicity # Iterate over operators for op, value in criteria.items(): value_array = isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) # Coerce operand if col_array and value_array: value = cast(pg.array(value), pg.ARRAY(col.type.item_type)) if col_json: coerce_type = col.type.coerce_compared_value( '=', value) # HACKY: use sqlalchemy type coercion col = cast(col.astext, coerce_type) # Operators if op == '$eq': if col_array: if value_array: conditions.append(col == value) # Array equality else: conditions.append( col.any(value) ) # ANY(array) = value, for scalar values else: conditions.append( col == value) # array == value, for both scalars elif op == '$ne': if col_array and not value_array: if value_array: conditions.append(col != value) # Array inequality else: conditions.append( col.all(value, ) # ALL(array) != value, for scalar values else: conditions.append( col != value) # array != value, for both scalars elif op == '$lt': conditions.append(col < value) elif op == '$lte': conditions.append(col <= value) elif op == '$gte': conditions.append(col >= value) elif op == '$gt': conditions.append(col > value) elif op == '$in': assert value_array, 'Criteria: $in argument must be a list' if col_array: conditions.append( col.overlap(value)) # field && ARRAY[values] else: conditions.append(col.in_(value)) # field IN(values) elif op == '$nin': assert value_array, 'Criteria: $nin argument must be a list' if col_array: conditions.append(~col.overlap(value) ) # NOT( field && ARRAY[values] ) else: conditions.append( col.notin_(value)) # field NOT IN(values) elif op == '$exists': if value: conditions.append(col != None) # IS NOT NULL else: conditions.append(col == None) # IS NULL elif op == '$all': assert col_array, 'Criteria: $all can only be applied to an array column' assert value_array, 'Criteria: $all argument must be a list' conditions.append(col.contains(value)) elif op == '$size': assert col_array, 'Criteria: $all can only be applied to an array column' if value == 0: conditions.append(func.array_length( col, 1) == None) # ARRAY_LENGTH(field, 1) IS NULL else: conditions.append(func.array_length( col, 1) == value) # ARRAY_LENGTH(field, 1) == value else: raise AssertionError( 'Criteria: unsupported operator "{}"'.format(op)) if conditions: cc = and_(*conditions) return cc.self_group() if len(conditions) > 1 else cc else: return True
def find_queue_general_settings(session): rows = session.query(StaticQueue).filter( and_(StaticQueue.commented == 0, StaticQueue.category == 'general')).all() return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def find_iax_trunk_settings(session): rows = session.query(UserIAX).filter( and_(UserIAX.commented == 0, UserIAX.category == 'trunk')).all() return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def get_changed_routes_and_outings_ww(session, last_update): """ Returns the routes and outings when associations between waypoint and waypoint have been created/removed. E.g. when an association between waypoint W1 and W2 is created, all routes associated to W2, all routes associated to the direct children of W2 and all outings associated to these routes have to be updated. For example given the following associations: W1 -> W2, W2 -> W3, W3 -> R1 Route R1 has the following `associated_waypoint_ids`: W3, W2, W1 When association W1 -> W2 is deleted, all routes linked to W2 and all routes linked to the direct waypoint children of W2 (in this case W3) have to be updated. After the update, `associated_waypoint_ids` of R1 is: W3, W2 """ select_changed_waypoints = session. \ query(AssociationLog.child_document_id.label('waypoint_id')). \ filter(and_( AssociationLog.parent_document_type == WAYPOINT_TYPE, AssociationLog.child_document_type == WAYPOINT_TYPE )). \ filter(AssociationLog.written_at >= last_update). \ cte('changed_waypoints') select_changed_waypoint_children = session. \ query(Association.child_document_id.label('waypoint_id')). \ select_from(select_changed_waypoints). \ join( Association, and_( Association.parent_document_id == select_changed_waypoints.c.waypoint_id, Association.child_document_type == WAYPOINT_TYPE )). \ cte('changed_waypoint_children') select_all_changed_waypoints = union(, \ cte('all_changed_waypoints') select_changed_routes = session. \ query( Association.child_document_id.label('route_id') ). \ select_from(select_all_changed_waypoints). \ join( Association, and_( Association.parent_document_id == select_all_changed_waypoints.c.waypoint_id, Association.child_document_type == ROUTE_TYPE )). \ group_by(Association.child_document_id). \ cte('changed_routes') select_changed_outings = session. \ query( Association.child_document_id.label('outing_id')). \ select_from(select_changed_routes). \ join( Association, and_( Association.parent_document_id == select_changed_routes.c.route_id, Association.child_document_type == OUTING_TYPE )). \ group_by(Association.child_document_id). \ cte('changed_outings') select_changed_routes_and_outings = union( session.query( select_changed_routes.c.route_id.label('document_id'), literal(ROUTE_TYPE).label('type') ).select_from(select_changed_routes), session.query( select_changed_outings.c.outing_id.label('document_id'), literal(OUTING_TYPE).label('type') ).select_from(select_changed_outings)). \ cte('changed_routes_and_outings') return session. \ query( select_changed_routes_and_outings.c.document_id, select_changed_routes_and_outings.c.type). \ select_from(select_changed_routes_and_outings). \ all()
def find_general_features_settings(session): rows = session.query(Features).filter( and_(Features.commented == 0, Features.category == 'general')).all() return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def validate_records(self, session, cohort): """ Fetches the wiki_user(s) already added for self.cohort_id and validates their raw_id_or_name field against their stated project as either a user_id or user_name. Once done, sets the valid state and deletes any duplicates. Then, it finishes filling in the data model by inserting corresponding records into the cohort_wiki_users table. This is meant to execute asynchronously on celery Parameters session : an active wikimetrics db session to use cohort : the cohort to validate; must belong to session """ # reset the cohort validation status so it can't be used for reports cohort.validated = False session.execute(WikiUserStore.__table__.update().values( valid=None).where(WikiUserStore.validating_cohort == session.execute(CohortWikiUserStore.__table__.delete().where( CohortWikiUserStore.cohort_id == session.commit() wikiusers = session.query(WikiUserStore) \ .filter(WikiUserStore.validating_cohort == \ .all() deduplicated = deduplicate_by_key( wikiusers, lambda r: (r.raw_id_or_name, normalize_project(r.project) or r.project)) wikiusers_by_project = {} for wu in deduplicated: normalized_project = normalize_project(wu.project) if normalized_project is None: wu.reason_invalid = 'invalid project: {0}'.format(wu.project) wu.valid = False continue wu.project = normalized_project if wu.project not in wikiusers_by_project: wikiusers_by_project[wu.project] = [] wikiusers_by_project[wu.project].append(wu) # validate bunches of records to update the UI but not kill performance if len(wikiusers_by_project[wu.project]) > 999: validate_users(wikiusers_by_project[wu.project], wu.project, self.validate_as_user_ids) session.commit() wikiusers_by_project[wu.project] = [] # validate anything that wasn't big enough for a batch for project, wikiusers in wikiusers_by_project.iteritems(): if len(wikiusers) > 0: validate_users(wikiusers, project, self.validate_as_user_ids) session.commit() session.execute(CohortWikiUserStore.__table__.insert(), [{ 'cohort_id':, 'wiki_user_id':, } for wu in deduplicated]) # clean up any duplicate wiki_user records session.execute(WikiUserStore.__table__.delete().where( and_(WikiUserStore.validating_cohort ==,[ for wu in deduplicated])))) cohort.validated = True session.commit()
def find_exten_xivofeatures_setting(session): rows = (session.query(Extension).filter( and_(Extension.context == 'xivo-features', Extension.commented == 0)).order_by('exten').all()) return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def combine_filter(self, filter_value): return expression.and_(filter_value[0])
def restrict_to_ready_deliverable_works( cls, query, work_model, edition_model=None, collection_ids=None, show_suppressed=False, allow_holds=True, ): """Restrict a query to show only presentation-ready works present in an appropriate collection which the default client can fulfill. Note that this assumes the query has an active join against LicensePool. :param query: The query to restrict. :param work_model: Either Work or MaterializedWorkWithGenre :param edition_model: Either Edition or MaterializedWorkWithGenre :param show_suppressed: Include titles that have nothing but suppressed LicensePools. :param collection_ids: Only include titles in the given collections. :param allow_holds: If false, pools with no available copies will be hidden. """ edition_model = edition_model or work_model # Only find presentation-ready works. # # Such works are automatically filtered out of # the materialized view, but we need to filter them out of Work. if work_model == Work: query = query.filter( work_model.presentation_ready == True, ) # Only find books that have some kind of DeliveryMechanism. LPDM = LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism exists_clause = exists().where( and_(LicensePool.data_source_id==LPDM.data_source_id, LicensePool.identifier_id==LPDM.identifier_id) ) query = query.filter(exists_clause) # Some sources of audiobooks may be excluded because the # server can't fulfill them or the expected client can't play # them. _db = query.session excluded = ConfigurationSetting.excluded_audio_data_sources(_db) if excluded: audio_excluded_ids = [ DataSource.lookup(_db, x).id for x in excluded ] query = query.filter( or_(edition_model.medium != EditionConstants.AUDIO_MEDIUM, ~LicensePool.data_source_id.in_(audio_excluded_ids)) ) # Only find books with unsuppressed LicensePools. if not show_suppressed: query = query.filter(LicensePool.suppressed==False) # Only find books with available licenses. query = query.filter( or_(LicensePool.licenses_owned > 0, LicensePool.open_access) ) # Only find books in an appropriate collection. if collection_ids is not None: query = query.filter( LicensePool.collection_id.in_(collection_ids) ) # If we don't allow holds, hide any books with no available copies. if not allow_holds: query = query.filter( or_(LicensePool.licenses_available > 0, LicensePool.open_access) ) return query
