コード例 #1
ファイル: bci.py プロジェクト: yinzeus/sqlchain
def bciInputs(cur, blob, ins):
    data = []
    hdr = getBlobHdr(
        blob, sqc.cfg)  # hdrsz,ins,outs,size,version,locktime,stdSeq,nosigs
    if ins >= 0xC0:
        ins = ((ins & 0x3F) << 8) + hdr[1]
    if ins == 0:  # no inputs
        return [{}], ins  # only sequence and script here
        buf = readBlob(blob + hdr[0], ins * 7, sqc.cfg)
        if len(buf
               ) < ins * 7 or buf == '\0' * ins * 7:  # means missing blob data
            return [{'error': 'missing data'}], ins
        for n in range(ins):
            in_id, = unpack('<Q', buf[n * 7:n * 7 + 7] + '\0')
                "select value,addr_id from outputs where id=%s limit 1;",
                (in_id, ))
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            for value, aid in rows:
                    "select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format(
                        'bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid, ))
                for addr, in cur:
                        'prev_out': {
                            'spent': True,
                            'type': 0,
                            'n': in_id % MAX_IO_TX,
                            'value': int(value),
                            'tx_index': in_id // MAX_IO_TX,
                            'addr': mkaddr(addr, int(aid))
    return data, ins
コード例 #2
def txoAddr(cur, txhash, n):
    txid = txh2id(txhash.decode('hex')[::-1])
    cur.execute("select addr_id from outputs o where o.id>=%s*{0} and o.id<%s*{0} and o.id%%{0}=%s limit 1;".format(MAX_IO_TX), (txid,txid+1,int(n)))
    aids = cur.fetchall()
    for aid, in aids:
        cur.execute("select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format('bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid,))
        addr = cur.fetchone()[0]
        return mkaddr(addr,int(aid))
    return None
コード例 #3
def txAddrs(cur, txhash):
    data = []
    txid = txh2id(txhash.decode('hex')[::-1])
    cur.execute("select addr_id from outputs o where o.id>=%s*{0} and o.id<%s*{0};".format(MAX_IO_TX), (txid,txid+1))
    for aid, in cur:
        cur.execute("select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format('bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid,))
        addr = cur.fetchone()[0]
        data.append( mkaddr(addr,int(aid)) )
    cur.execute("select txdata,ins from trxs where id=%s limit 1;", (txid,))
    txins = cur.fetchall()
    for txdata,ins in txins:
        blob = getBlobData(int(txdata), ins)
        if ins > 0:
            for _,xin in enumerate(blob['ins']):
                cur.execute("select addr_id from outputs o where o.id=%s limit 1;", (xin['outid'],))
                aids = cur.fetchall()
                for aid, in aids:
                    cur.execute("select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format('bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid,))
                    addr = cur.fetchone()[0]
    return data
コード例 #4
def apiInputs(cur, height, ins):
    total,data = 0,[]
    if len(ins) == 0:
        cur.execute("select coinbase from blocks where id=%s;", (height,))
        return 0,[{ 'n':0, 'coinbase':cur.fetchone()[0].encode('hex') }]
        for n,xin in enumerate(ins):
            cur.execute("select value,addr_id,hash from outputs o, trxs t where o.id=%s and t.id=o.id div %s limit 1;", (xin['outid'], MAX_IO_TX))
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            for value,aid,txhash in rows:
                cur.execute("select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format('bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid,))
                for addr, in cur:
                    btc = float(value)/1e8
                    data.append({ 'n':n, 'vout':xin['outid']%MAX_IO_TX, 'value':round(btc,8), 'valueSat':int(value),
                                'txid':txhash[::-1].encode('hex'), 'addr':mkaddr(addr,int(aid)), 'sequence':unpack('<I',xin['seq'])[0] })
                    if 'sigs' in xin:
                        data[n]['scriptSig'] = { 'hex': xin['sigs'].encode('hex'), 'asm': mkOpCodeStr(xin['sigs']) }
                    total += btc
