def create_author() -> None: name = input("Author Name: ") biography = input("Biography: ") author = Author(name, biography) db.add(author) save_tip()
def create_tag() -> None: tag_name = input("Tag Name: ") tag_short_desc = input("Tag short description: ") tag_long_desc = input("Tag long description: ") tag_main = yes_or_no("Is tag a section") tag = Tag(tag_name, tag_short_desc, tag_long_desc, tag_main) db.add(tag) save_tip()
def create_friend() -> None: friend_name = input("Friend Name: ") friend_link = input("Link: ") friend_description = input("Description: ") friend = Friend(friend_name, friend_link, friend_description) db.add(friend) save_tip()
def process_resource_files(blog_post: BlogPost) -> None: for root, _, files in os.walk(blog_post.resources_path, topdown=True): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) extension = "." + file.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] # Hash file contents, this is the new file name file_hash = hash_file(file_path) file_title = file_name_to_title(file) # Optimize images for web (create thumbnails) if imghdr.what(file_path): full_size_file_name = f"{file_hash}.{IMAGE_FORMAT}" thumbnail_file_name = f"{file_hash}-thumb.{IMAGE_FORMAT}" db.add( FileResource(full_size_file_name, "high-res-" + file, file_title, blog_post, is_image=True, is_thumbnail=False)) db.add( FileResource(thumbnail_file_name, file, file_title + " (Thumbnail)", blog_post, is_image=True, is_thumbnail=True)) with as image: image.thumbnail((MAX_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, -1)), IMAGE_FORMAT, optimize=True) with as image:, IMAGE_FORMAT, optimize=True) else: # Copy the file to the resources dir, no processing new_file_name = file_hash + extension db.add(FileResource(new_file_name, file, file_title, blog_post)) copyfile(file_path, in_res_path(new_file_name)) db.commit()
print(f"Deleted author \"{}\".") save_tip() return print(f"No author with name: \"{author_name}\".") def create_blog_post() -> None: author_name = input("Author Name: ") if not (author := db.query(Author).filter_by(name=author_name).first()): print(f"No author with name: \"{author_name}\".") exit() title = input("Blog Post Title: ") blog_post = BlogPost(title, author) db.add(blog_post) os.makedirs(blog_post.resources_path) open(blog_post.markdown_path, "w").close() save_tip() def set_post_flags() -> None: blog_post = get_blog_post_by_id() blog_post.include_in_graph = yes_or_no("Enable graph annotations") blog_post.allow_comments = yes_or_no("Allow comments") blog_post.hidden = yes_or_no("Hide post") print(f"Changed flags of \"{}\".") save_tip()
def register_referrer() -> None: # Save only the hostname (more could be dangerous privacy-wise) of the referrer url. if raw_hostname := urlparse(request.referrer).hostname: try_with_integrity_protection( lambda: db.add(ReferrerHostname(raw_hostname)))