def updateFileStatus(self, fileStatusDict, ftsGUID=None): """Update the file ftsStatus and error The update is only done if the file is not in a final state (To avoid bringing back to life a file by consuming MQ a posteriori) TODO: maybe it should query first the status and filter the rows I want to update ! :param fileStatusDict : { fileID : { status , error, ftsGUID } } :param ftsGUID: If specified, only update the rows where the ftsGUID matches this value. This avoids two jobs handling the same file one after another to step on each other foot. Note that for the moment it is an optional parameter, but it may turn mandatory soon. """ # This here is inneficient as we update every files, even if it did not change, and we commit every time. # It would probably be best to update only the files that changed. # However, commiting every time is the recommendation of MySQL # ( for fileID, valueDict in fileStatusDict.iteritems(): session = self.dbSession() try: updateDict = {FTS3File.status: valueDict['status']} # We only update error if it is specified if 'error' in valueDict: newError = valueDict['error'] # Replace empty string with None if not newError: newError = None updateDict[FTS3File.error] = newError # We only update ftsGUID if it is specified if 'ftsGUID' in valueDict: newFtsGUID = valueDict['ftsGUID'] # Replace empty string with None if not newFtsGUID: newFtsGUID = None updateDict[FTS3File.ftsGUID] = newFtsGUID # We only update the lines matching: # * the good fileID # * the status is not Final whereConditions = [FTS3File.fileID == fileID, ~ FTS3File.status.in_(FTS3File.FINAL_STATES)] # If an ftsGUID is specified, add it to the `where` condition if ftsGUID: whereConditions.append(FTS3File.ftsGUID == ftsGUID) updateQuery = update(FTS3File)\ .where(and_(*whereConditions) )\ .values(updateDict) session.execute(updateQuery) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: session.rollback() self.log.exception("updateFileFtsStatus: unexpected exception", lException=e) return S_ERROR("updateFileFtsStatus: unexpected exception %s" % e) finally: session.close() return S_OK()
def suggest_translation(self, translatable, from_language, to_language): """Suggest a translation for a translatable, into `to_language`, given an existing translation in `from_language` based on other occurances of the same context being translated into a matching value for other message ids given the following translations table +----------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ | context | message_id | language | value | +----------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ | taal:sa_field:model.column | [1] | en | Value | | taal:sa_field:model.column | [1] | fr | Valeur | | taal:sa_field:model.column | [2] | en | Value | +----------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ suggest_translation( TranslatableString( context="taal:sa_field:model.column", message_id=2), from_language='en', to_language='fr' ) returns 'Valeur' If multiple suggestions are possible, the most frequently occuring one is returned """ session = self.session model = self.model from_value = session.query(model.value).filter( model.context == translatable.context, model.message_id == translatable.message_id, model.language == from_language, ).scalar() if from_value is None: return None from_alias = aliased(model, name="from_language") to_alias = aliased(model, name="to_language") query = session.query(to_alias.value).outerjoin( from_alias, and_( from_alias.context == to_alias.context, from_alias.message_id == to_alias.message_id, ) ).filter( from_alias.context == translatable.context, from_alias.language == from_language, from_alias.value == from_value, to_alias.language == to_language, to_alias.value != NULL, ).group_by( to_alias.value ).order_by( desc(func.count()) ) return query.limit(1).scalar()
def __call__(self, user_ids, session): """ Parameters: user_ids : list of mediawiki user ids to restrict computation to session : sqlalchemy session open on a mediawiki database Returns: { user id: 1 if they're a rolling surviving new active editor, 0 otherwise for all cohort users, or all users that have edits in the time period } """ number_of_edits = int( rolling_days = int( end_date = mid_date = end_date - timedelta(days=rolling_days) start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=rolling_days * 2) newly_registered = session.query(Logging.log_user) \ .filter(Logging.log_type == 'newusers') \ .filter(Logging.log_action == 'create') \ .filter(between(Logging.log_timestamp, start_date, mid_date)) # subquery to select only the users registered between start and mid date filtered_new = self.filter(newly_registered, user_ids, column=Logging.log_user).subquery() rev_user = label('user_id', Revision.rev_user) ar_user = label('user_id', Archive.ar_user) # count edits between start and mid date, for Revision rev_count_one = _get_count('count_one', Revision.rev_timestamp <= mid_date) # count edits between start and mid date, for Archive ar_count_one = _get_count('count_one', Archive.ar_timestamp <= mid_date) # count edits between mid and end date, for Revision rev_count_two = _get_count('count_two', Revision.rev_timestamp > mid_date) # count edits between mid and end date, for Archive ar_count_two = _get_count('count_two', Archive.ar_timestamp > mid_date) # get both counts by user for Revision revisions = session.query(rev_user, rev_count_one, rev_count_two)\ .filter(between(Revision.rev_timestamp, start_date, end_date))\ .filter(Revision.rev_user.in_(filtered_new))\ .group_by(Revision.rev_user) # get both counts by user for Archive archived = session.query(ar_user, ar_count_one, ar_count_two)\ .filter(between(Archive.ar_timestamp, start_date, end_date))\ .filter(Archive.ar_user.in_(filtered_new))\ .group_by(Archive.ar_user) bot_user_ids = session.query(MediawikiUserGroups.ug_user)\ .filter(MediawikiUserGroups.ug_group == 'bot')\ .subquery() # For each user, with both counts from both tables, # sum the count_one values together, check it's >= number_of_edits # sum the count_two values together, check it's >= number_of_edits new_edits = revisions.union_all(archived).subquery() new_edits_by_user = session.query(new_edits.c.user_id)\ .filter(new_edits.c.user_id.notin_(bot_user_ids))\ .group_by(new_edits.c.user_id)\ .having(and_( func.SUM(new_edits.c.count_one) >= number_of_edits, func.SUM(new_edits.c.count_two) >= number_of_edits, )) metric_results = {r[0]: { 1} for r in new_edits_by_user.all()} if user_ids is None: return metric_results else: return { uid: metric_results.get(uid, self.default_result) for uid in user_ids }
def _meals_in_range(self): return (Session.query(Meal).options(joinedload('recipes')).filter( and_(self.fro <=, <
result = [] lim = tg.config.get(constants.TaskPaneLimit) ago = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=-long(lim)) limit = 200 try: limit = int(tg.config.get(constants.task_panel_row_limit, "200")) except Exception, e: print "Exception: ", e LOGGER.debug("get_tasks query start : " + to_str(datetime.utcnow())) tasks=DBSession.query(Task.task_id,, Task.user_name, Task.entity_name, Task.cancellable, \ TaskResult.timestamp, TaskResult.endtime, TaskResult.status, TaskResult.results, \ Task.entity_type, Task.short_desc).\ join(TaskResult).\ filter(or_(and_(Task.repeating == True,TaskResult.visible == True),\ and_(Task.repeating == False,Task.entity_id != None))).\ filter(Task.submitted_on >= ago).\ order_by(TaskResult.timestamp.desc()).limit(limit).all() LOGGER.debug("get_tasks query end : " + to_str(datetime.utcnow())) result = self.format_task_result_details(tasks) return result def get_task_details(self, task_ids): result = [] LOGGER.debug("get_task_details query start : " + to_str(datetime.utcnow())) task=DBSession.query(Task).filter(Task.task_id.in_(task_ids)).\ options(eagerload("result")).all() LOGGER.debug("get_task_details query end : " + to_str(datetime.utcnow()))
