def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: if self.prop.direction in [ONETOMANY, MANYTOMANY]: return ~sql.exists([1], self.prop.primaryjoin) else: return self.prop._optimized_compare(None) elif self.prop.uselist: if not hasattr(other, "__iter__"): raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError( "Can only compare a collection to an iterable object. Use contains()." ) else: j = self.prop.primaryjoin if self.prop.secondaryjoin: j = j & self.prop.secondaryjoin clauses = [] for o in other: clauses.append( sql.exists( [1], j & sql.and_( *[ x == y for (x, y) in zip( self.prop.mapper.primary_key, self.prop.mapper.primary_key_from_instance(o) ) ] ), ) ) return sql.and_(*clauses) else: return self.prop._optimized_compare(other)
def member_join_post(db): nodes = [ (,n.node_name) for n in db.query(models.SlcNode)] form = forms.member_join_form(nodes) if not form.validates(source=request.params): return render("join", form=form) if db.query(exists().where(models.SlcMember.member_name == form.d.username)).scalar(): return render("join",form=form,msg=u"用户{0}已被使用".format(form.d.username)) if db.query(exists().where( == return render("join",form=form,msg=u"用户邮箱{0}已被使用".format( member = models.SlcMember() member.node_id = form.d.node_id member.realname = form.d.realname member.member_name = form.d.username member.password = md5(form.d.password.encode()).hexdigest() member.idcard = form.d.idcard = member.age = int(form.d.age) = = member.address = form.d.address member.create_time = utils.get_currtime() member.update_time = utils.get_currtime() db.add(member) db.commit()"新用户注册成功,member_name=%s"%member.member_name) redirect('/login')
def _create_debile_binaries(self, session, source, pkg): arch_all = session.query(Arch).filter( == "all").one() arches = session.query(Arch).filter( if arch_all in source.arches and arch_all not in arches and source.affinity in arches: if not session.query( exists().where((Job.source == source) & (Job.arch == arch_all) & Job.check.has( == True)) ).scalar(): # We have the arch:affinity binary but is still lacking the arch:all binary # Make sure debile builds the arch:all binary separately check = session.query(Check).filter( == True).one() job = Job(check=check, arch=arch_all, source=source, binary=None) session.add(job) for arch in arches: if session.query(exists().where((Binary.source == source) & (Binary.arch == arch))).scalar(): continue # Find the job for this binary job = ( session.query(Job) .join(Job.check) .filter(Job.source == source, Job.arch == arch, == True) .first() ) if not job and arch == arch_all and source.affinity in arches: # The arch:all binary might have been created by the arch:affinity build job. job = ( session.query(Job) .join(Job.check) .filter(Job.source == source, Job.arch == source.affinity, == True) .first() ) if job and (not job.finished_at or job.failed is True): # Dak accepted a binary upload that debile-master didn't ask for if arch != arch_all and not any(job.built_binaries): session.delete(job) job = None if job: binary = job.new_binary(arch) else: binary = Binary(source=source, arch=arch, uploaded_at=datetime.utcnow()) session.add(binary) for name, arch, filename in pkg.binaries: if arch == directory, _, filename = filename.rpartition("/") deb = Deb(binary=binary, directory=directory, filename=filename) session.add(deb) print("Created binary for %s %s on %s" % (, binary.version, binary.arch)) emit("accept", "binary", binary.debilize())
def q_where_exists(): from sqlalchemy.sql import exists stmt = exists().where(Image.owner_id == for (name,) in session.query( print name stmt = exists().where( == "not exists") for (name,) in session.query( print name else: print "not exists"
def _get_aggregate_dim_for_interim(stateCode=None, districtId=None, schoolId=None, asmtYear=None, tenant=None, subject_key=None, subject=None, is_public=False): ''' Query for institution or grades that have asmts for the year provided :param string stateCode :param string districtId :param string schoolId :param string asmtType :param string asmtYear :param string tenant: tenant info for database connection :rtype: rset :returns: set of records with district guids ''' def create_where_clause(fact_table, asmt): where = and_(fact_table.c.asmt_year == asmtYear, fact_table.c.state_code == stateCode, fact_table.c.rec_status == 'C', fact_table.c.asmt_type == asmt, fact_table.c.inst_hier_rec_id == dim_inst_hier.c.inst_hier_rec_id, fact_table.c.asmt_subject == subject) return where rows = {} with ReportingDbConnection(tenant=tenant, state_code=stateCode, is_public=is_public) as connector: # query custom metadata by state code dim_inst_hier = connector.get_table(Constants.DIM_INST_HIER) fact_asmt_outcome = connector.get_table(Constants.FACT_ASMT_OUTCOME_VW) fact_block_asmt_outcome = connector.get_table(Constants.FACT_BLOCK_ASMT_OUTCOME) s_fao = exists(['*'], from_obj=[dim_inst_hier]).where(create_where_clause(fact_asmt_outcome, AssessmentType.INTERIM_COMPREHENSIVE)) s_fbao = exists(['*'], from_obj=[dim_inst_hier]).where(create_where_clause(fact_block_asmt_outcome, AssessmentType.INTERIM_ASSESSMENT_BLOCKS)) if districtId is None and schoolId is None: query_fao = get_select_for_state_view(dim_inst_hier, stateCode).where(s_fao) query_fbao = get_select_for_state_view(dim_inst_hier, stateCode).where(s_fbao) query = query_fao.union(query_fbao) elif districtId is not None and schoolId is not None: fao_query = get_select_for_school_view(fact_asmt_outcome, stateCode, districtId, schoolId, asmtYear, AssessmentType.INTERIM_COMPREHENSIVE, subject) fbao_query = get_select_for_school_view(fact_block_asmt_outcome, stateCode, districtId, schoolId, asmtYear, AssessmentType.INTERIM_ASSESSMENT_BLOCKS, subject) query = fao_query.union(fbao_query) else: query_fao = get_select_for_district_view(dim_inst_hier, stateCode, districtId).where(s_fao) query_fbao = get_select_for_district_view(dim_inst_hier, stateCode, districtId).where(s_fbao) query = query_fao.union(query_fbao) results = connector.get_result(query) for result in results: params = {Constants.ID: result.get(Constants.ID), Constants.STATECODE: stateCode} if districtId is not None: params[Constants.DISTRICTGUID] = districtId if schoolId is not None: params[Constants.SCHOOLGUID] = schoolId data = {Constants.ID: result.get(Constants.ID), Constants.ROWID: result.get(Constants.ID), Constants.NAME: result.get(Constants.NAME), Constants.PARAMS: params, Constants.RESULTS: {} } data[Constants.RESULTS][subject_key] = {Constants.ASMT_SUBJECT: subject, Constants.TOTAL: -1, Constants.HASINTERIM: True} rows[data[Constants.ID]] = data return rows
