コード例 #1
def get_enr(cond_filter_ele):
    Return 1 dict:
        * e_nr   Dict of estimated exact no relativist energy  (e_nr[name])
    # -#-#- #
    # S Q L #
    # -#-#- #
    # Get Davidson est. atomics energies
        run_id_mol = e_nr_name_id_dict[config.get("estimated_exact",
        run_id_atom = e_nr_name_id_dict[config.get("estimated_exact",
    except KeyError:
        print "WARNING bad method in cfg"
        print "Will use by default Feller and Chakravorty"
        run_id_mol = e_nr_name_id_dict["Feller"]
        run_id_atom = e_nr_name_id_dict["Chakravorty"]

    cmd_id = cond_sql_or("run_id", [run_id_atom, run_id_mol])

    cmd_where = " AND ".join(cond_filter_ele + cmd_id)
    c.execute("""SELECT name as name_atome,
                          energy as exact_energy
                            FROM simple_energy_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN id_tab
                           WHERE {cmd_where}""".format(cmd_where=cmd_where))

    # -#-#-#- #
    # I n i t #
    # -#-#-#- #
    e_nr = defaultdict()

    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l l _ i n #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # Put exact energy non relativist for atom and molecule
    for name, exact_energy in c.fetchall():
        e_nr[name] = float(exact_energy)

    return e_nr
コード例 #2
def get_zpe_aeexp(cond_filter_ele):
    Return 2 dict:
        * zpe_exp  Dict of zpe experimental                   (zpe_exp[name])
        * ae_exp   Dict of atomization experimental energis   (ae_ext[name])

    # -#-#- #
    # S Q L #
    # -#-#- #
        zpe_ae_user = config.get("ZPE_AE", "value")
    except KeyError:
        print "WARNING bad ZPE AE type"

    if zpe_ae_user == "recomended":
        cond = ['basis_id=(1)']
        method_id = ae_zpe_exp_dict[zpe_ae_user]
        cond = ['(basis_id=1)', '(method_id=%d)' % (method_id)]

    cond_filter = cond_filter_ele + cond
    cmd_where = " AND ".join(cond_filter)

    cursor = c_row.execute("""SELECT name,
                   min(kcal_err) as kcal_err
                            FROM id_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN zpe_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN atomization_tab
                           WHERE {cmd_where}
                           GROUP BY name""".format(cmd_where=cmd_where))

    # -#-#-#- #
    # I n i t #
    # -#-#-#- #
    ae_exp = defaultdict()
    zpe_exp = defaultdict()

    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l l _ i n #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    for r in cursor:
        zpe = r['zpe'] * 4.55633e-06
        energy = r['kcal'] * 0.00159362
        energy_err = r['kcal_err'] * 0.00159362 if r['kcal_err'] else 0.

        ae_exp[r['name']] = v_un(energy, energy_err)
        zpe_exp[r['name']] = zpe

    return [ae_exp, zpe_exp]
コード例 #3
def get_zpe_aeexp(cond_filter_ele):
    Return 2 dict:
        * zpe_exp  Dict of zpe experimental                   (zpe_exp[name])
        * ae_exp   Dict of atomization experimental energis   (ae_ext[name])

    # -#-#- #
    # S Q L #
    # -#-#- #
        zpe_ae_user = config.get("ZPE_AE", "value")
    except KeyError:
        print "WARNING bad ZPE AE type"

    if zpe_ae_user == "recomended":
        cond = ['basis_id=(1)']
        method_id = ae_zpe_exp_dict[zpe_ae_user]
        cond = ['(basis_id=1)', '(method_id=%d)' % (method_id)]

    cond_filter = cond_filter_ele + cond
    cmd_where = " AND ".join(cond_filter)

    cursor = c_row.execute("""SELECT name,
                   min(kcal_err) as kcal_err
                            FROM id_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN zpe_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN atomization_tab
                           WHERE {cmd_where}
                           GROUP BY name""".format(cmd_where=cmd_where))

    # -#-#-#- #
    # I n i t #
    # -#-#-#- #
    ae_exp = defaultdict()
    zpe_exp = defaultdict()

    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l l _ i n #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    for r in cursor:
        zpe = r['zpe'] * 4.55633e-06
        energy = r['kcal'] * 0.00159362
        energy_err = r['kcal_err'] * 0.00159362 if r['kcal_err'] else 0.