def test_view_other_comps(self, mock_get_stream, mock_get_inv, db): components_count = {} # group_id -> num expected components # where group_id is the tuple (event_id, channel.location) for sess in db.session.query(Segment): group_id = (sess.event_id, if group_id not in components_count: # we should have created views also for the other components. To get # other components, use the segment channel and event id other_comps_count = db.session.query(Segment).join(\ filter(and_(Segment.event_id == sess.event_id, Channel.location == components_count[group_id] = other_comps_count def assert_(plotlist, segment, preprocessed, is_invalidated=False): '''does some assertion :preprocessed: if the plotlist refers toa preprocessed segment :is_invalidated: if the plotlist has been invalidated. Valid only if preprocessed=False (otherwise plotlist should be None) This is used for checking that['sn_windows'] is None ''' # raw: # gap: stream: ok, sn_spectra exc, sn_windows: none # err: stream exc, sn_spectra: exc, sn_windows: none # other: stream ok, sn_spectra:ok, sn_windows: non-none # preprocessed iserr = 'err' in hasgaps = 'gap' in isinverr = isinstance(['stream'], Exception) and \ "inventory" in str(['stream']) if preprocessed: if iserr or hasgaps or isinverr: assert len("".join(plotlist[0].warnings)) assert isinstance(['stream'], Exception) # if stream has an exception, as we use the stream for the sn_windows, assert # the exception is the same: assert['sn_windows'] ==[ 'stream'] if plotlist[1] is not None: assert len("".join(plotlist[1].warnings)) else: assert not len("".join(plotlist[0].warnings)) assert isinstance(['stream'], Stream) # assert sn_windows are correct: sn_wdw =['sn_windows'] assert len(sn_wdw) == 2 assert all( isinstance(_, UTCDateTime) for _ in list(sn_wdw[0]) + list(sn_wdw[1])) if plotlist[1] is not None: assert not len("".join(plotlist[1].warnings)) else: # test sn_windows first: if is_invalidated: assert[ 'sn_windows'] is None # reset from invalidation assert all(p is None for p in plotlist) return elif iserr: assert isinstance(['sn_windows'], Exception) # assert also that it is the same exception raised from stream: assert['stream'] ==[ 'sn_windows'] elif 'gap' in # sn_windows should raise, as we have more than one trace: assert isinstance(['sn_windows'], Exception) assert "gap" in str(['sn_windows']) else: # good segment # if the stream is unprocessed, and it was successfully loaded, assert # sn_windows are correct: sn_wdw =['sn_windows'] assert len(sn_wdw) == 2 assert all( isinstance(_, UTCDateTime) for _ in list(sn_wdw[0]) + list(sn_wdw[1])) # test other stuff: if iserr: assert len("".join(plotlist[0].warnings)) assert isinstance(['stream'], Exception) if plotlist[1] is not None: assert len("".join(plotlist[1].warnings)) else: assert isinstance(['stream'], Stream) if "gap_unmerged" in # assert that traces labels (d[-1]) are displayed with their seed_id. # To prove that, # assert that we didn't named each trace as "chunk1", "chunk2" etcetera: assert all("chunk" not in d[-1] for d in plotlist[0].data) elif hasgaps: assert "gaps/overlaps" in "".join(plotlist[0].warnings) # assert that we display all traces with "chunk1", "cunk2" etcetera: assert all("chunk" in d[-1] for d in plotlist[0].data) else: assert not len("".join(plotlist[0].warnings)) if plotlist[1] is not None: if hasgaps: assert len("".join(plotlist[1].warnings)) else: assert not len("".join(plotlist[1].warnings)) for sess in db.session.query(Segment): pmg = PlotManager(self.pymodule, self.config) expected_components_count = components_count[( sess.event_id,] mock_get_stream.reset_mock() mock_get_inv.reset_mock() mock_get_stream.side_effect = original_get_stream mock_get_inv.side_effect = original_get_inventory allcomponents = True preprocessed = False idxs = [0] # s_id_was_in_views = in pmg._plots plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed, allcomponents) # # assert returned plot has the correct number of time/line-series: # # note that plots[0] might be generated from a stream with gaps assert len(plots[0].data) == self.traceslen( pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents) # asssert the returned value match the input: assert len(plots) == len(idxs) assert not self.plotslen( pmg, preprocessed=True) # assert no filtering calculated # assert we did not calculate other components (all_components=False) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents=False) == \ len(idxs) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents) == \ expected_components_count # assert SegmentWrapper function calls: assert not mock_get_inv.called # preprocess=False assert mock_get_stream.call_count == expected_components_count # assert we did not calculate any useless stream: assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False) assert pmg[][1] is None # from here on, try to calculate the plots for 3 types: main plot (index 0) # index of cumulative, and index of spectra CUMUL_INDEX, SN_INDEX, DERIVCUM2_INDEX = [None] * 3 # pylint: disable=invalid-name for i, p in enumerate(pmg.userdefined_plots): if p['name'] == 'cumulative': CUMUL_INDEX = p['index'] elif p['name'] == 'sn_spectra': SN_INDEX = p['index'] elif p['name'] == 'derivcum2': DERIVCUM2_INDEX = p['index'] if CUMUL_INDEX is None or SN_INDEX is None or DERIVCUM2_INDEX is None: raise Exception( 'either the test function names have to be changed, or ' 'the processing file needs to implement "cumulative" and ' '"sn_spectra" and "derivcum2"') idxs = [0, SN_INDEX, CUMUL_INDEX, DERIVCUM2_INDEX] mock_get_stream.reset_mock() mock_get_inv.reset_mock() allcomponents = True preprocessed = False # s_id_was_in_views = in pmg._plots plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed, allcomponents) # # asssert the returned value match the input: assert len(plots) == len(idxs) assert not self.plotslen( pmg, preprocessed=True) # assert no filtering calculated # assert we did not calculate other components (all_components=False) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents=False) == \ len(idxs) # if we calculate all components, we should have expected components count PLUS # all plots which are not the main plot (index 0): assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents) == \ expected_components_count + sum(_ != 0 for _ in idxs) # assert SegmentWrapper function calls: assert not mock_get_inv.called # preprocess=False assert not mock_get_stream.called # already computed # assert we did not calculate any useless stream: assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False) assert pmg[][1] is None mock_get_stream.reset_mock() mock_get_inv.reset_mock() allcomponents = False preprocessed = True # s_id_was_in_views = in pmg._plots plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed, allcomponents) # # asssert the returned value match the input: assert len(plots) == len(idxs) assert self.plotslen( pmg, preprocessed=True) # assert no filtering calculated # assert we did not calculate other components (all_components=False) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents=False) == \ len(idxs) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents) == len(idxs) # assert SegmentWrapper function calls: if 'err' not in and 'gap' not in assert mock_get_inv.called # preprocess=False else: assert not mock_get_inv.called assert not mock_get_stream.called # already computed # assert we did not calculate any useless stream: assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False) assert_(pmg[][1], sess, preprocessed=True) mock_get_stream.reset_mock() mock_get_inv.reset_mock() allcomponents = True preprocessed = True # s_id_was_in_views = in pmg._plots plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed, allcomponents) # asssert the returned value match the input: assert len(plots) == len(idxs) assert self.plotslen( pmg, preprocessed=True) # assert no filtering calculated # assert we did not calculate other components (all_components=False) assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents=False) == \ len(idxs) # regardless whether allcomponents is true or false, we compute only the main plot assert self.computedplotslen(pmg,, preprocessed, allcomponents) == len(idxs) # assert SegmentWrapper function calls: assert not mock_get_inv.called # already called assert not mock_get_stream.called # already computed # assert all titles are properly set, with the given prefix seedid = sess.seed_id assert all(p is None or p.title.startswith(seedid) for p in pmg[][0]) assert all(p is None or p.title.startswith(seedid) for p in pmg[][1]) # check plot titles and warnings: stream = pmg[][0].data['stream'] preprocessed_stream = pmg[][1].data['stream'] if 'err' in assert isinstance(stream, Exception) and \ isinstance(preprocessed_stream, Exception) and \ 'MiniSeed error' in str(preprocessed_stream) for i in idxs: plot, pplot = pmg[][0][i], pmg[][1][i] assert len( == 1 # only one (fake) trace assert plot.warnings assert len( == 1 # only one (fake) trace assert pplot.warnings elif 'gap' in assert isinstance(stream, Stream) and \ isinstance(preprocessed_stream, Exception) and \ 'gaps/overlaps' in str(preprocessed_stream) for i in idxs: plot, pplot = pmg[][0][i], pmg[][1][i] # if idx=1, plot has 1 series (due to error in gaps/overlaps) otherwise # matches stream traces count: assert len( == 1 if i == 1 else len(stream) if i != 0: # we are iterating over the spectra plots assert "gaps/overlaps" in plot.warnings[0] assert "gaps/overlaps" in pplot.warnings[0] elif i == 0: # we are iterating over the streams plots if 'gap_unmerged' in # assert that we display all traces with their seed_id. To prove that, # assert that we didn't named each trace as "chunk1", "cunk2" etcetera: assert all("chunk" not in d[-1] for d in else: assert 'gaps/overlaps' in pplot.warnings[0] # assert that we display all traces with "chunk1", "cunk2" etcetera: assert all("chunk" in d[-1] for d in assert len( == 1 # only one (fake) trace assert pplot.warnings and 'gaps/overlaps' in pplot.warnings[ 0] # gaps / olaps else: assert isinstance(stream, Stream) and \ isinstance(preprocessed_stream, Exception) and \ 'Station inventory (xml) error: no data' in str(preprocessed_stream) for i in idxs: plot, pplot = pmg[][0][i], pmg[][1][i] # if idx=SN_INDEX, plot has 2 series (noie/signal) otherwise matches # vstream traces count: assert len( == 2 if i == SN_INDEX else len(stream) assert not plot.warnings # gaps /overlaps assert len( == 1 # only one (fake) trace assert pplot.warnings and 'inventory' in pplot.warnings[ 0] # gaps /overlaps # assert we did not calculate any useless