def plot_genetic_algorithm_time(): timer = Timer() experiments = [] time = [] total_time = 0 # Build Neural Network genetic_algorithm = GeneticFixedTopology(100, 1000) # 20 runs of 1000 generations each for i in range(20): experiments.append(i) timer.start() this_time = timer.stop() time.append(this_time) genetic_algorithm = GeneticFixedTopology(100, 1000) total_time += this_time mean_time = total_time / len(experiments) # Plot plt.figure() plt.title("Time Taken in 1000 Generations", fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('experimento') plt.ylabel('tiempo (segundos)') plt.scatter(experiments, time, color='blue') plt.axhline(y=mean_time, color='r', linestyle='-')
def __init__(self, args, num_input, mode='both', timer: Timer = None): self.args = args self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer if args.all_trees and False: self.embedding_size_to_mlp = args.embedding_size # * args.num_trees_for_embedd else: self.embedding_size_to_mlp = args.embedding_size * args.num_trees_for_embedding if mode is 'raw_only': num_features = num_input elif mode is 'emb_only': num_features = self.embedding_size_to_mlp # num_features = args.embedding_size elif mode is 'both': num_features = self.embedding_size_to_mlp + num_input # num_features = args.embedding_size + num_input else: raise Exception( "unidentified mode. possible={'raw_only', 'emb_only', 'both'}") if args.load_mlp: model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.chkpt".format( self.args.mlp_model_name, self.args.max_depth, self.args.num_trees_for_embedding) self.model = torch.load(model_name)['model'] else: self.model = MLP(args, num_features) self.mode = mode self.loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='mean') total_params = sum( for x in self.model.parameters()) print("Model total number of parameters: {}".format(total_params))
class XGBTreeParser: def __init__(self, booster, num_input, timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer dump = booster.get_dump(with_stats=True) self.trees = [DecisionTree(tree, num_input) for tree in dump] self.leaf_to_index = [tree.leaf_to_index for tree in self.trees] self.num_nodes = [ len(leaf_to_index) for leaf_to_index in self.leaf_to_index ] self.max_length = max(self.num_nodes) self.num_trees = len(self.trees) self.timer.toc("init done. Max length = " + str(self.max_length)) def _parse_predict_leaf(self, pred_leaves): def func(leaf_index, leaf): return self.leaf_to_index[leaf_index][leaf] a = np.vectorize(func) indexes = np.arange(0, self.num_trees).reshape( 1, -1) # .repeat(len(pred_leaves), 0) return a(indexes, pred_leaves) # Input pred_leaves. shape [num_sample, num trees] def get_one_hot_version(self, pred_leaves): transpose = np.transpose(self._parse_predict_leaf(pred_leaves)) return np.concatenate([ np.eye(self.num_nodes[i])[tree] for i, tree in enumerate(transpose) ], axis=1)
def plot_time_vs_epochs(train_data, test_data): timer = Timer() number_epochs = [] time = [] total_time = 0 # Build Neural Network neural_network = build_network() # 200 runs of 100 epochs each for i in range(100): number_epochs.append(i) timer.start() for j in range(1000): for data in test_data: neural_network.feed(data) this_time = timer.stop() time.append(this_time) total_time += this_time mean_time = total_time / len(number_epochs) # Plot plt.figure() plt.title("Time Taken in 1000 Epochs", fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Number of Experiment') plt.ylabel('Time (seconds)') plt.scatter(number_epochs, time, color='blue') plt.axhline(y=mean_time, color='r', linestyle='-')
def __init__(self, booster, num_input, timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer dump = booster.get_dump(with_stats=True) self.trees = [DecisionTree(tree, num_input) for tree in dump] self.leaf_to_index = [tree.leaf_to_index for tree in self.trees] self.num_nodes = [ len(leaf_to_index) for leaf_to_index in self.leaf_to_index ] self.max_length = max(self.num_nodes) self.num_trees = len(self.trees) self.timer.toc("init done. Max length = " + str(self.max_length))
def __correlateBlock(self,w): N = len(w[0,:]); n = len(w[:,0]); wout = zeros((n,N)); T = Timer("Convolving signal with Block..",0,N) for j in range(0,N): block = self.__block(self._t,self._t[j],self._pa); for i in range(0,n): wout[i,j] = sum(block*w[i,:]); T.looptime(j) return wout;
def main1(): instruction1 = BasicInstruction() instruction3 = Priority_Instruction() logger = Logger("../resource/log.txt") program = Program('a') program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) programb = Program('b') programb.addInstruction(instruction3) programc = Program('c') programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) timer = Timer(2) memory = Memory() memory.buildMemory(9) frame1 = Frame(memory,0,9) mmu = MMU() mmu.addEmptyFrame(frame1) cpu = CPU(None,mmu,None,timer,logger) scheduler = Scheduler(PFIFO()) ioqueue = IOQueue(scheduler,logger) disk = Disk(None) kernel = Kernel(cpu,ioqueue,scheduler,mmu,disk,logger) disk.setKernel(kernel) cpu.setKernel(kernel) kernel.executeProgram('a')
class Health: def __init__(self, health, cooldown_seconds): from src.Timer import Timer = health self.cooldown_seconds = cooldown_seconds self.time_elapsed_since_hit = self.cooldown_seconds self.timer = Timer() def deal_damage(self, damage): t = self.timer.get_time() if t > self.cooldown_seconds * 1000: = - damage if < 0: = 0 self.time_elapsed_since_hit = 0 self.timer.reset()
def main0(): instruction1 = BasicInstruction() instruction2 = IO_Instruction() instruction3 = Priority_Instruction() program = Program('a') program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) programb = Program('b') programb.addInstruction(instruction3) programc = Program('c') programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) timer = Timer(2) memory = Memory() memory.buildMemory(9) frame1 = Frame(memory,0,9) mmu = MMU() mmu.addEmptyFrame(frame1) cpu = CPU(None,mmu,None,timer) scheduler = Scheduler(PFIFO()) ioqueue = IOQueue(scheduler) disk = Disk(None) kernel = Kernel(cpu,ioqueue,scheduler,mmu,disk) disk.setKernel(kernel) cpu.setKernel(kernel) kernel.saveProgram(program) kernel.saveProgram(programb) kernel.saveProgram(programc) kernel.start() cpu.start() ioqueue.start()
def __init__(self, player): from src.Timer import Timer from src.Sprite import Sprite self.valid_blink_points = [] self.dot_spr = Sprite(ImageEnum.BLINK_DOT) self.dot_spr.bounds = (0, 0, 4, 4) self.can_blink = False self.player = player self.blink_frames = 3 self.is_blinking = False self.frame_displacement = (None, None) self.frames_passed = None self.timer = Timer() self.cooldown_ms = 2500 self.cooldown_passed = False self.state = BlinkState.CAN_BLINK
