def test_parameter_processing(self, session, Account): account = Account(balance=(Currency('USD'), 15)) session.add(account) session.commit() account = session.query(Account).first() assert account.balance.currency == Currency('USD') assert account.balance.amount == 15
def test_parameter_processing(self, session, type_, Account): account = Account(balances=[ type_.type_cls(Currency('USD'), 15), type_.type_cls(Currency('AUD'), 20) ]) session.add(account) session.commit() account = session.query(Account).first() assert account.balances[0].currency == Currency('USD') assert account.balances[0].amount == 15 assert account.balances[1].currency == Currency('AUD') assert account.balances[1].amount == 20
def test_parameter_processing(self, session, User, set_get_locale): user = User(currency=Currency('USD')) session.add(user) session.commit() user = session.query(User).first() assert == u'US Dollar'
def valid_currency(form, field): from sqlalchemy_utils import Currency try: Currency( except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError( field.gettext( u'Not a valid ISO currency code (e.g. USD, EUR, CNY).'))
def test_dict_input(self, session, type_, Account): account = Account(balances=[{ 'currency': Currency('USD'), 'amount': 15 }, { 'currency': Currency('AUD'), 'amount': 20 }]) session.add(account) session.commit() account = session.query(Account).first() assert account.balances[0].currency == Currency('USD') assert account.balances[0].amount == 15 assert account.balances[1].currency == Currency('AUD') assert account.balances[1].amount == 20
def test_dict_input(self, session, Account): account = Account(balance={'currency': Currency('USD'), 'amount': 15}) session.add(account) session.commit() account = session.query(Account).first() assert account.balance.currency == 'USD' assert account.balance.amount == 15
def test_result_set_processing(self): account = self.Account(balance=('USD', 15)) self.session.add(account) self.session.commit() account = self.session.query(self.Account).first() assert account.balance.currency == Currency('USD') assert account.balance.amount == 15
def test_parameter_processing(self): user = self.User( currency=Currency('USD') ) self.session.add(user) self.session.commit() user = self.session.query(self.User).first() assert == u'US Dollar'
def test_symbol_property(self, code, symbol): assert Currency(code).symbol == symbol
def test_name_property(self, code, name): assert Currency(code).name == name
def test_invalid_currency_code_type(self): with raises(TypeError): Currency(None)
def test_invalid_currency_code(self): with raises(ValueError): Currency('Unknown code')
def __parse_2021_auction_soup(self, soup, auction_id): def get_embedded_image_urls(): imgs = soup.find_all('img', attrs= \ {'class' : re.compile('Thumbnail__StyledThumbnailImage')}) urls = [] for i in imgs: urllist = i['src'].split('.') urllist[-1] = 'jpg' urls.append('.'.join(urllist)) return urls json = self.__extract_data_json(soup) item = json['item']['byId'][str(auction_id)] item_detail = json['itemDetail']['byId'][str(auction_id)] bidding_info = json['biddingInfo']['byId'][str(auction_id)] catalog = json['catalog']['byId'][str(item['catalogId'])] # Extract additional auctioneer info seller_id = item['sellerId'] seller = json['seller']['byId'][str(seller_id)] auctioneer = seller['name'] location = self.__address_from_seller(seller) image_urls = ' '.join(get_embedded_image_urls()) # Construct the auction object auction = LiveAuctioneersAuction(id=str(auction_id)) try: auction.title = item['title'] except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received title {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item['title'], \ type(item['title']))) try: auction.description = self._normalise_text( item_detail['description']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received description {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item_detail['description'], \ type(item_detail['description']))) try: isostring = item['publishDate'] # datetime's ISO 8601 parser doesn't understand 'Z' at the end for UTC, # so rewrite it into an easier variant if isostring[-1] == 'Z': auction.start_time = datetime.fromisoformat(isostring[:-1] + '+00:00') else: raise KeyError except KeyError: pass except TypeError: print('auction {} received start_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, isostring, \ type(isostring))) try: auction.end_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( catalog['saleStartTs']) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: print('auction {} received end_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, catalog['saleStartTs'], \ type(catalog['saleStartTs']))) try: auction.n_bids = int(bidding_info['bidCount']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received n_bids {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, bidding_info['bidCount'], \ type(bidding_info['bidCount']))) auction.currency = Currency('USD') try: auction.latest_price = float(bidding_info['salePrice']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received latest_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, bidding_info['salePrice'], \ type(bidding_info['salePrice']))) try: auction.starting_price = float(item['startPrice']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received starting_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item['startPrice'], \ type(item['startPrice']))) auction.location = location try: auction.lot_number = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', item['lotNumber'])) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received lotNumber {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item['lotNumber'], \ type(item['lotNumber']))) auction.image_urls = image_urls try: auction.condition = item_detail['conditionReport'] except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received condition {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item_detail['conditionReport'], \ type(item_detail['conditionReport']))) try: auction.high_bid_estimate = float(item['highBidEstimate']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received high_bid_estimate {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item['highBidEstimate'], \ type(item['highBidEstimate']))) try: auction.low_bid_estimate = float(item['lowBidEstimate']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received low_bid_estimate {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, item['lowBidEstimate'], \ type(item['lowBidEstimate']))) try: auction.seller_id = str(seller_id) except KeyError: pass return auction