stream: assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False) assert_(pmg[][1], sess, preprocessed=True) # so we manually set the inventory on the db, discarding it afterwards: sess.station.inventory_xml = self.inventory_bytes db.session.commit() assert sess.station.inventory_xml # re-initialize a new PlotManager to assure everything is re-calculated # this also sets all cache to None, including pmg.inv_cache: pmg = PlotManager(self.pymodule, self.config) # calculate plots pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed=False, all_components_in_segment_plot=True) pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed=True, all_components_in_segment_plot=True) # and store their values for later comparison sn_plot_unprocessed = pmg[][0][SN_INDEX].data sn_plot_preprocessed = pmg[][1][SN_INDEX].data # shift back the arrival time. 1 second is still within the stream time bounds for # the 'ok' stream: sn_windows = dict(pmg.config['sn_windows']) sn_windows['arrival_time_shift'] -= 1 pmg.update_config(sn_windows=sn_windows) # assert we restored streams that have to be invalidated, and we kept those not to # invalidate: assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False, is_invalidated=True) assert pmg[][1] is None # and run again the get_plots: with preprocess=False plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed=False, all_components_in_segment_plot=True) assert_(pmg[][0], sess, preprocessed=False) assert pmg[][1] is None sn_plot_unprocessed_new = pmg[][0][SN_INDEX].data # we changed the arrival time and both the signal and noise depend on the cumulative, # thus changing the arrival time does change them signal window s_stream # Conversely, n_stream should change BUT only for the 'ok' stream (no 'gap' or 'err' # in as for the other we explicitly set a miniseed starttime, # endtime BEFORE the event time which should result in noise stream all padded with # zeros regardless of the arrival time shift if len(sn_plot_unprocessed) == 1: # there was an error in sn ratio (e.g., gaps, overlaps in source stream): assert len(sn_plot_unprocessed_new) == 1 else: # both signal and noise plots are different. Check it: sig_array_new, sig_array_old = \ sn_plot_unprocessed_new[0][2], sn_plot_unprocessed[0][2] noi_array_new, noi_array_old = \ sn_plot_unprocessed_new[1][2], sn_plot_unprocessed[1][2] assert len(sig_array_new) != len(sig_array_old) assert len(noi_array_new) != len(noi_array_old) or \ not np.allclose(noi_array_new, noi_array_old, equal_nan=True) # now run again with preprocessed=True. plots = pmg.get_plots(db.session,, idxs, preprocessed=True, all_components_in_segment_plot=True) sn_plot_preprocessed_new = pmg[][1][SN_INDEX].data # assert the s_stream differs from the previous, as we changed the signal/noise # arrival time shift this must hold only for the 'ok' stream (no 'gap' or 'err' # in as for the other we explicitly set a miniseed starttime, # endtime BEFORE the event time (thus by shifting BACK the arrival time we should # not see changes in the sess/n stream windows) if len(sn_plot_preprocessed) == 1: # there was an error in sn ratio (e.g., gaps, overlaps in source stream): assert len(sn_plot_preprocessed_new) == 1 else: # both signal and noise plots are different. Check it: sig_array_new, sig_array_old = \ sn_plot_unprocessed_new[0][2], sn_plot_unprocessed[0][2] noi_array_new, noi_array_old = \ sn_plot_unprocessed_new[1][2], sn_plot_unprocessed[1][2] assert len(sig_array_new) != len(sig_array_old) assert len(noi_array_new) != len(noi_array_old) or \ not np.allclose(noi_array_new, noi_array_old, equal_nan=True) assert_(pmg[][1], sess, preprocessed=True) # re-set the inventory_xml to None: sess.station.inventory_xml = None db.session.commit() assert not sess.station.inventory_xml
def schedule_queued_recipes(*args): session.begin() try: # This query returns a queued host recipe and and the guest which has # the most recent distro tree. It is to be used as a derived table. latest_guest_distro = select([machine_guest_map.c.machine_recipe_id.label('host_id'), func.max(DistroTree.date_created).label('latest_distro_date')], from_obj=[machine_guest_map.join(GuestRecipe.__table__, \ join(Recipe.__table__).join(DistroTree.__table__)], whereclause=Recipe.status=='Queued', group_by=machine_guest_map.c.machine_recipe_id).alias() hosts_lab_controller_distro_map = aliased(LabControllerDistroTree) hosts_distro_tree = aliased(DistroTree) guest_recipe = aliased(Recipe) guests_distro_tree = aliased(DistroTree) guests_lab_controller = aliased(LabController) # This query will return queued recipes that are eligible to be scheduled. # They are determined to be eligible if: # * They are clean # * There are systems available (see the filter criteria) in lab controllers where # the recipe's distro tree is available. # * If it is a host recipe, the most recently created distro of all # the guest recipe's distros is available in at least one of the same # lab controllers as that of the host's distro tree. # # Also note that we do not try to handle the situation where the guest and host never # have a common labcontroller. In that situation the host and guest would stay queued # until that situation was rectified. recipes = MachineRecipe.query\ .join(Recipe.recipeset, RecipeSet.job)\ .filter(Job.dirty_version == Job.clean_version)\ .outerjoin((guest_recipe, MachineRecipe.guests))\ .outerjoin((guests_distro_tree, guest_recipe.distro_tree_id ==\ .outerjoin((latest_guest_distro, and_(latest_guest_distro.c.host_id ==, latest_guest_distro.c.latest_distro_date == \ guests_distro_tree.date_created)))\ .outerjoin(guests_distro_tree.lab_controller_assocs, guests_lab_controller)\ .join(\ .join((hosts_distro_tree, == MachineRecipe.distro_tree_id))\ .join((hosts_lab_controller_distro_map, hosts_distro_tree.lab_controller_assocs), (LabController, and_( hosts_lab_controller_distro_map.lab_controller_id ==, System.lab_controller_id ==\ .filter( and_(Recipe.status == TaskStatus.queued, System.user == None, LabController.disabled == False, or_( RecipeSet.lab_controller == None, RecipeSet.lab_controller_id == System.lab_controller_id, ), or_( System.loan_id == None, System.loan_id == Job.owner_id, ), or_( # We either have no guest == None, # Or we have a guest of which the latest # is in a common lab controller. and_( ==, latest_guest_distro.c.latest_distro_date != None ), ) # or ) # and ) # Get out of here if we have no recipes if not recipes.count(): return False # This should be the guest recipe with the latest distro. # We return it in this query, to save us from re-running the # derived table query in schedule_queued_recipe() recipes = recipes.add_column( # Effective priority is given in the following order: # * Multi host recipes with already scheduled siblings # * Priority level (i.e Normal, High etc) # * RecipeSet id # * Recipe id recipes = recipes.order_by(RecipeSet.lab_controller == None). \ order_by(RecipeSet.priority.desc()). \ order_by( \ order_by( # Don't do a GROUP BY before here, it is not needed. recipes = recipes.group_by( log.debug("Entering schedule_queued_recipes") for recipe_id, guest_recipe_id in recipes.values(, session.begin(nested=True) try: schedule_queued_recipe(recipe_id, guest_recipe_id) session.commit() except (StaleSystemUserException, InsufficientSystemPermissions, StaleTaskStatusException), e: # Either # System user has changed before # system allocation # or # System permissions have changed before # system allocation # or # Something has moved our status on from queued # already. log.warn(str(e)) session.rollback() except Exception, e: log.exception('Error in schedule_queued_recipe(%s)', recipe_id) session.rollback() session.begin(nested=True) try: recipe = MachineRecipe.by_id(recipe_id) recipe.recipeset.abort( "Aborted in schedule_queued_recipe: %s" % e) session.commit() except Exception, e: log.exception( "Error during error handling in schedule_queued_recipe: %s" % e) session.rollback()
def schedule_queued_recipe(recipe_id, guest_recipe_id=None): guest_recipe = aliased(Recipe) guest_distros_map = aliased(LabControllerDistroTree) guest_labcontroller = aliased(LabController) # This query will return all the systems that a recipe is # able to run on. A system is deemed eligible if: # * If the recipe's distro tree is available to the system's lab controller # * The system is available (see the filter criteria). # * If it's a host recipe, then the system needs to be on a lab controller # that can access the distro tree of both the host recipe, # and the guest recipe. systems = System.query.join(System.queued_recipes) \ .outerjoin(System.cpu) \ .join(Recipe.recipeset, RecipeSet.job) \ .join(System.lab_controller, LabController._distro_trees)\ .join((DistroTree, and_(LabControllerDistroTree.distro_tree_id ==, Recipe.distro_tree_id ==\ .outerjoin((machine_guest_map, == machine_guest_map.c.machine_recipe_id))\ .outerjoin((guest_recipe, machine_guest_map.c.guest_recipe_id == ))\ .outerjoin((guest_distros_map, guest_recipe.distro_tree_id == guest_distros_map.distro_tree_id))\ .outerjoin((guest_labcontroller, guest_distros_map.lab_controller_id ==\ .filter( == recipe_id) \ .filter(or_( == guest_recipe_id, == None))\ .filter(and_(System.user == None, or_( == None, and_( != None, ==, ), ), LabController.disabled == False, or_(System.loan_id == None, System.loan_id == Job.owner_id, ), ), # and ) # We reapply this filter here in case a peer recipe has locked the recipe # set in to a particular lab controller earlier in this scheduling pass recipe = MachineRecipe.by_id(recipe_id) if recipe.recipeset.lab_controller: systems = systems.filter( System.lab_controller == recipe.recipeset.lab_controller) # Something earlier in this pass meant we