def DEM(M,x0,u,y,p,Pw,Pz,alpha_x,alpha_th,embed=0,gembed=1,maxit=1000,numerical=True,mfts=False,tol=1e-6,conit=100): # Allocate memory J = zeros(( 1, maxit)); th = zeros((M.nth, maxit)); th[:,0] =; # Set-up loop i = 0; j = 0; T = Timer('Dynamic Expectation Maximization',i,maxit-1,maxit-1); # Run loop while i < maxit-1 and j < conit: # Update cost, covariance and parameter estimates if numerical: J[:,i],th[:,i+1] = NDEMstep(M,x0,u,y,p,Pw,Pz,alpha_x,alpha_th,embed,mfts)[0:2]; else: J[:,i],th[:,i+1] = ADEMstep(M,x0,u,y,p,Pw,Pz,alpha_x,alpha_th,embed,gembed,mfts)[0:2] = th[:,i+1]; # Stopping criterion: J < <tol> in last <conit> iterations if j == 0: if abs(J[:,i]-J[:,i-1]) < tol: j = 1; else: if abs(J[:,i]-J[:,i-1]) < tol: j +=1; else: j = 0; i +=1; T.looptime(i); # Get final hidden state and output estimations xp,xu,yp,yu = FEF(M,x0,u,y,p,alpha_x,embed,mfts); # If converged before maxit, then fill remainer of matrices with last value for j in range(i-1,maxit): J[:,j] = J[:,i-1]; th[:,j] = th[:,i]; dat = pedata('DEM',M,J,[],[],[],th,xp,xu,yp,yu); return dat;
def __correlateGaussian(self,w): N = len(w[0,:]); n = len(w[:,0]); wout = zeros((n,N)); tol = 1e-6; # find for which coordinate the gaussian < tol gaus = self.__gaussian(self._t,0,self._pa); k=0 while gaus[k] > tol: k+=1; gaus = zeros(2*k); T = Timer("Convolving signal with Gaussian..",0,N) for j in range(0,N): kmin = max([0,j-k]); kmax = min([N-1,j+k]); if j <= k or j >= N-k: gaus = self.__gaussian(self._t[kmin:kmax],self._t[j],self._pa); else: gaus[:] = self.__gaussian(self._t[kmin:kmax],self._t[j],self._pa); for i in range(0,n): wout[i,j] = sum(gaus*w[i,kmin:kmax]); T.looptime(j) return wout;
def __init__(self): print("Bienvenue à!") args_dictionary = self.get_args() message_administrator = MessageAdministrator() timer = Timer() form_name_finder = FormNameFinder() dictionary_reader = DictionaryReader(args_dictionary["dict"]) browser_service = BrowserService(args_dictionary["url"]) brute_force_login = BruteForceLogin(args_dictionary, message_administrator, timer, form_name_finder, dictionary_reader, browser_service) brute_force_login.execute()
def main(): instruction1 = BasicInstruction() instruction2 = IO_Instruction() instruction3 = Priority_Instruction() program = Program('a') program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) program.addInstruction(instruction1) programd = Program('d') programd.addInstruction(instruction1) programd.addInstruction(instruction1) programd.addInstruction(instruction1) programd.addInstruction(instruction1) programd.addInstruction(instruction1) programb = Program('b') programb.addInstruction(instruction3) programc = Program('c') programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) programc.addInstruction(instruction1) timer = Timer(2) memory = Memory() memory.buildMemory(9) frame1 = Frame(memory,0,9) logger = Logger("/home/matlock/Escritorio/Sistemas Operativos/OSProyect/resource/log.txt") mmu = MMU(logger) mmu.addEmptyFrame(frame1) cpu = CPU(None,mmu,None,timer,logger) scheduler = Scheduler(PFIFO()) ioqueue = IOQueue(scheduler,logger) disk = Disk(None) kernel = Kernel(cpu,ioqueue,scheduler,mmu,disk,logger) disk.setKernel(kernel) cpu.setKernel(kernel) x = [] x.append(program) x.append(programb) x.append(programc) x.append(programd) kernel.saveOnDisk(x) kernel.executeProgram('a')
def __init__(self, args, num_nodes, svd_name='xgb-svd', timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer self.args = args self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.max_depth = np.ceil(np.log(max(num_nodes))).astype(int) self.svd_name = svd_name self.cumsum = np.cumsum([0] + self.num_nodes) self.embedding_size = args.embedding_size self.embeddings = None if args.load: model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}".format(svd_name, self.max_depth, len(num_nodes)) with open(model_name, "rb") as f: self.svds = pickle.load(f) self._get_weights() else: self.svds = TruncatedSVD(n_components=self.embedding_size)
class IEEESplitter: def __init__(self, args, load_raw=False): self.train_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/train.csv' self.valid_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/valid.csv' self.test_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/test.csv' self.args = args self.id_cat_col = ["id_" + str(i) for i in range(12, 39)] + [ "DeviceType", "DeviceInfo", "id_33_1", "id_31_1", "id_30_1" ] self.trans_cat_col = ["M" + str(i) for i in range(1, 10)] + ["card" + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)] + \ ["ProductCD", "addr1", "addr2", "P_emaildomain", "R_emaildomain"] # self.try_list = ["id_" + str(i) for i in [13, 17]] self.try_list = ["id_" + str(i) for i in []] self.id_onehot_encoder = OneHot(0.01) self.trans_onehot_encoder = OneHot(0.01) self.id_scaler = Scaler() self.trans_scaler = Scaler() self.global_name = [] self.global_df = [] self.emails = { 'gmail': 'google', '': 'att', '': 'spectrum', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'spectrum', '': 'microsoft', '': 'aol', '': 'microsoft', '': 'centurylink', '': 'google', '': 'apple', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'centurylink', '': 'att', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'att', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'centurylink', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'apple', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'aol', '': 'other', '': 'apple' } self.drop_col = [ 'TransactionDT', 'V300', 'V309', 'V111', 'C3', 'V124', 'V106', 'V125', 'V315', 'V134', 'V102', 'V123', 'V316', 'V113', 'V136', 'V305', 'V110', 'V299', 'V289', 'V286', 'V318', 'V103', 'V304', 'V116', 'V298', 'V284', 'V293', 'V137', 'V295', 'V301', 'V104', 'V311', 'V115', 'V109', 'V119', 'V321', 'V114', 'V133', 'V122', 'V319', 'V105', 'V112', 'V118', 'V117', 'V121', 'V108', 'V135', 'V320', 'V303', 'V297', 'V120' ] self.us_emails = ['gmail', 'net', 'edu'] self.timer = Timer() if load_raw: df_trans = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/train_transaction.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") df_id_raw = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/train_identity.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") dt_trans = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/test_transaction.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") dt_id = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/test_identity.