def any(self, clause): return or_( and_(Group.membership_type != GroupMembershipType.inverted, exists([1], from_obj=UserGroup.__table__.join(User.__table__), whereclause=and_(UserGroup.group_id == Group.group_id, clause)) ), and_(Group.membership_type == GroupMembershipType.inverted, not_(exists([1], from_obj=ExcludedUserGroup.__table__.join(User.__table__), whereclause=and_(ExcludedUserGroup.group_id == Group.group_id, clause))) ) )
def load(self, skip_if_final=True): """Fetch all pertinent XML data, parse, and load into the database. Args: skip_if_final: Skip the download and parsing if the game exists in the database with a status of 'Final'? Defaults to True. If False, force refresh of all data """ if skip_if_final: loaded = self.session.query(exists().where( (Game.game_id == self.game_id) & (Game.status == 'Final'))).scalar() if loaded:'{} exists with status = "Final". Skipping'.format( self.game_id)) # Be sure to close the session if we exit early! # TODO: Create the session in this method and wrap in a context # manager? self.session.close() return self.fetch_all() self.parse_all() # Poor-man's upsert. Try adding all objects. If there's a primary key # conflict, merge instead. try: self.session.add_all(self.to_load) # The integrity error won't be thrown until a commit self.session.commit() except exc.IntegrityError: self.session.rollback() [self.session.merge(x) for x in self.to_load] self.session.commit() self.session.close()
def test_conditional_update_force_order(self): volume = self._create_volume() has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(models.Snapshot.volume_id == case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, "has-snapshot")], else_="no-snapshot") values = {"status": "deleting", "previous_status": volume.model.status, "migration_status": case_values} order = ["status"] with mock.patch("cinder.db.sqlalchemy.api.model_query") as model_query: update = model_query.return_value.filter.return_value.update update.return_value = 0 self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(values, {"status": "available"}, order=order)) # We check that we are passing values to update to SQLAlchemy in the # right order self.assertEqual(1, update.call_count) self.assertListEqual( [("status", "deleting"), ("previous_status", volume.model.status), ("migration_status", mock.ANY)], list(update.call_args[0][0]), ) self.assertDictEqual( {"synchronize_session": False, "update_args": {"preserve_parameter_order": True}}, update.call_args[1] )
def add_addresses(session): """ Add an AddressAssignment record for every PrimaryNameAssociation """ q = session.query(PrimaryNameAssociation) q = q.join(System, DnsDomain) q = q.filter(System.ip != None) q = q.filter(~exists().where(AddressAssignment.ip == System.ip)) q = q.options(contains_eager('dns_record')) q = q.options(contains_eager('dns_record.dns_domain')) q = q.options(subqueryload_all('hardware_entity.interfaces.vlans.assignments')) q = q.options(subqueryload_all('hardware_entity.interfaces._vlan_ids')) count = 0 pnas = q.all() for pna in pnas: hw = pna.hardware_entity if len(hw.interfaces) != 1: print "{0} has an unexpected number of interfaces, skipping: " \ "{1}".format(hw, len(hw.interfaces)) continue iface = hw.interfaces[0] if len(iface.vlans[0].addresses): print "{0} already has addresses, skipping".format(iface) continue #print "Adding AddressAssignment record for {0:l}".format(hw) iface.vlans[0].addresses.append(pna.dns_record.ip) count += 1 session.flush() print "Added %d AddressAssignment records" % count
def test_conditional_update_force_order(self): volume = self._create_volume() has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where( models.Snapshot.volume_id == case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')], else_='no-snapshot') values = {'status': 'deleting', 'previous_status': volume.model.status, 'migration_status': case_values} order = ['status'] with mock.patch('cinder.db.sqlalchemy.api.model_query') as model_query: update = model_query.return_value.filter.return_value.update update.return_value = 0 self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update( values, {'status': 'available'}, order=order)) # We check that we are passing values to update to SQLAlchemy in the # right order self.assertEqual(1, update.call_count) self.assertListEqual( [('status', 'deleting'), ('previous_status', volume.model.status), ('migration_status', mock.ANY)], list(update.call_args[0][0])) self.assertDictEqual( {'synchronize_session': False, 'update_args': {'preserve_parameter_order': True}}, update.call_args[1])
def auto_schedule_networks(self, plugin, context, host): """Schedule non-hosted networks to the DHCP agent on the specified host.""" with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): query = context.session.query(agents_db.Agent) query = query.filter(agents_db.Agent.agent_type == constants.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP, == host, agents_db.Agent.admin_state_up == True) try: dhcp_agent = except (exc.MultipleResultsFound, exc.NoResultFound): LOG.warn(_('No enabled DHCP agent on host %s'), host) return False if agents_db.AgentDbMixin.is_agent_down( dhcp_agent.heartbeat_timestamp): LOG.warn(_('DHCP agent %s is not active'), #TODO(gongysh) consider the disabled agent's network net_stmt = ~exists().where( == agentschedulers_db.NetworkDhcpAgentBinding.network_id) net_ids = context.session.query( if not net_ids: LOG.debug(_('No non-hosted networks')) return False for net_id in net_ids: binding = agentschedulers_db.NetworkDhcpAgentBinding() binding.dhcp_agent = dhcp_agent binding.network_id = net_id[0] context.session.add(binding) return True
