def _col_after_parent_attach(col, table): int_col = type_coerce(col, SmallInteger) e = CheckConstraint( int_col.in_(x.value for x in type_.enum if x not in type_.exclude_values), f'valid_enum_{}')['alembic_dont_render'] = True assert e.table is table
class ChangeRequest(Base): __tablename__ = 'change_requests' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) created_by_user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) reviewed_by_user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) created_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False) reviewed_at = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True) status = Column(Enum(ChangeStatus), default=ChangeStatus.PENDING, nullable=False) comment = Column(String(1024), nullable=True) object_type = Column(Enum(EditableObjectType), nullable=False) object_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) change_type = Column(Enum(ChangeType), nullable=False) created_by = relationship('User', foreign_keys=[created_by_user_id]) reviewed_by = relationship('User', foreign_keys=[reviewed_by_user_id]) entity = relationship( 'Entity', primaryjoin="and_( == foreign(ChangeRequest.object_id), " "ChangeRequest.object_type == 'ENTITY')", overlaps="schema") schema = relationship( 'Schema', primaryjoin="and_( == foreign(ChangeRequest.object_id), " "ChangeRequest.object_type == 'SCHEMA')", overlaps="entity") __table_args__ = (CheckConstraint( "object_id IS NOT NULL OR (change_type = 'CREATE' AND status <> 'APPROVED')" ), )
class FollowedUser(Base): """Tracks which user follows which user. E.g. if user 1 follows user 2, user 1 will see changes of user 2 in their feed. """ __tablename__ = 'feed_followed_users' followed_user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(users_schema + ''), nullable=False) followed_user = relationship( User, primaryjoin=followed_user_id == ) follower_user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(users_schema + ''), nullable=False) follower_user = relationship( User, primaryjoin=follower_user_id == ) __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint(followed_user_id, follower_user_id), CheckConstraint( 'followed_user_id != follower_user_id', name='check_feed_followed_user_self_follow'), Base.__table_args__ )
class Game(Base): """ A mastermind game with its setup, players and moves. The score can be calculated with the number of guesses (1 point for the codemaker for each guess + an extra point if the codebreaker uses all the moves without discovering the code). """ __tablename__ = GAME_TABLE id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) # The players! codemaker_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(USER_TABLE + '.name')) codebreaker_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(USER_TABLE + '.name')) codemaker = relationship("User", foreign_keys=[codemaker_id]) codebreaker = relationship("User", foreign_keys=[codebreaker_id]) # The codes and the moves code_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(CODE_TABLE + '.id')) code = relationship('Code', foreign_keys=[code_id]) guesses = relationship('Guess', back_populates="game", uselist=True) # Setup for the game (8, 10 or 12 moves max) TODO: Add constraint max_moves = Column(Integer, default=8) __table_args__ = (CheckConstraint( 'max_moves == 8 or max_moves == 10 or max_moves == 12', name='correct_nr_moves'), {})
class ScenarioBackgroundMaterial(Base): """many-to-many table between scenario and material""" __tablename__ = 'scenario_background_materials' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) dose = Column(Float) fd_mode = Column(String, CheckConstraint("fd_mode IN ('DOSE','FLUX')")) material = relationship('Material', lazy='joined') scenario_id = Column(String, ForeignKey('')) material_name = Column(String, ForeignKey(''))
class Sites(Base, movieDbBaseClass): """ Table for all sites. """ __tablename__ = 'sites' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(250), nullable=False) url = Column(String(250), nullable=False) title_xpath = Column(String(250)) active = Column(Integer()) locations_ref = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) CheckConstraint("active in (0, 1)", name="site_active_constraint")