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") self.timer.toc("read done") self.test_id = list(dt_trans.index) df_trans, dv_trans = train_test_split( df_trans, random_state=args.random_state, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2) df_id = df_id_raw.loc[ df_trans.index.intersection(df_id_raw.index), :] dv_id = df_id_raw.loc[ dv_trans.index.intersection(df_id_raw.index), :] self.timer.toc("split done") self.feature_engineering_id(df_id) self.feature_engineering_id(dv_id) self.feature_engineering_id(dt_id) self.timer.toc("process id done") self.feature_engineering_trans(df_trans) self.feature_engineering_trans(dv_trans) self.feature_engineering_trans(dt_trans) self.timer.toc("process trans done") self.global_count(df_id, df_trans) self.timer.toc("global_count done") df_trans, ytrain = self.split_x_y(df_trans) dv_trans, yvalid = self.split_x_y(dv_trans) dt_trans, ytest = self.split_x_y(dt_trans) df_global = self.get_derived(df_id) self.timer.toc("get train derived done") dv_global = self.get_derived(dv_id) self.timer.toc("get valid derived done") dt_global = self.get_derived(dt_id) self.timer.toc("get test derived done") self.init_onehot(df_id, df_trans) self.init_scaler(df_id.drop(self.id_cat_col, axis=1), df_trans.drop(self.trans_cat_col, axis=1)) Xtrain = self.transform(df_id, df_trans, df_global) self.timer.toc("transform train done") Xvalid = self.transform(dv_id, dv_trans, dv_global) self.timer.toc("transform valid done") Xtest = self.transform(dt_id, dt_trans, dt_global) self.timer.toc("transform test done") pd.concat([Xtrain, ytrain], axis=1).to_csv(self.train_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write train done") pd.concat([Xvalid, yvalid], axis=1).to_csv(self.valid_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write valid done") Xtest.to_csv(self.test_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write test done") raise Exception("STOP HERE!") else: self.train = self.load(self.train_parsed_file) self.timer.toc("load train done") self.valid = self.load(self.valid_parsed_file) self.timer.toc("load valid done") self.test = self.load(self.test_parsed_file, test=True) self.timer.toc("load test done") self.num_input = self.train[0].shape[1] # sanity check print(np.unique(self.train[1], return_counts=True)) print(np.unique(self.valid[1], return_counts=True)) # self.train = Xtrain, ytrain.values # self.valid = Xvalid, yvalid.values # self.test = Xtest, ytest.values # self.num_input = Xtrain.shape[1] def load(self, file, test=False): df = pd.read_csv(file) if not test: X = df.drop(['TransactionID', 'isFraud'], axis=1) y = df['isFraud'] else: X = df.drop('TransactionID', axis=1) y = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(df))) y.iloc[:10] = 1 self.test_id = df['TransactionID'] return X.values, y.values def transform(self, df_id, df_trans, df_global): id_num, id_cat = self.id_onehot_encoder.transform(df_id) id_num = self.id_scaler.transform(id_num) id = pd.concat([id_num, id_cat], axis=1) # id = pd.concat([df_global, id_num, id_cat], axis=1) trans_num, trans_cat = self.trans_onehot_encoder.transform(df_trans) trans_num = self.trans_scaler.transform(trans_num) trans = pd.concat([trans_num, trans_cat], axis=1) return trans.merge(id, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) def init_onehot(self, df_id, df_trans):, self.id_cat_col), self.trans_cat_col) def init_scaler(self, df_id, df_trans): def get_derived(self, df_id): return temp = df_id[self.try_list] df_list = [] # [df_id[['TransactionID']]] for i in range(len(self.global_name)): li = self.global_name[i] column_name = self.global_df[i].columns[0] merged = temp.merge(self.global_df[i].reset_index(), how='left', on=li) merged.index = temp.index df_list.append(merged[[column_name]]) return pd.concat(df_list, axis=1) @staticmethod def split_x_y(df): if 'isFraud' in df.columns: return df.drop('isFraud', axis=1), df['isFraud'] else: y = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(df)), index=df.index) y.iloc[:10] = 1 return df, y @staticmethod def parse_device_info(y): if type(y) is not str: return np.nan x = y.lower() if x.startswith("rv"): return "rv" elif x.startswith("sm-"): return "sm" elif x.startswith("trident"): return "trident" elif x.startswith("moto"): return "moto" elif x.startswith("lg"): return "lg" elif x.startswith("samsung"): return "sm" elif x.startswith("windows"): return "windows" elif x.startswith("ios"): return "ios" elif x.startswith("macos"): return "macos" else: return np.nan @staticmethod def feature_engineering_id(dg): dg["id_33_1"] = dg["id_33"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split("x")[0]) if type(x) is str else np.nan) dg["id_33"] = dg["id_33"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split("x")[1]) if type(x) is str else np.nan) dg["id_31_1"] = dg["id_31"].apply(lambda x: x.split(" ")[0] if type(x) is str else np.nan) dg["id_31"] = dg["id_31"].apply(lambda x: x.split(" ")[1] if type( x) is str and len(x.split(" ")) > 1 else np.nan) dg["id_30_1"] = dg["id_30"].apply(lambda x: x.split(" ")[0] if type(x) is str else np.nan) dg["id_30"] = dg["id_30"].apply(lambda x: x.split(" ")[1] if type( x) is str and len(x.split(" ")) > 1 else np.nan) dg["DeviceInfo"] = dg["DeviceInfo"].apply( IEEESplitter.parse_device_info) dg["nulls_id"] = dg.isna().sum(axis=1) def feature_engineering_trans(self, dg): def get_suffix(x): suffix = str(x).split(".")[-1] return x if str(x) not in self.us_emails else 'us' dg["nulls_trans"] = dg.isna().sum(axis=1) for col in ["P_emaildomain", "R_emaildomain"]: dg[col + "_bin"] = dg[col].map(self.emails) dg[col + "_suffix"] = dg[col].apply(get_suffix) dg.drop(self.drop_col, axis=1, inplace=True) def global_count(self, df_id, df_trans): try_lists = IEEESplitter.powerset(self.try_list) df_temp = df_id.merge(df_trans[['isFraud']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_temp = df_temp[['isFraud'] + self.try_list] for selected in try_lists: selected = list(selected) groupby = df_temp[['isFraud'] + selected].groupby(selected).mean() groupby.columns = ["global_" + "_".join(selected)] self.global_name.append(selected) self.global_df.append(groupby) @staticmethod def powerset(li): l = [] from itertools import combinations for i in range(1, len(li) + 1): l = l + list(combinations(li, i)) return l def export(self, inference, out_csv): df = pd.DataFrame() df['TransactionID'] = self.test_id df['isFraud'] = inference df.to_csv("../data/data/ieee/" + out_csv, index=False)