def add_score(self, mod, mem, full, score): # Update the cache. s = str(mod) + str(mem) if full: s += ':full' score_hash = self.get_hash(s) self.scores[score_hash] = score # Update the database. mod_id = self._get_model_id(mod) stmt = scores_table.insert().from_select([ scores_table.c.model_id, scores_table.c.score_hash, scores_table.c.score, ], select([ literal(mod_id), literal(score_hash), literal(score), ]).where( ~exists([scores_table.c.score]).where( scores_table.c.score_hash == score_hash ) ) ) self._execute(stmt) return True
def _get_trace_id(self, trace): # Get the hash. trace_hash = self.get_hash(trace) # Check the database. stmt = select([]).where( traces_table.c.trace_hash == trace_hash ) row = self._execute(stmt).first() if row: return # Attempt to insert a new trace. compressed = zlib.compress(str(trace)) stmt = traces_table.insert().from_select([ traces_table.c.trace_hash,, ], select([ literal(trace_hash), literal(compressed, type_=Binary), ]).where( ~exists([]).where( traces_table.c.trace_hash == trace_hash ) )) self._execute(stmt) return self._get_trace_id(trace)
def add_profile(): """Add a profile""" form = UserProfileForm() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): username = request.form['username'].strip() firstname = request.form['firstname'].strip() lastname = request.form['lastname'].strip() sex = request.form['sex'] age = request.form['age'] image = request.files['img'] while True: userid = randint(620000000,620099999) if not db.session.query(exists().where(User.userid == str(userid))).scalar(): break filename = "{}-{}".format(userid,secure_filename(image.filename)) filepath = "app/static/uploads/{}".format(filename) user = User(str(userid),username,firstname,lastname,filename,sex,age, db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() flash('User successfully added!', category='success') return redirect(url_for('list_profiles')) return render_template('add_profile.html', form=form)
def load(self, bed_file, alt_id=None, group_id='unknown', update=False): """Populate coverage data into a chanjo database. Args: bed_file (str): path to "chanjo annotate" BED output alt_id (str): sample id to switch to group_id (str, optional): group id for added verbosity """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle: if alt_id: bed_stream = switch_ids(alt_id, handle) else: bed_stream = handle logger.debug('check if coverage data already exists') exists_query = exists().where( == alt_id) is_loaded = (self.db.query(exists_query).scalar()) if is_loaded: logger.warn("Coverage already loaded for %s: %s", group_id, bed_file) if update: logger.debug('remove existing coverage data') self._delete_sample(alt_id) else: return import_bed(self.db, bed_stream)
def add_cacti_result(self, name, access_time, cycle_time, area): """Add a CACTI result.""" # Insert into the local cache. name_hash = self.get_hash(name) self.cacti_results[name_hash] = (access_time, cycle_time, area) # Insert into the database. stmt = cacti_results_table.insert().from_select([ cacti_results_table.c.name_hash,, cacti_results_table.c.area, cacti_results_table.c.access_time, cacti_results_table.c.cycle_time, ], select([ literal(name_hash), literal(str(name)), literal(area), literal(access_time), literal(cycle_time), ]).where( ~exists([cacti_results_table.c.name_hash]).where( cacti_results_table.c.name_hash == name_hash ) ) ) self._execute(stmt) return True
def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_filter(self): # Volume we want to change volume = self._create_volume() # Another volume that has no snapshots volume2 = self._create_volume() # A volume with snapshots volume3 = self._create_volume() self._create_snapshot(volume3) # Update only it it has no snapshot filters = (~sql.exists().where(models.Snapshot.volume_id ==,) self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update({"status": "deleting", "size": 2}, {"status": "available"}, filters)) # Check that the object in memory has been updated self._check_volume(volume, "deleting", 2) # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated self._check_volume(volume, "deleting", 2, True) # Check that the other volumes in the DB haven't changed self._check_volume(volume2, "available", 1, True) self._check_volume(volume3, "available", 1, True)
def check_shutdown(): with session() as s: shutdown = not s.query(exists().where( (Job.assigned_at != None) & (Job.finished_at == None)) ).scalar() if shutdown: raise SystemExit(0)
def insert_flow_data(**kwargs): """ Inserts flow cytometry data, read from csv files. Creates a flowproject record if one does not already exist for the data to be inserted, and then creates a related flowdata record. """ session = Session() # print(kwargs) if 'flowproject_name' in kwargs: proj_exists = session.query(exists().where(FlowProject.project_name==kwargs['flowproject_name'])).scalar() if(proj_exists == False): # we don't have this project yet, so create it. newFlowproj = FlowProject() newFlowproj.project_name = kwargs['flowproject_name'] session.add(newFlowproj)"Adding new flowproject {}.".format(kwargs['flowproject_name'])) newFlowdata = FlowData(**kwargs) session.add(newFlowdata) try: session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: reason = e.message logging.error("Error committing new FlowProject record: {}".format(reason)) session.rollback() else: # should alert the user here too... someday logging.error("Function 'insert_flow_data' requires a flowproject_name parameter.")
