コード例 #1
def run():
    start_time = time()
    data_cand, data_part, full_data = load_data()
    # numeric_parties  = full_data.party.map(party_map)
    train_c, test_c = train_test_split(data_cand, test_size=0.2)
    train_p, test_p = train_test_split(data_part, test_size=0.2)
    candidatos_clf = Classifier(train_c.drop('candidatoId', axis=1), train_c.candidatoId)
    partidos_clf = Classifier(train_p.drop('idPartido', axis=1), train_p.idPartido)

    cand_solver = candidatos_clf._predict()
    n_cand, pca_cand_solver = candidatos_clf._pca()
    part_solver = partidos_clf._predict()
    n_part, pca_part_solver = partidos_clf._pca()

    cand_pred = candidatos_clf.classify(test_c.drop('candidatoId', axis=1), test_c.candidatoId, cand_solver)
    pca_cand_pred = candidatos_clf.classify(test_c.drop('candidatoId', axis=1), test_c.candidatoId, pca_cand_solver, n_cand)
    part_pred = partidos_clf.classify(test_p.drop('idPartido', axis=1), test_p.idPartido, part_solver)
    pca_part_pred = partidos_clf.classify(test_p.drop('idPartido', axis=1), test_p.idPartido, pca_part_solver, n_part)

    output_results(f'CANDIDATOS | {cand_solver}', test_c.candidatoId, cand_pred)
    output_results(f'CANDIDATOS_PCA | {pca_cand_solver}, {n_cand}', test_c.candidatoId, pca_cand_pred)
    output_results(f'PARTIDOS | {part_solver}', test_p.idPartido, part_pred)
    output_results(f'PARTIDOS_PCA | {pca_part_solver}, {n_part}', test_p.idPartido, pca_part_pred)
    cand_part_target, cand_part_pred = candidato_mapper(test_c.candidatoId, cand_pred)
    output_results(f'PARTIDOS CON CANDIDATO | {cand_solver}', cand_part_target, cand_part_pred)

    cm_cand = ConfusionMatrix(test_c.candidatoId, cand_pred)
    cm_pca_cand = ConfusionMatrix(test_c.candidatoId, pca_cand_pred)
    cm_part = ConfusionMatrix(test_p.idPartido, part_pred)
    cm_pca_part = ConfusionMatrix(test_p.idPartido, pca_part_pred)
    cm_cand_part = ConfusionMatrix(cand_part_target, cand_part_pred)

    elapsed_time = time() - start_time
    print(f'TOTAL TIME: {datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed_time)}')

    result = {
        'data': {
            'candidatos': (train_c, test_c),
            'partidos': (train_p, test_p),
        'results': {
            'candidatos': (test_c.candidatoId, cand_pred),
            'candidatos_pca': (test_c.candidatoId, pca_cand_pred),
            'partidos': (test_p.idPartido, part_pred),
            'partidos_pca': (test_p.idPartido, pca_part_pred),
            'partidos_candidatos': (cand_part_target, cand_part_pred)
        'matrices': {
            'candidatos': cm_cand,
            'candidatos_pca': cm_pca_cand,
            'partidos': cm_part,
            'partidos_pca': cm_pca_part,
            'partidos_candidatos': cm_cand_part
    return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AlyAbdellatif/Keynder
def main():
    directory = ''
    match = False
    inject = False
    db_name = 'certs.db'
    output = False
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hd:midb:-o',
                                   ['help', 'directory=', 'match', 'inject',
                                    'database=', '--output'])
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
            print('printing hep')
        elif opt in ('-d', '--directory'):
            directory = arg
            if(not directory.endswith('/')):
                directory += '/'
        elif opt in ('-m', '--match'):
            match = True
        elif opt in ('-i', '--inject'):
            inject = True
        elif opt in ('-b', '--database'):
            db = arg
        elif opt in ('-o', '--output'):
            output = True
            outputfile = arg
            if(outputfile == ''):
                outputfile = 'matches.txt'
    if directory:
        print("Grabbing data...")
        grabber = Grabber(directory)
        classifier = Classifier(grabber)
        certs, keys = classifier.get_data()
    db = Database(db_name)
    if inject:
            print("Creating the database")
            print("Database already exists.")
        print("Injecting data into the database...")
    if match:
        print("Matching data...")
    if output:
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: guillermoap/aa-pract3
def parte_a(train, test, numeric_attributes=IRIS_NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTES):
    classifier = Classifier(ID3(train, numeric_attributes))
    actual = []
    predicted = []
    for _, elem in test.iterrows():
            classifier.classify(elem.drop(columns=['clazz'], axis=1)))
    output_results(title='PARTE A', actual=actual, predicted=predicted)
コード例 #4
class Chatbot:

