コード例 #1
ファイル: reup.py プロジェクト: riannucci/vimified
def clean_branch(branch, parent, starting_ref):
  if (git_hash(parent) != git_hash(starting_ref)
      and git_hash(branch) != git_hash(starting_ref)):
    print 'Rebasing:', branch

    # Try a plain rebase first
    if rebase(parent, starting_ref, branch, abort=True).success:

    # Maybe squashing will help?
    print "Failed! Attempting to squash", branch, "...",
    squash_branch = branch+"_squash_attempt"
    run_git('checkout', '-b', squash_branch)

    squash_ret = rebase(parent, starting_ref, squash_branch, abort=True)
    run_git('checkout', branch)
    run_git('branch', '-D', squash_branch)

    if squash_ret.success:
      print 'Success!'
    final_rebase = rebase(parent, starting_ref, branch)
    assert final_rebase.success == squash_ret.success

    if not squash_ret.success:
      print squash_ret.message
      print 'Failure :('
      print 'Your working copy is in mid-rebase. Please completely resolve and'
      print 'run `git reup` again.'
コード例 #2
    def forward(self, x):
        # x: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, in_capsule_size=8]
        batch_size = x.size(0)

        x = torch.stack([x] * self.out_capsules, dim=2)
        # x: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, in_capsule_size=8]

        W = torch.cat([self.W.unsqueeze(0)] * batch_size, dim=0)
        # W: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, in_capsule_size=8]

        # Transform inputs by weight matrix `W`.
        u_hat = torch.matmul(W, x.unsqueeze(4))  # matrix multiplication
        # u_hat: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

        u_hat_detached = u_hat.detach()
        # u_hat_detached: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
        # In forward pass, `u_hat_detached` = `u_hat`, and
        # in backward, no gradient can flow from `u_hat_detached` back to `u_hat`.

        # Initialize routing logits to zero.
        b_ij = Variable(torch.zeros(self.in_capsules, self.out_capsules, 1))
        if self.gpu >= 0:
            b_ij = b_ij.cuda(self.gpu)
        # b_ij: [in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1]

        # Iterative routing.
        for iteration in range(self.routing_iters):
            # Convert routing logits to softmax.
            c_ij = F.softmax(b_ij.unsqueeze(0), dim=2)
            c_ij = torch.cat([c_ij] * batch_size, dim=0).unsqueeze(4)
            # c_ij: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1, 1]

            if iteration == self.routing_iters - 1:
                # Apply routing `c_ij` to weighted inputs `u_hat`.
                s_j = (c_ij * u_hat).sum(dim=1,
                                         keepdim=True)  # element-wise product
                # s_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

                v_j = squash(s_j, dim=3)
                # v_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

                # Apply routing `c_ij` to weighted inputs `u_hat`.
                s_j = (c_ij * u_hat_detached).sum(
                    dim=1, keepdim=True)  # element-wise product
                # s_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

                v_j = squash(s_j, dim=3)
                # v_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

                # Compute inner products of 2 16D-vectors, `u_hat` and `v_j`.
                u_vj1 = torch.matmul(u_hat_detached.transpose(3, 4),
                                     v_j).squeeze(4).mean(dim=0, keepdim=False)
                # u_vj1: [in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1]

                # Update b_ij (routing).
                b_ij = b_ij + u_vj1

        return v_j.squeeze(4).squeeze(
            1)  # [batch_size, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16]
コード例 #3
    def forward(self, x):
        # x: [256, 20, 20]

        u = []
        for i in range(self.capsule_units):
            u_i = self.conv_units[i](x)
            # u_i: [capsule_size=8, 6, 6]

            u_i = u_i.view(self.capsule_size, -1, 1)
            # u_i: [capsule_size=8, 36, 1]

        # u: [batch_size, capsule_size=8, 36, 1] x capsule_units=32

        u = torch.cat(u, dim=3)
        # u: [batch_size, capsule_size=8, 36, capsule_units=32]

        u = u.view(batch_size, self.capsule_size, -1)
        # u: [batch_size, capsule_size=8, 1152=36*32]

        u = u.transpose(1, 2)
        # u: [batch_size, 1152, capsule_size=8]

        u_squashed = squash(u, dim=2)
        # u_squashed: [batch_size, 1152, capsule_size=8]

        return u_squashed
コード例 #4
ファイル: numspell.py プロジェクト: Kairat/numspell
    def spell(self, num):
        """Return the spelling of the given integer

          num   -- number to spell

        Return value:
          A string with num's spelling.