def add_fpga_result(self, name, frequency, bram_count, lut_count, reg_count): """Add an FPGA timing result.""" # Insert into the local cache. name_hash = self.get_hash(name) self.fpga_results[name_hash] = (frequency, bram_count, lut_count, reg_count) # Insert into the database. stmt = fpga_results_table.insert().from_select([ fpga_results_table.c.name_hash,, fpga_results_table.c.frequency, fpga_results_table.c.bram_count, fpga_results_table.c.lut_count, fpga_results_table.c.reg_count, ], select([ literal(name_hash), literal(str(name)), literal(frequency), literal(bram_count), literal(lut_count), literal(reg_count), ]).where( ~exists([fpga_results_table.c.name_hash]).where( fpga_results_table.c.name_hash == name_hash ) ) ) self._execute(stmt) return True
def run(self): recruit_url_list = self.get_list() for url in recruit_url_list: if db.session.query(exists().where(Job.url == url)).scalar(): continue self.detail_info(url)
def start(session): print("Dividing numbers rounds them to second decimal!") points = 0 username = input("Enter your playername>") user = User(name=username, score=points) print("Welcome {}! Let the game begin!".format(username)) last_answer_correct = True while(last_answer_correct): expression = Expression.generate_expression() print("What is the answer to {} {} {}".format( expression[0], expression[2], expression[1])) answer = input("?>") if(float(answer) == expression[3]): print("?>Correct!") points += 1 else: score = calculate_score(points) print("Incorrect! Ending game. You score is: {}".format(score)) last_answer_correct = False if user.score < score: user.score = score session.query(User).filter({"score": score}) if(session.query(exists().where( == username)).scalar() == 0): session.add(user) session.commit()
def test_conditional_update_fail_non_iterable_expected_filter(self): # Volume we want to change volume = self._create_volume() self._create_snapshot(volume) # A volume that has no snapshots volume2 = self._create_volume() # Another volume with snapshots volume3 = self._create_volume() self._create_snapshot(volume3) # Update only it it has no snapshot filters = (~sql.exists().where( models.Snapshot.volume_id ==,) self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update( {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2}, {'status': 'available'}, filters)) # Check that the object in memory hasn't been updated self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1) # Check that no volume in the DB also has been updated self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True) self._check_volume(volume2, 'available', 1, True) self._check_volume(volume3, 'available', 1, True)
def register(): if _user_is_authenticated(): return redirect('/') form = RegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if dbsession.query( exists().where( == warning_markup = Markup( 'User with email %(email) already exists. ' 'Click <a href="%(login_link)">here</a> to login.',, login_link=url_for('login')) flash(warning_markup, 'warning') return render_template('register.html', form=form) user = User(,, password_hash=bcrypt.encrypt( dbsession.add(user) dbsession.commit() login_user(user, remember=True) return redirect('/') else: write_errors_to_flash(form) return render_template('register.html', form=form)
def gets_show_in_ebooking(cls, session, hotel_name=None, city_id=None, merchant_ids=None, is_new=None, start=0, limit=20): query = session.query(HotelMappingModel)\ .filter(HotelMappingModel.is_delete == 0)\ .filter(HotelMappingModel.provider_id == 6, HotelMappingModel.status == cls.STATUS.valid_complete) if is_new is not None: from models.room_type_mapping import RoomTypeMappingModel stmt = exists().where(and_(HotelMappingModel.provider_id == RoomTypeMappingModel.provider_id, HotelMappingModel.provider_hotel_id == RoomTypeMappingModel.provider_hotel_id, RoomTypeMappingModel.is_new == 1, RoomTypeMappingModel.is_delete == 0)) query = query.filter(or_(stmt, HotelMappingModel.is_new == is_new)) if city_id: query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.city_id == city_id) if merchant_ids is not None: query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.merchant_id.in_(merchant_ids)) if hotel_name: query = query.filter('%{}%'.format(hotel_name))) r = query.order_by( total = query.count() return r, total
def gets_show_in_firstvalid(cls, session, provider_id=None, hotel_name=None, city_id=None, start=0, limit=20, status=-1): from models.room_type_mapping import RoomTypeMappingModel stmt = exists().where(and_(HotelMappingModel.provider_id == RoomTypeMappingModel.provider_id, HotelMappingModel.provider_hotel_id == RoomTypeMappingModel.provider_hotel_id, RoomTypeMappingModel.status == cls.STATUS.wait_first_valid, RoomTypeMappingModel.is_delete == 0)) query = session.query(HotelMappingModel) if provider_id: query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.provider_id == provider_id) if city_id: query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.city_id == city_id) if hotel_name: query = query.filter('%{}%'.format(hotel_name))) if status != -1: query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.status == status) query = query.filter(HotelMappingModel.provider_id != 6)\ .filter(HotelMappingModel.is_delete == 0)\ .filter(HotelMappingModel.status != HotelMappingModel.STATUS.init) # if status == -1: query = query.filter(or_(stmt, HotelMappingModel.status != HotelMappingModel.STATUS.init)) # else: # query = query.filter(and_(stmt)) r = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all() total = query.count() return r, total
def add_interfaces(session): """ Add a default interface for all HW that has an IP """ q = session.query(HardwareEntity) q = q.filter(~exists().where(Interface.hardware_entity_id == q = q.outerjoin(PrimaryNameAssociation, System, DnsDomain) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc')) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc.dns_record')) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc.dns_record.dns_domain')) q = q.filter(System.ip != None) hws = q.all() count = 0 for hw in hws: if hw.hardware_type == "machine": interface = "eth0" itype = "public" elif hw.hardware_type == "switch": interface = "xge" itype = "oa" else: interface = "oa" itype = "oa" #print "Adding default interface for {0:l}".format(hw) dbinterface = Interface(hardware_entity=hw, name=interface, interface_type="oa", comments="Created automatically by upgrade script") session.add(dbinterface) count += 1 session.flush() print "Added %d interfaces" % count
def _get_memory_id(self, mem): # Check the local cache. mem_hash = self.get_hash(mem) if mem_hash in self.memories: return self.memories[mem_hash] # Attempt to insert a new memory. # This is the expected case. stmt = memories_table.insert().from_select([ memories_table.c.name_hash,, ], select([ literal(mem_hash), literal(mem), ]).where( ~exists([]).where( memories_table.c.name_hash == mem_hash ) ) ) self._execute(stmt) # Check the database. stmt = select([]).where( memories_table.c.name_hash == mem_hash ) row = self._execute(stmt).first() ident = self.memories[mem_hash] = ident return ident