def EM(M,x0,u,y,Q,R,alpha=1,maxit=1000,numerical=True,tol=1e-6,conit=100,gembed=1): """ Expectation Maximization INPUTS M Data-structure of Model class x0 Initial hidden state - 1-dimensional array_like (list works) u Input sequence nu x N numpy_array y Output sequence ny x N numpy_array Q State-noise covariance - nx x nx numpy_array R Output-noise covariance - ny x ny numpy_array alpha Updating gain - scalar float, int - (opt. def=1) maxit Max. number of iterations - scalar int - (opt. def=1000) numerical Use numerical gradients - boolean - (opt. def=True) tol Error tolerance for stopping cond. - float - (opt. def=True) conit Number of converence iterations. - fint - (opt. def=100) gembed Gradient-embedding order (if algebraical gradient ) - scalar int - (opt. def=1) OUTPUTS dat Data-structure of pedata class containing """ # Allocate memory J = zeros(( 1, maxit)); K = zeros(( M.nx, M.ny, maxit)); P = zeros(( M.nx, M.nx, maxit)); S = zeros(( M.ny, M.ny, maxit)); th = zeros((M.nth, maxit)); th[:,0] =; # Set-up loop i = 0; j = 0; T = Timer('Expectation Maximization',i,maxit-1,maxit-1); # Run loop while i < maxit-1 and j < conit: # Update cost, covariance and parameter estimates if numerical: J[:,i],K[:,:,i],P[:,:,i],S[:,:,i],th[:,i+1] \ = NEMstep(M,x0,u,y,Q,R,alpha)[0:5]; else: J[:,i],K[:,:,i],P[:,:,i],S[:,:,i],th[:,i+1] \ = AEMstep(M,x0,u,y,Q,R,alpha,gembed)[0:5]; = th[:,i+1]; # Stopping criterion: J < <tol> in last <conit> iterations if j == 0: if abs(J[:,i]-J[:,i-1]) < tol: j = 1; else: if abs(J[:,i]-J[:,i-1]) < tol: j +=1; else: j = 0; i +=1; T.looptime(i); # Get final hidden state and output estimations xp,xu,yp,yu = M.filt(K[:,:,i],x0,u,y); # If converged before maxit, then fill remainer of matrices with last value for j in range(i-1,maxit): J[:,j] = J[:,i-1] K[:,:,j] = K[:,:,i-1] P[:,:,j] = P[:,:,i-1] S[:,:,j] = S[:,:,i-1] th[:,j] = th[:,i] dat = pedata('EM',M,J,K,P,S,th,xp,xu,yp,yu); return dat;
def __init__(self, embedding_size, timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer
parser.add_argument('--all_trees', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--mlp_num_epoch', type=int, default=1000) parser.add_argument('--mlp_lr', type=float, default=3e-6, help='learning rate') parser.add_argument('--mlp_batch_size', type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument('--mlp_dropout', type=float, default=0.5) parser.add_argument('--mlp_weight_decay', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('--n_latent', type=int, default=100) #################### Finalizing args args = parser.parse_args() if args.random_state is not None: torch.manual_seed(args.random_state) print("args = ", args) timer = Timer() def main(): # split splitter = IEEESplitter(args) # splitter = SantanderSplitter("../data/santander/train.csv", args) # train xgb trainer = XGBTrainer(splitter, args, timer) pred = trainer.predict(splitter.test[0]) splitter.export(pred, "xgb_pred.csv") # train embedding # embs = train_xgb_emb(trainer)
class MLPTrainer: def __init__(self, args, num_input, mode='both', timer: Timer = None): self.args = args self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer if args.all_trees and False: self.embedding_size_to_mlp = args.embedding_size # * args.num_trees_for_embedd else: self.embedding_size_to_mlp = args.embedding_size * args.num_trees_for_embedding if mode is 'raw_only': num_features = num_input elif mode is 'emb_only': num_features = self.embedding_size_to_mlp # num_features = args.embedding_size elif mode is 'both': num_features = self.embedding_size_to_mlp + num_input # num_features = args.embedding_size + num_input else: raise Exception( "unidentified mode. possible={'raw_only', 'emb_only', 'both'}") if args.load_mlp: model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.chkpt".format( self.args.mlp_model_name, self.args.max_depth, self.args.num_trees_for_embedding) self.model = torch.load(model_name)['model'] else: self.model = MLP(args, num_features) self.mode = mode self.loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='mean') total_params = sum( for x in self.model.parameters()) print("Model total number of parameters: {}".format(total_params)) def trainIters(self, train, valid): early_stopper = EarlyStopper(3, 'moving', reverse=True) max_auc = 0 # ADAM opts opt = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.args.mlp_lr, weight_decay=self.args.mlp_weight_decay) ################ Training epoch self.model.cuda() for epoch in range(1, self.args.mlp_num_epoch + 1): self.model.train() train_losses = self.train_model(opt, train) valid_losses, results, ground_truths = self.valid_model(valid) valid_auc = self.evaluate(results, ground_truths, print_result=False) self.timer.toc( "epoch {:4d} - train loss: {:10.6f} valid loss: {:10.6f} valid auc: {:10.6f}" .format(epoch, np.mean(train_losses), np.mean(valid_losses), valid_auc)) checkpoint = {'model': self.model, 'args': self.args} model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.chkpt".format( self.args.mlp_model_name, self.args.max_depth, self.args.num_trees_for_embedding) if valid_auc > max_auc: max_auc = valid_auc, model_name) if early_stopper.record(valid_auc): self.model = torch.load(model_name)['model'] return def valid_model(self, valid): valid_losses = [] results = [] ground_truths = [] self.model.eval() for batch, x in enumerate(valid): out = self.model(x[0].cuda()) loss = self.loss(out, x[1].cuda()) valid_losses.append(loss.item()) results.append(torch.sigmoid(out)) ground_truths.append(x[1]) # x = x.cpu() inference_result =, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() ground_truth =, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() return valid_losses, inference_result, ground_truth def train_model(self, opt, train): train_losses = [] for batch, x in enumerate(train): opt.zero_grad() out = self.model(x[0].cuda()) loss = self.loss(out, x[1].cuda()) loss.backward() opt.step() # x = x.cpu() train_losses.append(loss.item()) return train_losses def inference(self, test): self.model.cuda() self.model.eval() results = [] ground_truths = [] for batch, x in enumerate(test): results.append( torch.sigmoid(self.model(x[0].cuda())).detach().cpu().numpy()) ground_truths.append(x[1].detach().cpu().numpy()) return np.concatenate(results, axis=0), np.concatenate(ground_truths, axis=0) # return, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy(),, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() @staticmethod def evaluate(pred, ground_truth, print_result=True): auc = roc_auc_score(ground_truth, pred) if print_result: print("AUC = ", auc) print("error = ", 1 - np.sum(np.round(pred) == ground_truth) / len(pred)) return auc def get_loader(self, raw, emb, shuffle=True): X, y = raw if self.mode is 'both': norm = np.linalg.norm(emb, axis=-1, keepdims=True) emb = emb / (norm + 1e-8) # if not self.args.all_trees: emb = emb.reshape(-1, self.embedding_size_to_mlp) # emb = np.mean(emb, axis=1) X = np.concatenate([X, emb], axis=1) elif self.mode is 'raw_only': pass elif self.mode is 'emb_only': norm = np.linalg.norm(emb, axis=-1, keepdims=True) emb = emb / (norm + 1e-8) # if not self.args.all_trees: X = emb.reshape(-1, self.embedding_size_to_mlp) # else: # X = emb # X = np.mean(emb, axis=1) else: raise Exception( "unidentified mode. possible={'raw_only', 'emb_only', 'both'}") dataset = MLPDataset(np.nan_to_num(X, copy=False), y) return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.args.mlp_batch_size, shuffle=shuffle) def run(self, raws, embs): train_loader = self.get_loader(raws[0], embs[0]) self.timer.toc("train loader done") valid_loader = self.get_loader(raws[1], embs[1]) self.timer.toc("valid loader done") test_loader = self.get_loader(raws[2], embs[2], shuffle=False) self.timer.toc("test loader done") if not self.args.load_mlp: self.trainIters(train_loader, valid_loader) train_pred, train_true = self.inference(train_loader) self.timer.toc("train inference done") valid_pred, valid_true = self.inference(valid_loader) self.timer.toc("valid inference done") test_pred, test_true = self.inference(test_loader) self.timer.toc("test inference done") print('train') self.evaluate(train_pred, train_true) print('valid') self.evaluate(valid_pred, valid_true) print('test') self.evaluate(test_pred, test_true) return test_pred
def __getConfig(self, argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "p:f:m:o:d:", ["package=", "apkfile=", "monkeytime=", "output=", "device="]) except getopt.GetoptError: self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--package"): self.pkgname = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--apkfile"): self.apkFilePath = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--monkeytime"): self.monkeyTime = int(arg) self.monkeyMode = True elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): self.recordOutPath = arg if not os.path.exists(self.recordOutPath): os.makedirs(self.recordOutPath) elif opt in ("-d", "--device"): self.udid = arg else: print("err in args") self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(1) if self.pkgname == "" or self.pkgname is None: print("package name is necessary") self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(1) # 未指定设备取第一个 if self.udid == "": print("no specified device!") self.udid = [ line.split('\t')[0] for line in os.popen("adb devices", 'r', 1).read().split('\n') if len(line) != 0 and line.find('\tdevice') != -1 ][0] if self.udid == "": print("no available devices!") sys.exit(1) # 初始化Logger self.logger = initLogger(loggerName="UIDump_%s" % self.pkgname, outputPath=os.path.join( LOG_OUTPUT_PATH, "UIDump_%s.log" % self.pkgname), udid=self.udid) # 初始化 uiautomator try: self.device = DeviceConnect(self.logger, self.udid) except Exception as e: self.runStatus = RunStatus.UI2_INIT_ERR return # Monkey模式 设置计时器 if self.monkeyMode: self.timer = Timer(logger=self.logger, duration=self.monkeyTime, device=self.device) # APK_FILE不为空,表示需要从指定路径安装app if self.apkFilePath is not "": self.runStatus = self.device.installApk(self.pkgname, self.apkFilePath) pass
class UIDump: def __init__(self, argv): self.udid = "" self.pkgname = "" self.dumpInterval = DUMP_INTERVAL self.apkFilePath = "" self.monkeyMode = False self.monkeyTime = MONKEY_TIME self.recordOutPath = RECORD_OUTPUT_PATH self.device = None self.timer = None self.logger = None self.runStatus = RunStatus.SUCCESS self.__getConfig(argv) pass def __getConfig(self, argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "p:f:m:o:d:", ["package=", "apkfile=", "monkeytime=", "output=", "device="]) except getopt.GetoptError: self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--package"): self.pkgname = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--apkfile"): self.apkFilePath = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--monkeytime"): self.monkeyTime = int(arg) self.monkeyMode = True elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): self.recordOutPath = arg if not os.path.exists(self.recordOutPath): os.makedirs(self.recordOutPath) elif opt in ("-d", "--device"): self.udid = arg else: print("err in args") self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(1) if self.pkgname == "" or self.pkgname is None: print("package name is necessary") self.__printUseMethod() sys.exit(1) # 未指定设备取第一个 if self.udid == "": print("no specified device!") self.udid = [ line.split('\t')[0] for line in os.popen("adb devices", 'r', 1).read().split('\n') if len(line) != 0 and line.find('\tdevice') != -1 ][0] if self.udid == "": print("no available devices!") sys.exit(1) # 初始化Logger self.logger = initLogger(loggerName="UIDump_%s" % self.pkgname, outputPath=os.path.join( LOG_OUTPUT_PATH, "UIDump_%s.log" % self.pkgname), udid=self.udid) # 初始化 uiautomator try: self.device = DeviceConnect(self.logger, self.udid) except Exception as e: self.runStatus = RunStatus.UI2_INIT_ERR return # Monkey模式 设置计时器 if self.monkeyMode: self.timer = Timer(logger=self.logger, duration=self.monkeyTime, device=self.device) # APK_FILE不为空,表示需要从指定路径安装app if self.apkFilePath is not "": self.runStatus = self.device.installApk(self.pkgname, self.apkFilePath) pass def __printUseMethod(self): print(" -p <app-package-name> [-t] <dump-interval> " "[-f] <apk-file-path> [-m] <monkey-run-time> [-o] <output-path>") print("arguments : ") print( "-p --package\tinput app is necessary, such as \"-p\"" ) print( "-f --apkfile\tapk file path, if the app isn't installed, " "you can specify the apk file path, such as '/home/user/a.apk' or '" ) print( "-m --monkeytime\t monkey run time, if it isn't specified, you can dump through manual operation" ) print("-o --output\t output path, default is ./output/record") pass def startUIDump(self): if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): self.device.uninstallApk(self.pkgname) return self.runStatus "start record mode, the package is %s and dump interval is %d" % (self.pkgname, self.dumpInterval)) timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime())"log start at %s" % timestamp) try: self.runStatus = self.startRecord(timestamp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.logger.error("unknown err in dump %s, Reason: %s" % (self.pkgname, e)) self.runStatus = RunStatus.ERROR if self.apkFilePath is not "": self.device.uninstallApk(self.pkgname) timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime())"log end at %s\r\n" % timestamp) return self.runStatus def startRecord(self, timestamp): if self.pkgname == "": self.logger.error("no input package name") return