コード例 #1
def test__parser__grammar_delimited(caplog, generate_test_segments,
    """Test the Delimited grammar."""
    seg_list = generate_test_segments(
        ['bar', ' \t ', ',', '    ', 'bar', '    '])
    bs = KeywordSegment.make('bar')
    comma = KeywordSegment.make(',', name='comma')
    expectation = (
        bs('bar', seg_list[0].pos_marker),
        seg_list[1],  # This will be the whitespace segment
        comma(',', seg_list[2].pos_marker),
        seg_list[3],  # This will be the whitespace segment
        bs('bar', seg_list[4].pos_marker),
        seg_list[5]  # This will be the whitespace segment
    g = Delimited(bs, delimiter=comma)
    gt = Delimited(bs, delimiter=comma, allow_trailing=True)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"):
            # Matching not quite the full list shouldn't work
            logging.info("#### TEST 1")
            assert not g.match(seg_list[:4], parse_context=ctx)
            # Matching not quite the full list should work if we allow trailing
            logging.info("#### TEST 1")
            assert gt.match(seg_list[:4], parse_context=ctx)
            # Matching up to 'bar' should
            logging.info("#### TEST 3")
            assert g._match(
                parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == expectation[:5]
            # Matching the full list ALSO should, because it's just whitespace
            logging.info("#### TEST 4")
            assert g.match(
                parse_context=ctx).matched_segments == expectation[:6]
コード例 #2
def test__parser__grammar_delimited_not_code_only(caplog, generate_test_segments, fresh_ansi_dialect):
    """Test the Delimited grammar when not code_only."""
    seg_list_a = generate_test_segments(['bar', ' \t ', '.', '    ', 'bar'])
    seg_list_b = generate_test_segments(['bar', '.', 'bar'])
    bs = KeywordSegment.make('bar')
    dot = KeywordSegment.make('.', name='dot')
    g = Delimited(bs, delimiter=dot, code_only=False)
    with RootParseContext(dialect=fresh_ansi_dialect) as ctx:
        with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sqluff.parser"):
            # Matching with whitespace shouldn't match
            # TODO: dots should be parsed out EARLY
            logging.info("#### TEST 1")
            assert not g.match(seg_list_a, parse_context=ctx)
            # Matching up to 'bar' should
            logging.info("#### TEST 2")
            assert g.match(seg_list_b, parse_context=ctx) is not None