can't schedule this recipe # right now after all. We'll try again next pass. if not systems.count(): return # Order systems by owner, then Group, finally shared for everyone. # FIXME Make this configurable, so that a user can specify their scheduling # Implemented order, still need to do pool # preference from the job. # <recipe> # <autopick order='sequence|random'> # <pool>owner</pool> # <pool>groups</pool> # <pool>public</pool> # </autopick> # </recipe> user = recipe.recipeset.job.owner if True: #FIXME if pools are defined add them here in the order requested. systems = System.scheduler_ordering(user, query=systems) if recipe.autopick_random: system = systems[random.randrange(0, systems.count())] else: system = systems.first() log.debug("System : %s is available for Recipe %s" % (system, # Check to see if user still has proper permissions to use the system. # Remember the mapping of available systems could have happend hours or even # days ago and groups or loans could have been put in place since. if not recipe.candidate_systems().filter( == log.debug("System : %s recipe: %s no longer has access. removing" % (system, return recipe.resource = SystemResource(system=system) # Reserving the system may fail here if someone stole it out from # underneath us, but that is fine... recipe.resource.allocate() recipe.schedule() recipe.createRepo() recipe.recipeset.lab_controller = system.lab_controller = [] # Create the watchdog without an Expire time. log.debug("Created watchdog for recipe id: %s and system: %s" % (, system)) recipe.watchdog = Watchdog()"recipe ID %s moved from Queued to Scheduled" % for guestrecipe in recipe.guests: guestrecipe.resource = GuestResource() guestrecipe.resource.allocate() guestrecipe.schedule() guestrecipe.createRepo() guestrecipe.watchdog = Watchdog()'recipe ID %s guest %s moved from Queued to Scheduled',,
def fetch(cls, _db, worklist, facets, pagination, refresher_method, max_age=None, raw=False, **response_kwargs ): """Retrieve a cached feed from the database if possible. Generate it from scratch and store it in the database if necessary. Return it in the most useful form to the caller. :param _db: A database connection. :param worklist: The WorkList associated with this feed. :param facets: A Facets object that distinguishes this feed from others (for instance, by its sort order). :param pagination: A Pagination object that explains which page of a larger feed is being cached. :param refresher_method: A function to call if it turns out the contents of the feed need to be regenerated. This function must take no arguments and return an object that implements __unicode__. (A Unicode string or an OPDSFeed is fine.) :param max_age: If a cached feed is older than this, it will be considered stale and regenerated. This may be either a number of seconds or a timedelta. If no value is specified, a default value will be calculated based on WorkList and Facets configuration. Setting this value to zero will force a refresh. :param raw: If this is False (the default), a Response ready to be converted into a Flask Response object will be returned. If this is True, the CachedFeed object itself will be returned. In most non-test situations the default is better. :return: A Response or CachedFeed containing up-to-date content. """ # Gather the information necessary to uniquely identify this # page of this feed. keys = cls._prepare_keys(_db, worklist, facets, pagination) # Calculate the maximum cache age, converting from timedelta # to seconds if necessary. max_age = cls.max_cache_age(worklist, keys.feed_type, facets, max_age) # These arguments will probably be passed into get_one, and # will be passed into get_one_or_create in the event of a cache # miss. # TODO: this constraint_clause might not be necessary anymore. # ISTR it was an attempt to avoid race conditions, and we do a # better job of that now. constraint_clause = and_(cls.content!=None, cls.timestamp!=None) kwargs = dict( on_multiple='interchangeable', constraint=constraint_clause, type=keys.feed_type, library=keys.library,, lane_id=keys.lane_id, unique_key=keys.unique_key, facets=keys.facets_key, pagination=keys.pagination_key ) feed_data = None if (max_age is cls.IGNORE_CACHE or isinstance(max_age, int) and max_age <= 0): # Don't even bother checking for a CachedFeed: we're # just going to replace it. feed_obj = None else: feed_obj = get_one(_db, cls, **kwargs) should_refresh = cls._should_refresh(feed_obj, max_age) if should_refresh: # This is a cache miss. Either feed_obj is None or # it's no good. We need to generate a new feed. feed_data = unicode(refresher_method()) generation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if max_age is not cls.IGNORE_CACHE: # Having gone through all the trouble of generating # the feed, we want to cache it in the database. # Since it can take a while to generate a feed, and we know # that the feed in the database is stale, it's possible that # another thread _also_ noticed that feed was stale, and # generated a similar feed while we were working. # # To avoid a database error, fetch the feed _again_ from the # database rather than assuming we have the up-to-date # object. feed_obj, is_new = get_one_or_create(_db, cls, **kwargs) if feed_obj.timestamp is None or feed_obj.timestamp < generation_time: # Either there was no contention for this object, or there # was contention but our feed is more up-to-date than # the other thread(s). Our feed takes priority. feed_obj.content = feed_data feed_obj.timestamp = generation_time elif feed_obj: feed_data = feed_obj.content if raw and feed_obj: return feed_obj # We have the information necessary to create a useful # response-type object. # # Set some defaults in case the caller didn't pass them in. if isinstance(max_age, int): response_kwargs.setdefault('max_age', max_age) if max_age == cls.IGNORE_CACHE: # If we were asked to ignore our internal cache, we should # also tell the client not to store this document in _its_ # internal cache. response_kwargs['max_age'] = 0 return OPDSFeedResponse( response=feed_data, **response_kwargs )
def filter_query_by_patient(self, q: Query, via_index: bool) -> Query: """ Restricts an query that has *already been joined* to the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patient.Patient` class, according to the patient filtering criteria. Args: q: the starting SQLAlchemy ORM Query via_index: If ``True``, the query relates to a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskindex.TaskIndexEntry` and we should restrict it according to the :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskindex.PatientIdNumIndexEntry` class. If ``False``, the query relates to a :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_taskindex.Task` and we should restrict according to :class:`camcops_server.cc_modules.cc_patientidnum.PatientIdNum`. Returns: a revised Query """ if self.surname: q = q.filter(func.upper(Patient.surname) == self.surname.upper()) if self.forename: q = q.filter(func.upper(Patient.forename) == self.forename.upper()) if self.dob is not None: q = q.filter(Patient.dob == self.dob) if q = q.filter(func.upper( == if self.idnum_criteria: id_filter_parts = [] # type: List[ColumnElement] if via_index: q = q.join(PatientIdNumIndexEntry) # "Specify possible ID number values" for iddef in self.idnum_criteria: id_filter_parts.append( and_( PatientIdNumIndexEntry.which_idnum == iddef.which_idnum, # noqa PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_value == iddef.idnum_value)) # Use OR (disjunction) of the specified values: q = q.filter(or_(*id_filter_parts)) # "Must have a value for a given ID number type" if self.must_have_idnum_type: # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone,PyPep8 q = q.filter( and_( PatientIdNumIndexEntry.which_idnum == self.must_have_idnum_type, # noqa PatientIdNumIndexEntry.idnum_value != None)) else: # q = q.join(PatientIdNum) # fails q = q.join(Patient.idnums) # "Specify possible ID number values" for iddef in self.idnum_criteria: id_filter_parts.append( and_(PatientIdNum.which_idnum == iddef.which_idnum, PatientIdNum.idnum_value == iddef.idnum_value)) # Use OR (disjunction) of the specified values: q = q.filter(or_(*id_filter_parts)) # "Must have a value for a given ID number type" if self.must_have_idnum_type: # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone,PyPep8 q = q.filter( and_( PatientIdNum.which_idnum == self.must_have_idnum_type, PatientIdNum.idnum_value != None)) return q