def test_reflect_check_constraint(self): meta = self.metadata cc_table = Table( 'pgsql_cc', meta, Column('a', Integer()), CheckConstraint('a > 1 AND a < 5', name='cc1'), CheckConstraint('a = 1 OR (a > 2 AND a < 5)', name='cc2')) cc_table.create() reflected = Table('pgsql_cc', MetaData(testing.db), autoload=True) check_constraints = dict((, uc.sqltext.text) for uc in reflected.constraints if isinstance(uc, CheckConstraint)) eq_(check_constraints, { u'cc1': u'(a > 1) AND (a < 5)', u'cc2': u'(a = 1) OR ((a > 2) AND (a < 5))' })
class Report(Base): __tablename__ = "report" report_id = Column(String(128), primary_key=True) input_dir = Column(String(256)) project_name = Column(String(128), nullable=False) result = Column(JSON) # array last_modified_at = Column(DateTime, default=func.current_timestamp()) report_file_relations = relationship("ReportFileRelation", back_populates="report") CheckConstraint(project_name.in_(project_names))
class ESSyncStatus(Base): """A table with a single row that indicates the last time the ElasticSearch index was updated. """ __tablename__ = 'es_sync_status' last_update = Column(DateTime(timezone=True)) # make sure there is only one row in this table id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, default=1) __table_args__ = (CheckConstraint('id = 1', name='one_row_constraint'), { 'schema': schema })
class Trivia(Base): __tablename__: str = 'trivia' __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint('to_time > from_time', name="to_bigger_from"), ) triviaID: Column = Column('trivia_id', Integer, primary_key=True) createdByID: Column = Column('created_by_id', Integer, ForeignKey( description: Column = Column('description', String(5000)) alertText: Column = Column('alert_text', String(1000)) fromTime: Column = Column('from_time', DateTime) toTime: Column = Column('to_time', DateTime) createdBy = relationship(Account) questions = relationship('TriviaQuestion', back_populates='trivia')
class Trivia(Base): __tablename__: str = 'trivia' __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint('toTime > fromTime'), ) triviaID: Column = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) createdByID: Column = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) description: Column = Column(String(5000)) alertText: Column = Column(String(1000)) fromTime: Column = Column(DateTime) toTime: Column = Column(DateTime) createdBy = relationship('Account') questions = relationship('TriviaQuestion', back_populates='trivia')
def _create_reminder_table_construct():"Creating reminder table construct.") return table( REMINDER_TABLE, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column( "created_at", DateTime(timezone=True), server_default=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False, ), Column("last_reminded_at", DateTime(timezone=True),), Column("timezone", String(), CheckConstraint("is_timezone(timezone)"),), Column("is_canceled", Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default="false"), Column("attributes", JSONB, nullable=False), )
def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta.bind = migrate_engine tsk = Table("task", meta, autoload=True) rs = Table( "to_do", meta, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("task_id", Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=False, index=True), Column("description", UnicodeText), Column("status", Integer, CheckConstraint("status IN (-1, 0, 1)")), *get_audit_mixin_columns(), ) rs.create()
class Change(Base): __tablename__ = 'changes' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) change_request_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) attribute_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) object_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) value_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False) content_type = Column(Enum(ContentType), nullable=False) change_type = Column(Enum(ChangeType), nullable=False) field_name = Column(String, nullable=True) data_type = Column(Enum(ChangeAttrType), nullable=False) change_request = relationship('ChangeRequest') attribute = relationship('Attribute') __table_args__ = (CheckConstraint( 'NOT(attribute_id IS NULL AND field_name IS NULL)' ' AND NOT (attribute_id IS NOT NULL AND field_name IS NOT NULL)'), )