def map(): if request.method == 'POST': #print (db.session.query(exists().where(models.Plant.longitude == request.form['longitude'])).scalar()) #print (request.form['ide']) if db.session.query(exists().where( == request.form['ide'])).scalar(): #print (db.session.query(exists().where( == request.form['ide'])).scalar()) p = db.session.query(models.Plant).\ filter(['ide']) if 'delete' in request.form and request.form['delete'] == 'delete': print ("Here!") for i in p: print (i) db.session.delete(i) db.session.commit() else: for i in p: print (i) i.commonName = request.form['commonName'] i.latinName = request.form['latinName'] db.session.commit() else: p = models.Plant(commonName = request.form['commonName'], latinName = request.form['latinName'], latitude = request.form['latitude'], longitude = request.form['longitude']) db.session.add(p) db.session.commit() p = models.Plant.query.all() plants = [dict(, commonName=row.commonName, latinName=row.latinName, latitude=row.latitude, longitude=row.longitude) for row in p] # Debug statement #print plants return render_template('map.html', plants = plants)
def add_application(obj, override=True, temp=False): """ PatentApplication Object converting to tables via SQLAlchemy Necessary to convert dates to datetime because of SQLite (OK on MySQL) Case Sensitivity and Table Reflection MySQL has inconsistent support for case-sensitive identifier names, basing support on specific details of the underlying operating system. However, it has been observed that no matter what case sensitivity behavior is present, the names of tables in foreign key declarations are always received from the database as all-lower case, making it impossible to accurately reflect a schema where inter-related tables use mixed-case identifier names. Therefore it is strongly advised that table names be declared as all lower case both within SQLAlchemy as well as on the MySQL database itself, especially if database reflection features are to be used. """ # if the application exists, remove it so we can replace it (app_exists, ), = appsession.query(exists().where(schema.App_Application.number == obj.application)) if app_exists: if override: app_query = appsession.query(schema.App_Application).filter(schema.App_Application.number == obj.application) appsession.delete( else: return if len(["number"]) < 3: return app = schema.App_Application(** # lots of abstracts seem to be missing. why? add_all_app_fields(obj, app) appsession.merge(app)
def add_profile_POST(): form = ProfileForm(csrf_enabled=False) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): f_name = request.form['f_name'].strip() l_name = request.form['l_name'].strip() gender = request.form['gender'] age = request.form['age'] image = request.files['image'] bio = request.form['bio'].strip() while True: u_id = randint(0000,9999) if not db.session.query(exists().where(UserProfile.u_id == str(u_id))).scalar(): break filename = secure_filename(image.filename)'app/static/uploads', filename)) created_on = user_profile = UserProfile(u_id,f_name,l_name,gender,age,filename,created_on) db.session.add(user_profile) db.session.commit() flash("User Successfully Added", category='success') return redirect('/profiles') return render_template('profileform.html',form=form)
def add_deck_cards(): session = Session() amt = 0 while 1: decks = session.query(Deck).filter(~exists().where( DeckCard.deck_key == Deck.key)).limit(1000).all() if not decks: break for deck in decks: added = {} for card_key in["_links"]["cards"]: if card_key not in added: new_card = DeckCard(deck_key=deck.key, card_key=card_key, card_deck_expansion=deck.expansion, count=1) session.add(new_card) added[card_key] = new_card else: added[card_key].count += 1 session.commit() amt += 1 print(deck.key, amt)
async def addRacer(self, *name): if (self.session.query( exists().where( == name[0])).scalar()): await"This racer already exist") return if len(name) == 0: await"Bad Arguments") return elif len(name) == 1: racer = Racer(name=name[0], name_racing=name[0], name_trueskill=name[0]) elif len(name) == 2: racer = Racer(name=name[0], name_racing=name[1], name_trueskill=name[0]) elif len(name) == 3: racer = Racer(name=name[0], name_racing=name[1], name_trueskill=name[2]) self.session.add(racer) self.session.commit() await"{} has been added as a racer".format(
def insert_items(self, data: dict) -> None: validating = ValidateSplitInfo(**data) secid = validating.secid securities_processor = SecuritiesInfo() securities_id_list = securities_processor.securities_query_get_id(secid) for _id in securities_id_list: data_exists = db.session.query( exists().where( and_( SecuritiesSplits.securities_id == _id, SecuritiesSplits.tradedate == validating.tradedate ) ) ).scalar() if data_exists: continue self.items = { 'securities_id': _id, 'tradedate': validating.tradedate, 'before': validating.before, 'after': validating.after } self.mappings.append(self.items)
def write_dag(cls, dag: DAG, min_update_interval: Optional[int] = None, session=None): """Serializes a DAG and writes it into database. :param dag: a DAG to be written into database :param min_update_interval: minimal interval in seconds to update serialized DAG :param session: ORM Session """ # Checks if (Current Time - Time when the DAG was written to DB) < min_update_interval # If Yes, does nothing # If No or the DAG does not exists, updates / writes Serialized DAG to DB if min_update_interval is not None: if session.query(exists().where( and_(cls.dag_id == dag.dag_id, (timezone.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=min_update_interval)) < cls.last_updated))).scalar(): return log.debug("Writing DAG: %s to the DB", dag.dag_id) session.merge(cls(dag)) log.debug("DAG: %s written to the DB", dag.dag_id)
def new_food(payload): foods = Food.query.all() form = NewFood() current_foods = Food.query.all() if db.session.query( exists().where( == request.form['food'])).scalar(): flash('Looks like that food is already in our database.') return render_template('forms/new_food.html', form=form) new_food = Food(food=request.form['food'].lower(), protein=request.form['protein'], carbs=request.form['carbs'], fat=request.form['fats'], calories=request.form['calories']) new_food.insert() current_foods = Food.query.all() paged_foods = paginate_foods(request, current_foods) print(paged_foods) flash(request.form['food'] + ' has been successfully added!') return render_template('/pages/foods.html', foods=paged_foods)
def _semi_join(left, right=None, on=None, *args, sql_on=None): _raise_if_args(args) left_sel = left.last_op.alias() right_sel = right.last_op.alias() # handle arguments ---- on = _validate_join_arg_on(on, sql_on) # create join conditions ---- bool_clause = _create_join_conds(left_sel, right_sel, on) # create inner join ---- exists_clause =[sql.literal(1)], from_obj=right_sel, whereclause=bool_clause) # only keep left hand select's columns ---- sel =, from_obj=left_sel, whereclause=sql.exists(exists_clause)) return left.append_op(sel, order_by=tuple())
