コード例 #1
ファイル: channels_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_channels_listall():

    #create two user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    #create a channel by user2 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_2_id = channels.channels_create(u2_token, 'team2',

    #check if the function return them all
    l_test = channels.channels_listall(u1_token).get('channels')
    assert len(l_test) == 2
    assert l_test[0]['channel_id'] == channel_1_id
    assert l_test[1]['channel_id'] == channel_2_id
    assert l_test[0]['name'] == 'team'
    assert l_test[1]['name'] == 'team2'
コード例 #2
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_users_all_add_new():
    '''check the list after a new user adding in'''
    # initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    u1_id = user1['u_id']

    #create another user
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_id = user2['u_id']

    i = other.users_all(u1_token).get('users')
    i_user1 = i[0]
    i_user2 = i[1]
    assert len(i) == 2
    assert i_user1['u_id'] == u1_id
    assert i_user1['email'] == '*****@*****.**'
    assert i_user1['name_first'] == 'FirstN'
    assert i_user1['name_last'] == 'LastN'
    assert i_user2['u_id'] == u2_id
    assert i_user2['email'] == '*****@*****.**'
    assert i_user2['name_first'] == 'FirstN2'
    assert i_user2['name_last'] == 'LastN2'
コード例 #3
ファイル: auth_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_auth_login_input_error_nonexistent_email():
    ''' tests whether login checks nonexistent emails'''
    # - email is not in data structure i.e. user isn't registered
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        # this was never registered previously
        auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
コード例 #4
ファイル: auth_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_auth_login_input_error_incorrect_password():
    ''' tests whether login checks password'''
    auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'correct_password', 'test', 'person')

    # - password is not correct (we love storing raw passwords)
    # correct password is 'correct_password'
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'incorrect_password')
コード例 #5
ファイル: auth_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_auth_login_input_error_invalid_email():
    ''' tests if login checks valid email'''
    # - spits out 'InputError' if:
    # - email is not a valid email (check with regex)
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        auth.auth_login('invalidexample.com', 'password')
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        auth.auth_login('invalid@example', 'password')
コード例 #6
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_all_message_sent_out_twice():
    '''check if the message in message package has been sent out after ending'''

    #create three user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN1',
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    u1_id = user1['u_id']
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2', 'LastN2')
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']
    u2_id = user2['u_id']
    user3 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN3', 'LastN3')
    user3 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u3_token = user3['token']
    u3_id = user3['u_id']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and invite other two users
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',
    channel.channel_invite(u1_token, channel_1_id, u2_id)
    channel.channel_invite(u1_token, channel_1_id, u3_id)
    #start a standup by u1
    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 3)

    standup.standup_send(u1_token, channel_1_id, 'WE')
    standup.standup_send(u2_token, channel_1_id, 'ARE')
    standup.standup_send(u3_token, channel_1_id, 'FRIENDS')
    #sleep until the standup ending

    #start another standup by u2
    standup.standup_start(u2_token, channel_1_id, 3)

    standup.standup_send(u1_token, channel_1_id, 'SHE')
    standup.standup_send(u2_token, channel_1_id, 'HE')
    standup.standup_send(u3_token, channel_1_id, 'THEY')

    #sleep until the standup ending
    channels_t = data.return_channels()
    m_c_1 = channels_t[0]['message'][1]
    m_c_2 = channels_t[0]['message'][0]
    #check the message has been sent
    assert m_c_1['u_id'] == u1_id
    assert m_c_2['u_id'] == u2_id
    assert m_c_1['message'] == 'FirstN1: WE\nFirstN2: ARE\nFirstN3: FRIENDS\n'
    assert m_c_2['message'] == 'FirstN1: SHE\nFirstN2: HE\nFirstN3: THEY\n'

    #check the message package
    assert channels_t[0]['standup'][
        'message_package'] == 'FirstN1: SHE\nFirstN2: HE\nFirstN3: THEY\n'
コード例 #7
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_search_in_several_channel():
    '''check how is the function working when there is more than one channel'''
    #initialise the channels list
    #create two users and take their token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    u1_id = user1['u_id']
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']
    # create 2 channels for testing
    channel_test_id1 = channels.channels_create(u1_token, "channel_test1",
    channel_test_id2 = channels.channels_create(u2_token, "channel_test2",
    channel.channel_invite(u2_token, channel_test_id2, u1_id)
    #add some message to one channel
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Today, I am the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'What about you?')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Yesterday, I was the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'Cool!')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Tomorrow, I will be the winner.')  #t