        ae_exp[r['name']] = v_un(energy, energy_err)
        zpe_exp[r['name']] = zpe

    return [ae_exp, zpe_exp]
コード例 #4
def get_enr(cond_filter_ele):
    Return 1 dict:
        * e_nr   Dict of estimated exact no relativist energy  (e_nr[name])
    # -#-#- #
    # S Q L #
    # -#-#- #
    # Get Davidson est. atomics energies
        run_id_mol = e_nr_name_id_dict[config.get("estimated_exact", "method")]
        run_id_atom = e_nr_name_id_dict[config.get("estimated_exact",
    except KeyError:
        print "WARNING bad method in cfg"
        print "Will use by default Feller and Chakravorty"
        run_id_mol = e_nr_name_id_dict["Feller"]
        run_id_atom = e_nr_name_id_dict["Chakravorty"]

    cmd_id = cond_sql_or("run_id", [run_id_atom, run_id_mol])

    cmd_where = " AND ".join(cond_filter_ele + cmd_id)
    c.execute("""SELECT name as name_atome,
                          energy as exact_energy
                            FROM simple_energy_tab
                    NATURAL JOIN id_tab
                           WHERE {cmd_where}""".format(cmd_where=cmd_where))

    # -#-#-#- #
    # I n i t #
    # -#-#-#- #
    e_nr = defaultdict()

    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l l _ i n #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # Put exact energy non relativist for atom and molecule
    for name, exact_energy in c.fetchall():
        e_nr[name] = float(exact_energy)

    return e_nr
コード例 #5
def print_table_energy(run_info, table_body, header_name, header_unit):
    Print the famous energy table.
    If is to big, split it !
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # B i g  Ta b l e #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    from src.terminaltables import AsciiTable

    table_body = [map(str, i) for i in table_body]
    table_data = [header_name] + [header_unit] + table_body

    table_big = AsciiTable(table_data)

    # -#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l t e r #
    # -#-#-#-#-#- #

    # Table_big.ok Check if the table will fit in the terminal

    mode = config.get("Size", "mode")
    if all([mode == "Auto",
            not table_big.ok]) or mode == "Small":

            # Split into two table
            # table_run_id  (run _id -> method,basis, comment)
            # table_data_small (run_id -> energy, etc)
        table_run_id = ["Run_id Method Basis Geo Comments".split()]

        for run_id, l in run_info.iteritems():
            line = [run_id] + l

        t = AsciiTable([map(str, i) for i in table_run_id])
        print t.table()

        table_data_small = [[l[0]] + l[5:] for l in table_data]
        t = AsciiTable(table_data_small)
        print t.table(row_separator=2)

        print table_big.table(row_separator=2)
コード例 #6
def print_table_energy(run_info, table_body, header_name, header_unit):
    Print the famous energy table.
    If is to big, split it !
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    # B i g  Ta b l e #
    # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#- #
    from src.terminaltables import AsciiTable

    table_body = [map(str, i) for i in table_body]
    table_data = [header_name] + [header_unit] + table_body

    table_big = AsciiTable(table_data)

    # -#-#-#-#-#- #
    # F i l t e r #
    # -#-#-#-#-#- #

    # Table_big.ok Check if the table will fit in the terminal

    mode = config.get("Size", "mode")
    if all([mode == "Auto", not table_big.ok]) or mode == "Small":

        # Split into two table
        # table_run_id  (run _id -> method,basis, comment)
        # table_data_small (run_id -> energy, etc)
        table_run_id = ["Run_id Method Basis Geo Comments".split()]

        for run_id, l in run_info.iteritems():
            line = [run_id] + l

        t = AsciiTable([map(str, i) for i in table_run_id])
        print t.table()

        table_data_small = [[l[0]] + l[5:] for l in table_data]
        t = AsciiTable(table_data_small)
        print t.table(row_separator=2)

        print table_big.table(row_separator=2)
コード例 #7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  _
# /   _  | |  _   _ _|_ o  _  ._
# \_ (_) | | (/_ (_  |_ | (_) | |
from collections import defaultdict

from src.Requirement_util import config

import sys

# Format dict
format_dict = defaultdict()
for name, value in config.items("Format_dict"):
    format_dict[name] = config.get("Format_mesure", value)


from src.terminaltables import AsciiTable

#  _
# |_ _  ._ ._ _   _. _|_
# | (_) |  | | | (_|  |_
def format_table(header_name, table_body):
    Take and retable table_body.
    Format the table
コード例 #8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  _
# /   _  | |  _   _ _|_ o  _  ._
# \_ (_) | | (/_ (_  |_ | (_) | |
from collections import defaultdict

from src.Requirement_util import config

import sys

# Format dict
format_dict = defaultdict()
for name, value in config.items("Format_dict"):
    format_dict[name] = config.get("Format_mesure", value)


from src.terminaltables import AsciiTable

#  _
# |_ _  ._ ._ _   _. _|_
# | (_) |  | | | (_|  |_
def format_table(header_name, table_body):
    Take and retable table_body.
    Format the table