def create_reminder_table():"Creating reminder table.") op.execute( """CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_timezone(tz TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN as $$ DECLARE date TIMESTAMPTZ; BEGIN date := now() AT TIME ZONE tz; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_parameter_value THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ language plpgsql STABLE;""") op.create_table( REMINDER_TABLE, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column( "created_at", DateTime(timezone=True), server_default=func.current_timestamp(), nullable=False, ), Column( "last_reminded_at", DateTime(timezone=True), ), Column( "timezone", String(), CheckConstraint("is_timezone(timezone)"), ), Column("is_canceled", Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default="false"), Column("attributes", JSONB, nullable=False), )
# object_ids of type objects representative for all descendants (used as preview) Column("_type_objects", ARRAY(String), nullable=True), # object_ids of type objects directly under this node (used as preview for the node's objects) Column("_own_type_objects", ARRAY(String), nullable=True), # Number of children of this node Column("_n_children", BigInteger, nullable=True), # Number of objects directly below this node Column("_n_objects", BigInteger, nullable=True), # Number of all objects anywhere below this node Column("_n_objects_deep", BigInteger, nullable=True), # Validity of cached values Column("cache_valid", Boolean, nullable=False, server_default="f"), # An orig_id must be unique inside a project Index("idx_orig_proj", "orig_id", "project_id", unique=True), # A node may not be its own child CheckConstraint("node_id != parent_id"), ) nodes_objects = Table( "nodes_objects", metadata, Column( "node_id", None, ForeignKey("nodes.node_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True, nullable=False, ), Column( "project_id", None,
class Transaction(Base, Mergeable): """Securities transaction. """ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) type = Column( Enum(TransactionType, name="transaction_type"), nullable=False, comment=f"One of {tuple(TransactionType.__members__.keys())}", ) uniqueid = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True, comment="FI transaction unique identifier") datetime = Column( DateTime, nullable=False, comment="Effective date/time: ex-date for reorgs, return of capital", ) fiaccount_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, comment= ("Financial institution account (for transfers, destination FI account)" " - FK"), ) # Multiple join paths from Transaction to FiAccount (fiaccount; fiaccountfrom) # so can't use relationship(back_populates) on both sides of the the join; # must use relationship(backref) on the ForeignKey side. fiaccount = relationship("FiAccount", foreign_keys=[fiaccount_id], backref="transactions") security_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, comment="FK", ) # Multiple join paths from Transaction to Security (security; securityfrom) # so can't use relationship(back_populates) on both sides of the the join; # must use relationship(backref) on the ForeignKey side. security = relationship("Security", foreign_keys=[security_id], backref="transactions") units = Column( Numeric, CheckConstraint("units <> 0", name="units_nonzero"), comment=("Change in shares, contracts, etc. caused by Transaction " "(for splits, transfers, exercise: destination security " "change in units)"), ) # Currency denomination of currency = Column(CurrencyType) # Change in money amount caused by Transaction cash = Column(Numeric) fromfiaccount_id = Column( "fromfiaccount_id", Integer, ForeignKey("", onupdate="CASCADE"), comment="For transfers: source FI account (FK", ) # Multiple join paths from Transaction to FiAccount (fiaccount; fiaccountfrom) # so can't use relationship(back_populates) on both sides of the the join; # must use relationship(backref) on the ForeignKey side. fromfiaccount = relationship("FiAccount", foreign_keys=[fromfiaccount_id], backref="fromtransactions") fromsecurity_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", onupdate="CASCADE"), comment= "For transfers, spinoffs, exercise: source security (FK", ) # Multiple join paths from Transaction to Security (security; securityfrom) # so can't use relationship(back_populates) on both sides of the the join; # must use relationship(backref) on the ForeignKey side. fromsecurity = relationship("Security", foreign_keys=[fromsecurity_id], backref="transactionsFrom") fromunits = Column( "fromunits", Numeric, comment= "For splits, transfers, exercise: source security change in units", ) # "It should be noted that a check