def __monitor_step( self ): """ Called repeatedly by `monitor` to process waiting jobs. Gets any new jobs (either from the database or from its own queue), then iterates over all new and waiting jobs to check the state of the jobs each depends on. If the job has dependencies that have not finished, it goes to the waiting queue. If the job has dependencies with errors, it is marked as having errors and removed from the queue. If the job belongs to an inactive user it is ignored. Otherwise, the job is dispatched. """ # Pull all new jobs from the queue at once jobs_to_check = [] resubmit_jobs = [] if self.track_jobs_in_database: # Clear the session so we get fresh states for job and all datasets self.sa_session.expunge_all() # Fetch all new jobs hda_not_ready = self.sa_session.query( \ .join(model.JobToInputDatasetAssociation) \ .join(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) \ .join(model.Dataset) \ .filter(and_( (model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW ), or_( ( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation._state == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.states.FAILED_METADATA ), ( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.deleted == true() ), ( model.Dataset.state != model.Dataset.states.OK ), ( model.Dataset.deleted == true() ) ) ) ).subquery() ldda_not_ready = self.sa_session.query( \ .join(model.JobToInputLibraryDatasetAssociation) \ .join(model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation) \ .join(model.Dataset) \ .filter(and_((model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW), or_((model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation._state != null()), (model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation.deleted == true()), (model.Dataset.state != model.Dataset.states.OK), (model.Dataset.deleted == true())))).subquery() if jobs_to_check = self.sa_session.query(model.Job).enable_eagerloads(False) \ .outerjoin( model.User ) \ .filter(and_((model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW), or_((model.Job.user_id == null()), ( == true())), (model.Job.handler ==,, \ .order_by( else: jobs_to_check = self.sa_session.query(model.Job).enable_eagerloads(False) \ .filter(and_((model.Job.state == model.Job.states.NEW), (model.Job.handler ==,, \ .order_by( # Fetch all "resubmit" jobs resubmit_jobs = self.sa_session.query(model.Job).enable_eagerloads(False) \ .filter(and_((model.Job.state == model.Job.states.RESUBMITTED), (model.Job.handler == \ .order_by( else: # Get job objects and append to watch queue for any which were # previously waiting for job_id in self.waiting_jobs: jobs_to_check.append( self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).get( job_id ) ) try: while 1: message = self.queue.get_nowait() if message is self.STOP_SIGNAL: return # Unpack the message job_id, tool_id = message # Get the job object and append to watch queue jobs_to_check.append( self.sa_session.query( model.Job ).get( job_id ) ) except Empty: pass # Ensure that we get new job counts on each iteration self.__clear_job_count() # Check resubmit jobs first so that limits of new jobs will still be enforced for job in resubmit_jobs: log.debug( '(%s) Job was resubmitted and is being dispatched immediately', ) # Reassemble resubmit job destination from persisted value jw = self.job_wrapper( job ) jw.job_runner_mapper.cached_job_destination = JobDestination( id=job.destination_id, runner=job.job_runner_name, params=job.destination_params ) self.increase_running_job_count(job.user_id, self.dispatcher.put( jw ) # Iterate over new and waiting jobs and look for any that are # ready to run new_waiting_jobs = [] for job in jobs_to_check: try: # Check the job's dependencies, requeue if they're not done. # Some of these states will only happen when using the in-memory job queue job_state = self.__check_job_state( job ) if job_state == JOB_WAIT: new_waiting_jobs.append( ) elif job_state == JOB_INPUT_ERROR: "(%d) Job unable to run: one or more inputs in error state" % ) elif job_state == JOB_INPUT_DELETED: "(%d) Job unable to run: one or more inputs deleted" % ) elif job_state == JOB_READY: self.dispatcher.put( self.job_wrappers.pop( ) ) "(%d) Job dispatched" % ) elif job_state == JOB_DELETED: "(%d) Job deleted by user while still queued" % ) elif job_state == JOB_ADMIN_DELETED: "(%d) Job deleted by admin while still queued" % ) elif job_state == JOB_USER_OVER_QUOTA: "(%d) User (%s) is over quota: job paused" % (, job.user_id ) ) job.set_state( model.Job.states.PAUSED ) for dataset_assoc in job.output_datasets + job.output_library_datasets: dataset_assoc.dataset.dataset.state = model.Dataset.states.PAUSED = "Execution of this dataset's job is paused because you were over your disk quota at the time it was ready to run" self.sa_session.add( dataset_assoc.dataset.dataset ) self.sa_session.add( job ) elif job_state == JOB_ERROR: log.error( "(%d) Error checking job readiness" % ) else: log.error( "(%d) Job in unknown state '%s'" % (, job_state ) ) new_waiting_jobs.append( ) except Exception: log.exception( "failure running job %d" % ) # Update the waiting list if not self.track_jobs_in_database: self.waiting_jobs = new_waiting_jobs # Remove cached wrappers for any jobs that are no longer being tracked for id in self.job_wrappers.keys(): if id not in new_waiting_jobs: del self.job_wrappers[id] # Flush, if we updated the state self.sa_session.flush() # Done with the session self.sa_session.remove()
def HandleSyncRequest(): sync_token = SyncToken.SyncToken.from_headers(request.headers)"Kobo library sync request received.") if not current_app.wsgi_app.is_proxied: log.debug( 'Kobo: Received unproxied request, changed request port to server port' ) # TODO: Limit the number of books return per sync call, and rely on the sync-continuatation header # instead so that the device triggers another sync. new_books_last_modified = sync_token.books_last_modified new_books_last_created = sync_token.books_last_created new_reading_state_last_modified = sync_token.reading_state_last_modified sync_results = [] # We reload the book database so that the user get's a fresh view of the library # in case of external changes (e.g: adding a book through Calibre). db.reconnect_db(config) archived_books = (ub.session.query(ub.ArchivedBook).filter( ub.ArchivedBook.user_id == int( # We join-in books that have had their Archived bit recently modified in order to either: # * Restore them to the user's device. # * Delete them from the user's device. # (Ideally we would use a join for this logic, however cross-database joins don't look trivial in SqlAlchemy.) recently_restored_or_archived_books = [] archived_book_ids = {} new_archived_last_modified = datetime.datetime.min for archived_book in archived_books: if archived_book.last_modified > sync_token.archive_last_modified: recently_restored_or_archived_books.append(archived_book.book_id) if archived_book.is_archived: archived_book_ids[archived_book.book_id] = True new_archived_last_modified = max(new_archived_last_modified, archived_book.last_modified) # sqlite gives unexpected results when performing the last_modified comparison without the datetime cast. # It looks like it's treating the db.Books.last_modified field as a string and may fail # the comparison because of the +00:00 suffix. changed_entries = (db.session.query(db.Books).join(db.Data).filter( or_( func.datetime(db.Books.last_modified) > sync_token.books_last_modified, db.Data.format.in_(KOBO_FORMATS)).all()) reading_states_in_new_entitlements = [] for book in changed_entries: kobo_reading_state = get_or_create_reading_state( entitlement = { "BookEntitlement": create_book_entitlement(book, archived=( in archived_book_ids)), "BookMetadata": get_metadata(book), } if kobo_reading_state.last_modified > sync_token.reading_state_last_modified: entitlement["ReadingState"] = get_kobo_reading_state_response( book, kobo_reading_state) new_reading_state_last_modified = max( new_reading_state_last_modified, kobo_reading_state.last_modified) reading_states_in_new_entitlements.append( if book.timestamp > sync_token.books_last_created: sync_results.append({"NewEntitlement": entitlement}) else: sync_results.append({"ChangedEntitlement": entitlement}) new_books_last_modified = max(book.last_modified, new_books_last_modified) new_books_last_created = max(book.timestamp, new_books_last_created) changed_reading_states = (ub.session.query(ub.KoboReadingState).filter( and_( func.datetime(ub.KoboReadingState.last_modified) > sync_token.reading_state_last_modified, ub.KoboReadingState.user_id ==, ub.KoboReadingState.book_id.notin_( reading_states_in_new_entitlements)))) for kobo_reading_state in changed_reading_states.all(): book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter( == kobo_reading_state.book_id).one_or_none() if book: sync_results.append({ "ChangedReadingState": { "ReadingState": get_kobo_reading_state_response(book, kobo_reading_state) } }) new_reading_state_last_modified = max( new_reading_state_last_modified, kobo_reading_state.last_modified) sync_shelves(sync_token, sync_results) sync_token.books_last_created = new_books_last_created sync_token.books_last_modified = new_books_last_modified sync_token.archive_last_modified = new_archived_last_modified sync_token.reading_state_last_modified = new_reading_state_last_modified return generate_sync_response(sync_token, sync_results)
def find_meetme_rooms_settings(session): rows = session.query(StaticMeetme).filter( and_(StaticMeetme.commented == 0, StaticMeetme.category == 'rooms')).all() return [row.todict() for row in rows]