    #add some message to another channel
    message.message_send(u2_token, channel_test_id2, 'We are the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u2_token, channel_test_id2,
                         'I heard he is the winner')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id2, 'the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u2_token, channel_test_id2,
                         'I am pretty sure about that')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id2,
                         'Our team is the winner.')  #t

    i = other.search(u1_token, 'the winner').get('messages')
    assert len(i) == 7
    assert i[0]['message'] == 'Our team is the winner.'
    assert i[1]['message'] == 'the winner.'
    assert i[2]['message'] == 'I heard he is the winner'
    assert i[3]['message'] == 'We are the winner.'
    assert i[4]['message'] == 'Tomorrow, I will be the winner.'
    assert i[5]['message'] == 'Yesterday, I was the winner.'
    assert i[6]['message'] == 'Today, I am the winner.'
コード例 #8
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_start():
    '''test for start function'''

    #create a user and take the token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    channels_t = data.return_channels()

    time_str1 = channels_t[0]['standup'][
        'finish_time']  #get the finish time before the standup starts

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    timestamp = int(now.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
    time_str3 = timestamp
    #start a standup
    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 1)

    channels_t = data.return_channels()
    time_str2 = channels_t[0]['standup'][
        'finish_time']  #get the finish time after the standup starts

    assert time_difference(time_str1, time_str2) < 0
    assert time_difference(time_str2, time_str3) == 1

コード例 #9
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_search_whitespace_insensitive():
    ''' this function checks for whitespace insensitivity when it comes to message search '''
    #initialise the channels list
    #create the first user and take their token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    # create a channel for testing
    channel_test_id1 = channels.channels_create(u1_token, "channel_test1",
    # add some message to one channel
    # the case is different in this case
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Today, I am the \nwiNNer.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'What about you?')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Yesterday, I was the winn    er.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'Cool!')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Tomorrow, I\t will be the W  inner.')  #t

    i = other.search(u1_token, 'the winner').get('messages')
    assert len(i) == 3
    assert i[0]['message'] == 'Tomorrow, I\t will be the W  inner.'
    assert i[1]['message'] == 'Yesterday, I was the winn    er.'
    assert i[2]['message'] == 'Today, I am the \nwiNNer.'
コード例 #10
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_active():
    '''test for the active function'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create two channels by user1 in channels and return their channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',
    channel_2_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team1',

    standup_1 = standup.standup_start(
        u1_token, channel_1_id,
        2)  #start a standup in channel_1 but not in channel_2_id

    res1 = standup.standup_active(u1_token, channel_1_id)
    assert res1['is_active'] == True
    assert res1['time_finish'] == standup_1['time_finish']

    res2 = standup.standup_active(u1_token, channel_2_id)
    assert res2['is_active'] == False
    assert res2['time_finish'] == None

コード例 #11
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_search_basic():
    '''check if the function can collect all the message with query_str'''
    #initialise the channels list
    #create the first user and take their token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    # create a channel for testing
    channel_test_id1 = channels.channels_create(u1_token, "channel_test1",
    #add some message to one channel
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Today, I am the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'What about you?')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Yesterday, I was the winner.')  #t
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1, 'Cool!')  #f
    message.message_send(u1_token, channel_test_id1,
                         'Tomorrow, I will be the winner.')  #t

    i = other.search(u1_token, 'the winner').get('messages')
    assert len(i) == 3
    assert i[0]['message'] == 'Tomorrow, I will be the winner.'
    assert i[1]['message'] == 'Yesterday, I was the winner.'
    assert i[2]['message'] == 'Today, I am the winner.'
コード例 #12
def login():
    """Log the user in."""
    # get the user from json
    user = request.json

    token = auth.auth_login(user.get('email'), user.get('password'))
    # return token object as json
    return jsonify(token)
コード例 #13
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_admin_error_not_owner():
    '''check the AccessError when the admin is not a owner'''
    #initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_id = user1['u_id']

    #create another user
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']

    #check the error when the token is from a user who is not a owner
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        other.admin_userpermission_change(u2_token, u1_id, 2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_admin_error_invalid_permission_id():
    '''when the permission_id is not valid'''
    #initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create another user
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_id = user2['u_id']

    #check the error when the permission_id is not valid
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        other.admin_userpermission_change(u1_token, u2_id, 3)
コード例 #15
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_token_to_user():
    '''test for the token_to_user function'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    assert standup.token_into_user_id(u1_token) != -1
コード例 #16
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_token_into_name():
    '''test for the transformation from token into first name'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    assert standup.token_into_name(u1_token) == 'FirstN'
コード例 #17
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_admin_incalid_userid():
    '''when the user id is not exit'''
    #initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create another user
    auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2', 'LastN2')
    auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')

    #create a u_id which is not exit in data
    uid_temp = random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFFFF)

    #check the error when the user id is not exit
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        other.admin_userpermission_change(u1_token, uid_temp, 2)
コード例 #18
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_admin_userpermission_change():
    '''functions test'''
    #initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create another user
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2',
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_id = user2['u_id']

    #run the function and test
    other.admin_userpermission_change(u1_token, u2_id, 1)

    i = data.return_users()
    i_user1 = i[0]
    i_user2 = i[1]
    assert i_user1['permission_id'] == 1
    assert i_user2['permission_id'] == 1
コード例 #19
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_send_not_member():
    '''test for accessing the error when the user is not the member in the channel'''

