コード例 #1
def left_join(right, left, onclause):
    Function: Join columns using an inner join
        1. Right statement/table to be joined, 
        2. Left statement/table to be joined,  
        3. A SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at None, it attempts to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship
    If more than 1 expression is listed, (expressions) have to use an '&' operator. Ex: (Table1.c.colname1 = Table2.c.colname1 & Table1.c.colname2 = Table2.c.colname2)
    Output: A joined object
    Example: Table1 >> to_statement >> left_join(Table2, onclause=(Table1.c.colname = Table2.c.colname):BooleanClauseList)
    left, right = left.alias(), table_check(right)
    print(left, right)
    l1, r1 = get_onclause_col(onclause)
    l2, r2 = [c.name for c in l1], [c.name for c in r1]
    l3, r3 = sorted([c for c in left.columns if c.name in l2],
                    key=lambda x: x.name), sorted(
                        [c for c in right.columns if c.name in r2],
                        key=lambda x: x.name)
    col_dict = dict(zip(l3, r3))
    expr_list = [(k == v) for k, v in col_dict.items()]
    clause = reduce(lambda x, y: operator.iand(x, y), expr_list)
    return select_sql([left.join_sql(right, onclause=clause, isouter=True)])
コード例 #2
def maybe_wrap(stmt):
    if isinstance(stmt, Alias):
        return select_sql([col for col in stmt.c]).select_from(stmt)
        return stmt
コード例 #3
ファイル: dfply_sql.py プロジェクト: yardsale8/DSCI430
def _maybe_wrap(stmt):
    if isinstance(stmt, Alias):
        return select_sql(everything(stmt)).select_from(stmt)
        return stmt
コード例 #4
def to_statement(table_class):
    """Returns all columns from a table as a 'Select' object"""
    return select_sql(everything(table_class))
コード例 #5
ファイル: dfply_sql.py プロジェクト: yardsale8/DSCI430
def to_statement(table_class):
    return select_sql(everything(table_class))