def init_model(engine): """ This function initializes the ontology model for the given engine. This must be called before using the model. Tables are defined first and then relations mapped to them. """ meta.Session.configure(bind=engine) meta.engine = engine #define entity tables global entity_table entity_table = Table('entity', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('label', Unicode), Column('searchstring', Unicode), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global searchpatterns_table searchpatterns_table = Table('searchpatterns', meta.metadata, Column('searchpattern', Unicode, primary_key=True), Column('target_id', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) #define idea tables global idea_table idea_table = Table('idea', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global idea_link_to_table idea_link_to_table = Table('idea_link_to', meta.metadata, Column('source_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('target_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global idea_instance_of_table idea_instance_of_table = Table('idea_instance_of', meta.metadata, Column('instance_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('class_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global idea_graph_edges_table idea_graph_edges_table = Table('idea_graph_edges', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('ante_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('cons_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global idea_thinker_graph_edges_table idea_thinker_graph_edges_table = Table('idea_thinker_graph_edges', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('ante_id', ForeignKey('entity.ID')), Column('cons_id', ForeignKey('entity.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global thinker_graph_edges_table thinker_graph_edges_table = Table('thinker_graph_edges', meta.metadata, Column('ante_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('cons_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global ontotree_table ontotree_table = Table('ontotree', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('concept_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('area_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('parent_concept_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('parent_id', ForeignKey('ontotree.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) # note - when moving to new schema, will need to change this table's ORM global idea_evaluation_table idea_evaluation_table = Table('idea_evaluation', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('cons_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('ante_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('uid', ForeignKey('inpho_user.ID')), autoload=True, useexisting=True, autoload_with=engine) global anon_evaluation_table anon_evaluation_table = Table('anon_eval', meta.metadata, Column('ip', String, primary_key=True), Column('cons_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('ante_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, useexisting=True, autoload_with=engine) #define thinker tables global thinker_table thinker_table = Table('thinker', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine, useexisting=True) global nationality_table nationality_table = Table('nationality', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global thinker_has_nationality thinker_has_nationality_table = Table('thinker_has_nationality', meta.metadata, Column('thinker_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID')), Column('value', ForeignKey('nationality.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global profession_table profession_table = Table('profession', meta.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global thinker_has_profession_table thinker_has_profession_table = Table('thinker_has_profession', meta.metadata, Column('thinker_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID')), Column('value', ForeignKey('')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global alias_table alias_table = Table('alias', meta.metadata, Column('thinker_id', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('value', Integer, primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table = Table('thinker_has_influenced_evaluation', meta.metadata, Column('thinker1_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('thinker2_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('uid', ForeignKey('inpho_user.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table = Table('thinker_teacher_of_evaluation', meta.metadata, Column('thinker1_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('thinker2_id', ForeignKey('thinker.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('uid', ForeignKey('inpho_user.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) # Journal tables global journal_table journal_table = Table('journal', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global journal_abbr_table journal_abbr_table = Table('journal_abbr', meta.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('journal_id', ForeignKey('journal.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global journal_search_query_table journal_search_query_table = Table('journal_search_query', meta.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('journal_id', ForeignKey('journal.ID')), Column('value', String), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) # Group tables global school_of_thought_table school_of_thought_table = Table('school_of_thought', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) # Work tables global work_table work_table = Table('work', meta.metadata, Column('ID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) # User tables global user_table user_table = Table('inpho_user', meta.metadata, Column('ID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('first_area_concept_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column('second_area_concept_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), Column("group_uid", ForeignKey("groups.uid")), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global sep_area_table sep_area_table = Table('sep_areas', meta.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('concept_id', ForeignKey('idea.ID')), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global sepentries_table sepentries_table = Table('sepentries', meta.metadata, Column('sep_dir', String, unique=True, nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column('title', String, unique=True, nullable=False), Column('published', Boolean, nullable=False), Column('status', String, nullable=False), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine ) global fuzzymatches_table fuzzymatches_table = Table('fuzzymatches', meta.metadata, Column('sep_dir', ForeignKey('sepentries.sep_dir'), primary_key=True), Column('entityID', ForeignKey('entity.ID'), primary_key=True), Column('strength', Numeric), Column('edits', Numeric), autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) global groups_table groups_table = Table( "groups", meta.metadata, Column("uid", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String, unique=True, nullable=False), ) global roles_table roles_table = Table( "roles", meta.metadata, Column("uid", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String, unique=True, nullable=False), ) global users_roles_table users_roles_table = Table( # many:many relation table "users_roles", meta.metadata, Column("user_uid", ForeignKey("inpho_user.ID")), Column("role_uid", ForeignKey("roles.uid")), ) #define idea relations mapper(Entity, entity_table, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID, polymorphic_identity=0, properties={ 'alias':relation(Alias), #'spatterns':relation(Searchpattern), 'spatterns':relation(Searchpattern, cascade="all,delete-orphan"), }) mapper(Idea, idea_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID, polymorphic_identity=1, properties={ 'links':relation(Idea, secondary=idea_link_to_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_link_to_table.c.source_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_link_to_table.c.target_id), order_by=idea_table.c.entropy.asc(), backref=backref('links_to', order_by=idea_table.c.entropy.desc()), cascade="all, delete" ), 'instances':relation(Idea, secondary=idea_instance_of_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_instance_of_table.c.class_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_instance_of_table.c.instance_id), order_by=idea_table.c.entropy.desc(), backref=backref('instance_of', order_by=idea_table.c.entropy.desc()), cascade="all, delete" ), 'nodes':relation(Node, secondary=ontotree_table, viewonly=True, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == ontotree_table.c.concept_id), secondaryjoin=(ontotree_table.c.concept_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_table.c.entropy.desc(), #backref=backref('idea'), cascade="all, delete" ), 'evaluations':relation(Node, secondary=idea_evaluation_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_evaluation_table.c.relatedness.desc(), cascade="all, delete" ), 'hyponyms':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(idea_table.c.ID == idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, idea_graph_edges_table.c.weight > 0), secondaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_graph_edges_table.c.weight.desc(), ), 'occurrences':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(idea_table.c.ID == idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, idea_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in > 0), secondaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in.desc(), ), 'thinker_occurrences':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(entity_table.c.ID == idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in > 0), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in.desc(), ), 'related':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'evaluated':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_evaluation_table, primaryjoin=and_(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id, idea_evaluation_table.c.relatedness >= 3), secondaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_evaluation_table.c.relatedness.desc(), ), 'related_thinkers':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(entity_table.c.ID ==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id, entity_table.c.typeID == 3), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'it_in_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'it_out_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'ii_in_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaGraphEdge, secondary=idea_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID==idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'ii_out_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaGraphEdge, secondary=idea_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID==idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), }) mapper(Node, ontotree_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_identity=2, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID, properties={ 