def start_date(start): session = Session(engine) min_date = session.query(func.min( min_date_str = min_date.scalar() max_date = session.query(func.max( max_date_str = max_date.scalar() min_max_average = session.query(func.min(Measurement.tobs), func.avg(Measurement.tobs), func.max(Measurement.tobs)).\ filter( >= start) date_exists = session.query(exists().where( == start)).scalar() #temperature dates if date_exists: temps_list =[] for temps in min_max_average: temps_dict = {} temps_dict["Min Temp"] = temps[0] temps_dict["Average Temp"] = temps[1] temps_dict["Max Temp"] = temps[2] temps_list.append(temps_dict) return jsonify(temps_list) return jsonify({"Error": f"Input Date {start} not valid. Date Range is {min_date_str} to {max_date_str}"}), 404
def getPublicaciones(uid, u): """ Get the publications corresponding to the user with id: uid. u: boolean variable that indicates if the uid correspond to the logged user. Check if the user has publications. If not, returns null. """ publicaciones = [] user = session.query(Usuario).filter( == uid).one() q = session.query(exists().where(Publicacion.uid == if not q: return None pub = session.query(Publicacion).filter(Publicacion.uid == uid).order_by( Publicacion.fecha.desc()).all() for p in pub: publicacion = {} publicacion["img"] = getImage(uid, True) publicacion["name"] = user.nombre + " " + user.apellido publicacion["text"] = p.texto publicacion["fecha"] = p.fecha publicacion["username"] = user.username publicacion["user"] = u publicaciones.append(publicacion) return publicaciones
def process_item(self, item, spider): developer_entry = { "developer_group_id": item["developer_group_id"], "developer_group_name": item["developer_group_name"], "developer_group_address": item["developer_group_address"] } developer_exists = session_test.query(exists().where( and_( Developer.developer_group_id == developer_entry['developer_group_id'], Developer.developer_group_name == developer_entry['developer_group_name'], Developer.developer_group_address == developer_entry['developer_group_address']))).scalar() if not developer_exists: adding_developer = Developer(**developer_entry) session_test.add(adding_developer) session_test.commit() return item
def getAllScores(engine): import random import re Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) while True: try: session = Session() from sqlalchemy.sql import exists results = session.query(Page).filter('')) \ .filter(~exists().where( == Score.source)).order_by('des').limit(2000).all() session.commit() if len(results) == 0: break index = random.randrange(len(results)) page: Page = results[index] link = score = readScore(link) session = Session() session.merge(score) session.commit() except Exception as e: print("Error download torrent for {}".format(e))
def add_reservation(self, rsv, mpls_label): """ rsv: dict containing reservation info """ exist = self.session.query( exists().where(QoSReservation.src == rsv["src"]).where( QoSReservation.dst == rsv["dst"])).scalar() if not exist: in_switch = self.get_switch_for_ip(rsv["src"]) in_port = self.get_port_for_ip(rsv["src"]) out_switch = self.get_switch_for_ip(rsv["dst"]) out_port = self.get_port_for_ip(rsv["dst"]) reservation = QoSReservation(src=rsv["src"], dst=rsv["dst"], bw=rsv["bw"], mpls_label=mpls_label,, return self.add_record(reservation) else: return self.session.query(QoSReservation) \ .filter(QoSReservation.src == rsv["src"]) \ .filter(QoSReservation.dst == rsv["dst"]).first()
def profile(username=None): form = CreateUserForm() user = None if request.method == 'POST': username = if not db.session.query( exists().where(Users.username == username)).scalar(): gender_type = + '.png' user = Users(,, username=username,, age=int(,, profile_photo=gender_type, filefolder = app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"] file = request.files['image'] if file and validate_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(user.username, filename.split('.')[-1]), filename)) user.profile_photo = filename db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() user = Users.query.all() return redirect(url_for('profiles')) else: flash('Username already in use.', 'danger') return render_template('form.html', form=form) elif username: users = Users.query.all() for user in users: if user.username == username: return render_template('profile.html', user=user) return render_template('form.html', form=form)
def add_application(obj, override=True, temp=False): """ PatentApplication Object converting to tables via SQLAlchemy Necessary to convert dates to datetime because of SQLite (OK on MySQL) Case Sensitivity and Table Reflection MySQL has inconsistent support for case-sensitive identifier names, basing support on specific details of the underlying operating system. However, it has been observed that no matter what case sensitivity behavior is present, the names of tables in foreign key declarations are always received from the database as all-lower case, making it impossible to accurately reflect a schema where inter-related tables use mixed-case identifier names. Therefore it is strongly advised that table names be declared as all lower case both within SQLAlchemy as well as on the MySQL database itself, especially if database reflection features are to be used. """ # if the application exists, remove it so we can replace it (app_exists, ), = appsession.query( exists().where(schema.App_Application.number == obj.application)) if app_exists: if override: app_query = appsession.query(schema.App_Application).filter( schema.App_Application.number == obj.application) appsession.delete( else: return if len(["number"]) < 3: return app = schema.App_Application(** # lots of abstracts seem to be missing. why? add_all_app_fields(obj, app) appsession.merge(app)
def login(): next = get_redirect_target() pid=None if request.method=='POST': email1=request.form['email'] name1=request.form['name'] if session.query(exists().where( uk=session.query(User).filter_by(email=email1).one() if : global pid if global pid login_user(uk) return redirect_back('newpoll') else: global pid login_user(uk) return redirect_back('newpoll') else: return render_template('signup1.html',next=next) else: uk=User(email=email1,name=name1) session.add(uk) session.commit() global pid login_user(uk) return redirect_back('newpoll') return render_template ('signup1.html',next=next)