    return round(total,8),data
コード例 #5
def apiOutputs(cur, txid, outs):
    total,data = 0,[]
    cur.execute("select o.id,o.id%%{0},value,addr_id,o.tx_id from outputs o where o.id>=%s*{0} and o.id<%s*{0};".format(MAX_IO_TX), (txid,txid+1))
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for out_id,n,value,aid,in_id in rows:
        btc = float(value)/1e8
        total += btc
        vout = { 'n':int(n), 'value':"%1.8f" % btc, 'scriptPubKey':{} }
        if aid == 0:
            vout['scriptPubKey']['hex'] = outs[int(n)]
            cur.execute("select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format('bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid,))
            for addr, in cur:
                vout['scriptPubKey']['addresses'] = [ mkaddr(addr,int(aid)) ]
                vout['scriptPubKey']['hex'] =  mkSPK(addr,int(aid))[1]
        vout['scriptPubKey']['asm'] = mkOpCodeStr(vout['scriptPubKey']['hex'], sepPUSH=' ')
        vout['scriptPubKey']['hex'] = vout['scriptPubKey']['hex'].encode('hex')
        if in_id:
            vout.update(apiSpent(cur, int(in_id), int(out_id)))
    return round(total,8),data
コード例 #6
ファイル: bci.py プロジェクト: yinzeus/sqlchain
def bciOutputs(cur, txid, blob):
    data = []
        "select o.tx_id,o.id%%{0},value,addr_id from outputs o where o.id>=%s*{0} and o.id<%s*{0};"
        .format(MAX_IO_TX), (txid, txid + 1))
    outs = cur.fetchall()
    for in_id, n, value, aid in outs:
            "select addr from {0} where id=%s limit 1;".format(
                'bech32' if is_BL32(int(aid)) else 'address'), (aid, ))
        for addr, in cur:
            vout = {
                'n': int(n),
                'value': int(value),
                'addr': mkaddr(addr, int(aid)),
                'type': 0,
                'tx_index': txid
            if in_id:
                vout['spent'] = True
    return data, len(outs)
コード例 #7
def test_mkaddr():
    assert mkaddr('0c2f3eb0fa5f65269236658bc361187dfaa964bb'.decode(
        'hex')) == '127RhwC5vQJN4cJ6UaHc1A9NCSpz1e9B4i'
    assert mkaddr('bf362d4dda191483e789ccf3059d6447cd64bb9c'.decode(
        'hex')) == '1JS2xvSfG2hD3rnMGd3xxEeYSoBs8r7eKh'
    assert mkaddr('870a76dd469ab77084229a61984db634abaafb8b'.decode(
        'hex')) == '1DK2kyHNMUx8XoWZm9t2GWqJGzqBNxUYuv'
    assert mkaddr('1c6426545908803de2a4ed61caf805ccc282900f'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '34H8pSTwFNEngG5xfadqctdQykcGgRmSgf'
    assert mkaddr('c161e4848786150e2add1a93f084fa94a7259b97'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '3KKXcGTmxvedJr9GrzWayA8GVnS5AXm8tj'
    assert mkaddr('4df2e66aeb640a642c8476185f63e433ad074220'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '38oAwJnDWRTWf1GUg7FJ112bjVRoMjvCmV'
    assert mkaddr('924b50fdfc0e0afab1b1d12acae31c3b4a215154'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '3F2YodB6PAzbov1rAkYVMNu6KBB1g9AHrG'
    assert mkaddr('32eaeff4e7e856e74dcf0926724d04324320eb75'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '36LF9sFUJQAzGgxKtrVFDcXqmTF9yyVeow'
    assert mkaddr('271c19a61825788201434354d2a3a6b03d23e316'.decode('hex'),
                  p2sh=True) == '35FowTfm9qpeKGX9VQuuSrcgDiBd9SczAi'
    #p2wsh-p2sh - unavailble
    assert mkaddr(
        bech32=True) == 'BC1QW508D6QEJXTDG4Y5R3ZARVARY0C5XW7KV8F3T4'.lower()
    assert mkaddr('a7c47325325d7a2b0b75bff2dad00146395d2ef7'.decode('hex'),
                  bech32=True) == 'bc1q5lz8xffjt4azkzm4hled45qpgcu46thhl6j7vm'
    assert mkaddr('7906d7156a0932c2d649c9005deebd7c3696c1c9'.decode('hex'),
                  bech32=True) == 'bc1q0yrdw9t2pyev94jfeyq9mm4a0smfdswfweht6t'
    assert mkaddr('df938440bc4235a1ba8b429de811fb7f52b5ce7cc0e85be361e9fd0c89bed159'.decode('hex'),bech32=True) \
                == 'bc1qm7fcgs9ugg66rw5tg2w7sy0m0afttnnucr59hcmpa87sezd769vsac7pmy'
    assert mkaddr('a202a7fd3cb895d6300eef35043b7db0c341a80cd68d4d0d232ae2fbf7ecab13'.decode('hex'),bech32=True) \
                == 'bc1q5gp20lfuhz2avvqwau6sgwmakrp5r2qv66x56rfr9t30halv4vfs283f6e'
    assert mkaddr('8519909c5810f434c2c08e782ad4529b1f416ef609eb2bdb89e260d2288848fc'.decode('hex'),bech32=True) \
                == 'bc1qs5vep8zczr6rfskq3euz44zjnv05zmhkp84jhkufufsdy2ygfr7qr8x759'