コード例 #1
class PlayScene:
	def __init__(self, level_id, model = None):
		self.next = None
		if model == None:
			self.model = Model(level_id)
			self.model = model
		self.board = PlayBoard(self.model)
		self.hover_buttons = None
		self.active_button = None
		self.mouse_xy = (99999, 999999)
		self.last_shown_budget = self.model.budget
		self.first = True
		self.enable_tutorial = level_id == 0
		self.tut_last = -1
		self.tut_count = 0
		if self.enable_tutorial:
			self.model.budget = 10000
			self.model.inventory_ivs = 5
			self.model.inventory_cucumbers = 0
			self.model.inventory_jackets = 0
			self.model.inventory_tapes = 0
	def do_tutorial_update(self):
		self.tut_count += 1
		if self.tut_last == -1:
			self.next = TextHover([
					'Welcome #5779 to the IT department at',
					'Zephyr, Pencil, & Bear International.',
					'Your job is to fix malfunctioning',
					'devices our employees bring to you.'])], self)
			self.tut_last = 0
			self.model.session.induce_device('laptop', 'sick')
		elif self.tut_last == 0:
			if self.tut_count > 80:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'This is a laptop.']),
						'This floating face above it means the',
						'laptop is sick. We make sick devices',
						'well again with an IV.']),
						'Go get one from the medical supply ',
						'bin in the corner.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 1
		elif self.tut_last == 1:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[0]
			if device.ttl < 10:
				device.ttl = 10
			if self.model.staff[0].holding == 'iv':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Now go back to the sick laptop and',
						'treat it.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 2
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 2:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[0]
			if device.ttl < 10:
				device.ttl = 10
			if device.state == 'treated':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Each treatment has a progress bar.',
						'If the life bar above it runs out ',
						'before the treatment finishes, the ',
						'device dies. Do not let that happen.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 3
				self.model.session.induce_device('laptop', 'sad')
				self.model.inventory_cucumbers = 2
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 3:
			if self.tut_count > 80:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'This laptop is not sick, but it is ',
						'sad. It needs a spa treatment to ',
						'cheer up. Go get a cucumber from the',
						'table to the right of the IV bin.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 4
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 4:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[-1]
			if device.ttl < 10:
				device.ttl = 10
			if device.state == 'treated':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Notice that the spa treatment is ',
						'slower than the IV. Each type of ',
						'treatment takes a different length of',
						'time, so plan accordingly.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 5
				self.tut_count = 0
				self.model.session.induce_device('tablet', 'angry')
		elif self.tut_last == 5:
			if self.tut_count > 80:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'This is a tablet.  Here at Zephyr,',
						'Pencil, & Bear International, we ',
						'fully embrace all computing ',
						'paradigms, be they touch, voice, or',
						'good old keyboard and mouse.']),

						'We eagerly await the arrival of scent',
						'based computing, so we can announce ',
						'that we are the first in our industry',
						'to adopt what will undoubtedly be a ',
						'revolution in computing.']),
						'This tablet is angry.  It needs a ',
						'whale songs audio tape to calm down.',
						'Go get one from the tape shelf.'])], self)
				self.model.inventory_tapes = 2
				self.tut_last = 6
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 6:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[-1]
			if device.ttl < 10:
				device.ttl = 10
			if device.state == 'treated':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Tapes take longer than IVs and',
						'spa treatments.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 7
				self.tut_count = 0
				self.model.inventory_jackets = 2
				self.model.session.induce_device('phone', 'crazy')
		elif self.tut_last == 7:
			if self.tut_count > 80:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'This is a phone.  It has gone crazy.',
						'It needs a straitjacket to contain it',
						'until it reboots.  Go get a jacket',
						'from the coat rack.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 8
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 8:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[-1]
			if device.state_counter > 10 * 30:
				device.state_counter = 300
			if device.state == 'treated':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Jackets are the slowest treatment.',
						'That concludes the four treatment',
						'types.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 9
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 9:
			if len(self.model.session.active_devices) == 0:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'But wait! There is more!'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 10
				self.tut_count = 0
				self.model.session.induce_device('phone', 'unknown')
		elif self.tut_last == 10:
			if self.tut_count > 80:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Some devices do not say what is wrong',
						'with them.  Go stand on the phone to',
						'diagnose it with your shoes.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 11
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 11:
			device = self.model.session.active_devices[-1]
			if device.ttl < 10:
				device.ttl = 10
			if device.ailment != 'unknown':
				self.next = TextHover([
						'Now that the phone has been',
						'diagnosed, it can be treated.',
						'Go do so.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 12
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 12:
			if len(self.model.session.active_devices) == 0:
				self.tut_last = 13
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 13:
			if len(self.model.session.active_devices) < 5:
				self.next = TextHover([
						'If a device goes too long without ',
						'being treated, or its treatment does',
						'not finish in time, it dies.']),