    # Regular expressions for parsing responses
    RE_CODE = re.compile(r'.*(\w\w\d{9}\w\w)')
    RE_SENT = re.compile(r'.*postado.*')
    RE_FORWARDED = re.compile(r'.*encaminhado.*')
    RE_DELIVERING = re.compile(r'.*saiu.*')
    RE_ARRIVED = re.compile(r'.*entregue.*')

    # Retries when waiting for an action

    def __init__(self):
        # Classifier
        self.c = Classifier()
        self.code = ''

        # Correios tracker
        self.t = Tracker()

        # Answers
        with open(GREETINGS_SET) as f:
            self.greetings_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(COMPLAIN_SET) as f:
            self.complain_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(COMPLAIN_SET) as f:
            self.complain_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(HELP_SET) as f:
            self.help_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(UNKNOWN_SET) as f:
            self.unknown_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(WRONG_CODE_SET) as f:
            self.wrong_code_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(TRACKING_SET) as f:
            self.tracking_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(QUIT_SET) as f:
            self.quit_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(GOODBYE_SET) as f:
            self.goodbye_responses = f.readlines()
        with open(RESULTS_SET) as f:
            results_responses = f.readlines()
            self.offline_response = results_responses[0]
            self.fail_response = results_responses[1]
            self.sent_response = results_responses[2]
            self.forwarded_response = results_responses[3]
            self.delivering_response = results_responses[4]
            self.arrived_response = results_responses[5]

        # If it is expecting something
        self.waiting_for = ''
        self.attempts = 0

    # Get text intent
    def get_intent(self, text):
        return self.c.classify(text)[0]

    # Return a random response from a set of responses
    def random_response(self, responses_set):
        return responses_set[random.randrange(len(responses_set))]

    # Return a response with formatted results
    def format_responses(self, code):
        info = self.t.track_latest(code)
        answer = ''
        status = ''

        if info['return'] == 'request_failed':
            answer = self.offline_response
        elif info['return'] == 'failure':
            answer = self.fail_response
        elif self.RE_SENT.match(info['status']):
            answer = self.sent_response
            answer = answer.format(code, info['when'])
        elif self.RE_FORWARDED.match(info['status']):
            answer = self.forwarded_response
            answer = answer.format(info['from'], info['to'])
        elif self.RE_DELIVERING.match(info['status']):
            answer = self.delivering_response
            answer = answer.format(info['where'])
        elif self.RE_ARRIVED.match(info['status']):
            answer = self.arrived_response
        return answer

    # Test if received a tracking code and respond
    def code_responses(self, text):
        # Respond to code input
        response = self.random_response(self.unknown_responses)

        # Try to parse a code
        test = self.RE_CODE.match(text)
        if test:
            # Return the results
            self.attempts = 0
            self.waiting_for = ''
            response = self.format_responses(test.group(0))
            # If failed respond
            if self.attempts == self.MAX_ATTEMPTS:
                # Quit after MAX_ATTEMPTS
                self.attempts = 0
                self.waiting_for = ''
                response = self.random_response(self.quit_responses)
                # Else, retry
                self.attempts = self.attempts + 1
                response = self.random_response(self.wrong_code_responses)
        return response

    # Get a response according to an intent
    def get_response(self, text):
        # Test for tracking code
        if self.waiting_for == 'code':
            return self.code_responses(text)

        # Else, get responses to chat
        intent = self.get_intent(text)
        if intent == 'T':
            self.waiting_for = 'code'
        responses = {
            'G': self.greetings_responses,
            'H': self.help_responses,
            'T': self.tracking_responses,
            'C': self.complain_responses,
            'U': self.unknown_responses,
            'B': self.goodbye_responses
        }.get(intent, 'U')
        return self.random_response(responses)