constraint is satisfied if the check expression # evaluates to true or the null value. Since most expressions will evaluate to the # null value if any operand is null, they will not prevent null values in the # constrained columns." # numerator = Column( Numeric, CheckConstraint("numerator > 0", name="numerator_positive"), comment= "For splits, spinoffs: normalized units of destination security", ) denominator = Column( Numeric, CheckConstraint("denominator > 0", name="denominator_positive"), comment="For splits, spinoffs: normalized units of source security", ) memo = Column(Text) dtsettle = Column( DateTime, comment="Settlement date: pay date for return of capital") sort = Column( Enum(TransactionSort, name="transaction_sort"), comment="Sort algorithm for gain recognition", ) securityprice = Column( "securityprice", Numeric, CheckConstraint("securityprice >= 0", name="securityprice_not_negative"), comment= "For spinoffs: unit price used to fair-value destination security", ) fromsecurityprice = Column( "fromsecurityprice", Numeric, CheckConstraint("fromsecurityprice >= 0", name="fromsecurityprice_not_negative"), comment="For spinoffs: unit price used to fair-value source security", ) __table_args__ = (CheckConstraint(TRANSACTION_CONSTRAINT, name="enforce_subtype_nulls"), { "comment": "Securities Transactions" }) signature = ("fiaccount", "uniqueid") @classmethod def between(cls, session, dtstart, dtend): """Convenience method for common query. """ transactions = (session.query(cls).filter( and_( cls.datetime >= dtstart, cls.datetime < dtend, )).order_by( cls.datetime, cls.type, cls.uniqueid, )) return transactions
def _col_after_parent_attach(col, table): e = CheckConstraint(type_coerce(col, type_).in_(x.value for x in type_.enum if x not in type_.exclude_values), 'valid_enum_{}'.format(['alembic_dont_render'] = True assert e.table is table
class Queue(Base, AsteriskOptionsMixin): EXCLUDE_OPTIONS = { 'name', 'category', 'commented', } EXCLUDE_OPTIONS_CONFD = { 'musicclass', } AST_TRUE_INTEGER_COLUMNS = { 'ringinuse', 'timeoutrestart', 'autofill', 'setinterfacevar', 'setqueueentryvar', 'setqueuevar', 'reportholdtime', 'random-periodic-announce', } _options = [ ] # This should eventually be a column to set arbitrary asterisk options __tablename__ = 'queue' __table_args__ = (PrimaryKeyConstraint('name'), Index('queue__idx__category', 'category'), CheckConstraint("autopause in ('no', 'yes', 'all')")) name = Column(String(128)) musicclass = Column(String(128)) announce = Column(String(128)) context = Column(String(39)) timeout = Column(Integer, server_default='0') monitor_type = Column( 'monitor-type', Enum('no', 'mixmonitor', name='queue_monitor_type', metadata=Base.metadata)) monitor_format = Column('monitor-format', String(128)) queue_youarenext = Column('queue-youarenext', String(128)) queue_thereare = Column('queue-thereare', String(128)) queue_callswaiting = Column('queue-callswaiting', String(128)) queue_holdtime = Column('queue-holdtime', String(128)) queue_minutes = Column('queue-minutes', String(128)) queue_seconds = Column('queue-seconds', String(128)) queue_thankyou = Column('queue-thankyou', String(128)) queue_reporthold = Column('queue-reporthold', String(128)) periodic_announce = Column('periodic-announce', Text) announce_frequency = Column('announce-frequency', Integer) periodic_announce_frequency = Column('periodic-announce-frequency', Integer) announce_round_seconds = Column('announce-round-seconds', Integer) announce_holdtime = Column('announce-holdtime', String(4)) retry = Column(Integer) wrapuptime = Column(Integer) maxlen = Column(Integer) servicelevel = Column(Integer) strategy = Column(String(11)) joinempty = Column(String(255)) leavewhenempty = Column(String(255)) ringinuse = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') reportholdtime = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') memberdelay = Column(Integer) weight = Column(Integer) timeoutrestart = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') commented = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') category = Column(Enum('group', 'queue', name='queue_category', metadata=Base.metadata), nullable=False) timeoutpriority = Column(String(10), nullable=False, server_default='app') autofill = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='1') autopause = Column(String(3), nullable=False, server_default='no') setinterfacevar = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') setqueueentryvar = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') setqueuevar = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') membermacro = Column(String(1024)) min_announce_frequency = Column('min-announce-frequency', Integer, nullable=False, server_default='60') random_periodic_announce = Column('random-periodic-announce', Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') announce_position = Column('announce-position', String(1024), nullable=False, server_default='yes') announce_position_limit = Column('announce-position-limit', Integer, nullable=False, server_default='5') defaultrule = Column(String(1024)) groupfeatures = relationship( 'GroupFeatures', primaryjoin="""and_(Queue.category == 'group', ==""", foreign_keys='', uselist=False, ) queuefeatures = relationship( 'QueueFeatures', primaryjoin="""and_(Queue.category == 'queue', ==""", foreign_keys='', uselist=False, ) @hybrid_property def enabled(self): if self.commented is None: return None return self.commented == 0 @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): self.commented = int(value is False) if value is not None else None @hybrid_property def ring_in_use(self): return bool(self.ringinuse) @ring_in_use.setter def ring_in_use(self, value): self.ringinuse = int(value) @property def label(self): try: if self.category == 'group': return self.groupfeatures.label elif self.category == 'queue': return self.queuefeatures.displayname except AttributeError: pass return 'unknown'
def _set_table(self, column, table): e = CheckConstraint( type_coerce(column, self).in_(x.value for x in self.enum), 'valid_enum_{}'.format(['alembic_dont_render'] = True assert e.table is table
class SalarySettings(Base): # Code revision required after categories feature is added # Code revision required after holiday times feature is added # Code revision required after Shabbat times feature is added __tablename__ = "salary_settings" user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True, ) # category_id = Column( # Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True, # ) category_id = Column( Integer, primary_key=True, ) wage = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.MINIMUM_WAGE, ) off_day = Column( Integer, CheckConstraint("0<=off_day<=6"), nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.SATURDAY, ) # holiday_category_id = Column( # Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, # default=SalaryConfig.ISRAELI_JEWISH, # ) holiday_category_id = Column( Integer, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.ISRAELI_JEWISH, ) regular_hour_basis = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.REGULAR_HOUR_BASIS, ) night_hour_basis = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.NIGHT_HOUR_BASIS, ) night_start = Column( Time, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.NIGHT_START, ) night_end = Column( Time, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.NIGHT_END, ) night_min_len = Column( Time, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.NIGHT_MIN_LEN, ) first_overtime_amount = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.FIRST_OVERTIME_AMOUNT, ) first_overtime_pay = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.FIRST_OVERTIME_PAY, ) second_overtime_pay = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.SECOND_OVERTIME_PAY, ) week_working_hours = Column( Float, nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.WEEK_WORKING_HOURS, ) daily_transport = Column( Float, CheckConstraint(f"daily_transport<={SalaryConfig.MAXIMUM_TRANSPORT}"), nullable=False, default=SalaryConfig.STANDARD_TRANSPORT, ) user = relationship("User", back_populates="salary_settings") # category = relationship("Category", back_populates="salary_settings") # holiday_category =relationship("HolidayCategory", # back_populates="salary_settings") def __repr__(self): return f"<SalarySettings ({self.user_id}, {self.category_id})>"
def _set_table(self, column, table): e = CheckConstraint(type_coerce(column, self).in_(x.value for x in self.enum), 'valid_enum_{}'.format(['alembic_dont_render'] = True assert e.table is table