						'Any device that dies must be ',
						'replaced.  If a spare is available, ',
						'it will be removed from inventory.']),
						'If no spares are available, a ',
						'replacement will be rush ordered, ',
						'with the cost deducted from the ',
						'budget. This is expensive.']),
						'If the budget goes negative, you and',
						'your department will be ',
						'After each round, a performance ',
						'review, and possibly a budget ',
						'allowance, will be given.']),
						'The budget may be used for ',
						'- restocking inventory',
						'- productivity enhancers',
						'- hiring coworkers',
						'It also pays your salary']),
						'This concludes the new ',
						'employee training program.'])], self)
				self.tut_last = 14
				self.tut_count = 0
		elif self.tut_last == 14:
			if self.tut_count > 120:
				from src.menus.TitleScene import TitleScene
				self.next = TitleScene()
	def update(self, events, mouse_coords):
		if self.first:
			self.first = False
			if self.enable_tutorial:
		if self.enable_tutorial:
		if self.model.budget < 0:
			self.next = YouLose(self)
		events = self.filter_hover_ui_events(events, mouse_coords)
		if self.model.session.is_done():
			reward = Reward(self.model, self.model.session)
			self.model.budget += reward.calculate_next_budget()
			self.model.reward = reward
			self.next = WrapperMenu(self, self.model)
		self.mouse_xy = mouse_coords
	def render(self, screen, rc):
		screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
		self.board.render(screen, rc, 0, 0, self.model.staff)
		budget = self.model.budget
		display_budget = self.last_shown_budget
		if abs(budget - display_budget) < 2:
			display_budget = budget
			display_budget = (display_budget + budget) // 2
		self.last_shown_budget = display_budget
		x = 8
		y = 32 * 10 - 8
		things = [
			("Budget", display_budget, 'white'),
			("IV's", self.model.inventory_ivs, 'blue'),
			("Cucumbers", self.model.inventory_cucumbers, 'green'),
			('Tapes', self.model.inventory_tapes, 'gray'),
			('Jackets', self.model.inventory_jackets, 'purple'),
			('Laptops', self.model.inventory_laptops, 'white'),
			('Phones', self.model.inventory_phones, 'white'),
			('Tablets', self.model.inventory_tablets, 'white')
		y_offset = int(abs(math.sin(rc * 2 * 3.14159 / 30)) * 3)
		first = True
		for thing in things:
			prefix = ''
			if first:
				prefix = '$'
			count = thing[1]
			label = thing[0] + ': ' + prefix + str(count)
			color = thing[2]
			yo = 0
			if count < 2:
				color = 'red'
				if count < 1:
					yo = -y_offset
			TEXT.render(screen, label, color, x, y + yo)
			y += 18
			if first:
				first = False
				y += 15
		self.render_hover_ui(screen, rc)
		level = self.model.session.level
		if level == 0:
			header = 'New Employee Training'
			header = 'Day ' + str(level)
		TEXT.render(screen, header, 'white', 300, 4)
	def filter_hover_ui_events(self, events, mouse_xy):
		hb = self.hover_buttons
		if self.hover_buttons == None: hb = []
		filtered_events = []
		x, y = mouse_xy
		self.active_button = None
		for button in hb:
			if x > button[0] and x < button[2] and y > button[1] and y < button[3]:
				self.active_button = button[4]
		for event in events:
			if event.mousedown:
				x = event.x
				y = event.y
				handled = False
				if x < 16 * 5 and y < 20:
					handled = True
					for button in hb:
						if x >= button[0] and x <= button[2] and y >= button[1] and y <= button[3]:
							handled = True
				if not handled:
		return events
	def click_menu(self):
		self.next = OptionsMenu(self)
	def perform_hover_ui_click(self, id):
		if '_drop_' in id:
			if id.startswith('iv_drop_'):
				self.model.inventory_ivs += 1
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('iv_drop_'):])
				staff_member.holding = None
			elif id.startswith('cuc_drop_'):
				self.model.inventory_cucumbers += 1
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('cuc_drop_'):])
				staff_member.holding = None
			elif id.startswith('tape_drop_'):
				self.model.inventory_tapes += 1
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('tape_drop_'):])
				staff_member.holding = None
			elif id.startswith('jacket_drop_'):
				self.model.inventory_jackets += 1
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('jacket_drop_'):])
				staff_member.holding = None
		elif id.startswith('iv_take_'):
			if self.model.inventory_ivs > 0:
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('iv_take_'):])
				staff_member.holding = 'iv'
				self.model.inventory_ivs -= 1
		elif id.startswith('cuc_take_'):
			if self.model.inventory_cucumbers > 0:
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('cuc_take_'):])
				staff_member.holding = 'cucumber'
				self.model.inventory_cucumbers -= 1
		elif id.startswith('tape_take_'):
			if self.model.inventory_tapes > 0:
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('tape_take_'):])
				staff_member.holding = 'tape'
				self.model.inventory_tapes -= 1
		elif id.startswith('jacket_take_'):
			if self.model.inventory_jackets > 0:
				staff_member = self.get_staff_member(id[len('jacket_take_'):])
				staff_member.holding = 'jacket'
				self.model.inventory_jackets -= 1
		elif id.startswith('device_treat_'):
			parts = id.split('_')
			device = self.get_device(int(parts[2]))
			staff = self.get_staff_member(parts[3])
			if staff != None and device != None:
				staff.holding = None
	def get_device(self, id):
		for device in self.model.session.active_devices:
			if device.id == id:
				return device
		return None
	def get_staff_member(self, id):
		id = int(id)
		for member in self.model.staff:
			if member.id ==  id:
				return member
		return None
	def render_hover_ui(self, screen, rc):
		buttons = self.board.get_hover_buttons() # { 'id': ..., 'label': ..., 'key':... 'x', 'y'}
		if buttons != None:
			hb = []
			for button in buttons:
				if button['id'] == self.active_button:
					color = (0, 100, 255)
					color = (0, 0, 140)
				x = button['x']
				y = button['y']
				label = button['label']
				w = 16 * (1 + len(label))
				h = 32
				pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, pygame.Rect(x, y, w, h))
				# TODO: texturing
				TEXT.render(screen, label, 'white', x + 8, y + 8)
				hb.append((x, y, x + w, y + h, button['id']))
			self.hover_buttons = hb
			self.hover_buttons = None
		color = 'white'
		if self.mouse_xy[0] < MENU_LINK_SIZE[0] and self.mouse_xy[1] < MENU_LINK_SIZE[1]:
			color = 'yellow'
		TEXT.render(screen, 'Menu', color, 8, 4)