コード例 #1
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
 def test_read_returns_correct_value(self):
     lru = LRUCache(2)
     lru.write('a', 10)
     lru.write('b', 20)
     expected = 20
     actual = lru.read('b')
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 'should return the correct value')
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_write_evicts_the_oldest_elem_when_cache_is_full(self):
        lru = LRUCache(2)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)
        evicted = lru.write('c', 30)

        self.assertEqual(len(lru.data), 2, 'should have only two elements')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'c', 'c is the most recent')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'b', 'b is the latest addition')

        self.assertEqual(evicted['key'], 'a', 'should have evicted key a')
        self.assertEqual(evicted['value'], 10,
                         'should have evicted value for a')
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
 def test_evict_when_cache_has_one_element(self):
     lru = LRUCache(2)
     lru.write('a', 10)
     self.assertNotIn('a', lru.data, 'cache should be empty')
     self.assertIsNone(lru.first, 'double linked list is empty')
     self.assertIsNone(lru.last, 'double linked list is empty')
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_lru_evicts_old_data(self):
        lru = LRUCache(2)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)
        evicted = lru.write('c', 30)

        self.assertEqual(lru.read('b'), 20, 'should read the correct data')
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as notFound:
        self.assertIsNotNone(notFound, 'Cache miss')

        self.assertEqual(evicted['key'], 'a', 'should have evicted key a')
        self.assertEqual(evicted['value'], 10,
                         'should have evicted value for a')
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_write_moves_key_to_the_first_position(self):
        lru = LRUCache(2)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)
        lru.write('a', 30)

        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'a', 'a is the first')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'b', 'b is the last')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['next']['key'], 'b', 'b is successor to a')
        self.assertEqual(lru.data['a']['value'], 30, 'should have updated val')
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_lru_remove_correctly_deletes_first_key_from_cache(self):
        lru = LRUCache(3)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)
        lru.write('c', 20)

        self.assertIn('a', lru.data, 'a is in the cache')
        self.assertIn('b', lru.data, 'b is in the cache')
        self.assertNotIn('c', lru.data, 'c was removed')

        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'b', 'b is first pointer')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.first['previous'], 'b is head pointer')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['next']['key'], 'a', 'a comes after b')

        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'a', 'a is last pointer')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.last['next'], 'a is the end pointer')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['previous']['key'], 'b', 'b comes before a')
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_evict_when_cache_has_at_least_two_elements(self):
        lru = LRUCache(2)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)

        self.assertNotIn('a', lru.data, 'cache should not contain key a')
        self.assertIn('b', lru.data, 'cache should contain key b')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'b', 'cache should only contain b')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'b', 'cache should only contain b')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.last['previous'], 'no more data in cache')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.last['next'], 'no more data in cache')
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_write_inserts_new_key_in_front_of_cache(self):
        lru = LRUCache(3)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)
        lru.write('c', 30)

        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'c', 'c is the first')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.first['previous'], 'a has no predecessor')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['next']['key'], 'b', 'a successor is b')
        self.assertEqual(lru.data['b']['previous']['key'], 'c', 'c before b')
        self.assertEqual(lru.data['b']['next']['key'], 'a', 'a after b')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'a', 'a is the last')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['previous']['key'], 'b', 'b before last')
        self.assertIsNone(lru.data['a']['next'], 'a is the last')
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
    def test_read_must_rewire_the_first_pointer(self):
        lru = LRUCache(2)
        lru.write('a', 10)
        lru.write('b', 20)


        self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'a', 'a should now be the first')
                          'first should not have anything before')
        self.assertEqual(lru.first['next']['key'], 'b',
                         'b is not least recently used')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'b', 'a should now be the first')
                          'last should not have anything after it')
        self.assertEqual(lru.last['previous']['key'], 'a', 'a is before last')
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
 def test_evict_when_cache_has_no_elements(self):
     lru = LRUCache(2)
     self.assertEqual(len(lru.data), 0, 'noop')
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
 def test_read_throws_when_cache_miss(self):
     lru = LRUCache(2)
     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as notFound:
     self.assertIsNotNone(notFound, 'Cache miss exception raised')
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_cache.py プロジェクト: elverkilde/learn
 def test_write_adds_only_element_to_cache(self):
     lru = LRUCache(2)
     lru.write('a', 10)
     self.assertEqual(lru.first['key'], 'a', 'a is the first')
     self.assertEqual(lru.last['key'], 'a', 'a is the last')