class UserSIP(Base): __tablename__ = 'usersip' id = Column(Integer, nullable=False) tenant_uuid = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('tenant.uuid', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) name = Column(String(40), nullable=False) type = Column(Enum('friend', 'peer', 'user', name='useriax_type', metadata=Base.metadata), nullable=False) username = Column(String(80)) secret = Column(String(80), nullable=False, server_default='') md5secret = Column(String(32), nullable=False, server_default='') context = Column(String(39)) language = Column(String(20)) accountcode = Column(String(20)) amaflags = Column(Enum('default', 'omit', 'billing', 'documentation', name='useriax_amaflags', metadata=Base.metadata), nullable=False, server_default='default') allowtransfer = Column(Integer) fromuser = Column(String(80)) fromdomain = Column(String(255)) subscribemwi = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') buggymwi = Column(Integer) call_limit = Column('call-limit', Integer, nullable=False, server_default='10') callerid = Column(String(160)) fullname = Column(String(80)) cid_number = Column(String(80)) maxcallbitrate = Column(Integer) insecure = Column( Enum('port', 'invite', 'port,invite', name='usersip_insecure', metadata=Base.metadata)) nat = Column( Enum('no', 'force_rport', 'comedia', 'force_rport,comedia', 'auto_force_rport', 'auto_comedia', 'auto_force_rport,auto_comedia', name='usersip_nat', metadata=Base.metadata)) promiscredir = Column(Integer) usereqphone = Column(Integer) videosupport = Column( Enum('no', 'yes', 'always', name='usersip_videosupport', metadata=Base.metadata)) trustrpid = Column(Integer) sendrpid = Column(String(16)) allowsubscribe = Column(Integer) allowoverlap = Column(Integer) dtmfmode = Column( Enum('rfc2833', 'inband', 'info', 'auto', name='usersip_dtmfmode', metadata=Base.metadata)) rfc2833compensate = Column(Integer) qualify = Column(String(4)) g726nonstandard = Column(Integer) disallow = Column(String(100)) allow = Column(Text) autoframing = Column(Integer) mohinterpret = Column(String(80)) useclientcode = Column(Integer) progressinband = Column( Enum('no', 'yes', 'never', name='usersip_progressinband', metadata=Base.metadata)) t38pt_udptl = Column(Integer) t38pt_usertpsource = Column(Integer) rtptimeout = Column(Integer) rtpholdtimeout = Column(Integer) rtpkeepalive = Column(Integer) deny = Column(String(31)) permit = Column(String(31)) defaultip = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255), nullable=False, server_default='dynamic') port = Column(Integer) regexten = Column(String(80)) subscribecontext = Column(String(80)) vmexten = Column(String(40)) callingpres = Column(Integer) parkinglot = Column(Integer) protocol = Column(enum.trunk_protocol, nullable=False, server_default='sip') category = Column(Enum('user', 'trunk', name='useriax_category', metadata=Base.metadata), nullable=False) outboundproxy = Column(String(1024)) transport = Column(String(255)) remotesecret = Column(String(255)) directmedia = Column(String(20)) callcounter = Column(Integer) busylevel = Column(Integer) ignoresdpversion = Column(Integer) session_timers = Column( 'session-timers', Enum('originate', 'accept', 'refuse', name='usersip_session_timers', metadata=Base.metadata)) session_expires = Column('session-expires', Integer) session_minse = Column('session-minse', Integer) session_refresher = Column( 'session-refresher', Enum('uac', 'uas', name='usersip_session_refresher', metadata=Base.metadata)) callbackextension = Column(String(255)) timert1 = Column(Integer) timerb = Column(Integer) qualifyfreq = Column(Integer) contactpermit = Column(String(1024)) contactdeny = Column(String(1024)) unsolicited_mailbox = Column(String(1024)) use_q850_reason = Column(Integer) encryption = Column(Integer) snom_aoc_enabled = Column(Integer) maxforwards = Column(Integer) disallowed_methods = Column(String(1024)) textsupport = Column(Integer) commented = Column(Integer, nullable=False, server_default='0') _options = Column("options", ARRAY(String, dimensions=2), nullable=False, default=list, server_default='{}') __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), UniqueConstraint('name'), Index('usersip__idx__category', 'category'), CheckConstraint( directmedia.in_( ['no', 'yes', 'nonat', 'update', 'update,nonat', 'outgoing'])), )
class ConsumableMixin(object): added_fat = Column(REAL, ColumnDefault(0.0), CheckConstraint("added_fat >= 0.0")) carbohydrates = Column(REAL, ColumnDefault(0.0), CheckConstraint("carbohydrates >= 0.0")) quantity = Column(REAL, CheckConstraint("quantity >= 0.0"), nullable=False)