    #create two users and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2', 'LastN2')
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    #start a standup
    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 1)

    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        standup.standup_send(u2_token, channel_1_id, '')

コード例 #20
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_send():
    '''test for the send function'''

    #create three user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN1',
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    user2 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2', 'LastN2')
    user2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u2_token = user2['token']
    u2_id = user2['u_id']
    user3 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN3', 'LastN3')
    user3 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u3_token = user3['token']
    u3_id = user3['u_id']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and invite other two users
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',
    channel.channel_invite(u1_token, channel_1_id, u2_id)
    channel.channel_invite(u1_token, channel_1_id, u3_id)
    #start a standup
    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 2)

    standup.standup_send(u1_token, channel_1_id, 'WE')
    standup.standup_send(u2_token, channel_1_id, 'ARE')
    standup.standup_send(u3_token, channel_1_id, 'FRIENDS')

    channels_t = data.return_channels()
    m_l = channels_t[0]['standup']['message_package']

    assert m_l == 'FirstN1: WE\nFirstN2: ARE\nFirstN3: FRIENDS\n'

コード例 #21
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_send_no_active_standup():
    '''test for checking the error when there is no standup running in the channel now'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        standup.standup_send(u1_token, channel_1_id, '')
コード例 #22
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_start_invalid_channel_id():
    '''check the error input when the channel_id is invalid'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    channel_tem = channel_1_id + 1
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_tem, 1)
コード例 #23
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_find_channel():
    '''test for the find_channel function'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create two channels by user1 in channels and return their channel id
    channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team', True)
    channel_2_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team1',

    d = standup.find_channel(channel_2_id)
    assert d['name'] == 'team1'
コード例 #24
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_users_all_initial():
    '''check the list when there is only one user'''
    # initialise the users list
    #create a user
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']
    u1_id = user1['u_id']

    i = other.users_all(u1_token).get('users')
    i_user1 = i[0]
    assert len(i) == 1
    assert i_user1['u_id'] == u1_id
    assert i_user1['email'] == '*****@*****.**'
    assert i_user1['name_first'] == 'FirstN'
    assert i_user1['name_last'] == 'LastN'
コード例 #25
ファイル: auth_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_auth_login_correct_return():
    ''' checks correct return from login'''
    # register a user
    auth_register_test = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'Test Person', 'Bam')

    # - Dict structure -> {u_id, token}
    auth_login_test = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    assert isinstance(auth_login_test, dict)
    assert auth_login_test['u_id']
    assert auth_login_test['token']

    # - u_id is an integer
    assert isinstance(auth_login_test['u_id'], int)

    # - token is a string
    assert isinstance(auth_login_test['token'], str)

    # - The correct u_id is returned
    assert auth_login_test['u_id'] == auth_register_test['u_id']
コード例 #26
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_start_occupied():
    '''check the error input when an active standup has been started'''

    #create a user and take their id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 3)

    time.sleep(2)  #sleep for 2s for test

    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 1)

コード例 #27
ファイル: standup_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_standup_long_message():
    '''test for inputing the error that the message is more than 1000 words'''

    #create a user and take its id and token
    user1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    user1 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    u1_token = user1['token']

    #create a channel by user1 in channels and return its channel id
    channel_1_id = channels.channels_create(u1_token, 'team',

    #start a standup
    standup.standup_start(u1_token, channel_1_id, 1)

    #create a string with more than 1000 words
    message_test = "aaaaa"
    message_test = 3000 * message_test
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        standup.standup_send(u1_token, channel_1_id, message_test)

コード例 #28
ファイル: auth_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_auth_logout_wrong_session():
    ''' tests logout for user with invalid token '''

    # register the first time
    registration1 = auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'Mate', 'Old')
    token1 = registration1['token']

    # log them out
    assert auth.auth_logout(token1)['is_success']

    # try logging them out again (doesn't work)
    assert auth.auth_logout(token1)['is_success'] is False

    # log the same user back in
    registration2 = auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    token2 = registration2['token']

    # try logging out with the first token
    assert auth.auth_logout(token1)['is_success'] is False

    # try logging out with the second token
    assert auth.auth_logout(token2)['is_success']
コード例 #29
ファイル: other_test.py プロジェクト: flying-yogurt/flockr
def test_admin_userpermission_change_permission_id():
    '''check the initial permission_id of the users is true'''
    #initialise the users list
    #create the first user
    auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN', 'LastN')
    auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')

    #create another 2 users
    auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN2', 'LastN2')
    auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')
    auth.auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password', 'FirstN3', 'LastN3')
    auth.auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'password')

    #check the default value
    i = data.return_users()
    i_user1 = i[0]
    i_user2 = i[1]
    i_user3 = i[2]
    assert i_user1['permission_id'] == 1
    assert i_user2['permission_id'] == 2
    assert i_user3['permission_id'] == 2