'children':relation(Node, lazy='joined', primaryjoin=ontotree_table.c.ID==ontotree_table.c.parent_id, backref=backref('parent', remote_side=[ontotree_table.c.ID])), 'idea':relation(Idea, uselist=False, secondary=idea_table, lazy=False, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == ontotree_table.c.concept_id), secondaryjoin=(ontotree_table.c.concept_id == idea_table.c.ID), foreign_keys=[idea_table.c.ID] ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) mapper(Instance, idea_instance_of_table, properties={ 'class_idea':relation(Idea, uselist=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_instance_of_table.c.class_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_instance_of_table.c.class_id == idea_table.c.ID) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'idea':relation(Idea, uselist=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_instance_of_table.c.instance_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_instance_of_table.c.instance_id == idea_table.c.ID) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) mapper(IdeaEvaluation, idea_evaluation_table, properties={ 'ante':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.cons_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'user':relation(User, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=user_table, primaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.uid == user_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(user_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.uid) ) }) mapper(AnonIdeaEvaluation, anon_evaluation_table, properties={ 'ante':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(anon_evaluation_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == anon_evaluation_table.c.ante_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(anon_evaluation_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == anon_evaluation_table.c.cons_id) ) #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) mapper(IdeaGraphEdge, idea_graph_edges_table, properties={ 'ante':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) mapper(IdeaThinkerGraphEdge, idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, properties={ 'ante':relation(Entity, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=entity_table, primaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == entity_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID == idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Entity, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=entity_table, primaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == entity_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID == idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) mapper(ThinkerGraphEdge, thinker_graph_edges_table, properties={ 'ante':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == thinker_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == thinker_table.c.ID), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation }) ''' , properties={ TODO : fix IdeaEvaluation Mapper 'ante':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.ante_id == idea_table.c.ID) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'cons':relation(Idea, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.cons_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.cons_id == idea_table.c.ID) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'user':relation(User, uselist=False, lazy=False, secondary=user_table, primaryjoin=(user_table.c.ID == idea_evaluation_table.c.uid), secondaryjoin=(idea_evaluation_table.c.uid == user_table.c.ID) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation } ''' #define thinker mappings mapper(Thinker, thinker_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_identity=3, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID, properties={ 'nationalities':relation(Nationality, secondary=thinker_has_nationality_table), 'professions':relation(Profession, secondary=thinker_has_profession_table), 'influenced':relation(Thinker, secondary=thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), cascade="all, delete", backref='influenced_by'), 'students':relation(Thinker, secondary=thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), cascade="all, delete", backref='teachers'), 'occurrences':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in > 0), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in.desc(), ), 'idea_occurrences':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(entity_table.c.ID == idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in > 0), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.occurs_in.desc(), ), 'hyponyms':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, thinker_graph_edges_table.c.weight > 0), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.weight.desc(), ), 'related':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'related_ideas':dynamic_loader(Idea, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(entity_table.c.ID ==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id, entity_table.c.typeID == 1), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'hyponyms':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=and_(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id, thinker_graph_edges_table.c.weight > 0), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.weight.desc(), ), 'related':dynamic_loader(Thinker, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'it_in_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'it_out_edges':dynamic_loader(IdeaThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(entity_table.c.ID==idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == entity_table.c.ID), order_by=idea_thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'tt_in_edges':dynamic_loader(ThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID==thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.cons_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), 'tt_out_edges':dynamic_loader(ThinkerGraphEdge, secondary=thinker_graph_edges_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID==thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_graph_edges_table.c.ante_id == thinker_table.c.ID), order_by=thinker_graph_edges_table.c.jweight.desc(), ), }) """ 'birth':composite(SplitDate, thinker_table.c.birth_year, thinker_table.c.birth_month, thinker_table.c.birth_day), 'death':composite(SplitDate, thinker_table.c.death_year, thinker_table.c.death_month, thinker_table.c.death_day)""" mapper(Nationality, nationality_table) mapper(Profession, profession_table) mapper(Alias, alias_table) # TODO : Fix Thinker relation ORMs mapper(ThinkerTeacherEvaluation, thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table, properties={ ''' 'thinker1':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), ), 'thinker2':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), ), ''' 'user':relation(User), 'ante_id':thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id, 'cons_id':thinker_teacher_of_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id }) mapper(ThinkerInfluencedEvaluation, thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table, properties={ ''' 'thinker1':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id), ), 'thinker2':relation(Thinker, uselist=False, secondary=thinker_table, primaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), secondaryjoin=(thinker_table.c.ID == thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id), ), ''' 'user':relation(User), 'ante_id':thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker1_id, 'cons_id':thinker_has_influenced_evaluation_table.c.thinker2_id }) # define Journal mappings mapper(Journal, journal_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_identity=4, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID, properties={ 'abbreviations':relation(Abbr), 'query':relation(SearchQuery), }) mapper(Abbr, journal_abbr_table) mapper(SearchQuery, journal_search_query_table) mapper(Searchpattern, searchpatterns_table) #Define works mappings mapper(Work, work_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_identity=5, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID) #Define SchoolOfThought mappings mapper(SchoolOfThought, school_of_thought_table, inherits=Entity, polymorphic_identity=6, polymorphic_on=entity_table.c.typeID) # define User mappings mapper(User, user_table, properties={ 'first_area':relation(Idea, uselist=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == user_table.c.first_area_concept_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == user_table.c.first_area_concept_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation 'second_area':relation(Idea, uselist=False, secondary=idea_table, primaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == user_table.c.second_area_concept_id), secondaryjoin=(idea_table.c.ID == user_table.c.second_area_concept_id) ), #uselist=False allows for 1:1 relation "_roles": relation(Role, secondary=users_roles_table, lazy='immediate'), "group": relation(Group), "password": user_table.c.passwd }) mapper(SEPArea, sep_area_table,properties={ "idea": relation(Idea, uselist=False) }) mapper(Group, groups_table,properties={ "users": relation(User) }) mapper(Role, roles_table,properties={ "users": relation(User, secondary=users_roles_table) }) mapper(SEPEntry, sepentries_table, properties={ 'fmatches':relation(Fuzzymatch, cascade="all, delete-orphan"), }) mapper(Fuzzymatch, fuzzymatches_table)