def test_representation(self): currency = Currency('USD') assert repr(currency) == "Currency('USD')"
def test_unicode(self): currency = Currency('USD') assert six.text_type(currency) == u'USD'
def test_equality_operator(self): assert Currency('USD') == 'USD' assert 'USD' == Currency('USD') assert Currency('USD') == Currency('USD')
def test_non_equality_operator(self): assert Currency('USD') != 'EUR' assert not (Currency('USD') != 'USD')
def test_init(self): assert Currency('USD') == Currency(Currency('USD'))
def test_str(self): currency = Currency('USD') assert str(currency) == 'USD'
def test_hashability(self): assert len(set([Currency('USD'), Currency('USD')])) == 1
def __parse_2020_auction_soup(self, soup, duplicates): def get_embedded_json(): # Strip c from s, without exception def strip(s, c): if isinstance(s, str): return s.strip(c) return s div = soup.find('div', id='JSDF') scripts = div.find_all('script', src=None) # Look for $rwidgets script_texts = [] for script in scripts: for s in script.contents: if '$rwidgets' in s: script_texts.append(s) # Bodge until we get rid of slimit with silence_output(): parser = Parser() raw_values = {} for script_text in script_texts: tree = parser.parse(script_text) # Parsing js for node in nodevisitor.visit(tree): if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionCall): if isinstance(node.identifier, ast.Identifier): if node.identifier.value == '$rwidgets': # Deal with here fields = {} for n in nodevisitor.visit(node): if isinstance(n, ast.Assign): k = getattr(n.left, 'value', '').strip('"') v = strip( getattr(n.right, 'value', ''), '"') if k in duplicates: try: fields[k].append(v) except KeyError: fields[k] = [v] else: fields[k] = v # Merge fields and raw_values, resolving duplicates for (k, v) in fields.items(): if k in duplicates: try: raw_values[k] += v except KeyError: raw_values[k] = v elif v != 'null': raw_values[k] = v return raw_values def get_image_urls(raw_values): # TODO: sometimes only displayImgUrl is given, when the s-l600 image exists # Example: # Example: raw_image_urls = [] if 'maxImageUrl' in raw_values.keys(): if 'displayImgUrl' in raw_values.keys(): for max_image, disp_image in zip( \ self.__get_dict_value(raw_values, 'maxImageUrl'), \ self.__get_dict_value(raw_values, 'displayImgUrl')): if max_image == 'null': if disp_image != 'null': raw_image_urls.append(disp_image) else: raw_image_urls.append(max_image) else: raw_image_urls = self.__get_dict_value( raw_values, 'maxImageUrl') else: if 'displayImgUrl' in raw_values.keys(): raw_image_urls = self.__get_dict_value( raw_values, 'displayImgUrl') def f(url): return json.loads('"{}"'.format(url)) return list(map(f, raw_image_urls)) # Get raw values, validating API assumptions raw_values = get_embedded_json() #pdb.set_trace() try: raw_values['it'] except KeyError: try: raw_values['kw'] except KeyError: # No title field available in API. Obtain it from the page instead for c in soup.find('h1', id='itemTitle').contents: if isinstance(c, str): title_key = c break else: title_key = 'kw' else: title_key = 'it' try: if raw_values['entityId'] != raw_values['entityName']: print( f'notify author: entityid==entityname assumption incorrect for domain {url}' ) except KeyError: print( 'notify author: entityid or entityname does not exist for auction {}, for domain {}.' .format(raw_values['itemId'], url)) # Extract additional info image_urls = get_image_urls(raw_values) desc_div = soup.find('div', attrs={'id': 'desc_div'}) if desc_div is not None: iframe = desc_div.find('iframe') else: iframe = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'vi_descsnpt_holder'}) desc = iframe.text # Construct the auction object auction = EbayAuction(id=int(raw_values['itemId'])) try: auction.title = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", raw_values[title_key]) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received title {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values[title_key], \ type(raw_values[title_key]))) try: auction.description = self._normalise_text(desc) except ValueError: print('auction {} received description {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, desc, \ type(desc))) try: auction.seller_id = str(raw_values['entityName']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received seller_id {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['entityName'], \ type(raw_values['entityName']))) try: auction.start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( \ int(raw_values['startTime'])/1000) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received start_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['startTime'], \ type(raw_values['startTime']))) try: auction.end_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( \ int(raw_values['endTime'])/1000) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received end_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['endTime'], \ type(raw_values['endTime']))) try: auction.n_bids = int(raw_values['bids']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received n_bids {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['bids'], \ type(raw_values['bids']))) try: auction.currency = Currency(raw_values['ccode']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received currency {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['ccode'], \ type(raw_values['ccode']))) try: auction.latest_price = str(float(raw_values['bidPriceDouble'])) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received latest_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['bidPriceDouble'], \ type(raw_values['bidPriceDouble']))) try: auction.buy_now_price = str(float(raw_values['binPriceDouble'])) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received buy_now_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['binPriceDouble'], \ type(raw_values['binPriceDouble']))) # TODO: add starting price, winner, location auction.image_urls = ' '.join(image_urls) try: auction.locale = str(raw_values['locale']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received locale {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['locale'], \ type(raw_values['locale']))) try: auction.quantity = int(raw_values['totalQty']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received quantity {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['quantity'], \ type(raw_values['quantity']))) try: auction.video_url = str(raw_values['videoUrl']) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received video_url {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['videoUrl'], \ type(raw_values['videoUrl']))) try: if str(raw_values['vatIncluded']) == 'true': auction.vat_included = True elif str(raw_values['vatIncluded']) == 'false': auction.vat_included = False else: print('auction {} received vat_included {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['vatIncluded'], \ type(raw_values['vatIncluded']))) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass try: auction.domain = raw_values['currentDomain'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received domain {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, raw_values['currentDomain'], \ type(raw_values['currentDomain']))) return auction
def __parse_2020_auction_soup(self, soup, auction_id): def get_embedded_json(): jsonsect = self.__searcher(soup, \ '<script data-reactroot="">', '</script>') # Bodge until we get rid of slimit with silence_output(): parser = Parser() tree = parser.parse(jsonsect) j = 0 element = {} for node in nodevisitor.visit(tree): try: if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): if node.left.value == '"' + str(auction_id) + '"': for i in node.right.children(): leftp = i.left.value[1:-1] rightp = i.right.value element[leftp] = self.__quote_cleaner(rightp) except: pass return element def get_embedded_image_urls(): divs = soup.find_all('div', attrs= \ {'class' : re.compile('thumbnail-container')}) urls = [] for i in divs: urllist = i.find('img')['src'].split('.') urllist[-1] = 'jpg' urls.append('.'.join(urllist)) return urls element = get_embedded_json() # Extract additional auctioneer info div = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': re.compile('auctioneerInfo')}) auctioneer = self.__quote_cleaner( \ div.find('h3', attrs= {'class' : re.compile('sellerName')}).text) location = self.__quote_cleaner( \ div.find('div', attrs={'class' : re.compile('address')}).text) image_urls = ' '.join(get_embedded_image_urls()) # Construct the auction object auction = LiveAuctioneersAuction(id=str(auction_id)) try: auction.title = element['title'] except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received title {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['title'], \ type(element['title']))) try: auction.description = self._normalise_text(element['description']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received description {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['description'], \ type(element['description']))) try: auction.start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( \ element['availableTs']) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: print('auction {} received start_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['availableTs'], \ type(element['availableTs']))) try: auction.end_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( \ element['saleStartTs']) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: print('auction {} received end_time {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['saleStartTs'], \ type(element['saleStartTs']))) try: auction.n_bids = int(element['bidCount']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received n_bids {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['bidCount'], \ type(element['bidCount']))) auction.currency = Currency('USD') try: auction.latest_price = float(element['salePrice']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received latest_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['salePrice'], \ type(element['salePrice']))) try: auction.starting_price = float(element['startPrice']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received starting_price {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['startPrice'], \ type(element['startPrice']))) auction.location = location try: auction.lot_number = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', element['lotNumber'])) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received lotNumber {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['lotNumber'], \ type(element['lotNumber']))) auction.image_urls = image_urls try: auction.condition = str(element['conditionReport']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received condition {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['conditionReport'], \ type(element['conditionReport']))) try: auction.high_bid_estimate = float(element['highBidEstimate']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received high_bid_estimate {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['highBidEstimate'], \ type(element['highBidEstimate']))) try: auction.low_bid_estimate = float(element['lowBidEstimate']) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: print('auction {} received low_bid_estimate {} of invalid type {}' \ .format(auction_id, element['lowBidEstimate'], \ type(element['lowBidEstimate']))) try: auction.seller_id = str(element['sellerId']) except KeyError: pass return auction