RunStatus.ERROR if self.pkgname not in self.device.getInstalledApps(): self.logger.error("%s is not installed" % self.pkgname) return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR outputpath = os.path.join(self.recordOutPath, self.pkgname + "_" + timestamp) if not os.path.exists(outputpath): os.makedirs(outputpath) # 初始化frida # ch = CallerHook(self.pkgname, outputpath) time.sleep(1) # 设置回调事件 try: # self.device.startWatchers() pass except Exception: import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start watcher") return RunStatus.UI2_WATCHER_ERR if self.timer is None: # 没设置Timer, 人工跑APP还是用home键退出脚本 stopcondition = self.device.getCurrentApp() while stopcondition is "": stopcondition = self.device.getCurrentApp() self.timer = Timer(stopcondition=stopcondition, device=self.device, logger=self.logger) self.device.pressHome() dumpcount = 1 time.sleep(1) # 目前利用frida孵化进程有bug,用Monkey起 self.runStatus = self.device.startApp(self.pkgname) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start app") return self.runStatus # ch.start_hook(os.path.join("OneForAllHook", "_agent.js"), str(self.udid)) time.sleep(5) # 有时候app界面还没加载出来,等5s # 如果设置了MONKEY_TIME,启动monkey monkey = None if self.monkeyMode and self.device.getAppInstallStatus(): monkey = Monkey(logger=self.logger, udid=self.udid, pkgname=self.pkgname, timeInterval=MONKEY_TIME_INTERVAL, outdir=outputpath) self.runStatus = monkey.startMonkey() if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start monkey") return self.runStatus # 启动计时器 starttime = self.timer.start() # 异常重启次数,有些app确实起不起来,最多重启3次 errRestartCount = 0 # 等待启动之后再轮询判断是否已经退出 while True: if not self.device.isAppRun(self.pkgname):"app %s is not running " % self.pkgname) if monkey is not None: execStatus, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if execStatus: monkey = None if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break # 如果app异常退出,且计时未结束重启app # getAppInstallStatus 避免当前app因为apk问题导致反复重启 if self.monkeyMode and not self.timer.isFinish( ) and self.device.getAppInstallStatus( ) and errRestartCount < 3: errRestartCount += 1 self.logger.warning( "Abnormal termination in app running, restart, count = %d" % errRestartCount) self.device.closeWatchers() try: self.device.startWatchers() except Exception: self.runStatus = RunStatus.UI2_WATCHER_ERR break self.runStatus = self.device.startApp(self.pkgname) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break # ch.start_hook(os.path.join("OneForAllHook", "_agent.js"), str(self.udid)) time.sleep(5) monkey = Monkey(logger=self.logger, udid=self.udid, pkgname=self.pkgname, timeInterval=MONKEY_TIME_INTERVAL, outdir=outputpath) self.runStatus = monkey.startMonkey() if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break continue self.device.stopApp(self.pkgname) self.pkgname + " is canceled, stop record, with restart count = %d" % errRestartCount) # ch.stop_hook() self.device.pressHome() break"dump %s UI" % str(dumpcount)) self.runStatus = self.device.dumpUI(outputpath, dumpcount) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break dumpcount += 1 time.sleep(self.dumpInterval) if self.timer.isFinish(): if monkey is not None: execStatus, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if execStatus: monkey = None if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break self.device.stopApp(self.pkgname) self.device.pressHome() break self.device.closeWatchers() time.sleep(5) if monkey is not None: _, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if not self.device.getAppInstallStatus(): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.warning("err in apk, pass the case") return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR elif errRestartCount >= 3: import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.warning("app restart more than 3 times, pass the case") return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR elif not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in restart record") return self.runStatus else: self.device.saveLog(outputpath, starttime)"the output saved in " + outputpath) return self.runStatus.SUCCESS
def startRecord(self, timestamp): if self.pkgname == "": self.logger.error("no input package name") return RunStatus.ERROR if self.pkgname not in self.device.getInstalledApps(): self.logger.error("%s is not installed" % self.pkgname) return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR outputpath = os.path.join(self.recordOutPath, self.pkgname + "_" + timestamp) if not os.path.exists(outputpath): os.makedirs(outputpath) # 初始化frida # ch = CallerHook(self.pkgname, outputpath) time.sleep(1) # 设置回调事件 try: # self.device.startWatchers() pass except Exception: import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start watcher") return RunStatus.UI2_WATCHER_ERR if self.timer is None: # 没设置Timer, 人工跑APP还是用home键退出脚本 stopcondition = self.device.getCurrentApp() while stopcondition is "": stopcondition = self.device.getCurrentApp() self.timer = Timer(stopcondition=stopcondition, device=self.device, logger=self.logger) self.device.pressHome() dumpcount = 1 time.sleep(1) # 目前利用frida孵化进程有bug,用Monkey起 self.runStatus = self.device.startApp(self.pkgname) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start app") return self.runStatus # ch.start_hook(os.path.join("OneForAllHook", "_agent.js"), str(self.udid)) time.sleep(5) # 有时候app界面还没加载出来,等5s # 如果设置了MONKEY_TIME,启动monkey monkey = None if self.monkeyMode and self.device.getAppInstallStatus(): monkey = Monkey(logger=self.logger, udid=self.udid, pkgname=self.pkgname, timeInterval=MONKEY_TIME_INTERVAL, outdir=outputpath) self.runStatus = monkey.startMonkey() if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in start monkey") return self.runStatus # 启动计时器 starttime = self.timer.start() # 异常重启次数,有些app确实起不起来,最多重启3次 errRestartCount = 0 # 等待启动之后再轮询判断是否已经退出 while True: if not self.device.isAppRun(self.pkgname):"app %s is not running " % self.pkgname) if monkey is not None: execStatus, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if execStatus: monkey = None if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break # 如果app异常退出,且计时未结束重启app # getAppInstallStatus 避免当前app因为apk问题导致反复重启 if self.monkeyMode and not self.timer.isFinish( ) and self.device.getAppInstallStatus( ) and errRestartCount < 3: errRestartCount += 1 self.logger.warning( "Abnormal termination in app running, restart, count = %d" % errRestartCount) self.device.closeWatchers() try: self.device.startWatchers() except Exception: self.runStatus = RunStatus.UI2_WATCHER_ERR break self.runStatus = self.device.startApp(self.pkgname) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break # ch.start_hook(os.path.join("OneForAllHook", "_agent.js"), str(self.udid)) time.sleep(5) monkey = Monkey(logger=self.logger, udid=self.udid, pkgname=self.pkgname, timeInterval=MONKEY_TIME_INTERVAL, outdir=outputpath) self.runStatus = monkey.startMonkey() if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break continue self.device.stopApp(self.pkgname) self.pkgname + " is canceled, stop record, with restart count = %d" % errRestartCount) # ch.stop_hook() self.device.pressHome() break"dump %s UI" % str(dumpcount)) self.runStatus = self.device.dumpUI(outputpath, dumpcount) if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break dumpcount += 1 time.sleep(self.dumpInterval) if self.timer.isFinish(): if monkey is not None: execStatus, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if execStatus: monkey = None if not isSuccess(self.runStatus): break self.device.stopApp(self.pkgname) self.device.pressHome() break self.device.closeWatchers() time.sleep(5) if monkey is not None: _, self.runStatus = monkey.stopMonkey() if not self.device.getAppInstallStatus(): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.warning("err in apk, pass the case") return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR elif errRestartCount >= 3: import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.warning("app restart more than 3 times, pass the case") return RunStatus.APK_INSTALL_ERR elif not isSuccess(self.runStatus): import shutil shutil.rmtree(outputpath) self.logger.error("err in restart record") return self.runStatus else: self.device.saveLog(outputpath, starttime)"the output saved in " + outputpath) return self.runStatus.SUCCESS
from src.Timer import Timer from src.UsbSwitcher import UsbSwitcher from src.service.CheckService import CheckService checkService = CheckService() if (checkService.check()): switcher = UsbSwitcher() switcher.switch() timer = Timer() timer.timer() switcher.switch()
class Blink_Component: def __init__(self, player): from src.Timer import Timer from src.Sprite import Sprite self.valid_blink_points = [] self.dot_spr = Sprite(ImageEnum.BLINK_DOT) self.dot_spr.bounds = (0, 0, 4, 4) self.can_blink = False self.player = player self.blink_frames = 3 self.is_blinking = False self.frame_displacement = (None, None) self.frames_passed = None self.timer = Timer() self.cooldown_ms = 2500 self.cooldown_passed = False self.state = BlinkState.CAN_BLINK def get_actual_mouse_pos(self): from src.WorldConstants import CONST_CAMERA_PLAYER_OFFSET_X, CONST_CAMERA_PLAYER_OFFSET_Y import pygame x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() player_x, player_y = self.player.sprite.sprite_rect().topleft # x_origin = 0 # y_origin = 0 x_origin = player_x - CONST_CAMERA_PLAYER_OFFSET_X y_origin = player_y - CONST_CAMERA_PLAYER_OFFSET_Y mouse_x = x + x_origin mouse_y = y + y_origin return mouse_x, mouse_y def fill_valid_blink_points(self): player_x, player_y = self.player.sprite.sprite_rect().center mouse_x, mouse_y = self.get_actual_mouse_pos() if mouse_x == player_x: mouse_x += 1 m = (player_y - mouse_y) / (player_x - mouse_x) c = player_y - (m * player_x) #self.valid_blink_points = [] line = Line(player_x, player_y, mouse_x, mouse_y) self.valid_blink_points = line.get_valid_points( self.player.level, 1, self.player.level.colliders) # step = 0 # # if player_x <= mouse_x: # step = 1 # elif mouse_x < player_x: # step = -1 # # for x in range(player_x, mouse_x, step): # y = m*x + c # if self.player.level.point_in_wall((x, y)) or self.player.level.point_in_collider((x, y)): # break # self.valid_blink_points.append((x, y)) def draw(self, screen, camera): if self.state == BlinkState.SHOWING_LINE: self.fill_valid_blink_points() for x, y in self.valid_blink_points: self.dot_spr.set_location((x, y)) self.dot_spr.draw(screen, camera) def handle_event(self, event): pass def update(self, deltaTime): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() mice = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() left_pressed = bool(mice[0]) from src.WorldConstants import BLINK_KEY if False: pass elif self.state == BlinkState.CAN_BLINK: if keys[BLINK_KEY]: self.state = BlinkState.SHOWING_LINE elif self.state == BlinkState.SHOWING_LINE: if not keys[BLINK_KEY]: self.state = BlinkState.CAN_BLINK elif left_pressed: self.state = BlinkState.BLINKING play_sound(SoundEnum.BLINK) elif self.state == BlinkState.BLINKING: is_first_blink_frame = self.frames_passed == None if is_first_blink_frame: self.frames_passed = 0 player_x, player_y = self.player.sprite.sprite_rect().center valid_x, valid_y = self.valid_blink_points[-1] d_x = (valid_x - player_x) d_y = (valid_y - player_y) self.frame_displacement = (d_x / self.blink_frames, d_y / self.blink_frames) self.player.moving_component.move(self.frame_displacement) self.frames_passed = self.frames_passed + 1 elif not is_first_blink_frame: if self.frames_passed < self.blink_frames: self.player.moving_component.move(self.frame_displacement) self.frames_passed = self.frames_passed + 1 elif self.frames_passed >= self.blink_frames: self.frames_passed = None self.frame_displacement = (None, None) self.timer.reset() self.state = BlinkState.COOLING_DOWN elif self.state == BlinkState.COOLING_DOWN: cooldown_passed = self.timer.get_time() > self.cooldown_ms if cooldown_passed: self.state = BlinkState.CAN_BLINK
def __init__(self, health, cooldown_seconds): from src.Timer import Timer = health self.cooldown_seconds = cooldown_seconds self.time_elapsed_since_hit = self.cooldown_seconds self.timer = Timer()
def __init__(self, args, max_length, timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer self.args = args self.model: XGBEmbedding = XGBEmbedding(args.num_trees_for_embedding, max_length, args.embedding_size) total_params = sum( for x in self.model.parameters()) print("Model total number of parameters: {}".format(total_params))
from src.Timer import Timer if __name__ == '__main__': t = Timer(12) t.begin()
