def getHttpReq(self, type, actid): if responseDict.has_key(str(actid) + ',' + type): return responseDict[str(actid) + ',' + type] else: host = port = self.port url = '/vote/themetotal/getnum?pid=heyinliang&tid=' + type + '&actid=' + str( actid) + '&orderby=hot&desc=1&start=0' httpClient = None try: httpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout=30) httpClient.request('GET', url)'the request is %s','http://'+host+':'+port+url) #response是HTTPResponse对象 response = httpClient.getresponse() res ='the request is %s and the response info is %s', 'http://' + host + ':' + port + url, res) responseDict[str(actid) + ',' + type] = res except Exception, e: logging.error('http request error,the error info is %s', e) finally:
def __init__(self): try: redisconfig = config['redisconf'] self.pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=redisconfig['host'], port=redisconfig['port'], db=0) self.Redis = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.pool) except Exception, e: logging.error('conn redis error,the error info is %s', e) sys.exit(1)
def __getConn(dbconfig): """ @summary: 静态方法,从连接池中取出连接 @return MySQLdb.connection """ if Mysql.__pool is None: try: __pool = PooledDB(creator=MySQLdb, mincached=1 , maxcached=20,host=dbconfig['host'] , port=dbconfig['port'] , user=dbconfig['user'] , passwd=dbconfig['password'] ,db=dbconfig['db'],use_unicode=False,charset=dbconfig['charset'],cursorclass=DictCursor,setsession=['SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1']) except Exception, e: logging.error('conn db error,the error info is %s',e) sys.exit(1)
def __query(self,sql,param=None): count = 0 try: if param is None: count = self._cursor.execute(sql) else: count = self._cursor.execute(sql,param) self._conn.commit() except Exception, e: logging.error('exec db command error,the error info is [%s]',e) sys.exit(1)
WORK_NODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # print CURRENT_DIR os.sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(WORK_NODE_DIR)) from src.cores import dbutils from src.cores import my_logger as logging if __name__ == '__main__': params = len(sys.argv)'the len of the params is %s',params) if params <= 1: logging.error('the py script params is error') sys.exit(0) db = dbutils.dbutils() actids = db.getAct() for id in actids: cmd = 'sh '+ sys.argv[1] +' '+ str(id)'begin to exec cmd [%s]',cmd) status,output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status == 0 :'the cmd [%s] exec finished,the result is [%s]',cmd,output) else: logging.error('the cmd [%s] exec error,the status is %s,and the result is [%s]',cmd,status,output)
key = redis.lindex('default_' + str(actid) + '_' + str(num), index) #logging.debug('the refvalue of the redis (key:%s) is %s','default_'+str(actid)+'_'+str(num),key) for sid in songids: pipe.linsert('default_' + str(actid) + '_' + str(num), 'before', key, sid) #logging.debug('begin to insert data %s to redis ,the key is %s',sid,'default_'+str(actid)+'_'+str(num))'insert data to redis end ,the key is %s','default_'+str(actid)+'_'+str(num)) for actid, songids in delDict.items(): songids = list(set(songids)) for num in range(1, 1001):'begin to delete from redis ,the key is %s','default_'+str(actid)+'_'+str(num)) for sid in songids: pipe.lrem('default_' + str(actid) + '_' + str(num), sid, 0) #logging.debug('begin to delete %s from redis ,the key is %s',sid,'default_'+str(actid)+'_'+str(num)) pipe.execute()'begin to update the task status ,the taskid is %s', taskids) r = 1 if len(taskids) > 0: for tid in taskids: i = db.updateTaskStatus(tid) r = r & i if r == 1:'update task status success !') else: logging.error('upate task status failed !') else:'no task to update status ')
def parselog(): u1 = r"?P<u1>\S+" u2 = r"?P<u2>\S+" u3 = r"?P<u3>\S+" u4 = r"?P<u4>\S+" u5 = r"?P<u5>\S+" u6 = r"?P<u6>\S+" u7 = r"?P<u7>\S+" u8 = r"?P<u8>\S+" u9 = r"?P<u9>\S+" u10 = r"?P<u10>\S+" u11 = r"?P<u11>\S+" u12 = r"?P<u12>\S+" u13 = r"?P<u13>\S+" info = r"?P<info>\S+" p = re.compile( r"(%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s)\ (%s).*?" % (u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, info), re.VERBOSE) listen_log_path = config['listen_log_path'] lasthour = (( - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) listen_log_path = listen_log_path % lasthour if os.path.isfile(listen_log_path) == False: logging.error('the listen_log_path [%s] no exist', listen_log_path) sys.exit(1) return else:'begin to parse log info %s ', listen_log_path) logfile = open(listen_log_path) listendict = {} while True: line = logfile.readline() if not line: break if 'log_song_play' not in line: continue info = line.split(' ')[15] #logging.debug('parse log , the info is %s' , info) info = info.replace('log[', '').replace(']', '') logs = info.split('_') #logging.debug('parse ,the parsed log info is %s',logs) topicid = logs[0] actid = logs[1] songid = logs[2] userid = logs[3] userlevel = logs[4] key = topicid + ',' + actid + ',' + songid if listendict.has_key(key): listendict[key] = listendict[key] + 1 else: listendict[key] = 1 #print 'not contains''parse log %s finish,the result of the listen num is %s', listen_log_path, listendict) return listendict