async def cancelMatch(self, race_id): if (not self.session.query( exists().where( == race_id)).scalar()): await"This race doesn't exist") return race = self.session.query(Race).get(race_id) if not race.ongoing: await"The race is already closed") return DaCream = self.session.query(Better).filter( == totalbet = 0 for bet in self.session.query(Bet).filter( Bet.race_id == race_id): #Regroup better better = bet.better totalbet = totalbet + bet.coin_bet better.coin = better.coin + bet.coin_bet DaCream.coin = DaCream.coin - bet.coin_bet bot_channel = discord.utils.get(, name=BOT_CHANNEL) await bot_channel, ("```Match#{} is canceled, bet money has been refunded```").format( race.ongoing = False race.betsOn = False board_channel = await displayOpenRaces(self.session, sumup_channel = discord.utils.get(, name=SUMUP_CHANNEL) await sumup_channel, "**Sum up of {}**\n```Match#{} is canceled, {} coins have been refunded```" .format(race,, totalbet)) job = self.session.query(Job).filter(Job.race_id == race_id).first() if job: self.session.delete(job) self.session.commit()
def populateUsersTable(self): ''' Check that user is alive Check that user has a twitter username Check that the username is not already in the database Check that the user has a bio ''' session = self.session trends = session.query(Trend).all() for trend in trends: trend_url = trend.trend_url user_ids, wiki_urls, explore_urls = UserUtils().get_trend_infos( trend_url) if not (len(user_ids) == len(wiki_urls) == len(explore_urls) == 10): continue for i in range(10): user_id = user_ids[i] user_id_exists = session.query( exists().where( == user_id)).scalar() if user_id_exists: continue wiki_url = wiki_urls[i] bio = UserUtils().get_bio(wiki_url) if not bio: continue twitter_name = UserUtils().get_twitter_name(user_id) if not twitter_name: continue explore_url = explore_urls[i] row = User(id=user_id, twitter_name=twitter_name, bio=bio, wiki_url=wiki_url, explore_url=explore_url) session.add(row) session.commit()
class Link(Base, TimestampColumns): hashid = Column(String, index=True, unique=True, nullable=False) _url = Column('url', Unicode, index=True, nullable=False) user_id = Column(BigInteger) _hash = Column('hash', String, index=True, nullable=False) _hash_netloc = Column('hash_netloc', String, nullable=False) _hash_path = Column('hash_path', String, nullable=False) meta = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONB), default={}) __table_args__ = ( Index('unique_url_and_user_id', _url, user_id, unique=True, postgresql_where=(user_id != None)), Index('unique_url_and_user_id_is_null', 'url', unique=True, postgresql_where=(user_id == None)) ) is_banned = column_property( exists().where( or_( BlockedLink.hash.in_([_hash, _hash_netloc, _hash_path]) ) ) ) @property def clicks(self): if self._clicks: return self._clicks.counter return 0 @hybrid_property def url(self): return self._url @url.setter def url(self, value): self._url = value self._hash, self._hash_netloc, self._hash_path = create_url_hashes(value)
def write_dag(cls, dag: DAG, min_update_interval: Optional[int] = None, session: Session = None): """Serializes a DAG and writes it into database. If the record already exists, it checks if the Serialized DAG changed or not. If it is changed, it updates the record, ignores otherwise. :param dag: a DAG to be written into database :param min_update_interval: minimal interval in seconds to update serialized DAG :param session: ORM Session """ # Checks if (Current Time - Time when the DAG was written to DB) < min_update_interval # If Yes, does nothing # If No or the DAG does not exists, updates / writes Serialized DAG to DB if min_update_interval is not None: if session.query(exists().where( and_(cls.dag_id == dag.dag_id, (timezone.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=min_update_interval)) < cls.last_updated))).scalar(): return log.debug("Checking if DAG (%s) changed", dag.dag_id) new_serialized_dag = cls(dag) serialized_dag_hash_from_db = session.query( cls.dag_hash).filter(cls.dag_id == dag.dag_id).scalar() if serialized_dag_hash_from_db == new_serialized_dag.dag_hash: log.debug( "Serialized DAG (%s) is unchanged. Skipping writing to DB", dag.dag_id) return log.debug("Writing Serialized DAG: %s to the DB", dag.dag_id) session.merge(new_serialized_dag) log.debug("DAG: %s written to the DB", dag.dag_id)
def get_acquisition_framework_stats(info_role, id_acquisition_framework): """ Get stats from one AF .. :quickref: Metadata; :param id_acquisition_framework: the id_acquisition_framework :param type: int """ datasets = TDatasets.query.filter( TDatasets.id_acquisition_framework == id_acquisition_framework).all() dataset_ids = [d.id_dataset for d in datasets] nb_dataset = len(dataset_ids) nb_taxons = (DB.session.query(Synthese.cd_nom).filter( Synthese.id_dataset.in_(dataset_ids)).distinct().count()) nb_observations = (DB.session.query(Synthese.cd_nom).filter( Synthese.id_dataset.in_(dataset_ids)).count()) nb_habitat = 0 # Check if pr_occhab exist check_schema_query = exists( select([text("schema_name") ]).select_from(text("information_schema.schemata")).where( text("schema_name = 'pr_occhab'"))) if DB.session.query(check_schema_query).scalar() and nb_dataset > 0: query = ( "SELECT count(*) FROM pr_occhab.t_stations s, pr_occhab.t_habitats h WHERE s.id_station = h.id_station AND s.id_dataset in \ (" + str(dataset_ids).strip("[]") + ")") nb_habitat = DB.engine.execute(text(query)).first()[0] return { "nb_dataset": nb_dataset, "nb_taxons": nb_taxons, "nb_observations": nb_observations, "nb_habitats": nb_habitat, }
def update_comments(): """Update comments for each game.""" new_comments = json.loads(utils.fetch_comments()) today ='%Y%m%d') games = db.session.query(Game).filter_by(game_date=today).all() for new_comment in new_comments: for game in games: if new_comment["thread_id"] == game.thread_id: if db.session.query( exists().where(Comment.comment_id == new_comment["comment_id"])).scalar(): pass else: comment = Comment(author=new_comment["author"], body=new_comment["body"], author_flair_css_class=new_comment[ "author_flair_css_class"], comment_id=new_comment["comment_id"], score=new_comment["score"], created_utc=new_comment["created_utc"], emitted="false") game.comments.append(comment) db.session.commit() return True
def fill_table(str_table, table_type, field_names): # перебираем строки for row in str_table.split('\n'): # разбиваем строку на поля fields = list(map(str.strip, row.split('|'))) # строим компаратор # с помощью getattr(table_type, field_name) # получаем конструкции table_type.field_name # наподобие # сравниваем столбцы с соотв. полями # для каждого поля и имени столбца # делаем and для всех полученных сравнений comparator = and_(*[getattr(table_type, field_name) == field for field_name, field in zip(field_names, fields)]) # проверяем, существует ли запись # с таким набором значений в таблице # если существует, идём дальше if (self.session.query(exists() .where(comparator)) .scalar()): continue # создаем элемент таблицы instance = table_type() # заполняем элемент данными # setattr(instance, field_name, field) разворачивается # в конструкции instance.field_name = field # например = 'Russia' for field_name, field in zip(field_names, fields): setattr(instance, field_name, field) # добавляем элемент в базу self.session.add(instance) self.session.commit()