class XGBEmbeddingTrainer: def __init__(self, args, max_length, timer: Timer = None): self.timer = Timer() if timer is None else timer self.args = args self.model: XGBEmbedding = XGBEmbedding(args.num_trees_for_embedding, max_length, args.embedding_size) total_params = sum( for x in self.model.parameters()) print("Model total number of parameters: {}".format(total_params)) def trainIters(self, train, valid): # ADAM opts opt = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.args.weight_decay) early_stopper = EarlyStopper(3, 'moving') min_loss = 1e30 ################ Training epoch self.model.cuda() for epoch in range(1, self.args.num_epoch + 1): self.model.train() train_losses = self.train_model(opt, train) valid_losses = self.valid_model(valid) valid_mean_loss = np.mean(valid_losses) self.timer.toc("epoch {:4d} - train loss: {:10.6f} valid loss: {:10.6f}".format(epoch, np.mean(train_losses), valid_mean_loss)) checkpoint = {'model': self.model, 'args': self.args} model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.chkpt".format(self.args.model_name, self.args.max_depth, self.args.num_trees_for_embedding) if valid_mean_loss < min_loss: min_loss = valid_mean_loss, model_name) if early_stopper.record(valid_mean_loss): self.model = torch.load(model_name)['model'] return def valid_model(self, valid): valid_losses = [] self.model.eval() for batch, x in enumerate(valid): x[0] = x[0].cuda() loss = torch.mean(self.model(x[0])) valid_losses.append(loss.item()) # x = x.cpu() return valid_losses def train_model(self, opt, train): train_losses = [] for batch, x in enumerate(train): opt.zero_grad() x[0] = x[0].cuda() loss = torch.mean(self.model(x[0])) loss.backward() opt.step() # x = x.cpu() train_losses.append(loss.item()) return train_losses def inference(self, test): self.model.cuda() self.model.eval() results = [] for batch, x in enumerate(test): x[0] = x[0].cuda() results.append(self.model.inference(x[0])) return, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() def init_model(self, train, valid): if self.args.load is False: self.trainIters(train, valid) else: model_name = "{:s}_{:d}_{:d}.chkpt".format(self.args.model_name, self.args.max_depth, self.args.num_trees_for_embedding) self.model = torch.load(model_name)['model'] self.valid_model(valid) def get_embedding(self, loaders, trees): XGBEmbeddingEvaluator(self.model.get_weights().detach().cpu().numpy(), trees, print_eval=self.args.print_eval) emb = [] for loader in loaders: emb.append(self.inference(loader)) return emb
def __init__(self, args, load_raw=False): self.train_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/train.csv' self.valid_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/valid.csv' self.test_parsed_file = '../data/data/ieee/test.csv' self.args = args self.id_cat_col = ["id_" + str(i) for i in range(12, 39)] + [ "DeviceType", "DeviceInfo", "id_33_1", "id_31_1", "id_30_1" ] self.trans_cat_col = ["M" + str(i) for i in range(1, 10)] + ["card" + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)] + \ ["ProductCD", "addr1", "addr2", "P_emaildomain", "R_emaildomain"] # self.try_list = ["id_" + str(i) for i in [13, 17]] self.try_list = ["id_" + str(i) for i in []] self.id_onehot_encoder = OneHot(0.01) self.trans_onehot_encoder = OneHot(0.01) self.id_scaler = Scaler() self.trans_scaler = Scaler() self.global_name = [] self.global_df = [] self.emails = { 'gmail': 'google', '': 'att', '': 'spectrum', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'spectrum', '': 'microsoft', '': 'aol', '': 'microsoft', '': 'centurylink', '': 'google', '': 'apple', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'centurylink', '': 'att', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'att', '': 'yahoo', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'centurylink', '': 'other', '': 'microsoft', '': 'apple', '': 'yahoo', '': 'other', '': 'yahoo', '': 'microsoft', '': 'other', '': 'other', '': 'aol', '': 'other', '': 'apple' } self.drop_col = [ 'TransactionDT', 'V300', 'V309', 'V111', 'C3', 'V124', 'V106', 'V125', 'V315', 'V134', 'V102', 'V123', 'V316', 'V113', 'V136', 'V305', 'V110', 'V299', 'V289', 'V286', 'V318', 'V103', 'V304', 'V116', 'V298', 'V284', 'V293', 'V137', 'V295', 'V301', 'V104', 'V311', 'V115', 'V109', 'V119', 'V321', 'V114', 'V133', 'V122', 'V319', 'V105', 'V112', 'V118', 'V117', 'V121', 'V108', 'V135', 'V320', 'V303', 'V297', 'V120' ] self.us_emails = ['gmail', 'net', 'edu'] self.timer = Timer() if load_raw: df_trans = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/train_transaction.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") df_id_raw = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/train_identity.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") dt_trans = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/test_transaction.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") dt_id = pd.read_csv("../data/data/ieee/test_identity.csv" ).set_index("TransactionID") self.timer.toc("read done") self.test_id = list(dt_trans.index) df_trans, dv_trans = train_test_split( df_trans, random_state=args.random_state, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2) df_id = df_id_raw.loc[ df_trans.index.intersection(df_id_raw.index), :] dv_id = df_id_raw.loc[ dv_trans.index.intersection(df_id_raw.index), :] self.timer.toc("split done") self.feature_engineering_id(df_id) self.feature_engineering_id(dv_id) self.feature_engineering_id(dt_id) self.timer.toc("process id done") self.feature_engineering_trans(df_trans) self.feature_engineering_trans(dv_trans) self.feature_engineering_trans(dt_trans) self.timer.toc("process trans done") self.global_count(df_id, df_trans) self.timer.toc("global_count done") df_trans, ytrain = self.split_x_y(df_trans) dv_trans, yvalid = self.split_x_y(dv_trans) dt_trans, ytest = self.split_x_y(dt_trans) df_global = self.get_derived(df_id) self.timer.toc("get train derived done") dv_global = self.get_derived(dv_id) self.timer.toc("get valid derived done") dt_global = self.get_derived(dt_id) self.timer.toc("get test derived done") self.init_onehot(df_id, df_trans) self.init_scaler(df_id.drop(self.id_cat_col, axis=1), df_trans.drop(self.trans_cat_col, axis=1)) Xtrain = self.transform(df_id, df_trans, df_global) self.timer.toc("transform train done") Xvalid = self.transform(dv_id, dv_trans, dv_global) self.timer.toc("transform valid done") Xtest = self.transform(dt_id, dt_trans, dt_global) self.timer.toc("transform test done") pd.concat([Xtrain, ytrain], axis=1).to_csv(self.train_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write train done") pd.concat([Xvalid, yvalid], axis=1).to_csv(self.valid_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write valid done") Xtest.to_csv(self.test_parsed_file, float_format='%.8f', index=True) self.timer.toc("write test done") raise Exception("STOP HERE!") else: self.train = self.load(self.train_parsed_file) self.timer.toc("load train done") self.valid = self.load(self.valid_parsed_file) self.timer.toc("load valid done") self.test = self.load(self.test_parsed_file, test=True) self.timer.toc("load test done") self.num_input = self.train[0].shape[1] # sanity check print(np.unique(self.train[1], return_counts=True)) print(np.unique(self.valid[1], return_counts=True))