        if num == 0:
            return self.NUMBERS[0]

        # *** Pass 1. Apply rules to decompose the number ***
        tokens = self._parse_num(num)
        # Renumber orders
        order = 0
        for i in range(len(tokens)-1, -1, -1):
            if isorder(tokens[i]):
                order += 1
                tokens[i] = order
        tokens = squash(isorder, tokens)
        logging.debug("Number decomposition:\n    %s\n", tokens)

        # *** Pass 2. Apply list transformations ***
        processed_tokens = apply_passes(tokens, self.PASSES, self.META)
        for index, token in enumerate(processed_tokens):
            if isnum(token):
                processed_tokens[index] = self.NUMBERS[int(token)]
            elif isorder(token):
                processed_tokens[index] = self.ORDERS[token]
        result = ''.join(processed_tokens).rstrip()

        logging.debug("Final components:\n    %s\n", processed_tokens)

        # Finally, squash any sequence of whitespace into a single space
        return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result)
コード例 #5
    def forward(self, x):
        # x: [ batch_size,in_capsules=1152, in_capsule_size=8]
        si = x.size(0)
        x = torch.reshape(x, (si, 20, 20))
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)
        x = self.conv(x)
        x = x.view(si, x.size(1), -1)
        #x = torch.reshape(x,(x.size(0),x.size(1),self.in_capsules ,self.in_capsule_size ))

        x = torch.stack([x] * self.out_capsules, dim=2)
        # x: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, in_capsule_size=8]

        W = torch.cat([self.W.unsqueeze(0)] * si, dim=0)  #.to(device)
        # W: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, in_capsule_size=8]

        # Transform inputs by weight matrix `W`.
        u_hat = torch.matmul(W, x.unsqueeze(4))
        # matrix multiplication
        # u_hat: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

        u_hat_detached = u_hat.detach()
        # u_hat_detached: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
        # In forward pass, `u_hat_detached` = `u_hat`, and
        # in backward, no gradient can flow from `u_hat_detached` back to `u_hat`.

        # Initialize routing logits to zero. #if self.gpu >= 0:
        b_ij = Variable(torch.zeros(self.in_capsules, self.out_capsules,
        # b_ij: [in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1]

        for iteration in range(self.routing_iters):
            # Convert routing logits to softmax.

            c_ij = b_ij.unsqueeze(0)
            c_ij = c_ij.log_softmax(dim=2)

            c_ij = torch.cat([c_ij] * si, dim=0).unsqueeze(4)
            # c_ij: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1, 1]
            # 3イタレーション行う
            if iteration == self.routing_iters - 1:
                # Apply routing `c_ij` to weighted inputs `u_hat`.

                s_j = (c_ij * u_hat).sum(dim=1,
                                         keepdim=True)  # element-wise product
                # s_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
                v_j = s_j.clone()
                # v_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]

                # Apply routing `c_ij` to weighted inputs `u_hat`.
                s_j = (c_ij * u_hat_detached).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
                # s_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
                v_j = squash(s_j, dim=3)
                # v_j: [batch_size, 1, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
                # u_hat_detached: [batch_size, in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, out_capsule_size=16, 1]
                # Compute inner products of 2 16D-vectors, `u_hat` and `v_j`.

                u_vj1 = torch.matmul(u_hat_detached.transpose(3, 4),
                                                          keepdim=False)  #
                # u_vj1: [in_capsules=1152, out_capsules=10, 1]

                # Update b_ij (routing).
                b_ij = b_ij + u_vj1

        #del b_ij, u_vj1 ,u_hat,u_hat_detached ,c_ij,s_j
        v_j = torch.sqrt((v_j**2).sum(dim=3))
        return v_j.squeeze(3).squeeze(
            1)  # [batch_size, out_capsules, out_capsule_size]