def get_subnet_segment_ids(cls, context, network_id, ignored_service_type=None, subnet_id=None): query = context.session.query(cls.db_model.segment_id) query = query.filter(cls.db_model.network_id == network_id) # NOTE(zigo): Subnet who hold the type ignored_service_type should be # removed from the segment list, as they can be part of a segmented # network but they don't have a segment ID themselves. if ignored_service_type: service_type_model = SubnetServiceType.db_model query = query.filter(~exists().where(and_( == service_type_model.subnet_id, service_type_model.service_type == ignored_service_type))) # (zigo): When a subnet is created, at this point in the code, # its service_types aren't populated in the subnet_service_types # object, so the subnet to create isn't filtered by the ~exists # above. So we just filter out the subnet to create completely # from the result set. if subnet_id: query = query.filter( != subnet_id) return [segment_id for (segment_id,) in query.all()]
def copy_Ads_Codes(): """Function used to copy the ancient table to the new one with the new field ad_id. The object "tmp" does not exist anymore in the ressource.""" for i in session.query(Ads_Codes): if session.query(exists().where( Ads_Codes_tmp.ad_number == i.ad_number)).scalar(): pass else: with open( f"./results/getCodes/documentation/{i.ad_number}__documentation.json", "r") as f: doc = json.loads( url = doc["info"]["selenium"][0]["request"]["url"] abr_country = get_abr_country(url) entry = Ads_Codes_tmp(ad_id=f"{i.ad_number}_{abr_country}", ad_number=i.ad_number, client_code=i.client_code, date_created=i.date_created, date_updated=i.date_updated, status=i.status, status_image_taken=i.status_image_taken, status_vendeur_taken=i.status_vendeur_taken) entry.insertCode(session)
def start_only(start): # Create session (link) from Python to the DB session = Session(engine) # Date Range (only for help to user in case date gets entered wrong) date_range_max = session.query( date_range_max_str = str(date_range_max) date_range_max_str = re.sub("'|,", "", date_range_max_str) print(date_range_max_str) date_range_min = session.query( date_range_min_str = str(date_range_min) date_range_min_str = re.sub("'|,", "", date_range_min_str) print(date_range_min_str) # Check for valid entry of start date valid_entry = session.query(exists().where( == start)).scalar() if valid_entry: results = (session.query(func.min(Measurement.tobs) , func.avg(Measurement.tobs) , func.max(Measurement.tobs)) .filter( >= start).all()) tmin = results[0][0] tavg = '{0:.4}'.format(results[0][1]) tmax = results[0][2] result_printout = (['Entered Start Date: ' + start, 'The lowest Temperature was: ' + str(tmin) + ' F', 'The average Temperature was: ' + str(tavg) + ' F', 'The highest Temperature was: ' + str(tmax) + ' F']) return jsonify(result_printout) return jsonify( {"error": f"Input Date {start} not valid. Date Range is {date_range_min_str} to {date_range_max_str}"}), 404
def add_interfaces(session): """ Add a default interface for all HW that has an IP """ q = session.query(HardwareEntity) q = q.filter(~exists().where( Interface.hardware_entity_id == q = q.outerjoin(PrimaryNameAssociation, System, DnsDomain) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc')) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc.dns_record')) q = q.options(contains_eager('_primary_name_asc.dns_record.dns_domain')) q = q.filter(System.ip != None) hws = q.all() count = 0 for hw in hws: if hw.hardware_type == "machine": interface = "eth0" itype = "public" elif hw.hardware_type == "switch": interface = "xge" itype = "oa" else: interface = "oa" itype = "oa" #print "Adding default interface for {0:l}".format(hw) dbinterface = Interface( hardware_entity=hw, name=interface, interface_type=itype, comments="Created automatically by upgrade script") session.add(dbinterface) count += 1 session.flush() print "Added %d interfaces" % count
def add_student(): """Add student to db""" # User reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST) if request.method == "POST": # Ensure student_name was submitted if not request.form.get("student_name"): return apology("Please provide student's name", 401) # Check if student is already in database name = request.form.get("student_name") q = db.session.query(exists().where(Students.student == name)).scalar() if q: return apology("The student's name is already in database.", 402) else: student = Students(student=name) db.session.add(student) db.session.commit() # User reached route via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect) else: return render_template("/index.html") return redirect('/')
def is_duplicate_schema(forms, errors, db_session): """ Test for duplicate schema in the db :forms: A list of forms represented by dictionaries :errors: A list of dictionaries of error datastore :db_session: required for db operations :return: updated error list """ forms = get_unique_forms(forms) for form in forms: name = form[0] title = form[1] publish_date = form[2] form_exists = ( db_session.query( exists() .where( == name) .where(datastore.Schema.title == title) .where(datastore.Schema.publish_date == publish_date)).scalar() ) if form_exists: errors.append( { 'schema_name': name, 'schema_title': title, 'name': u'N/A', 'title': u'N/A', 'errors': 'Duplicate schema - already exists in the db' } ) return errors
def test_upsert_from_select(self): orders = table( 'orders', column('region'), column('amount'), column('product'), column('quantity') ) upsert = ( orders.update() .where(orders.c.region == 'Region1') .values(amount=1.0, product='Product1', quantity=1) .returning(*(orders.c._all_columns)).cte('upsert')) insert = orders.insert().from_select( orders.c.keys(), select([ literal('Region1'), literal(1.0), literal('Product1'), literal(1) ]).where(~exists( ) self.assert_compile( insert, "WITH upsert AS (UPDATE orders SET amount=:amount, " "product=:product, quantity=:quantity " "WHERE orders.region = :region_1 " "RETURNING orders.region, orders.amount, " "orders.product, orders.quantity) " "INSERT INTO orders (region, amount, product, quantity) " "SELECT :param_1 AS anon_1, :param_2 AS anon_2, " ":param_3 AS anon_3, :param_4 AS anon_4 WHERE NOT (EXISTS " "(SELECT upsert.region, upsert.amount, upsert.product, " "upsert.quantity FROM upsert))" )
def save_filehistory(session, record): if not should_record(record): logging.error('invalid activity record: %s' % record) return # use same file_uuid if prev item already exists, otherwise new one prev_item = query_next_record(session, record) if prev_item: if record['path'] != prev_item.path and record['op_type'] == 'recover': pass else: record['file_uuid'] = prev_item.file_uuid if not record.has_key('file_uuid'): file_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # avoid hash conflict while session.query( exists().where(FileHistory.file_uuid == file_uuid)).scalar(): file_uuid = uuid.uuid4() record['file_uuid'] = file_uuid filehistory = FileHistory(record) session.add(filehistory) session.commit()